How to increase object name in a loop? -

I have 1600 textboxes.I want something like this :
I know that doesn't work but I need a loop like this:
For i as integer = 0 to 1600
I couldn't find anything about this.I don't know is this possible.Any idea ?

For i as integer = 0 to 1600
CType(Me.Controls("Textbox" + i.ToString()), TextBox).Text = i.ToString()
Hope this will work.

If you want to loop from a predefined range of values, then this should do the trick:
For i = 1 to 1600
Dim txt As TextBox = TryCast(Me.Controls("TextBox" & i.ToString), TextBox)
If txt IsNot Nothing
txt.Text = i.ToString()
End If

First of all, let's enumerate all of the textboxes:
var textboxes = this.Controls.OfType<TextBox>()
Now that we have our textboxes, let's iterate over them and set their number:
for(int i = 0; i < textboxes.Count(); i++)
var textbox = textboxes[i];
textbox.Text = i.ToString();

Just to add another option (although I don't recommend it - it's slow!!!!) you could use Reflection to get them by name in a loop.
For tb As Integer = 1 To 1600
Dim textBox As TextBox = GetTextBoxByReflection("TextBox" & tb.ToString())
textBox.Text = tb.ToString()
See also Getting variable by name in C#

You could also loop all controls...
Dim tb As TextBox
For Each ctrl As Control In form1.Controls
If ctrl.GetType.ToString = GetType(TextBox).ToString Then
tb = CType(ctrl, TextBox)
tb.Text = ctrl.ID.Substring(7)
End If

Related find textbox name that begins with specified string in a TabControl

I have a TabControl in a form with 4 tabpages. Each tabpage has multiple GroupBox. Each GroupBox has tableLayoutPanel. Each tableLayoutPanel has pragmatically generated array of textbox. if checkbox in a tableLayoutPanel is checked by the user then textboxes in the respective row will be generated. Suppose, the name of one of my textbox array is txtMax(0), txtMax(1).......upto txtMax(42). I need to know how many txtMax(?) (along with their index array) has been generated and become visible. I have tried the the following:
Dim coutGene as integer = 0
Dim coutParameter as integer = 0
Dim indx As Integer
Dim cntl1, cntl2, cntl3 As Control
For Each cnn As TabPage In tabParameters.TabPages
cntl1 = DirectCast(cnn, TabPage)
For Each c2 As Control In cntl1.Controls
If TypeOf (c2) Is GroupBox Then
cntl2 = DirectCast(c2, GroupBox)
For Each c3 As Control In cntl2.Controls
If TypeOf (c3) Is TableLayoutPanel Then
cntl3 = DirectCast(c3, TableLayoutPanel)
For Each c4 As Control In cntl3.Controls
If TypeOf (c4) Is TextBox Then
Dim txt As TextBox = DirectCast(c4, TextBox)
If txt.Name.StartsWith("txtMax") Then
If txt.Visible = True Then
indx = CInt(Between(txt.Name, "(", ")"))
countGene = CInt(countGene + Val(txtGene(indx).Text))
countParameter = countParameter + 1
txtMax(indx).Tag = ""
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Function Between(value As String, a As String, b As String) As String
' Get positions for both string arguments.
Dim posA As Integer = value.IndexOf(a)
Dim posB As Integer = value.LastIndexOf(b)
If posA = -1 Then
Return ""
End If
If posB = -1 Then
Return ""
End If
Dim adjustedPosA As Integer = posA + a.Length
If adjustedPosA >= posB Then
Return ""
End If
' Get the substring between the two positions.
Return value.Substring(adjustedPosA, posB - adjustedPosA)
End Function
But the every time code is not getting inside the loop for this condition If txt.Name.StartsWith("txtMax") Then
I am stuck up here. Any assistance will be highly appreciated. Regards. Tariq
You should simplify that code to this:
For Each tp As TabPage In tabParameters.TabPages
For Each gb In tp.Controls.OfType(Of GroupBox)()
For Each tlp In gb.Controls.OfType(Of TableLayoutPanel)()
For Each tb In tlp.Controls.OfType(Of TextBox)().Where(Function(c) c.Visible AndAlso c.Name.StartsWith("txtMax"))
'If you get here, tb is definitely a visible TextBox with a Name starting with "txtMax".
That code will find every visible TextBox with a Name that starts with ""txtMax" inside a TableLayoutPanel, inside a GroupBox, inside a TabPage, inside tabParameters, guaranteed. If that code doesn;t find any such controls, it's because there are no such controls, so that's what you need to investigate.
Thank you for all yours guidelines and suggestion. I tried to implement all,,, but the code could not find the control even though the control exists and visible. I tried this simple code
For k = 1 To 42
If txtMax(k).Visible = True Then
countGene = CInt(countGene + Val(txtGene(k).Text))
countParameter = countParameter + 1
txtMax(k).Tag = ""
End If
But i find that, it search and count the control that exists only in the present tabpage of the TabControl. So i modified the code, though not efficient code, to solve my problem.
I have 4 tabpages in the TabControl. So i tried to select each tabpage by its index and searched 4 times.
For tp As Integer = 0 To 3
tabParameters.SelectedIndex = tp
For k = 1 To 42
If txtMax(k).Visible = True Then
countGene = CInt(countGene + Val(txtGene(k).Text))
countParameter = countParameter + 1
txtMax(k).Tag = ""
End If
Though i solved my problem, but still i seek your advise for efficient code.

