change field type from rmongodb - rmongodb

I have a collection uploaded to rmongodb. The issue is that all the fields were defined as strings. Thus, my aggregations are not working properly. I've looked through the documentation and it is not clear to me how I would update the field type. I have tried:
mongo.update(mongo, "airRail07",
but, that did not seem to do the trick. Any ideas?
Edit 1
After looking around I've changed the update command as follows:
m1 <- mongo.bson.from.JSON('{"PAID_FARE_USD":{"$type":2}}')
m2 <- mongo.bson.from.JSON('{"$set": {"PAID_FARE_USD":{"$type":1}}}')
mongo.update(mongo, "airRail07", list(m1), list(m2))
This returns TRUE but they $type is not changed.

Seems you can't cast types internally - MongoDB: How to change the type of a field?
you can only iteratively update each value.


Add field/string length to logstash event

I'm trying to add a string length field to an index. Ideally, I'd like to use the kibana script feature as I can 'add' this field later but I keep getting a null_pointer_exception with the following code... I'm trying to sort in a visualization based on the fields length.
doc['field'].value ? doc['field'].length() : 0
Is this correct?
I thought it was because my field isn't always set (sparse data), but I added the ?:0 to combat that (which didn't work)
Any ideas?
You can define an scripted field in Kibana, of type int, language painless, and try this:
return (doc['field'].value != null? doc['field'].value.length(): 0);

How to retrieve a specific field from a list output?

I don't have any developer rights in my SAP-System but I found a way to write some ABAP-Code in a tiny "User-Exit" box (I don't know if that's what you call it) inside a report.
I'm trying to submit a HR-Report and plug it's outcoming PERNR into that same report again.
There's a syntax-error that is telling me that t_list doesn't have a component with the Name PERNR.
What do I have to do in order to get this to work?
seltab TYPE TABLE OF rsparams,
selline LIKE LINE OF seltab.
*I found out that the name of the selection field in the Report-GUI is "PNPPERNR" and tested it
selline-selname = 'PNPPERNR'.
selline-sign = 'I'.
selline-option = 'EQ'.
SUBMIT Y5000112
listobject = t_list
not_found = 1
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
WRITE 'Unable to get list from memory'.
LOOP AT t_list.
*The Problem is here: how do I get the pnppernr out of t_list, it's the first column of the report output
selline-low = t_list-pernr.
append selline to seltab.
SUBMIT Y5000112
Use the function module LIST_TO_ASCI to decode the contents of t_list into something readable. This answer contains some sample code including the data types required. At this point, the data you're looking for will probably occur at the same column range in the output. Use the standard substring access methods - e. g. line+42(21) to obtain the part of the line you need.
The vwegert's answer is more than useful! In my previous answer I forgot to mention LIST_TO_ASCI FM :)
The only thing I can add is that parsing of result lines has no universal solution and greatly depends on its structure. Usually it is done like:
LOOP AT t_list.
SPLIT t_list AT '|' INTO <required_structure>.
selline-low = <required_structure>-pernr.
APPEND selline TO seltab.
where <`required_structure> is your Y5000112 output structure. But this may be not so simple and may require additional manipulations.


I am having a clob field rq_dev_comments which should replace the username with "anonymous"
Update <TABLE>.req
Set rq_dev_comments = regexp_REPLACE(rq_dev_comments,
'\<[bB]\>.*gt;,', '<b>anonymous ')
where length(rq_dev_comments) > ...
Now my question is, if there is a way to check before wheather "anonymous" is already set or not and how to reduce the datasets?
rq_dev_comments = "<html><b>HendrikHeim</b>: I found an error....</html>"
Desired: "<html><b>Anonymous</b>: I found an error....</html>"
The following solution will not catch cases where "username" may appear more than once, and some but not all occurrences have already been replaced with "anonymous". So think twice before you use it. (The same would apply to ANY solutions along the lines of what you asked!)
Add the following to your WHERE clause:
... where length(...) ....
and dbms_lob.instr(rq_dev_comments, '<b>Anonymous') = 0
"= 0" means the search pattern wasn't found in the input string.
Another thing: In the example you show "anonymous" capitalized (with upper case A), but in your code you have it all lower case. Decide one way or another and be consistent. Good luck!

Orientdb sql auto increment: id is always null (sql batch, update increment, variables)

I was looking at another question in stackoverflow regarding auto increment fields in orientdb, where one of the answers was to create our own vertex with counter field.
However, when I'm trying to execute the following code (both java api and console script batch), It is not working.
Do note however that the id is returned good (did some debug attempts, returning the id variable only), and the vertex is created.
However, the vertex id is always null (unless I set it explicit, that is).
The script:
script sql
LET id = UPDATE CCounter INCREMENT value=1 RETURN AFTER $current WHERE name='session'
LET csession = CREATE VERTEX CDate SET id=$id.result, meet_date='2015-01-01 15:23:00'
I tried playing around with $id and $current , but nothing seems to work.
Currently I am doing it in a 2-transaction mode; one to get the id, and another to create the vertex. I really hope there is a better way though.
I am using version 2.0-M2
You should execute
LET csession = CREATE VERTEX CDate SET id=$id.value, meet_date='2015-01-01 15:23:00'
Note the $id.value in place of $id.result.
As stated in a comment to Lvca, the answer was:
(1) Change the field name. Id seems to be reserved (ish). It's probably possible to still bypass it and use a field named 'id', but I didn't want to mess around with it.
(2) From some reason, the result was a collection (shown as '[id]'). It took me some time to figure it out, but I just had to choose the first value from it.
(3) Also, there are 2 'values' here. One of the field ($current.value), and the second one(not sure where it's coming from).
Final solution that works:
script sql
LET id = UPDATE CCounter INCREMENT value = 1 RETURN AFTER $current.value WHERE name='session'
LET csession = CREATE VERTEX CDate SET data_id=$id[0].value, meet_date='2015-01-01 15:23:00'

Yii framework - picking up field value from other model

I have been struggling with this, i have two models and showing data in Cgridview with one model, this model contains some id's whose values are in different table
So, i have added
'value'=> 'TblAreaoflaw::model()->FindByPk($data->typeoflaw)->areaoflaw'
which is giving this error
"Trying to get property of non-object"
Might be due to this reason that the some records doesn't exist in the TblAreaoflaw. Can't we check in this line through isset?
When i put static value, it work well, like
'value'=> 'TblAreaoflaw::model()->FindByPk(5)->areaoflaw',
Could anyone please help
thanks a lot
The error you get is because this expression TblAreaoflaw::model()->FindByPk($data->typeoflaw) is returning null. This means that you are effectively trying to get null->areaoflaw which won't work (this is what the error message "Trying to get property of non-object" clarifies).
My best guess is that $data->typeoflaw returns a non-existing primary key for the TblAreaoflaw model.
Make sure :
TblAreaoflaw is actually a model, I doubt its Areaoflaw
You have database specified primary key which is the id (5) you are passing
'value'=> '(TblAreaoflaw::model()->FindByPk($data->typeoflaw)->areaoflaw) ?
: "default or null value"'
Obviously substitute the null string to whatever you want. You may need to adjust the condition to use !empty() or similar, but see how it goes. (And if you do that or aren't using PHP 5.3, use the full ternary expression.)