Update bulk number of records in oracle - sql

I am new to sql. Can someone help me with this requirement.
I have table with 10000 records like this
CompanyID Name
300001 A
300004 B
300005 C
300007 D
310000 XXX
And I have a another list of companyIDs that I am going to update the above table(It is just an excel sheet not a table)
300001 500001
300002 500002
300003 500003
300004 500004
300005 500005
310000 510000
My requirement is, If I found the companyID in the first table I need to update it with the NewID and If I didn't find the companyId in the first table I have to create a new row in the table with the NewID regardless of oldID.
Is there any possibility to do both update and insert in a single query?

You're describing an "upsert" or MERGE statement, typically:
merge into table_a
using (<some_statement>)
on (<some_condition>)
when matched then
set ...
when not matched then
insert (<column_list>)
values (<column_list>);
However, a MERGE can't update a value that's referenced in the ON clause, which is what will be required in order to do what you're asking. You will, therefore, require two statements:
update table_to_be_updated t
set companyid = (select newid from new_table where oldid = t.companyid )
insert into table_to_be_updated
select newid
from newtable t
where not exists ( select 1
from table_to_be_updated
where t.newid = companyid )
If it's possible for a newid and an oldid to be the same then you're going to run into problems. This also assumes that your new table is unique on oldid and newid - it has to be unique in order to do what you want so I don't think this is an unreasonable assumption.


Create a procedure to merge data and avoid duplicates

I am trying to create a SQL Server merge procedure that would allow me to merge new entries in the data set and nullify duplicates in the table. Both tables of the same type. I am trying to perform a merge and avoid duplicates. The ID and Email will always be a one to one relation. However, the source table sometimes will send the same email with two different Ids. We want to keep only one record per person and nullify all the email for the invalid record. Initial thoughts are to join the source table with the target table on email and check which emails have two occurrences and nullify, but how could I put this in one procedure.
Table 1 and Table 2:
Id | Email | First | Last | Building | Date |....
Example of duplicate:
1 | tst#tst.com | ...
2 | tst#tst.com | ...
Needed output:
1 | tst#tst.com
2 | null
CREATE PROCEDURE mergingTwo #TableType
MERGE [target]
USING [source] ON [target].Id = [source].Id OR [target].Email = [source].Email
Can do the Merge First then nullify the e-mail in a Second update like
With cte as (select id, row_number() over (partition by e-mail order by id asc) n_row
From table_foo)
Update table_foo
Set email = null
From table_foo
Inner Join cte
On cte.id = table_foo.id
And cte.n_row > 1
Sounds like a job for a union (unless you really want those NULL entries).
SELECT Email FROM Table1
SELECT Email FROM Table2

Will order by preserve?

create table source_table (id number);
insert into source_table values(3);
insert into source_table values(1);
insert into source_table values(2);
create table target_table (id number, seq_val number);
create sequence example_sequence;
insert into target_table
select id, example_sequence.nextval
> (select id from source_table ***order by id***);
Is it officially assured that for the id's with the lower values in source_table corresponding sequence's value will also be lower when inserting into the source_table? In other words, is it guaranteed that the sorting provided by order by clause will be preserved when inserting?
The question is not: 'Are rows ordered in a table as such?' but rather 'Can we rely on the order by clause used in the subquery when inserting?'.
To even more closely illustrate this, the contents of the target table in the above example, after running the query like select * from target_table order by id would be:
1 1
2 2
3 3
Moreover, if i specified descending ordering when inserting like this:
insert into target_table
select id, example_sequence.nextval
> (select id from source_table ***order by id DESC***);
The output of the same query from above would be:
1 3
2 2
3 1
Of that I'm sure, I have tested it multiple times. My question is 'Can I always rely on this ordering?'
Tables in a relational database are not ordered, and any apparent ordering in the result set of a cursor which lacks an ORDER BY is an artifact of data storage, is not guaranteed, and later actions on the table may cause this apparent ordering to change. If you want the results of a cursor to be ordered in a particular manner you MUST use an ORDER BY.

