How to check the availability of a worksheet - vba

I have to run a set of code related to worksheet "wins", but only if that worksheet exist.
Please share a code to check the availability of sheet "wins". If worksheet "wins" exist, then only I want to run that set of code, else I want to skip executing that set of code and move to next line of code.

You could use On Error Resume Next to skip the errror which occurs if you try access a not existing worksheet and assigning it to a object variable. So if the worksheet does not exist, no error occurs but the variable is Nothing. If the worksheet exists, then the variable is not Nothing.
Sub test()
Dim wsWins As Worksheet
On Error Resume Next
Set wsWins = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("wins")
On Error GoTo 0
If Not wsWins Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Worksheet wins exists."
MsgBox "Worksheet wins does not exist."
End If
End Sub

Axel's answer will work nicely. Some people prefer not to use error throwing to test if something exists. If you're one of them then I use the following quite a lot in a Utility module. It'll work for Worksheets, Charts, etc. (basically anything that's a collection with a 'Name' property):
Public Function ExcelObjectExists(testName As String, excelCollection As Object) As Boolean
Dim item As Object
On Error GoTo InvalidObject
For Each item In excelCollection
If item.Name = testName Then
ExcelObjectExists = True
Exit Function
End If
ExcelObjectExists = False
Exit Function
MsgBox "Developer error: invalid collection object passed in ExcelObjectExists."
ExcelObjectExists = False
End Function
You can call it like this:
If ExcelObjectExists("wins", ThisWorkbook.Worksheets) Then


How to check if Excel sheet contains activeX control?

I try to create a macro, placed in Workbook_Open() procedure, which adds items for combo boxes, named CBTask for each sheet in workbook, (which has combo box named CBTask in it).
Unfortunatelly following code generates Compile error: Method or data member not found"
I believe it is because not every sheet has CBTask in it (even on error resume next does not help).
Is there any way to check if sheet contains combo box, so I could do the checking before trying clear it, or adding new items?
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer
Dim strTaskName As String
On Error Resume Next
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
strTaskName = taskName(1)
ws.CBTask.AddItem strTaskName
strTaskName = taskName(i)
i = i + 1
Loop While taskName <> "LastOne"
Next ws
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
(as you can see, this code also uses additional function "taskName(intSubtaskValue as integer)" to convert integer to string (e.g. taksName(1) = "Task01", taskName(2) = "Task02...)
The Worksheet class doesn't have a member named CBTask which is why that code fails. I suggest you use the OLEObjects property instead:
To expand on Rory's answer, in addition to fully qualifying your objects, you can check if an ActiveX-control of a given name exists on a worksheet by using this function:
Function obj_exists(obj_name As String, on_worksheet As Worksheet) As Boolean
On Error GoTo errHandler
Debug.Print on_worksheet.OLEObjects(obj_name).Name
obj_exists = True
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
obj_exists = False
On Error GoTo 0
End Function

Why does assigning a reference in my spreadsheet sometimes work and sometimes not?

I have a few cells in my excel workbook which are available for a client to put his own values. I wanted the workbook to initialize those cells with default values. In order to do so I have a worksheet "Arkusz do makr", where I store the values.
In a module "GM" I declare a variable to reference my worksheet easier like this:
Public M As Worksheet
Then I initialize this variable and set my default values like this (in ThisWorkbook):
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Set M = Worksheets("Arkusz do makr")
Worksheets("Values").Range("Value1") = M.Range("Value1")
Worksheets("Values").Range("Value2") = M.Range("Value2")
Worksheets("Values").Range("Value3") = M.Range("Value3") `etc
End Sub
Now sometimes this works like a charm, and sometimes, when I open the workbook I get a
Run-time error '91': Object variable or With block variable not set.
Could someone please explain this behaviour to me? Additionally I would like to ask if my approach makes sense, since I have a hard time grasping the order of events in excel as well as the range of its objects.
EDIT: Additionally I should mention that the Debug function highlights the first Worksheets... line in my code. In specific worksheets I reference the M object as well, though I thought it changes anything here...
Try to change the code of this Sub like below.
I have added a simple error handling - if there is no worksheet "Arkusze do makr" or "Values" in your workbook, warning message is displayed and default values are not copied.
You can find more comments in code.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim macrosSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim valuesSheet As Excel.Worksheet
With ThisWorkbook
'This command is added to prevent VBA from throwing
'error if worksheet is not found. In such case variable
'will have Nothing as its value. Later on, we check
'the values assigned to those variables and only if both
'of them are different than Nothing the code will continue.
On Error Resume Next
Set macrosSheet = .Worksheets("Arkusz do makr")
Set valuesSheet = .Worksheets("Values")
On Error GoTo 0 'Restore default error behaviour.
End With
'Check if sheets [Values] and [Arkusz do makr] have been found.
'If any of them has not been found, a proper error message is shown.
'In such case default values are not set.
If valuesSheet Is Nothing Then
Call VBA.MsgBox("Sheet [Values] not found")
ElseIf macrosSheet Is Nothing Then
Call VBA.MsgBox("Sheet [Arkusz do makr] not found")
'If both sheets are found, default values are copied
'from [Arkusz do makr] to [Values].
'Note that if there is no Range named "Value1" (or "Value2" etc.)
'in any of this worksheet, another error will be thrown.
'You can add error-handling for this case, similarly as above.
With valuesSheet
.Range("Value1") = macrosSheet.Range("Value1")
.Range("Value2") = macrosSheet.Range("Value2")
.Range("Value3") = macrosSheet.Range("Value3")
End With
End If
End Sub

VBA: Two methods of seeing if a file is open

I've got two methods which I feel should tell if a file is open or not.
Method 1 (Error: Subscript out of range):
If Not Workbooks(filename) Is Nothing Then
Workbooks.Open (filename)
End If
Method 2:
If Not IsWorkbookOpen(filename) Then
Workbooks.Open (filename)
End If
Where IsWorkbookOpen() is:
Private Function IsWorkbookOpen(wbname) As Boolean
Dim wBook As Workbook
Set wBook = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set wBook = Workbooks(wbname)
If wBook Is Nothing Then
IsWorkbookOpen = False
Else: IsWorkbookOpen = True
End If
End Function
Aside from On Error Resume Next, Method 1 appears to be nearly the same as Method 2.
Could anyone please explain why Method 1 gives the error it does?
Thank you.
They both give a subscript out of range error. But in Method 2 you suppress that error with On Error Resume Next.
Sub SeeError()
On Error Resume Next
Debug.Print Workbooks("DoesNotExist").Name
Debug.Print Err.Description
End Sub
This prints "Subscript Out of Range" in the Immediate Window. The On Error statement doesn't stop the error from occurring, it just handles it. Method 1 doesn't handle errors so the default error handling (stop execution and report the error) is in effect.
VBA tries to evaluate all the parts before it evaluates the conditional statement. So if I have a variable myvar = "xyz" and try to run the following lines...
If IsNumeric(myvar) And Round(myvar, 1) = 3 Then
'you will get an error before the IF is evaluated
End If
it will not work. VBA will evaluate IsNumeric(myvar) fine, then try to evaluate Round(myvar, 1) = 3 and get an error before it checks the entire conditional. So VBA will let you know about the error before it performs the AND operator. If VBA had short circuit evaluation, it would work fine since the first part would evaluate to false.
But the following will work
If IsNumeric(myvar) Then
If Round(myvar, 1) = 3 Then
'second IF statement is not touched since first IF statement evaluates to false
End If
End If
This works because IsNumeric(myvar) evaluates to false and therefore skips the nested statement.
So the error it throws on the Workbooks(filename) will just give the error unless you tell it to resume next. So the method I use is
On Error Resume Next
Set wb = Workbooks(file)
If wb Is Nothing Then
Set wb = Application.Workbooks.Open(dir & "\" & file, ReadOnly:=True)
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Edited to give more detail and correctly capture that the second example will not be evaluated as well as provide a useful solution for the question at hand.
Workbooks(filename) tries to get the element with the identifier (or 'index') filename from the collection Workbooks. If the collection does not contain such an element, you'll get the "Subscript out of range" error. (So in a nutshell: This code will fail whenever the file is not open. You probably don't want this.)
However, the knowledge that such an access will fail if the file is not open, i.e. an error is raised, is being made use of in the second method. The code tries to get the element with the identifier filename from the Workbooks collection and to assign it to the variable wBook. If it fails, the value of the variable wBook will stay Nothing. If it succeeds, the variable wBook will contain a reference to the respective Workbook object.

Name Manager using VBA - Macro vs. Function Call Gives Different Response

I have an XLA I'm use to make calculations and I'd like to create variables in the Name Manager to use in those calculations. I want to check to see if those named ranged already exist and if not let the user assign values to them. I have a Sub() that I'm using to set the Name Manager -example below- :
Public Sub SetNames()
On Error Resume Next
IsRangeName = CheckName("test")
If IsRangeName = Empty Then
Application.ThisWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="test", RefersTo:=0
End If
End Sub
If I go into the "Macro" menu and run the SetNames routine it works and sets test = 0 in the Name Manager.
However, what I want to do is run this through a Function and allow the function to use the variables in the Name Manager if they exist, if they don't exist then those values get set to an initial value in the Name Manager through the subroutine.
When I try to run the following code the values are never set in the Name Manager:
Sub Function1()
Call SetNames()
-Do Other Things-
End Function
All of the names are declared as global variables.
The intent is to have a user install the add-in and on the first function call using the add-in the Name Manager gets set, either to initialize the names or to allow the user to set the initial value. I don't want the user to go through the Macro ribbon option and execute the subroutine to initialize the Name Manager names.
Any help on this would be appreciated.
This seems to work in my quick testing, but you should be sure it performs in whatever your final use case is. It's a hack around the restrictions on a UDF being able to update the workbook, so it's outside of "normal" usage.
Sub SetNameIfMissing(swb As String)
Dim r As Name, wb As Workbook
Set wb = Workbooks(swb)
On Error Resume Next
Set r = wb.Names("test")
On Error GoTo 0
If r Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "adding name..."
wb.Names.Add "test", 99
Debug.Print "already added"
End If
End Sub
Function SetIt(v)
Dim wb
wb = Application.Caller.Parent.Parent.Name
'using Evaluate gets around the UDF restriction
Application.Caller.Parent.Evaluate "SetNameIfMissing(""" & wb & """)"
SetIt = "OK" 'or whatever return value is useful...
End Function
Not sure what "CheckName" is in your script - you didn't provide it .. however, I got it to work via:
1) comment out On Error Resume Next - this allows you to see CheckNames failing.
2) Replaced CheckNames with a loop to loop throw the defined names, looking for ours.
3) change your "function" definition from "sub" to "function".
test it, runs fine.
Sets the "test" name if it doesn't exist. Change it manually to another value, run again, doesn't touch it.
Public Sub SetNames()
'On Error Resume Next
For i = 1 To Application.ThisWorkbook.Names.Count
If Application.ThisWorkbook.Names(i).Name = "test" Then
IsRangeName = True
Exit For
End If
Next i
If Not IsRangeName Then
Application.ThisWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="test", RefersTo:=1
End If
End Sub
Function Function1()
Call SetNames
'-Do Other Things-
End Function

VBA: What happens to Range objects if user deletes cells?

Suppose I have some module in vba with some variable r of type Range. Suppose that, at some point, I store a Range object there (e.g. the active cell). Now my question: What happens to the value of r if the user deletes the cell (the cell, not only its value)?
I tried to figure this out in VBA, but without success. The result is strange. r is not Nothing, the value of r is reported to be of type Range, but if I try to look at its properties in the debugger window, each property's value is reported as "object required".
How can I, programmatically, determine whether variable r is in this state or not?
Can I do this without generating an error and catching it?
Nice question! I've never thought about this before, but this function will, I think, identify a range that was initialzed - is not Nothing - but is now in the "Object Required" state because its cells were deleted:
Function RangeWasDeclaredAndEntirelyDeleted(r As Range) As Boolean
Dim TestAddress As String
If r Is Nothing Then
Exit Function
End If
On Error Resume Next
TestAddress = r.Address
If Err.Number = 424 Then 'object required
RangeWasDeclaredAndEntirelyDeleted = True
End If
End Function
You can test is like this:
Sub test()
Dim r As Range
Debug.Print RangeWasDeclaredAndEntirelyDeleted(r)
Set r = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")
Debug.Print RangeWasDeclaredAndEntirelyDeleted(r)
Debug.Print RangeWasDeclaredAndEntirelyDeleted(r)
End Sub
I believe that when you use the Set keyword in VBA, it creates a pointer in the background to the worksheet's Range object in the worksheet you specified (each cell being an object in the collection of Cells of the Worksheet for a given Range). When the range is deleted while you are still referencing it in memory, the memory for the object that the Range variable was pointing to has been deallocated.
However, your Range variable most-likely still contains the pointer to the recently removed Range object, which is why it isn't nothing, but whatever it's pointing to doesn't exist anymore, which causes problems when you try to use the variable again.
Check out this code to see what I mean:
Public Sub test2()
Dim r As Excel.Range
Debug.Print ObjPtr(r) ' 0
Set r = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")
Debug.Print ObjPtr(r) ' some address
r.Value = "Hello"
Debug.Print ObjPtr(r) ' same address as before
End Sub
Check out this article for more info about ObjPtr():
So while you have a valid address to an object, unfortunately the object doesn't exist anymore since it has been deleted. And it appears that "Is Nothing" just checks for an address in the pointer (which I think VBA believes that the variable is "Set").
As to how to get around this problem, unfortunately I don't see a clean way of doing it at the moment (if anyone does find an elegant way to handle this, please post it!). You can use On Error Resume Next like so:
Public Sub test3()
Dim r As Excel.Range
Debug.Print ObjPtr(r) ' 0
Set r = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")
Debug.Print ObjPtr(r) ' some address
r.Value = "Hello"
Debug.Print ObjPtr(r) ' same address as before
On Error Resume Next
Debug.Print r.Value
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
Debug.Print "We have a problem here..."; Err.Number; Err.Description
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
How can I, programmatically, determine whether variable r is in this
state or not?
Can I do this without generating an error and catching it?
To the best of my knowledge, you can't test for this condition reliably: not without raising and catching an error.
Your question has been noticed and discussed elsewhere: Two of the big names in Excel/VBA blogging (Dick Kusleika and Rob Bovey) have looked into it, and you may find something informative in there. But the answer's No.
All in all, a good question with rather worrying answer.
To test if a range object is currently invalid, I use this function:
Public Function InvalidRangeReference(r As Range) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
If r.Count = 0 Then
InvalidRangeReference = Err
End If
End Function