How to display the datagridview rowheaders on the right? -

I have a datagridview which displays row numbers in the rowheaders on the left. One of the users has asked for them to be on the right instead. The display of row numbers is fine, it's the location of the rowheaders that's the issue here.
I have looked through various properties and can't find anything that switches the row header over to the other side.
I realise I could add another column to the right and format it to look like the rowheaders, but that seems like a clumsy workaround.

How about setting the RightToLeft property of the datagridview?
Me.DataGridView1.RightToLeft = Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.Yes
Bear in mind that this reverses the display order of the columns, which you would have to manage as well, if you want to give the appearance that the only thing to change is the position of the rowheader.


VB .NET - Autosize datagridview row height

Problem Definition
So I am trying to do something that should be very basic; however, I can't seem to make it actually work. I am simply trying to make my datagridview autoresize every row height to the text entered. Am I missing something?
What I have tried
I have read through examples on SO and other sites and they all recommend a similar idea. So to make it simple here is exactly what I have done so far:
I created a new datagridview.
I clicked on columns > Add and use the default name and type (textbox)
I kept the Autosizemode of that column at None and DefaultCellStyle WrapMode to True.
I changed the datagridview's AutoSizeRowsMode = AllCells
From there I build my project and type some data in, but the column simply grows the column width and not the row height:
Am I missing a step somewhere? I purposely put every step I did because I feel like I am just missing something very simple...
go to the data grid view -->properties --> default cell style-change the wrap setting to true then use the autosizerow property as any mode like allcells or display cellslike

VB Getting the selected item from a List View

I have a list view with two columns and I'd like to be able to save the value of the leftmost column for the selected row, or even better make it so that once the user clicks on either the right or left column of any given row, the entire row selects and not only the field that was clicked.
However I'm struggling to get the field saved which is more crucial than the row highlighting.
In a list box it would be
string = listbox1.selecteditem.tostring
However this doesn't seem to work for the list view. It won't even let me put "Selecteditem" and instead requires I put selecteditems, however this doesn't seem to do what I want either.
When I use the code:
string = ListView1.SelectedItems.ToString
I get the result of
string = "System.Windows.Forms.ListView+SelectedListViewItemCollection"
Despite the selected field actually being "EGG".
I need to have two columns so can't switch to using a listbox, although that seems like it would be the easier solution.
When I tried googling this question I could only find things for C#
Set FullRowSelect on to get the entire row to select.
SelectedItems.ToString refers to the collection of selected items.
SelectedItems(0).Text refers to the first selected item's text property.

BIRT result set values in specific cells

My query returns location_cd(string) and item_count(int). I only need certain rows from the result however and I need them to display in specific places in my layout so I don't think the table solution is going to work. Can I determine where I place the value for a particular row of the result set?
I am using a grid to display values for a number of fields. I cannot seem to be able to get the values from the results to show. The grid is bound to the result set. I even tried binding the cells to the result set but that didn't work either.
I checked in the query editor and there is a result set shown in the Preview so I know the query works. The complete and correct result set shows if I put a table on the page.
I tried inserting a Dynamic Text or Data object in a cell and used the expression:
This returns a blank and does not seem to evaluate. I tested it with :
and got 'BLANK' to appear in that cell.
dataSetRow["location_cd"] and dataSetRow["item_count"] will display the location_cd and item_count from the first row of the result set. row.outer[] did the same thing. Obviously I am just hacking at this report at this point.
A co-worker suggested that she uses a JAVA if-statement in places like this but I could not get that to work either.
Any ideas or suggestions that will get me on the right road??
An elegant option would be to use a HashMap storing the result of the dataset.
Declare a report variable named "values", with a new hashmap as default value (see image below)
Fill values in the onFetch script of the dataset: vars["values"].put(row["location_cd"],row["item_count"]);
Insert new data elements at any place of the report with expressions such: vars["values"].get("myFavoriteLocationCD");
Though it is important to note the dataset should be triggered by the report before these data elements.
The particular row you want to display you specify in a "Text" field inside your grid. Just drag and drop a "Text" field inside your grid. If you bound the fields you want to display to your grid, the "Text" field inside the grid inherits the bindings of its parent (the grid), so you can access the bindings automatically in the "Text" field.
You could try following steps, maybe that works.
Don't use "Dynamic Text" field, instead use a regular "Text" field
Ensure the fields of your query which you use, are bound to the grid (you sayed you already did)
Open the "Text" field
Change preselected pull-down entry "Auto" into "HTML"
Change preselected pull-down entry "Formatting" into "Dynamic Text"
Wrap your code in <value-of format="HTML"> your code goes here... </value-of>
Note: You should check in the "Expression Builder" of your "Text" field if you are able to access the fields you bound to the grid. If they are not available sth. went wrong with your binding. Avoid binding query records to cells this will drive you crazy.
If you want to display a list, ensure you didn't set a constant height in the row of your grid. Set the height to 100% than the row takes its height dynamically.
What about the idea to optimize your query, that only get the results you want are displayed, than you don’t need to filter them with java script? If you don’t need the filtered results in another place this would be the cleaner solution in my opinion.

data from Gridview to textbox

i have a form with datagridview in that show my data in columns. what i'm trying to accomplish is that after choosing a row and pressing Edit button a new form will open and split the row for the right text boxes to update the data. the datagridview row shows different types of data: name,email,date,etc... any idea? Thanks in advance!
In the EditButton click-handler, you may access the selected row in your datagridview with the MyDataGridView.CurrentRow property.
This object - a DataGridViewRow - has Cells, which you can access individually by index and then get to their values:
This then, in turn, you may use to fill the items in your edit form.
After completing your edit form, retrieve the (updated) values and put them back into the CurrentRow.Cells(n).Value
If your datagridview is databound, then you can also work directly with the datastore, through
The type of this object depends of course on your configuration; it may, for instance, be a DataRow.
This should be enough to get you going.
Final note on your added remark "thanks ...": you're apparently new at this site. I'm not sure why you got "downvotes". It may be because your question is rather elementary ("homework"), or people found your problem description not clear/detailed enough. Please, understand that answers (if any) are provided "unpaid for", and require "voluntary" effort from the contributors. Understandably they prefer that YOU do most of the work/study/trying, before asking someone else "to do your work for you". No offense intended.

How can I center the heading in a column on a DataGridView?

I have a strange problem and it's probably a simple fix, but after much research, I cannot seem to find a solution.
I have a DataGridView on which I'm trying to center the column headings, but the result is a left bias in the centering—almost like an indenting problem. I've seen a few posts on this issue on a site or two, but never a solution. Any thoughts?
Here's the statement I'm currently trying to use:
DataGridView1.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
The code you've posted is on the right track: you need to set the ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle property of your DataGridView control.
However, you need to create a new DataGridViewCellStyle class and assign that to the ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle property. You can't modify the Alignment property as your code sample shows unless you have assigned a DataGridViewCellStyle class to this property.
So, for example, the following code achieves perfectly centered column headings in a blank project:
Dim dgvColumnHeaderStyle As New DataGridViewCellStyle()
dgvColumnHeaderStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
myDataGridView.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle = dgvColumnHeaderStyle
In the future, you may find it easier to do these types of things from the Designer. If you still need to do it yourself through code, you can check the *.Designer.vb file that is created to see how it was done.
EDIT: I just now noticed the slight offset you're referring to in the columns—it does indeed create a little extra padding to the right of each header. It's not a bug, though. There's a much simpler explanation.
Like a ListView, the DataGridView supports sorting by columns. Therefore, each column header reserves enough space to display the sort glyph (usually an arrow) when calculating center justification.
If you want the column headers to be perfectly centered, you'll need to disable sorting. Set the SortMode property for the column to "NonSortable". This should prevent space from being reserved for the sort glyph whenever the column text is center or right justified.
If you want to center or use any other alignment style of the Column Header text you can use this
dgvResults.Columns("ColumnName").HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter