AIX script hangs when using /dev/null > 2>&1 - scripting

I am trying to run a script in AIX to execute another script on a remote server. In addition to the remote script i need to send the stdout to /dev/null. The same command works fine on another server but when I run on the current server it hangs, any advice?
su - test -c "rsh testserver /scripts/testme" 2>&1 >/dev/null1

In your comment you write that a menu is presented when the user logins.
Let's say this is done in the .profile file, using echoes and a read command.
When a menu is presented, the read command in the menu code will not be skipped by redirecting the output. The menu still waits for your input and the su command seems to hang.
Can you change your .profile or .bashrc so that it will skip presenting the menu when called using a su command? When this is called during startup, you can look at the returncode of tty. When you use the su command from the commandline, you should look for another solution.
When your root shell is ksh, you can try the following:
if [[ "$(ps -fp $$)" != *"-ksh -c "* ]]; then
echo "Now I should call the Menu"


Wait for a screen -X stuff "script" to finish

I have a screen instance running on remote machine. I want to execute commands on that screen like this:
ssh serverIp screen -S remote -p 0 -X stuff \"./^M\"
rsync -arvcL serverIp:/path/to/build.log build.log
The script invokes some make commands on the remote and saves it's output (using tee) to some file (let's call it build.log). Then I want to download build.log to my local machine.
How do I wait for the ./ to finish on remote, so I can download complete build.log?
You could wait for a file, created after your build script finished.
Something like
touch build.done
Then the command looks like:
ssh server 'rm -f build.done; screen -S remote -X stuff "./start-build^M"; while [ ! -f build.done ]; do sleep 1; done'
First it removes an old build.done file, then start the build inside the screen.
And then wait (outside of the screen) for the file build.done to exist.

Unable to run a postgresql script from bash

I am learning the shell language. I have creating a shell script whose function is to login into the DB and run a .sql file. Following are the contents of the script -
set -x
echo "Login to postgres user for autoqa_rpt_production"
echo "Running SQL Dump - auto_qa_db_sync"
\\i auto_qa_db_sync.sql
After running the above script, I get the following error
./ 39: ./ /i: not found
Following one article, I tried reversing the slash but it didn't worked.
I don't understand why this is happening. Because when I try manually running the sql file, it works properly. Can anyone help?
set -x
echo "Login to postgres user for autoqa_rpt_production and run script"
$DB_PATH -U $POSTGRESS_USER $Auto_rpt_production$TARGET_DB -p $TARGET_PORT -f auto_qa_db_sync.sql
The lines you put in a shell script are (moreless, let's say so for now) equivalent to what you would put right to the Bash prompt (the one ending with '$' or '#' if you're a root). When you execute a script (a list of commands), one command will be run after the previous terminates.
What you wanted to do is to run the client and issue a "\i ./" comand in it.
What you did was to run the client, and after the client terminated, issue that command in Bash.
You should read about Bash pipelines - these are the way to run programs and input text inside them. Following your original idea to solving the problem, you'd write something like:
echo '\i auto_qa_db_sync.sql' | $DB_PATH -U $POSTGRESS_USER $Auto_rpt_production$TARGET_DB -p $TARGET_PORT
Hope that helps to understand.

bash script for screen -r

I want to make a bash script that echo's something into one of the screens that I have running (screen -r is how I get to it in SSH).
I was wondering how I would make the script execute itself in screen -r?
I basically just want the script to say something on a minecraft server through the console and would set up a cronjob to say it every x minutes.
You can use the -X option of screen to send commands to a running screen session.
Also the -p option is useful in this case, as you can use it to preselect a window
As an example you can run a script in a running screen session on windows 0 via:
screen -p 0 -X stuff './^M'
Note, that you have to append the return key-code to execute the script.
You can look in /dev/pts. I don't have screen here to test, but you can echo something to an opened terminal with, for example, echo "toto" > /dev/pts/0 (it will be echoed on the first opened terminal).

How to inject commands at the start of an interactive SSH session?

I want to be able to just ssh to a server where I cannot modify profiles and set up the environment with several commands before getting the usual interactive session.
Any ideas?
I've been using an expect script with an "interact" command at the end - which works for most things but is clumsy and breaks some console apps. Also been extermienting with empty-expect and socat. Any other suggestions?
If you're able to write somewhere on the filesystem, you may be able to invoke bash with a custom rc file like this:
ssh -t bash --rcfile /home/user/my_private_profile -i
Note that this appears to only work for interactive shell, not login shells. The -t option to ssh makes it allocate a pty even though you're specifying a command.
If you can't write to the filesystem anywhere, you could use a subshell to supply a named pipe as the rcfile:
$ ssh ares -t "bash --rcfile <(echo 'FOO=foo';echo 'BAR=bar') -i"
axa#ares:~$ echo $FOO
axa#ares:~$ echo $BAR

how do you script gnu screen from within a screen session to open new windows and run commands in them?

From within a screen session, I'd like to run a shell script that opens
a few new screen windows in the same session and start running some
programs in them.
I need a script like this:
screen -t newWindow
[switch to newWindow and execute a command]
screen -t newWindow2
[switch to newWindow2 and execute a command]
I don't know how to accomplish the effect I describe in the brackets.
Any clues? Please note that this is not a script I'll be running to start a screen session. I need this script to be runnable within an existing screen session, in order to add new windows to the session.
Note: you can't launch script working following way from a screen session. And it will open in session no tabs... Its more a related tip than a real answer to the question.
There is an other solution, if you accept to have a screen session by running process...
new session script
echo "nouvelle session screen ${sessionName}"
screen -S ${sessionName}
echo "screen session: done"
echo "go to ${AnyWhere}"
sleep 1
screenexec ${sessionName} "cd ${AnyWhere}"
init script (here "")
zsh -c "sleep 0.2"
screen -d #detach the initialised screen
zsh #let a prompt running
injection script (here screenexec)
# $1 -> nom de screen cible $2 -> commande
echo "injection de «${2}» dans la session «${1}» ..."
screen -x "$1" -X stuff "$2" #inject the command
screen -x "$1" -X eval "stuff \015" #inject \n
echo "Done"
By using this way, you should inject code easily in your screens, interesting if your script act like a deamon...
For those who prefer script in python, I've made a small lib to create sessions, close sessions, inject commands:
It's a small project, which don't handle multiwindows screen sessions.
Forgot to mention I made a real python library out of it long ago:
Running this script inside screen does what I think you want:
screen vi
screen top