Calculation for month number in time series data - powerpivot

The data I am working with is oil and gas production data. The production table uniquely identifies each well and contains a time series of production values. I want to be able to calculate a column that contains the month number occurrence of production for every well in the production table. This needs to be a calculation, so I can graph the production for various wells based on the production month, not the calendar month. (I want to compare well performance across wells over the life of wells.) Also note that there could be gaps in the production data so you can't depend on having twelve months of sequential production for each well.
I tried using the answer in this postRankValues but the calculation would never finish. I have over 4 million rows of production data.
In the table shown below, the values shown in ProdMonth is what I need to calculate based on their time occurrence shown in ProdDate. This needs to be performed as a row calculation for each unique WellId
WellID ProdDate ProdMonth
1 12/1/2011 1
1 1/1/2012 2
1 2/1/2012 3
1 3/1/2012 4
… … …
1 11/1/2012 12
2 3/1/2014 1
2 4/1/2014 2
2 5/1/2014 3
2 6/1/2014 4
2 7/1/2014 5
… … …
2 2/1/2014 12

I would create a new date table that has a row for each day (the granularity of your data). I would then add to that table the ProdMonth column. This will ensure you have dates for all days (even if there are gaps in the well reporting data). Then you can use a relationship between the well production data and the Date table on the ProdDate field. Then if you pull in the ProdMonth from the date table, you'll have a list of all of the ProdMonths (hint: you may need to select 'show values with no data' on the field right click menu in the fields well). Then if you add to the same visualization WellID you should be able to see which wells were active in which ProdMonth. If WellID is a number, you might need do use the 'do not summarize' feature on the WellID to get the result you desire.

I posted this question on the PowerPivotPro and Tom Allan provided the DAX formula I needed. First step was to calculate a field that concatenated Year and Month (YearMonth). Then utilized the RANKXX function as such:
= RANKX ( FILTER ( Data, [WellID] = EARLIER ( [WellID] ) ), [YearMonth], , 1, DENSE )
That did the trick and performed fairly quickly on 12mm rows.


How to filter by last max value/date on DataStudio?

I have a BigQuery dataset updating on irregular times (can be once, twice a week, or less). Data is structured as following.
Timestamp is a string in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format.
I want to make a chart and a pivot table in Google DataStudio that automatically filters by the latest datapoints ('2022-02-15' in the example). All the solutions I tried are either sub-optimal or just don't work:
Creating a support column doesn't work because I need to mix aggregated and non-aggregated fields (data_date and the latest data_date)
Adding a filter to the charts allows me to specify only a specific day - I would need to edit the chart regularly every time the underlyind data is updated
Using a dropdown filter allows me to dynamically filter whatever date I need. However I consider it suboptimal because I can't have it automatically select the latest date. Having a date filter can make it dynamic, but since the update time is not regular it may select a date range with multiple timestamps/or none at all, so it's also a sub-optimal solution
Honestly I'm out of ideas. I stupidly thought it was possible to add a column saying data_date = (select max(data_date) from dataset, but it seems not possible since max needs to work on aggregated data.
One possible solution could be creating a view that can have the latest data point, and referencing the view from the data studio.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW `project_id.dataset_id.table_name` AS
FROM `bigquery-public-data.covid19_ecdc_eu.covid_19_geographic_distribution_worldwide`
ORDER BY date DESC # or timestamp DESC

DAX - Need column with row count within past year

I have a table with sales information at the transaction level. We want to institute a new model where we compensate sales reps if a customer has been makes a purchase after more than a year of dormancy. To figure out how much this would have cost historically, I want to add a column with a flag for whether or not each purchase was the Buyer's first in the past 365 days. What I'd like to do is a rowcount in Powerpivot, for all sales made by that customer in the past 365 days, and wrap it in an IF to set the result to 0 or 1.
Order Date Buyer First Purchase in Year?
1/1/2015 1 1
1/2/2015 2 1
2/1/2015 1 0
4/1/2015 2 0
3/1/2016 2 1
5/1/2017 2 1
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Excellent business use case! It's quite relevant in the business world.
To break this down for you, I will create 3 columns: 2 with some calculations, and 1 with the result. Once you understood how I did this, you can combine all 3 column formulas and make a single column for your dataset, if you like.
Here's a picture of the results:
So here's the 3 columns that I created:
Last Purchase - in order to run this calculation, you need to know when the buyer made their last purchase.
CALCULATE(MAX([Order Date]),FILTER(Table1,[Order Date]<EARLIER([Order Date]) && [Buyer]=EARLIER([Buyer])))
Days Since Last Purchase - now you can compare the Last Purchase date to the current Order Date.
DATEDIFF([Last Purchase],[Order Date],DAY)
First Purchase in 1 Year - finally, the results column. This simply checks to see if it has been more than 365 days since the last purchase OR if the last purchase column is blank (which means it was the first purchase), and creates the flag you want.
IF([Days Since Last Purchase]>365 || ISBLANK([Days Since Last Purchase]),1,0)
Now, you can easily combine the logic of these 3 columns into a single column and get what you want. Hope this helps!
One note I wanted to add is that for this type of analysis it's not a wise move to do row counts as you had originally suggested, as your dataset can easily expand later on (what if you wanted to add more attribute columns?) and then you would have problems. So this solution that I shared with you is much more robust.

Calculating the number of new ID numbers per month in powerpivot

My dataset provides a monthly snapshot of customer accounts. Below is a very simplified version:
Date_ID | Acc_ID
------- | -------
20160430| 1
20160430| 2
20160430| 3
20160531| 1
20160531| 2
20160531| 3
20160531| 4
20160531| 5
20160531| 6
20160531| 7
20160630| 4
20160630| 5
20160630| 6
20160630| 7
20160630| 8
Customers can open or close their accounts, and I want to calculate the number of 'new' customers every month. The number of 'exited' customers will also be helpful if this is possible.
So in the above example, I should get the following result:
Month | New Customers
------- | -------
20160430| 3
20160531| 4
20160630| 1
Basically I want to compare distinct account numbers in the selected and previous month, any that exist in the selected month and not previous are new members, any that were there last month and not in the selected are exited.
I've searched but I can't seem to find any similar problems, and I hardly know where to start myself - I've tried using CALCULATE and FILTER along with DATEADD to filter the data to get two months, and then count the unique values. My PowerPivot skills aren't up to scratch to solve this on my own however!
Getting the new users is relatively straightforward - I'd add a calculated column which counts rows for that user in earlier months and if they don't exist then they are a new user:
FILTER(data, [Acc_ID] = EARLIER([Acc_ID])
&& [Date_ID] < EARLIER([Date_ID]))) = BLANK(),
Once this is in place you can simply write a measure for new_users:
=CALCULATE(COUNTROWS(data), data[customer_type] = "new")
Getting the cancelled users is a little harder because it means you have to be able to look backwards to the prior month - none of the time intelligence stuff in PowerPivot will work out of the box here as you don't have a true date column.
It's nearly always good practice to have a separate date table in your PowerPivot models and it is a good way to solve this problem - essentially the table should be 1 record per date with a unique key that can be used to create a relationship. Perhaps post back with a few more details.
This is an alternative method to Jacobs which also works. It avoids creating a calculated column, but I actually find the calculated column useful to use as a flag against other measures.
'Dates'[Date], 0, LASTDATE('Dates'[Date])
'Dates'[Date], 0, FIRSTDATE('Dates'[Date]) - 1
It basically uses the dates table to make a distinct count of all Acc_ID from the beginning of time until the first day of the period of time selected, and subtracts that from the distinct count of all Acc_ID from the beginning of time until the last day of the period of time selected. This is essentially the number of new distinct Acc_ID, although you can't work out which Acc_ID's these are using this method.
I could then calculate 'exited accounts' by taking the previous months total as 'existing accounts':
DATEADD('Dates'[Date], -1, MONTH)
Then adding the 'new accounts', and subtracting the 'total accounts':

Iterate through table by date column for each common value of different column

Below I have the following table structure:
CREATE TABLE StandardTable
RecordId varchar(50),
Balance float,
Payment float,
ProcDate date,
RecordIdCreationDate date,
-- multiple other columns used for calculations
And here is what a small sample of what my data might look like:
RecordId Balance Payment ProcDate RecordIdCreationDate
1 1000 100 2005-01-01 2005-01-01
2 5000 250 2008-01-01 2008-01-01
3 7500 350 2006-06-01 2006-06-01
1 900 100 2005-02-01 NULL
2 4750 250 2008-02-01 NULL
3 7150 350 2006-07-01 NULL
The table holds data on a transactional basis and has millions of rows in it. The ProcDate field indicates the month that each transaction is being processed. Regardless of when the transaction occurs throughout the month, the ProcDate field is hard coded to the first of the month that the transaction happened in. So if a transaction occurred on 2009-01-17, the ProcDate field would be 2009-01-01. I'm dealing with historical data, and it goes back to as early as 2005-01-01. There are multiple instances of each RecordId in the table. A RecordId will show up in each month until the Balance column reaches 0. Some RecordId's originate in the month the data starts (where ProcDate is 2005-01-01) and others don't originate until a later date. The RecordIdCreationDate field represents the date where the RecordId was originated. So that row has millions of NULL values in the table because every month that each RecordId didn't originate in is equal to NULL.
I need to somehow look at each RecordId, and run a number of different calculations on a month to month basis. What I mean is I have to compare column values for each RecordId where the ProcDate might be something like 2008-01-01, and compare those values to the same column values where the ProcDate would be 2008-02-01. Then after I run my calculations for the RecordId in that month, I have to compare values from 2008-02-01 to values in 2008-03-01 and run my calculations again, etc. I'm thinking that I can do this all within one big WHILE loop, but I'm not entirely sure what that would look like.
The first thing I did was create another table in my database that had the same table design as my StandardTable and I called it ProcTable. In that ProcTable, I inserted all of the data where the RecordIdCreationDate was not equal to NULL. This gave me the first instance of each RecordId in the database. I was able to run my calculations for the first month successfully, but where I'm struggling is how I use the column values in the ProcTable, and compare those to the column values where the ProcDate is the month after that. Even if I could somehow do that, I'm not sure how I would repeat that process to compare the 2nd month's data to the 3rd month's data, and the 3rd month's data to the 4th month's data, etc.
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Seems to me, all you need to do is JOIN the table to itself, on this condition
ON MyTable1.RecordId = MyTable2.RecordId
AND MyTable1.ProcDate = DATEADD(month, -1, MyTable2.ProcDate)
Then you will have all the rows in your table (MyTable1), joined to the same RecordId's row from the next month (MyTable2).
And in each row you can do whatever calculations you want between the two joined tables.

SQL Server database design for mvc application

I have a requirement where I want to store 5 years amounts divided by months and quarters in database. Its not necessary that all amounts will be filled in for example user can input data for 3 months for 1st year and also can provide amount for all the months in another year.
I came up with following design
Fields = this table is used for saving month names and associated quarter information. data would like as below
FieldId FieldName Quarter
1 Jan q1
2 Feb q1
3 march q1
4 q1total q1
DataId FieldId Amount year
1 1 100 2015
2 2 200 2015
3 3 300 2015
4 4 600 2016
With this approach for every budget information I have to save almost 80 records (5 years data for each month and quarter) in database in worse case.
I would like to know more efficient way to design tables for this requirement.
There's no need to store month name or what quarter it's in -- that can be calculated on the fly by date functions of your database or programming language. I'd get rid of the Fields table completely, drop the year and FieldId fields from the Data table, and then add a basic date field to the Data table. All you need is this:
ID Date Amount
-- ---------- ------
1 2015-01-01 100
2 2015-02-01 200
Then you just add a date span for your where clause. If you want Jan:
SELECT * FROM data WHERE date >= '2015-01-01' AND date < '2015-02-01';
If you want Q1:
SELECT * FROM data WHERE date >= '2015-01-01' AND date < '2015-04-01';
Or (in MySQL, for example):
SELECT * FROM data WHERE YEAR(date) = 2015 AND QUATER(date) = 1; -- Q1 2015
SELECT * FROM data WHERE YEAR(date) = 2015 AND MONTH(date) = 1; -- Jan 2015
Note, I'm guessing you're probably tracking more than one budget. Perhaps one per user or one per department or something. In this case, you'll want an additional field to indicate who or what the record belongs to:
ID UserId Date Amount
-- ------ ---------- ------
1 1 2015-01-01 100
2 1 2015-02-01 200
ID DepartmentId Date Amount
-- ------------ ---------- ------
1 1 2015-01-01 100
2 1 2015-02-01 200
With this approach for every budget information I have to save almost 80 records (5 years data for each month and quarter) in database in worse case
To be honest - 80, 800 or 8000 records, it doesn't matter much. With that amount of data you don't need to worry about "efficiency", but rather about maintenance and future growth.
You'll want to design it so that it is easy to maintain and easy to change (because it will change). Storing quaters, years and months now might make sense if you want to shave off a nano-second in query time, or want to have an easier query to retrieve the data. But in 1 year, when someone will ask you also get weekly statistics, this design will fail you.
I agree with Alex answer about the design of that particular table. If you store a date you have freedom to use it as you please. But my answer is more of a general note for any table you will create:
Don't get stuck in how to optimize it now, instead try to think ahead and store data with as much detail as possible (unless building a huge database).