Obj-C method to assign colours to pixels directly? - objective-c

Currently, I am using SKSpriteKit in order to do all of my graphics stuff in any of my programs. Recently, I’ve been interested in drawing things like the Mandelbrot set, Bifurcation curve, etc.
So to draw these on my screen, I use 1 node per pixel… obviously this means that my program has very low performance with over 100000 nodes on the screen.
I want to find a way of colouring in pixels directly with some command without drawing any nodes. (But I want to stick to Obj-C, Xcode)
Is there some way by accessing Core graphics, or something?

Generally you would use OpenGL ES or Metal to do this.
Here is a tutorial that describes using OpenGL ES shaders with SpriteKit to draw the mandelbrot set:


Animating OpenGL content within a Cocoa OSX Application

I am currently attempting to create an interactive, informative poster, with regards to Anti-Aliasing techniques and effects. The application is written in Obj-C within Xcode, and makes use of OpenGL and Cocoa functionalities.
I am attempting to create a small animation to display the difficulties of drawing a diagonal line on a pixel grid, however am having real trouble getting my head around the animation aspect.
I am aiming for something with a similar look and feel to this:
I have currently drawn a grid using OpenGL primitives:
and would like the effect above to be replicated within my grid, however without the shading yet (that is the next part), so just plain black pixels coloured step by step along the line.
I am new to both OpenGL and Obj-C, so am unsure whether best to implement the animation within OpenGL, or using OSx Core Animation - neither of which I have used before.
The OpenGL drawing takes place within my MyOpenGLView class, with the drawing done in a drawAnObject method, which is then called within the drawRect method.
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance!

opengl es 2.0 drawing imprecision

Im having a weird issue in opengl, it goes like this: im designing a 2d engine, so far i coded the routines that let's you draw sprites, rectangle, boxes, translate and scale them... however when i run a small demo of my engine i notice when scaling gradually rectangles in an animation (drawn using 4 vertices and GL_LINE_LOOP), the rectangle edeges seems to bounce between the two neighboring pixels.
I can't determine the source of the problem or even formulate a proper search query in google, if someone can shed some light on this matter. If my question is not understood please let me know.
Building a 2D library on OpenGL ES is going to be problematic for several reasons. First of all, the Khronos specifications state that it is not intended to produce "pixel perfect" rendering. Every OpenGL ES renderer is allowed some variation in rendered results. This is because the actual rendering is implemented in hardware and floating point rounding can be a little different from platform to platform. Even the shader compilers are completely different from one GPU to the next.
Another issue is that most of the GPUs on mobile devices today are tile-based deferred renderers, and they do not typically support partial screen rendering. In other words, every screen update requires replacing the entire frame.

Why are OpenGL ES and cocos2D faster than Cocoa Touch / iOS frameworks itself?

I wonder if cocos2D is built on top of iOS's frameworks, won't cocos2D be slightly slower than using the Cocoa framework directly? (is cocos2D on top of OpenGL ES, which in turn is on top of Cocoa Touch / iOS frameworks including Core Animation and Quartz?).
However, I heard that OpenGL ES is actually faster than using Core Graphics, Core Animation, and Quartz?
So is OpenGL ES the fastest, cocos2D the second, and Core Animation the slowest? Does someone know why using OpenGL ES is faster than using Cocoa framework directly?
cocos2D is built on top of OpenGL. When creating a sprite in cocos2D, you are actually creating a 3D model and applying a texture to it. The 3D model is just a flat square and the camera is always looking straight at it which is why it all appears flat and 2D. But this is why you can do things like scaling and rotating sprites easily - all you are really doing is rotating the 2D square (well, two triangles really) or moving them closer or further away from the camera. But Cocos2D handles all that for you.
OpenGL is designed from the start to pump out 3D graphics very very quickly. So it is designed to handle shoving points and triangles around. This is then enhanced by a 3D rendering hardware which it can use specifically for this. As this is all it does, it can be very optimised for doing all the maths on the points that build up the objects and mapping textures onto those object. It doesn't have to worry about handling touches or other system things that Cocoa does.
Cocoa Touch doesn't use openGl. It may use some hardware acceleration, but it isn't designed for that - it's designed for creating 2D buttons, etc. What it does, it does well, but it has lots of layers to pass through to do what it needs to do which doesn't make it as efficient as something designed just for graphics (openGL).
OpenGL is the fastest
cocos2D is slightly slower, but only because there are some wrappers to make your life easier. If you were to do the same thing, then you may get it faster, but with the cost of flexibility.
Core Animation is the slowest.
But they all have their uses and are excellent in their individual niche areas.

Motion Blur Emplementation on OpenGL ES

I'm a novice in OpenGL ES 1.1(for IOS) texturing and I have a problem with making the effect of motion blur. During googling, I found that I should render my scene in different time moments to several textures and then draw all these textures on the screen with different alpha values. But the problem is that I don't know how to implement all this!So,my questions are:
How to draw a 2D texture on the screen? Should I make a square and put my texture on it?Or may be, there is a way to draw a texture on the screen directly?
How to draw several textures(one upon another) on the screen with different alpha values?
I've already come up with some ideas, but I'm not sure if they are correct or not.
Thanks in advance!
Well, of course the first advice is, understand the basics before trying to do advanced stuff. Other than that:
Yes indeed, to draw a full-screen texture you just draw a textured screen-sized quad. An orthographic projection would be a good idea in this case, making the screen-alignment of the quad and its proper sizing easier. For getting the textures in the first place (by rendering into them), FBOs might be of help, but I'm not sure they are supported on ES 1 devices, otherwise the good old glCopyTexSubImage2D will do, too, albeit requiring a copy operation.
Well, you just draw multiple textured quads (see 1) one over the other. You might configure the texture environment to scale the texture's color with the quad's base color (glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE)) and give your quads a color of (1, 1, 1, alpha) (of course lighting should be disabled). Additionally you have to enable alpha blending (glEnable(GL_BLEND)) and use an appropriate blending function (glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE) should do).
But if all these terms don't tell you anything, you should rather first learn the basics using a good learning resource before delving into more advanced effects.

How to make nice openGL blended lines in cocos2d?

i've written an algorithm to create electricity using ccDrawLine function in cocos2d for iphone. Currently, the ccDrawLine is a simple wrapper method for drawing openGL lines on the fly.
My algorithm is sound and works as I want. But the problem is with the appearance of the electricity in general.
I have little openGL programming knowledge(hence the use of the wrapper) and I require the ccLines to be blended nicely and look like either lasers or electricity.
How can I go about doing this avoiding the use of openGL programming if possible, otherwise i'll need to learn it.
you sample the surrounding pixels for each pixel of the area and average it out. This is the most basic way i know but it is not very fast so you could blend in 2x2 squares instead of 1x1 or even 4x4 and move over every iteration because for a nice effect you would do maybe 3 times.