merge statement when not matched by source then insert to another table

I have created two tables customersrc and customertemp with the columns:
ID name age addr cityid isactive
34 Gi 24 Chennai 1 1
CustomerId CustomerName CustomerAge CustomerAddress
1 Gi 24 madurai
2 Pa 23 Tirupur
3 MI 27 Tirupur
Now I need to insert pa and mi data value to the temp table bcz it is not matched with the rows of customertemp. And the row gi data will be updated which was matched.
I used the following MERGE statement
DECLARE #cityid INT SET #cityid=1
MERGE Temp.dbo.customersrc as src_customer
USING ( SELECT CustomerName,CustomerAge,CustomerAddress FROM customertemp) as temp_customer
ON src_customer.name=temp_customer.CustomerName
UPDATE SET src_customer.isactive=0 ; -- here i need the insert statement to insert in another table
is it possible to write insert statement inside the when not matched by source query?
if it is not possible then how to achieve this using merge?
in a simple set theory I need to put the customersrc(table_B)-customertemp (table_A). B-A value into the another or temp table.
One of the main usages of the MERGE statement is to perform so called "UPSERTS" (Update matching records, insert new records), so it is definitely possible to do what you want. Just add the following to the last part of your MERGE statement:
INSERT (name, age, addr, cityid, isactive)
VALUES (CustomerName, CustomerAge, CustomerAddress, #cityid, 1)
If you also need to insert data into a 3rd table, depending on whether rows are updated or inserted, you can use the OUTPUT clause of the merge statement. Check out the documentation: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms177564.aspx
Me: Why do you want to insert to another table?
You: To show the user who are not in the customertemp table.
So your requirement is not to insert into another table. Your requirement is to get the missing users.
You could do that with a dummy UPDATE (SET SomeCol = SomeCol) and OUTPUT. But that is a hack that I would try to avoid.
It is probably easier to do this in two statements. Here's how you'd get the missing rows:
SELECT temp_customer.*
FROM (SELECT CustomerName,CustomerAge,CustomerAddress FROM customertemp) as temp_customer
LEFT JOIN customersrc ON src_customer.name=temp_customer.CustomerName AND src_customer.cityid=#cityid
WHERE customersrc.cityid IS NULL

Simulating an identity column within an insert trigger

I have a table for logging that needs a log ID but I can't use an identity column because the log ID is part of a combo key.
create table StuffLogs
StuffID int
LogID int
Note varchar(255)
There is a combo key for StuffID & LogID.
I want to build an insert trigger that computes the next LogID when inserting log records. I can do it for one record at a time (see below to see how LogID is computed), but that's not really effective, and I'm hoping there's a way to do this without cursors.
select #NextLogID = isnull(max(LogID),0)+1
from StuffLogs where StuffID = (select StuffID from inserted)
The net result should allow me to insert any number of records into StuffLogs with the LogID column auto computed.
StuffID LogID Note
123 1 foo
123 2 bar
456 1 boo
789 1 hoo
Inserting another record using StuffID: 123, Note: bop will result in the following record:
StuffID LogID Note
123 3 bop
Unless there is a rigid business reason that requires each LogID to be a sequence starting from 1 for each distinct StuffID, then just use an identity. With an identity, you'll still be able to order rows properly with StuffID+LogID, but you'll not have the insert issues of trying to do it manually (concurrency, deadlocks, locking/blocking, slow inserts, etc.).
Make sure the LogId has a default value of NULL, so that it need not be supplied during insert statements, like it was an identity column.
CREATE TRIGGER Insert ON dbo.StuffLogs
UPDATE #Inserted SET LogId = select max(LogId)+1 from StuffLogs where StuffId=[INSERTED].StuffId
Select Row_Number() Over( Order By LogId ) + MaxValue.LogId + 1
From inserted
Cross Join ( Select Max(LogId) As Id From StuffLogs ) As MaxValue
You would need to thoroughly test this and ensure that if two connections were inserting into the table at the same time that you do not get collisions on LogId.

Reset or Update Row Position Integer in Database Table

I am working on a stored procedure in SQL Server 2008 for resetting an integer column in a database table. This integer column stores or persists the display order of the item rows. Users are able to drag and drop items in a particular sort order and we persist that order in the database table using this "Order Rank Integer".
Display queries for items always append a "ORDER BY OrderRankInt" when retrieving data so the user sees the items in the order they previously specified.
The problem is that this integer column collects a lot of duplicate values after the table items are re-ordered a bit. Hence...
Name | OrderRankInt
a | 1
b | 2
c | 3
d | 4
e | 5
f | 6
After a lot of reordering by the user becomes....
Name | OrderRankInt
a | 1
b | 2
c | 2
d | 2
e | 2
f | 6
These duplicates are primarily because of insertions and user specified order numbers. We're not trying to prevent duplicate order ranks, but we'd like a way to 'Fix' the table on item inserts/modifies.
Is there a way I can reset the OrderRankInt column with a single UPDATE Query?
Or do I need to use a cursor? What would the syntax for that cursor look like?
Update with Remus Rusanu solution. Thanks!!
#sectionId int = 0
-- "Common Table Expression" to append a 'Row Number' to the table
WITH tempTable AS
SELECT OrderRankInt, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY OrderRankInt) AS rn
FROM dbo.[Table]
WHERE sectionId = #sectionId -- Fix for a specified section
UPDATE tempTable
SET OrderRankInt = rn; -- Set the Order number to the row number via CTE
with cte as (
select OrderId, row_number() over (order by Name) as rn
from Table)
update cte
set OrderId = rn;
This doesn't account for any foreign key relationships, I hope you are taken care of those.
Fake it. Make the column nullable, set the values to NULL, alter it to be an autonumber, and then turn off autonumber and nullable.
(You could skip the nullable steps.)