How to keep custom moqui components in a separate directory - moqui

Suppose I wish to put my custom components in a directory named 'cc', which will sit next to the 'moqui-trunk' directory.
|-- cc/
|-- moqui-trunk/
There's a setting in
One would ideally think that changing this to ../cc should do the job. But underneath there's another block, which says:
if there is a "runtime" directory in the war file (in the root of the webapp) that will be used instead of this setting
I think if I rename/delete the 'runtime' directory in the 'moqui-trunk' directory, then it would start picking components from my 'cc' directory. But how can I achieve the same with minimum changes in the 'moqui-trunk' (so as to easily manage patches, svn update etc).

I am not following why you would want to move things around but the way I do it is to have three git repos a) Moqui b) Mantle c) Components
Moqui is git cloned to /moqui
Mantle is git cloned to /moqui/runtime/mantle
Components is git cloned to /moqui/runtime/component
In my components is where I have subdirectories for my applications and all this means that I can keep everything clean and as close to upstream as possible and it also means that if you are in /moqui directory you can git pull for upstream Moqui changes and same goes for /moqui/runtime/mantle for Mantle changes.
Also have a look at the Making Apps with Moqui book it really helps explain the basics of building atop of Moqui.


How to ignore changes in submodules during commit?

I have a situation, where my project consists of many submodules. So, there is a main project and this project has a .gitmodules file and the .gitmodules file has entry to further submodules:
-> files-main.txt
-> .gitmodules
-> sub
-> file-submodule.txt
-> file-submodule.txt
Now, lets say I am a developer1 and make some changes in the sub/developer1 folder. Ofcourse, after commiting the changes, the changes would be reflected in the main git ( project ) which is including the submodules.
My problem is that even if I set git config submodule.developer1 ignore=all, the project git still registers a change in the submodule. This is evident by the + sign against the submodule. The only benefit by setting ignore=all is that I dont get to see any kind of changes in the submodule when I run git status. But, this is misleading, because, I was expecting the command to ignore all kind of activities in the submodule, not just the reporting part.
+8b17424f3e30807df0dc782be05d041d0fb26f77 sub/developer1 (heads/MySubmoduleBranch)
This is what I did not want. I wanted to just ignore the submodules completely for sometime, so that they dont interfere in the project git. Ofcourse parallely, I wanted to continue commiting in developer1, but just not want to reflect the changes in the main project yet.
Does anyone has the solution the problem?
I would not like any kind of ACL changes for the team, neither a gitlab solution with pre-hooks etc. It would be great to come to a solution locally.

How to version control with IntelliJ

I'm looking for a way to control versions of my project through IntelliJ. However, I know Git can manage it the best way and I already did started experiencing Git with the help of Madara Uchiha's Git tutorial. I must say it is incredibly useful, but I rather have version control arranged on my harddrive which is constantly backed up.
I decided doing my version control manually and it's pretty slow and annoying. Is there an easier and more efficient way to clone the current project files in another folder?
For example, clone the current project files on another folder named v1.4.2 outside my project structure without relocating my project files, also having them refactored as project on its own so they be runnable whenever.
Set up a local Git repository for the project. It will start with a master branch. Then create a working branch that you make your changes in. You can merge this branch back in to master as you are ready. You can create as many branches as you need and switch between them very quickly. All using the one directory.
If you are new to git you can use something like Sourcetree - (a GUI for Git) it will allow you to manage the repository. It makes it really fast to switch between branches of your repository. It also helps with pushing changes to another location. GitHub, Bitbucket, etc.
For backup, you could always set up the project on Bitbucket. You can create public and private repositories for free. I really recommend setting this part up.
Depending on the environment that you are building on, you could build a shell script / batch script that would copy files to the duplicate location. Without knowing what type of project you are developing in/for it is hard to say what would be the best strategy.
Ideally if your project has a build output you could have the compiler/IntelliJ IDEA place the results into your result folder. You could then copy the results to your Builds/v1.4.2 folder or wherever. Whether you check in the files that are built will depend on your project. You can always exclude files/folders like your ../Builds that you don't want to track via your .gitignore file.

How can I separate generated artifacts from the main build with semantic UI?

