Can't show more than one map annotation in WatchOS 2.0 - mapkit

I've updated recently an apple watch app to watchOS 2 and I'm facing a strange behaviour involving map annotations. In the previous version I drew two annotations with two images without any problem but now I can see the images only when just one annotation is shown. When I try to add two annotations, the most recent added is not showing the image and show the default pin annotation. Is that a bug? I'm shocked nobody seems to comment this issue.
This is my code:
var distance = currentLocation.distanceFromLocation(aLocation!)
let middleLat = (currentLocation.coordinate.latitude + aLocation!.coordinate.latitude)/2
let middleLon = (currentLocation.coordinate.longitude + aLocation!.coordinate.longitude)/2
let middleCoords = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(middleLat, middleLon)
let region = MKCoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance(middleCoords, distance * 1.6 , distance * 1.3)
self.theMap.addAnnotation(aLocation!.coordinate, withImageNamed: "aAnnotation", centerOffset: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0))
self.theMap.addAnnotation(currentLocation.coordinate, withImageNamed: "UserAnnotationW", centerOffset: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0))
In this case only image for "aAnnotation" is shown and "UserAnnotation" get the default pin. If I swap lines 7 and 8, the user image is shown instead.

Well, I've been told in the apple devs forum that in fact this is a bug. So, nothing to worry about if you are in the same case.
Update: Everything back to normal using the new 2.0 GM released today.


Qt3D Billboards: how to make plane always face to camera

I try to use camera's viewVector to make plane face to camera, but it will turn Clockwise or Counterclockwise when Camera rotate to left or right.
Can I make the plane always face to camera without turning Clockwise or Counterclockwise?
I think camera->upVector() can help me maybe, but I don't how to use.
My code :
class planeTransformClass : public Qt3DCore::QTransform {
planeTransformClass( Qt3DCore::QNode *entity = nullptr ) :Qt3DCore::QTransform(entity) {}
void faceTo( QVector3D v ) {
setRotation(QQuaternion::rotationTo(QVector3D(0,1,0), -v));
} ;
// Background
Qt3DCore::QEntity *planeEntity = new Qt3DCore::QEntity(rootEntity);
Qt3DExtras::QPlaneMesh *planeMesh = new Qt3DExtras::QPlaneMesh(planeEntity);
Qt3DExtras::QTextureMaterial planeMaterial = new Qt3DExtras::QTextureMaterial(planeEntity);
Qt3DRender::QTexture2D *planeTexture = new Qt3DRender::QTexture2D(planeMaterial);
FlippedTextureImage *planeTextureImage = new FlippedTextureImage(planeTexture);
planeTextureImage->setSize(QSize(3000, 3000));
// Transform
planeTransformClass planeTransform = new planeTransformClass(planeEntity);
planeTransform->setTranslation(QVector3D(2, 0, 0));
// connect camera's viewVectorChanged
camera->connect( camera, &Qt3DRender::QCamera::viewVectorChanged,
planeTransform, &planeTransformClass::faceTo);
Solution using geometry shader
There is already a C++ translation this QML code that I tried to translate (using geometry shader):
My own translation can be found here. It works now after solving the issues mentioned in this question.
Solution without geometry shader
I got a different version running based on this bug report. You can find my implementation on GitHub. The billboards don't change their size when the camera moves, i.e. become smaller and larger on screen like every other object, but I hope you can work with that.
On the master branch the images also move for some reason as can be seen in this image:
The no_instanced_rendering branch doesn't use instanced rendering and displays everything correctly.
I'm sorry I'm not using your example but I don't have time anymore to adjust it. Check out the patch related to the bug report I mentioned. The person implemented a material with this effect, you should be able to extract it and make it run.

autoenablesDefaultLighting is too bright in iOS 12 and SCNView.pointOfView is not effective

I am using SceneKit’s autoenablesDefaultLighting and allowsCameraControl functions of my sceneView to provide light to an obj 3D model in the app and rotate around this object in Objective-C. Since upgrading to iOS12, the default light intensity of autoenablesDefaultLighting gets higher and the 3D model looks so bright!
Did anyone faced the same issue? If yes, is there a way to control the light intensity of autoenablesDefaultLighting when its value is ‘YES’? If it is not editable, I tried to attach/constraint an omni light or directional light to a camera by creating a node, assign a light to this node and add as child of SCNView.pointOfView but no light illuminates the scene.
3D object displayed before iOS 12
3D object displayed in iOS 12
It will be good if anyone can help me on it.
Many thanks!
Edit to solve this issue
I create a new SCNCamera and add this in a node and set the PointOfView of my scnView.
Activate the HDR of this camera with scnView.pointOfView.wantHDR = YES;
but a had a grey background.
To delete the grey background I delete the background color with scnView.backgroundColor = [UIColor ClearColor]
and set the explosure of the camera to -1 with : = -1; = -1;
You can try enabling HDR. It should result in a balanced exposure
scnView?.pointOfView?.camera?.wantsHDR = true
With HDR enabled, you can even control exposure compensation with
.camera?.wantsHDR = true
.camera?.wantsExposureAdaptation = false
Should solve the problem!

Python platypus changing from Portrait to Landscape

I'm looking for some inspiration. I have some code that is changing the orientation of a page from the default portrait to landscape however the frames I create within the pagetemplates always get created as if they are on a portrait page still.
doc = BaseDocTemplate('test2.pdf', pagesize=landscape(A4))
myFrameThresholdLeft = Frame(
doc.width / 2,
showBoundary=1 # set to 1 for debugging
emptyTemplate = PageTemplate(id='emptyTemplate',
I think this is because the values returned by the e.g. doc.width methods are not changing as I change the pagesize in the pagetemplate. Can someone put me on the right tracks here?

Easeljs getBounds, when are dimensions set?

I'm importing someone's createjs application into an application loader which imports each developers application javascript to a global canvas. The application is working standalone but when I load the javascript dynamically I'm getting some strange behavior surrounding the getBounds() function.
I have some text created like this:
dialogText = new createjs.Text(text, 'bold ' + (28 * scale) + 'px Calibri', '#FFFFFF');
Then later on I use dialogText.getBounds() which returns null.
I try console logging dialogText and I can see that it is set and there is a value _bounds which reads null.
At what point do these values get set when the element in drawn to the canvas?
Note: I'm already adding the text to a createjs.Container() which has its bounds set before I run getBounds().
For a quick reference, I pasted EaselJS's update regarding getBounds():
(This dates back from "August 21, 2013", not sure if this is still necessary nowadays, but using setBounds(x, y, w, h) helped me with Shapes today [in 2017] actually!)
The _bounds property reflects a value that is manually set on the DisplayObject - which is helpful if you know the bounds of something that can't calculate it (like a Shape). It will always be null, unless you set it directly.
I tested your code, and it seems fine. Are you sure the scale or text values are not null? Maybe hard-code them to see if it works.
Do you have a sample somewhere? I noticed in the GitHub issue you posted that you mentioned it worked fine without RequireJS (though you don't mention that here). I would definitely ensure that the values are being set properly.
Here is the fiddle, as well as a simpler one with no EaselJS stage. Note that I have Calibri installed on my machine, so you might get different results if you are loading it in.
Sample code:
var dialogText = new createjs.Text("This is some text", 'bold ' + (28 * 1.5) + 'px Calibrix', '#FFFFFF');

What is the field of view(FOV) of the color camera in Kinect for Windows V2?

Can't find it anywhere. The kinectforwindows site has the FOV for depth camera. I can't find it in the box either.
#user1809923 is correct. I contacted the developer of the link:
And he responded with this information:
If I remember correctly these FOV values are part of the
framedescriptions that you can retrieve with help of the Kinect SDK.
Since other people asked for the same info I will update the my blog.
I confirmed his findings by calling the frame's framedescription in the Kinect SDK code and printing the values to the screen.
According to this post
the FOV of the color camera is 84.1 x 53.8. I am not sure, where the author found this information though.
I just wanted to add some more information to this, because the official Kinect Fusion documentation is really bad and because the answer here is correct but the numbers are rounded:
assuming, you already have a initialized IColorFrameSource* (e.g. with the name pColorFrameSource) you should retrieve the information after you opened the reader: pColorFrameSource->OpenReader(&m_pColorFrameReader); with m_pColorFrameReader beeing IColorFrameReader*
the code to retrieve the FOV then looks like this:
IFrameDescription *f=nullptr;
float fovDiago = 0;
float fovHori = 0;
float fovVerti = 0;
HRESULT hh=pColorFrameSource
if (hh == S_OK) {
The FOV values not rounded are:
fovDiago =91.9000015
fovHori =84.0999985
fovVerti =53.7999992