VB.Net Loop controls by names using variables

I need to set text of some controls.
I have a Form with some CheckBoxes an some TextBoxes.
In VBA (If I have 5 TextBoxes named "TextBox1", "TextBox2", ... "TextBox5") I can use something like this:
For n = 1 To 5
Me("TextBox" & n).Text = NeededValue
Next n
I know that something like this is also possible in VB.Net but I wasn't able to find the right syntax (and I didn't find similar codes on SO).
I've tryed using
But I can't insert control name this way
Me.Controls.Find("TextBox" & n, True)
would be the similar approach to your VBA Style.
Use For Each and then test with TypeOf to find all TextBoxes in your form like :
For Each myObject1 As [Object] In Me.Controls
If TypeOf myObject1 Is TextBox Then
TryCast(myObject1, TextBox).Text = "NeededValue"
End If
Also :
Dim myText = {TextBox1, TextBox2, TextBox3, TextBox4, TextBox5}
For Each btn In myText
btn.Text = "NeededValue"
For i As Int32 = 1 To 5
Dim Txt = Me.Controls.Find("TextBox" & i, True)
If Txt.Length > 0 Then
Txt(0).Text = "blah"
End If
Or :
For i As Int32 = 1 To 5
Dim Txt = Me.Controls.Find("TextBox" & i, True)
If Txt.Length > 0 Then
Txt(0).Text = "NeededValue"
End If

Reference an object using string (the object is under the tab control)

I have a working code here that can put test to all textboxes from 1 to 10. The name of the textboxes are Tb_Hour_1, Tb_Hour_2, Tb_Hour_3, Tb_Hour_4, etc. up to 10.
Dim textboxes As TextBox
For i As Integer = 1 To 10
textboxes = Me.Controls("TB_Hour_" & i)
textboxes.Text = "Test" & i
But the problem comes in when I put my text boxes under the tab control, by searching I've found out that by adding in I can specify the place of the object that I want to call. Here's the working code.
For Each c As TextBox In TabPage1.Controls.OfType(Of TextBox)()
If c.Text = String.Empty Then c.Text = "a"
My question is how can I integrate the 2 codes so I can have something like this
Dim textboxes As TextBox In TabPage1.Controls.OfType(Of TextBox)()
For i As Integer = 1 To 10
textboxes = Me.Controls("TB_Hour_" & i)
textboxes.Text = "Test" & i
My VB is a little rusty, but it should be something like this. You can loop through all of the controls on the tab, look for ones that starts with "TB_Hour_", cast it to a textbox and do whatever it is you want to do.
For Each c As Control In TabPage1.Controls
If c.Name.StartsWith("TB_Hour_") Then
' it's a textbox
Dim tb as Textbox = DirectCast(c, Textbox)
' do whatever you're going to do
End If
Now that you tucked the TextBoxes into a TabContol, don't use Me.Controls(). Instead try:
Dim textboxes As TextBox
For i As Integer = 1 To 10
textboxes = TabPage1.Controls("TB_Hour_" & i)
textboxes.Text = "Test" & i
Otherwise, you can do something like:
Dim textboxes As TextBox
For i As Integer = 1 To 10
textboxes = Me.TabControl1.Controls("TabPage1").Controls("TextBox" & i)
textboxes.Text = "Test" & i