I am trying to figure out how to integrate Semantic UI with my gulp-based frontend toolchain.
The npm artifact semantic-ui includes an interactive installer that will write a semantic.json file to the root of my project and install the less files, gulp tasks and some configuration into my project. All of these files will be put in subdirectories of a single base directory specified in semantic.json.
I do not want any dependency implementation files or any generated files in the git repository for my project because this will pollute revision history and lead to unneccessary merge conflicts. I would very much prefer to provide semantic.json only and .gitignore the semantic base directory. On npm install, the Semantic installer should install everything to the base directory specified in semantic.json. When building, I want the artifacts generated into a separate dist directory that does not reside under the semantic base directory.
However, if I do this, the installer will fail with a message stating that it cannot find the directories to update and drop me into the interactive installer instead. This is not what I want, because it means my build is no longer non-interactive (which will cause the CI build to fail).
How can I integrate Semantic UI into my build without having to commit Semantic and its generated artifacts into my git repository?
This is what we did in our similar scenario. The following are true:
Everything Semantic UI generates is in .gitignore. Therefore, the only Semantic UI files we have in our repo are:
semantic/src folder (this is where our theme modifications actually are)
semantic/tasks folder (probably doesn't need to be on git, but since it's needed for building, everything is simpler if we keep it in our repo)
We never need to (re)run the Semantic UI installer, everything is integrated in our own gulpfile.js.
Semantic UI outputs in our assets folder which is not in the same folder as its sources.
Semantic UI is updated automatically using npm as per the rules in my package.json.
Here are the steps needed to achieve this:
Install Semantic UI. By this I assume that you either used npm or cloned it from git (using npm is highly recommended), either way, you have semantic.json in your project's main folder and a semantic folder with gulpfile.js, src and tasks.
Make sure Semantic UI can be built. Navigate to semantic/ and run gulp build. This should create a dist folder in your semantic/ directory. Delete it and also delete Semantic UI's gulpfile.js since you'll no longer need it.
Edit semantic.json. You need to edit two lines:
Change "packaged": "dist/", to the path where you'd like to output semantic.css and semantic.js relative to Semantic UI's folder. In our case, it was "packaged": "../../assets/semantic/",
Change "themes": "dist/themes/" in the same way, since the themes/ folder contains fonts and images Semantic UI uses so it needs to be in the same folder as semantic.css. In our case, it was "themes": "../../assets/semantic/dist/themes/".
Edit your gulpfile.js so that it uses Semantic UI's build task. Add var semanticBuild = require('./semantic/tasks/build'); (if semantic/ is in the same folder as your gulpfile.js) and then simply register a task that depends on it, for example gulp.task('semantic', semanticBuild);.
Optionally, create a clean task. We used del for that.
gulp.task('clean:semantic', function(cb) {
del(['assets/semantic'], cb);

Configure the .bzr directory path in a bazaar repository

I want to create a bazaar repository and have the .bzr directory not alongside the versioned files.
I'm searching for an option like "--git-dir" in git, or a way to achieve the same thing. Evenctually I'd accept an hack too.
A solution using bzrlib is feasible
Example current structure
Wannabe structure
There is nothing like --git-dir in bzr, but if you only need avoid having the full history along your working tree, then it's worth to consider using lightweight checkouts. Lightweight checkouts allow you to use only small number of files in .bzr/ directory (but you have to have it anyway) and the real branch with its repository and its history can be kept outside the working tree. So:
bzr branch bzr+ssh://HOST/REPO/BRANCH /unrelated_path
bzr checkout --lightweight /unrelated_path project

Teamcity 2 configurations merge and deploy

I have two teamcity configurations one becoming my common helpers and reuseable components and my other a website which uses the common project.
I use a third configuration to publish to a test environment.
When the third configuration is run i would like it to get the artifacts from the common project and merge them with the website output and deploy. Am i asking for two much?
This ought to be pretty straightforward.
On ThirdConfig add two artifact dependencies. One whose source is CommonProject, and another whose source is WebProject. When configuring an artifact dependency it will allow you to specify which artifact files are are actually pulled from CommonProject and WebProject into ThirdConfig via the 'Artifact paths'. The artifact files can then be placed into some new folder hierarchy specific to ThirdConfig by using the 'Destination path'. These two options ought to be enough to create the directory structure that is the merging of CommonProject and WebProject. That takes care of the merge part.
The deploy is a bit more tricky. To my knowledge TeamCity does not support any sort of 'copy or upload to external location' function out of the box. For this bit you'll need to create an msbuild script (or batch file, or anything that can be run from the command line). Said script can expect the file/directory structure you've created via artifact dependencies where the root of the structure is the initial working directory of the script, and need only push these files out to your specific deploy location. That 'push' of course is going to be specific to your environment. Ftp, unc share, etc.