Intermittent outside connectivity but connections work locally? - apache

I'm running apache on an AWS server and I have an issue that I can't find any answers to. Normally I'd trawl through this site until something similar crops up and work with that but I can find literally nothing on this:
Apache 2.4 running on AWS Windows 2012
Listening on port 443 correctly
Everything works fine
Something goes wrong.
Apache cannot be accessed outside of the server
Apache is available locally on port 443
Apache is still listening on port 443
No new TCP connections are being established to the server from the outside world.
With the above information, anyone would think that the issue is with the AWS server but it isn't..
Bouncing the Apache 2.4 service on the AWS server corrects the issue and allows connections in from the outside world.
I'd really appreciate some help with this one.. it's been driving me crazy!


Installing SSL on WAMP Server - Can Only Connect via HTTPS Sometimes

I am currently trying to install a self-signed SSL certificate on a wamp server (running apache 2.4.2).
I have almost word for word followed this answer to do so.
When trying to connect via https:// on chrome it nearly always fails, returning ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED or ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED but if you keep refreshing, it will sometimes connect as expected (though only 1 in 20 at best...)
I'm not particularly experienced with any of this, but if anyone can point me in the direction of something I may be doing wrong then that would be much appreciated!
If your server is up and you are able to browse the website with http:// then you need to check if the port 443 is open or not. Also, if you have proxy, firewall and load balancer then you need to check that port 443 is open on the same

Accessing apache2.4 server through WiFi / WLAN inside home network

I have netgear 1500 wifi DSL router having private IP I am running apache 2.4 in my desktop PC having IP and my laptop has an IP While I try to access the apache server as I get a message requested URL /index.html not found, while it shows up properly when I access is as localhost.
I have done port forwarding for port:80 and firewalls are stopped.
I have quickheal running in the same machine in which apache runs. Both machines are windows.
What do I need to do so that I can access the server from my laptop?
I have added the privileges through http.conf also.
I see another problem - when I ping the desktop machine, which runs the server, the request is timed out.
The problem has been solved. Skype and antivirus are using port 80. Making apache listen to other port - like 8080 solved the problem.
I learned that apache "does not" share a port with other applications.
Hope someone else might be helped from this.

Liferay port 80 forwarding

I'm running CentOS on my server, and I want to forward port of Liferay portal from 8080 to 80. I've changed the server.xml file but I can not connect to portal. Log from Catalina.out is fine, it shows that server started up. I have got also installed httpd on CentOS. netstat -tulpn shows that port 80 is not in use.
I will be thankful for any guide or help.
It's best practice to have Apache or any other webserver of your choice serve port 80/443 and forward traffic to the application server. There's a lot of information all over the internet, my version is in this blog article and the related ones, linked at the bottom of the article.

Possibly Port Error

I already installed Tomcat server while developing my java web app. But I also needed to get access to my database using PHPMyAdmin and install MySQL as well, so I downloaded XAMPP. I cannot disable apache server since I already have Tomcat. Now my struggle is, I cannot open
"localhost:8080" which was my original port. It's now replaced with simply "localhost".
Can you help me fix this error? THANK YOU :D
Sounds like you now have:
Tomcat serving traffic on port 8080, as it always has (at http://localhost:8080)
Apache/XAMPP serving traffic on port 80 (at http://localhost, obviously with the port missing since 80 is the default http port)
Assuming that's the case, you don't have a problem. Serving http traffic from different ports on the same host is not an issue.

Sharing Apache Server with the Internet?

I installed Apache with WAMP. I want to make my computer as a server for my web page for make some experiment on my web site.But I can`t open my server in Internet. I can see it in http://localhost/mysite/index.html but when I try to reach it in another computer like http://myserverip/mysite/index.html it says server not responding. I am using wireless router and also forwarded to my LAN ip.
A few ideas:
check that apache is bound to your PC's internal IP rather than just localhost - run netstat -an and verify that you have local address not
check that you're definitely forwarding port 80 from the router to your PC
check that you're not firewalling off the traffic, i.e. make sure there's an exception in the windows firewall for port 80 (and 443 if you're using HTTPS), or a program exception for httpd, or even try turning off the firewall temporarily whilst debugging this
find out if your ISP is blocking this - some won't let you run web servers from your home connection; you could try a different web port to see if that helps?
try connecting from some other machine - there could be some proxy configuration that's upsetting looping back into your PC