VB manipulate lots of labels inside panel

So i have like 100 labels inside a panel and i need to to change their texts.I Tried an for and i tried Tab Index like an array without success, any ideas how I can select and change properties of these labels?
Sub setCartela(ByVal numeros As Integer)
For cont As Integer = 0 To numeros Step 1
//change labels text inside panel
End Sub
Try like this ...
Dim i as Integer = 1
For Each ctrl As Control In Panel1.Controls
If ctrl.GetType.ToString = "System.Windows.Forms.Label" Then
ctrl.Text = "Text" & format(i)
End If
i += 1
try this code :
dim _countLbl as integer = 1
For each Lbl as Label in Panel1.Controls.Oftype(Of Label)()
Lbl.text="Label" & _countLbl
_countLbl += 1

Get the name of controls (buttons) dynamically

I have 10 buttons namely button01, button02 ... button10. What I want is how to manipulate it.
For x=1 to 10
button(x).text = "blah" 'from database...or something
I need to do this because I have 10 buttons or more and I want to manipulate it through initialization. So that I don't do it manually one by one. I don't know how to do this. I'm still new in .NET.
You should not need to do it in this error-prone way just to save you some lines of code. But if you really want....
You can use a Panel or another container control that groups the related controls logically. Then use MyPanel.Controls.OfType(Of Button)() to filter and find all the buttons there.
For Each btn As Button In MyPanel.Controls.OfType(Of Button)()
btn.Text = "blah" 'from database...or something
Another way is to put them all in an array or other collection type like List(Of Button) first and loop over them afterwards:
Dim myButtons = {button1, button2, button3, button4, button5, button6}
For Each btn In myButtons
btn.Text = "blah" 'from database...or something
Last you could use ControlCollection.Find to find controls with a given string for its name:
For i As Int32 = 1 To 10
Dim btns = Me.Controls.Find("button" & i, True)
If btns.Length > 0 Then
btns(0).Text = "blah" 'from database...or something
End If
For i As Integer = 1 To 10
Me.Controls("button" & i.ToString("00")).Text = "blah"
You have to iterate through the parent container of these buttons.
Say you are holding these controls inside a panel called PnlTest, then you have to do it like this:
For Each xControls As Control In PnlTest.Controls
If TypeOf xControls Is Button Then
xControls.Text = "blah" 'from database...or something
End If
You could try using the method FindControl as such from the WebControl:
For x=1 to 10
FindControl("button" & if(x < 10, "0" & x, x) = "blah" 'from database...or something
EDIT: I primarily use C#, not VB, so it may need some alteration. However, the approach is the same I would believe.
zeroyevi -- DevExpress -- la clave esta (bar.button.item) en Me.RibbonControl.Items("NAME_BUTTON" ).Enabled = True or false
Private Sub GetSearchPerfilModulosBotones(ByVal _id_perfil As String)
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim _act_btns As Boolean
Dim _name_btns As String
Dim _name_module As String = Me.Name.ToString()
Dim _ControlDatosSistema As New ControlDatosSistema()
With _ControlDatosSistema
dt = .GetSearchPerfilModulosBotones(_id_perfil, _name_module )'SQL QUERY
If (dt.Rows.Count >= 1) Then
For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
_act_btns = row("ACT_BTNS") 'BOTONES PERFIL True or False
_name_btns = row("NAME_BTNS").ToString()'NOMBRE BOTONES TABLA
Me.RibbonControl.Items(_name_btns ).Enabled = _act_btns
End If
End With
_ControlDatosSistema = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub