How can I block all external IPs to endpoints behind AWS ELB? - apache

OK - so I have a developer that does not want our REST endpoints to be accessible externally with the only access allowed is localhost and the internal network scheme. Our internal network scheme is 10.10.x.x.
The way we did this is with the < LocationMatch > switch in the .conf file as follows:
<LocationMatch "/foo/bar/*">
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from 10.10
Allow from 127
Now, the challenge we are having is that the AWS Load Balancer has an X-Forward-Host rule on it so all original source IPs and if I do Allow from 10 - obviously, will allow access to all endpoints externally because of this.
As stated before, our internal IP is 10.10 so I can do allow from 10.10 and that would resolve it but if I make more regions then the network scheme could be 10.20.x. 10.30.x.x 10.40.x.x and then it becomes a bit of an administrative nightmare.
So, what makes sense is someone mentioned to do something on the http.conf level:
<Directory />
SetEnvIF X-Forwarded-For "(,| |^)192\.168\.1\.1(,| |$)" DenyIP
SetEnvIF X-Forwarded-For "(,| |^)10\.1\.1\.1(,| |$)" DenyIP
Order allow,deny
Deny from env=DenyIP
Allow from all
found from this blog
So, I am unsure how to follow this format and ensure that it denies all external IPs to these directories.
Would the http.conf file have something like:
SetEnvIF X-Forwarded-For "(,| |^)*\.*\.*\.*(,| |$)" DenyIP
and my other conf file with the < LocationMatch > rules have:
<LocationMatch "/foo/bar/*">
Order deny,allow
Deny from env=DenyIP
Allow from 10.
Allow from 127
Thanks for your help!

Rather than modifying apache, use Security Groups!
Create a security group for your Elastic Load Balancer. Allow in-bound access from for ports 80 & 443.
Create a security group for your apache server(s). Allow in-bound access from the ELB Security Group (a security group can reference another security group). Also add access so you can SSH into the server(s).
That's it! The security groups will block traffic that attempts to access your apache server(s) without passing through the Load Balancer.
Amazon EC2 Security Groups for Linux Instances
Configure Security Groups for Your Load Balancer


How to restrict access to one Apache web server

I have an Apache web server (v2.4.43) behind my router and I want to restrict the access to it from outside. First, to allow only the https protocol (by redirect) and second, to enable the access just for one single client certificate.
How should I configure the web server for the second topic?
For Apache 2.4, you would use the Require IP directive. So to only allow machines from single machine or the network (range -
<VirtualHost *:80>
<Location />
Require ip
If you want to authorise certain certificates more specifically, you can check variable SSL variables (e.g. SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_*) and use it in an SSLRequire directive. Refer

Configuring httpd forward proxy to restrict destinations by subnet

I have an Apache httpd v2.2 server (on Centos 6) set up as a forward proxy to get to a DMZ in a test lab environment. It is working, but I would like to restrict destinations to specific subnets, both IPv4 and IPv6. I've searched for a solution and have not been able to find and answer.
Here is the virtualhost segment of my httpd.conf file:
ProxyRequests On
ProxyVia On
ProxyBlock ""
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from
Deny from all
ErrorLog "/var/log/httpd/proxy-error.log"
CustomLog "/var/log/httpd/proxy-access.log" common
The above config allows incoming connections from the subnet. It does not allow connections specifically to through the proxy. Instead of blocking that single address, I would like to specify a set of subnets that are allowed, and everything else be denied. For example, allow:
But block everything else from passing through the proxy. I understand that this would block any url that used a hostname instead of an IP address.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

LocationMatch not working, is there a way to debug Apache?

I have a server using Joomla on an AWS EC2, 64bit Amazon Linux v2.1.3, PHP 5.6, and we would like to prevent access to the /administrator folder php files, with the exception of our office ip, and the ip of the server, since the folder contains libraries used by scripts not located in that folder.
I put together the following using LocationMatch, but it is not working. Access to the server is not restricted.
I am not very familiar with Apache, and especially with SetEnvIf. Is the below setting the env=allow no matter what? Is there a way to test that? Is there anything else that is wrong?
<LocationMatch "/(administrator|tmpl)">
SetEnvIf Request_URI "\.(css|js|html|htm|gif|jpg|png|jpeg)$" allow
Deny from all
##except if either of these are satisfied
Satisfy any
##1. a valid authenticated user
Allow from ip1 ip2
## or 2. allow is set
Allow from env=allow
Satisfy directive is only useful if access to a particular area is being restricted by both username/password and client host address: with the Any option the client will be granted access if they either pass the host restriction or enter a valid username and password. Since you don't have any user restrictions, with Satisfy any you are effectively granting access to everyone.
Since you are running 2.4, this should work:
<LocationMatch "/(administrator|tmpl)">
SetEnvIf Request_URI "\.(css|js|html|htm|gif|jpg|png|jpeg)$" allow
Require env allow
Require ip
If your server is behind ELB, the connection to Apache will come from load balancer and not directly from the client, so IP address can not be used in Require ip. But ELB adds several request headers in order to pass this information to the origin server, one of them being the X-Forwarded-For which will contain the IP address of the client. If the original request already contained this header (which is not unusual at all), ELB will append the client IP address to existing value(s) so you will get comma+space separated list of IP addresses. The last (rightmost) IP address is always the IP address that connects to the last proxy (your ELB), which means that is the one you want to test against, so try:
<LocationMatch "/(administrator|tmpl)">
SetEnvIf Request_URI "\.(css|js|html|htm|gif|jpg|png|jpeg)$" allow
SetEnvIf X-Forwarded-For x.x.x.x$ office
SetEnvIf X-Forwarded-For y.y.y.y$ bar
Require env allow
Require env office
Require env bar

Block host from auto ripping my content

Via google analytics I noticed that there is website which is scrapping my content automatically.. His content 100% matches mine. is there any way I could block that website host from accesing my server at all? Any solutions what I could do about this?
Im running LAMP web host on CentOS.
If the IP address of the scraping host is static, you can use .htaccess to block this IP, like:
order allow,deny
deny from
allow from all
If the IP address is variable, but the user agent is constant, you can use agent blocking:
BrowserMatchNoCase SpammerRobot bad_bot
BrowserMatchNoCase SecurityHoleRobot bad_bot
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from env=bad_bot

How to open host address using host name?

I am trying to open my host address using my host name, but I am getting following error:
You can see the host URL above.
Can someone help me to resolve this issue?
As the error states you cannot access it outside you local network. In another words - your apache xampp is configured to accept calls only from or localhost. For xampp this is defined in location match directive for apache look at the following topic, it covers the most common cases. Note however that this might be security issue.
This will provide you more info on how allow and deny can be configured
Something like this should be in your httpd-xampp.conf
<LocationMatch "^/(?i:(?:xampp|licenses|phpmyadmin|webalizer|server-status|server-info))">
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from ::1 **your.local.ip.address**
ErrorDocument 403 /error/HTTP_XAMPP_FORBIDDEN.html.var