I am using soapUI open source version to test an API. am using a token to access the test step.
I need to send the token with the API request.I have transferred the token value to the test step using property transfer but the transferred value is embedded in the body of the next request.
I want to send the value as a query parameter along with API request/
API Structure : Post method
the transferred value should be sent in place of token.
Kindly assist me.
You need to set up your second request as a correct resource, and parametrize the token variable. Official documentation is available.
After that, you do not need to use a transfer step for something this simple. You can just use property expansion, as per official documentation. Something like: ${previous_step_name#ResponseAsXml#//*:token}
I want to retrieve data from a data warehouse that has a web-based API, I need to use an API key for authentication and use the GET / Customers command to retrieve the list of customers data, but when I am using that same thing in postman, it's returning the same documentation page of the data warehouse?
I am new to this any help will be really appreciated.
The URL doesn't look valid:
You need a base URL, endpoint, http method, authentication scheme, and credential or a token etc.
I don't know details about your system and API, so let's see an example:
base url is https://stackoverflow.com; your current base url is localhost:4444, is your server running on your machine? If so, it might be correct, but I assumer you're talking about a server running somewhere else, not on your computer
endpoint (path parameter) is /questions/69883697, in your case /customers
http method is GET and you find it here in Postman; it also means it will not go into query parameters where you put it:
authentication scheme - your docs mentions an api key that goes into a header called Authorization, so you have to set it in Headers, not as a query parameter:
Read carefully what's on your screen, Postman uses the same language as your API documentation, so if your doc speaks about headers, you need to go into Headers tab in Postman.
I have a Basic API connection from Recurly. I want to use that API to get data about my Data Base using Azure Data Factory. I created ls_RestAPI, created ds_RestAPI and created 1 pippeline to proceed to get the data. But there are some problems. My API has Basic Auth as username and no password (Postman Image), header is Accept and Authorization.
When I start connecting it using ADF, it throws an error due to incorrect syntax. I have provided pictures for you to understand easily.
I tried to remove or edit Accept and Authorization but it still doesn't work:
How can I reconfigure it properly to be able to get data from the above API?
My aim is that after running, Rest API can call all Next Page of API in 1 run. So I use:
"paginationRules": {
"AbsoluteUrl": "$.next"
but now I have the problem that I can't connect to the API.
ADF Rest connector only expects a Json response. This is mentioned as a warning in one of your screenshots.
As a result, this is overriding what you have entered for Accept Header.
Could you try firing this API call from some other service like Logic apps?
I am new with Jmeter Testing and upon integrating my APIs, I have come across a situation where I need to pass an http request details which is a token to another request section. How can I achieve this?
The response that I got is a Token and I want to use the same token to another apis. Basically it is about setting the environment variables like we are doing with the postman. I am not sure how I can achieve this with Jmeter. Please let me know your thoughts?
Sas token is generated and want to use the same token in the next request header
Please check, if you need the authorization value from previous request and the value is dynamic.
Use regular expression post processor to fetch the value.
a. Below is the value need to be fetched.
b. Use Regular expression extractor to fetch the value from request headers.
2. Pass the captured value to next request.
a. Pass the capture value to the next request as show below:-
b. Output verification in view result tree.
Once you have the value, use it as per your requirement. I have used in response body just for the demo purpose.
Hope this helps.
I try testing web-service with SOAPUI. I face with problem that i don`t know how to pass access token from the first response to second request. I have 8 requests and want to run them together.But but after my first request(Remote Login) I get the access token for user and i need using it in next requests. I have to do it manually. Could you help me, how i can get token from the first request and pass it to next requests automatically.In this case, all the case must be started by pressing 1 button.
When you open request editor in SoapUI , it allows you to take parameter from earlier response (right click on request parameter and then select data and choose your value).
I am not sure whether this is available only in SoapUI Pro. However even if that is case , you need to do below-
1.fire your first request
2.get rseponse value of access token. store it as test case property
3.use test case property while creating next request .
Same Question
Can anyone guide how to integrate with Silverpop, using OAuth(tokens)?
I referred this link
connecting to web api using c#
and I was able to get access token. After this I don't know how to proceed.
Take a look at my github repo:
It isn't finished, but I started working on an XML API wrapper for the Silverpop API. First of all, if you are trying to integrate with the API, you should be able to contact client support and get a copy of the API PDF.
In any case, you should have a client id, client secret, and refresh token. You will need these three things along with a header value of "refresh_token" for the "grant_type" header key.
So you will first sent a post to https://api(pod number).silverpop.com/oauth/token . This will return an access token in a json dictionary ("access_token").
Any subsequent calls made to the API endpoint (https://api(pod number).silverpop.com/XMLAPI will require that you pass this access token in the header section of your request:
"Authorization:" would be the header key and
"Bearer: (access token)" would be the header value
Looking at my code will make it clearer if you are using Python. Your best bet is to get a copy of the API documentation. You have to be a Silverpop client to get a copy though.
Good luck.
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