HTML5 : Google IMA show default progress bar and countdown - google-ima

Anyone know how to configure adsRenderingSettings so that the default progressBar and countdown timer are shown during ad playback ? If I inspect the iframe during ad playback I notice that the divs w/ videoAdUiProgressBar and videoAdUiBottomBar are both set to display:none .
The google docs don't have too much:
Here is a snippet I've tried
var adsRenderingSettings = new google.ima.AdsRenderingSettings();
adsRenderingSettings.uiElements = ['UiElements.COUNTDOWN','UiElements.AD_ATTRIBUTION'];
adsManager = adsManagerLoadedEvent.getAdsManager(videoContent,adsRenderingSettings);

Try following
var adsRenderingSettings = new google.ima.AdsRenderingSettings();
adsRenderingSettings.uiElements = [google.ima.UiElements.COUNTDOWN, google.ima.UiElements.AD_ATTRIBUTION];
adsManager = adsManagerLoadedEvent.getAdsManager(videoContent,adsRenderingSettings);
This does show Countdown. For progress bar, i'm also looking for an answer.


Titanium Appcelerator Video Player Back Button on Android

I am new to Titanium App Development. I am making a title list of videos using a ListView. When I click on an item, the specific video plays fine. However when I press the back button in Android, the application exits instead of going back to the previous list of videos. I have tried android:back and androidback event of the window but still the same. How should I fix this??? By the way I am using the Alloy Framework in Titanium
videos.fetch({query: 'select * from '+ videos.config.adapter.collection_name + ' where video_id = '+ vid_id});
var args;
for (var vd=0 ; vd < videos.length; vd++){
var e = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(;
args = {
parent_id : lsn_sub,
video_data : e.video_data
var mediaview = Alloy.createController("media", args).getView();;
var parent_view = args.parent_id;
var vid_media = args.video_data;
console.log("parent source: "+parent_view);
$.vid_media.url = vid_media ;
$.media.addEventListener('androidback', function(e){
alert("android back");
<Window class="container">
<VideoPlayer id="vid_media" ns="Ti.Media" ></VideoPlayer>
The back button exits the application, not going back to previous screen.
Set the model property of your second window true.
<SecondWindow class="container" modal="true"></SecondWindow>
Also set modal and exitOnClose true on your first window if you want to close the app when user press android back on your first screen.
<FirstWindow class="container" modal="true" exitOnClose></FirstWindow >
there is no to add android:back event for it.
Hope this will help you
Thank you for the great help #suraj and #victor, but I figured it out already.
The reason for it to be not working is because I was testing it only in the simulator, not on a real device. When I run it on the real device, the 'back button' of the android actually works fine. It stops my video and goes back to the previous screen.
We should really test on a real device rather than relying on a simulator. Have a great day! :)
Another possible solution
is to cancel the bubbling effect of the androidback event,
$.media.addEventListener('androidback', function(e) {
e.cancelBubble = true;
[...Your logic here...]

Slider type progress-bar in Xamarin or Windows phone

I am developing a Xamarin form application. I want to create a custom progress bar. A slider which increments it's according to the progress. Initially the slider value should be minimum and should increment it's value according to the progress. When the task is finished the slider should have maximum value. How can I achieve this? is there any windows phone custom progress bar like this? please help me?
var progressBar = new ProgressBar();
You can change progress manually:
progressBar.Progress = 0.2f;
Or bind it to your ViewModel:
progressBar.SetBinding<YourViewModel>(ProgressBar.ProgressProperty, v => v.YourProgressProperty);
// Then:
YourViewModel.YourProgressProperty = 0.4f;
Or you could do some animations:
await progressBar.ProgressTo(0.95f, 250, Easing.Linear);

Need a simple Flash preloader for Actionscript 2 using ProgressBar component

I've been looking for an ActionScript 2.0 preloader using the ProgressBar component, and I can't find an example of this. Can anyone direct me to a nice tutorial for this? I just want to add a simple preloader to the beginning of my movie. It doesn't load any external movies. Thanks!!
I finally tracked down the coded I needed to use with the ProgressBar component:
myProgressBarListener = new Object();
myProgressBarListener = function (eventObject) {
myProgressBar._visible = false;
myProgressBar.addEventListener("complete", myProgressBarListener);
myProgressBar.mode = "polled";
myProgressBar.source = "_root";
myProgressBar.conversion = "1";
myProgressBar.label = "LOADING %3%%";
myProgressBar.direction = "right";
myProgressBar.labelPlacement = "bottom";
This is good for AS 2.0 and I'm using CS6. I'm not sure how this works for other versions of Flash.

Need to scroll from clicked div to top of browser window. Not to top of document, using Isotope Jquery

Please take a look at my jsFiddle here
I am using jQuery Isotope plugin and I am having troubles using their itemPositionDataEnabled to be able to scroll from my clicked item to the top of whats currently visible in the browsers window.
With itemPositionDataEnabled I should be able to extract the x and y position of what ever item I'm requesting. However mine does nothing at all....
var $this = $(this),
scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(),
itemPosition = $'isotope-item-position'),
itemPositionY = $this.itemPosition.y,
distance = (itemPositionY - scrollTop);
$('html, body').stop().animate({
scrollTop: distance
}, 1000);
You have a plain and simple error in these two lines:
itemPosition = $'isotope-item-position'),
itemPositionY = $this.itemPosition.y;
The second line should be:
itemPositionY = itemPosition.y;
Not sure if you're all the way there since it only seems to work on the way you want on the first click.

YouTube video on Flash Banner CS4 AS3

I am trying to make a flash banner in CS4 with AS3.
In this banner I have to embed youtube videos.
My problem is.. after the video loaded I cant have/see usual controls (fullscreen, pause, stop, etc) on the video.. and the video has the autoplay by default.
I am using this code:
var my_player1:Object;
var my_loader1:Loader = new Loader();
my_loader1.load(new URLRequest(""));
my_loader1.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, onLoaderInit);
function onLoaderInit(e:Event):void{
my_player1 = my_loader1.content;
my_player1.addEventListener("onReady", onPlayerReady);
function onPlayerReady(e:Event):void{
//this example is with parameter//
// this one is only the video id//
I was trying to pass the parameter in the url to try but seems to be is not working.
I was checking too the google API for AS3 ( but honestly I dont find the way to implement that I need.
Whats is the way to see this controls in the video??
Thank you :)
I was trying different thing and I found a partial solution that i want to share with:
var my_player1:Object;
var my_loader1:Loader = new Loader();
//before I used that:
//my_loader1.load(new URLRequest(""));
//Now is use this:
my_loader1.load(new URLRequest(";
my_loader1.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, onLoaderInit);
function onLoaderInit(e:Event):void{
my_player1 = my_loader1.content;
my_player1.addEventListener("onReady", onPlayerReady);
function onPlayerReady(e:Event):void{
Basically Instead of use the "Loading the chromeless player" I use the "Loading the embedded player"
My problem now is How I can modify for example the size of the controls bar.. because is taking 35px height and I want to reduce it