Unable to use Windows Phone 10 Emulator - windows-phone

I have Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise installed on my Window 10 development machine. I can create a new Universal Windows Platform app and run it both in the simulator as well as on the local machine.
However, when I select any of the 5 pre-installed Mobile Emulators and start debugging, I see the emulator app (XDE.exe) being launched, but then I immediately get an error dialog with the following message:
The emulator is unable to set some properties on the virtual machine: Couldn't change Display controller settings of the virtual machine: .... The configuration version of the Mobile Emulator 10.0.10240.0 WVGA 4 inch ... virtual machine does not support setting resolution type, horizontal resolution or vertical resolution.
When I open the Hyper-V manager, I can see 3 virtual machines installed. I can even start them and they will eventually show the Windows Phone 10 home screen in the expected resolution and orientation.
This happens when running Visual Studio 2015 either as a regular user or as an administrator.

Make sure your computer has an internet connection, and
If the Tools for Universal Windows Apps Development are still installed:
Go to Programs and Features, select Visual Studio 2015, click Change.
In Visual Studio setup, click Modify.
Deselect the feature Tools for Universal Windows App Development.
Select Tools for Universal Windows App Development again, and click
If you have already uninstalled the Tools for Universal Windows Apps Development: Reinstall Tools for Universal Windows App Development.
Or, take the following steps to reinstall the JavaScript project system and language service:
Download the installer for your edition of Visual Studio, such as, vs_community.exe.
Open a command window, and run the following command:
vs_community.exe /modify /installselectableitems JavaScript_Hidden
Change directories to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
Run the following commands:
devenv /updateconfiguration
devenv /clearcache


Visual Studio 2015 run and debug on different OS version simulators

I am developing a VB.Net based Windows8.1(10) Store application.
After published, I've found out that my App crashes on Windows8.1 while it works fine on Windows10.
So, I want to debug my App on the Windows8.1. However, I cannot find how to do so.
When I [Run] the App to [Simulator], it runs on clone of my computer, but I want to run it on other version of Windows.
Visual Studio 2015 is now installed on Windows10.
Disclaimer: I work on Visual Studio, though not on the Universal/Modern App area.
This is not a supported scenario and there is no feature present in Windows that emulates or simulates previous versions of the "Modern" runtime environment.
The Simulator feature is actually a local-loopback Remote Desktop (Terminal Services) session and existed to make it easier to debug Modern applications given that they could only run in a fullscreen mode, however as this is no-longer the case (as apps are now floating windows) the utility of the Simulator is limited, and as you're discovering is not relevant to your problem.
The only solution I can recommend is to use Hyper-V (or another desktop virtualisation product, such as VirtualBox or VMWare if you don't want a hypervisor installed) to install a dedicated Windows 8.1 environment followed by installing the Visual Studio Remote Debugger.
Given the rapid adoption of Windows 10 (as it is provided as a recommended update to the majority of Windows 8.1 users) I don't personally recommend explicitly targeting the Windows 8.x "Modern" app environment unless you know you will have users or if it's a contract requirement.

No "Hyper-V" in Win Features to install after installing VS2013 Preview

On a Windows 8 machine with VS Express 2010, VS 2012, I've installed Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate Preview.
In the end of the installation, an error message appears, giving me this link to activate Hyper-V.
So i entered BIOS, I found a similar option for enabling Virtualization, and set it to Enable.
After finishing restart, I downloaded coreinfo.exe, opened the console as Admin, and checked for asterisk in the row where it said I should check. So there was, which means my computer supports SLAT.
When I go to Control Panel -> Programs -> Windows Features on/off, there is no Hyper-V there as is shown in the link that there will be, and I should select it and press OK to install/activate it.
Will this be fixed by reinstalling Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate Preview now?
Make sure you are running Windows 8 Pro 64-bit as the Hyper-V feature is a Pro Edition feature.

How to deploy a metro app to windows 8 device/Tablet?

For testing an application, I have deployed my metro app by creating a app package which is provided in vs2012. I have deployed the package by opening using the PowerShell, but now I want to deploy the metro app in a Windows 8 device (tablet) for testing it, how can I do this?
Will there be a PowerShell option available in device also? (to deploy the app)
Are there any other ways of deployment?
i have used this to sideload apps for testing onto other devices including SurfaceRT
In addition to creating an app package in Visual Studio 2012, and deploying your app that way, you can also use the Remote Tools for Visual Studio 2012 for ARM to deploy and debug an app to a Surface or other tablet (for x86 or x64 tablets, use the matching remote tools install).
Once the remote tools have been installed on the target device, you simply start up the remote tools on the target, configure the access permissions, and then on your development machine, open the project properties, select the Debugging option, and use the dropdown to select Remote Machine as the debugger to launch. Click into the Machine Name field, and use the dropdown to select the machine name of the target machine running the remote tools.
Now, when you start debugging the project, it'll be packaged up and deployed to the target device, and you can set breakpoints and step through your code. And once deployed this way, you can re-run the app from the start screen using the app's tile.
EDIT: One important thing to note...whether you deploy/sideload using the PowerShell script technique, or using remote debugging, the target device will need to have a valid developer license. You should be prompted to obtain a developer license when you attempt to sideload your app, but you can also use PowerShell to obtain the license manually...instructions can be found here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/xaml/hh974578.aspx

Creating a build on windows phone 8

I want to make a build (like APK) of my windows phone 8 app for testing. How can i do so.?
When you Run the Windows Phone 8 app in VS 2012, an XAP file is created in the Bin folder of your app. Its similar to the apk file of Android app. But you cannot directly install this in the phone.
You need a developer account to developer unlock the device for testing. You can test the app in Emulator any way. You can also make use of the Beta testing feature of the Windows Phone marketplace, but again you need a developer account for this as well.
You can get a developer account from the Windows Phone Developer site # $99.
And after getting the developer account, Open the "Windows Phone Developer Registration" tool from your start menu and unlock your device, by following the steps mentioned in that tool
You actually can deploy a XAP file to the phone, provided it is developer unlocked. The tool to do this comes as part of the SDK. Just go to Windows Phone Developer Tools -> Application Deployment. Then you can browse and select the XAP file you want to install. As mentioned above, you XAP file might be in the bin folder, but it could also be in the Debug folder, depending on your configuration. In Visual Studio, to the left of the debug icon (green arrow) you will see a drop down list of deployment options. Here you can choose if you want to deploy to the phone or to the emulator. You can also chose if you want to deploy in debug or production mode.

VS Debug to a windows phone device?

My understanding is in visual studio, if i change my debug to 'Remote Machine' I should be able to build and deploy to my phone, and still be debugging it in visual studio.
However, I can't seem to find a guide on how to do this. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I specifically have a windows 8 lumia 920 if it matters.
I have VS 2012 on Windows 8 Pro with the WP 8.0 SDK installed.
What project type are you using? It sounds like you may have been using one of the templates for Windows 8 (a Windows Store app), which have the Run dropdown options Simulator, Local Machine, and Remote Machine.
If you are developing for Windows Phone using one of the WP8 templates, the options that you should see in the Run dropdown are Device, Emulator WVGA 512MB, Emulator WVGA, Emulator WXGA, and Emulator 720P. To debug to your phone in Visual Studio, you need to select "Device" from that dropdown. Here is an article with a screenshot.
If you have a solution that contains both a Windows Store and a Windows Phone project in it, make sure that you right-click on the Windows Phone project and select "Set as Startup Project".