highgui and videocapture libraries missing in OpenCV 3.0 - video-capture

I was trying to compile OpenCV 3.0 in java netbeans but there was an error:
package org.opencv.highgui does not exist
After a bit of research I came to know the jar file of OpenCV 3.0 doesn't include highgui.
Can anyone help me what should I do if I want to include highgui and VideoCapture libraries?

You can use OpenCV 2.7. It has both highgui and video capturing librarire intact.

OpenCV 3 has a new package that includes every single module. In CPP It is called opencv_world300.dll and in java it is simply opencv-300.jar
You only have to include this package and you will be able to use all of opencv's functionality.

I started using OpenCV 4.1 and found some code from an earlier version where Highgui and videoCapture weren't working. I found out it was because the import name changed.
The new ones are org.opencv.highgui.HighGui and org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
This could have been a similar problem.


wxWidgets Libraries missing from 3.1.0

I am building a solution with CMake that uses wxWidgets. I have downloaded the source code for 3.1.0 and compiled it without issue. However, there are three libraries that my solution needs that are not in 3.1.0: dbgrid, mono, and odbc. I tried compiling 3.0.2, but VStudio 2015 will not compile the source code because it is outdated. I tried building 3.0.2 with GCC, but the Makefile was not recognized.
Any thoughts/suggestions on how I can build or find these three libraries, or build wxWidgets 3.0.2?
Thank you.
You should use the components with the same version known to work with your "solution". For example, use the same wxWidgets version that worked without issues.
On a more detailed note, ODBC component, including dbgrid, have been removed from anything later than wxWidgets 2.8; I have no idea what "mono" is but it doesn't sound like anything in wxWidgets. So going with any 3.x version is not going to help you. You might need to dig up version 2.8.12 from somewhere.
Also, for the sake of completeness, I have no idea what "the Makefile was not recognized" means, but GCC is a pretty reliable way of building wxWidgets, regardless the version of either of the two or the flavour of the former.

How to integrate cocos2d-iphone-3.1.0 into existing iOS project?

I am working on old project in which i need to update code. The project also uses cocos 2d older version. When i build project with latest Xcode 6.0, it gives many errors. I tried the old way to integrate. I followed the steps given into Adding Cocos2D only to already existing project? not solves my problem. I am getting error like "Could not build module 'UIKit' " and many more similar error for other framework. So i decided to integrate new version of cocos 2d 3.1.0. Thanks in advance.

How to build gstreamer-sharp with monodevelop/xamarin?

i'm developer of AudioCuesheetEditor, an application for editing audio cuesheets. The new Version should be able to play back sound, so I would like to use gstreamer as backend. I investigated a bit in gstreamer and found out, that I need to use version 1.x with gstreamer-sharp 0.99.x binding. No problem, downloaded gstreamer-sharp 0.99.0, opened the solution with monodevelop (on linux) or xamarin (on windows) and tried to build the dll, but that didn't work. I get the error "namespace Gst.GLib" not found.
I'm developing with xamarin/monodevelop and need to have a portable app (working with mono/.net).
Can anyone help me, get gstreamer-sharp build?
Thanks in advance!
gstreamer-sharp is currently not supported on Windows, however you can compile the managed parts on linux and compile the glue on Windows using Visual Studio:
Install gtk-sharp 3.0 from https://github.com/mono/gtk-sharp
Compile gstreamer-sharp using ./autogen.sh && make
Take the compiled glib-sharp and gstreamer-sharp binary and all .c files from sources/glue/
Download and install gstreamer binaries from http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/pkg/windows/1.2.2/ and install the development and binary packages for the architecture you want to compile for. You can use gstreamer 1.0 or 1.2.
Use the Visual Studio template from the gstreamer-devel package and change the project type to library. Add the c files taken from the sources/glue folder and compile the glue library. The library should be called libgstreamersharpglue-1.0.0.dll
Put the managed parts together with the native symbols.
Compiling the glue is now easier on Windows! Someone set up a project which can compile the glue using Visual Studio on Windows. I have a fork which has binaries at https://github.com/xDarkice/libgstreamersharpglue
gstreamer-sharp uses autotools for its build system, you cannot build it with an IDE. Please do the autotools dance:
./autogen.sh --prefix=/the/prefix/where/you/want/to/install
sudo make install

Lattix with Understand for C++/Objective-C: API library missing error (Mac OSX)

I'd like to use lattix to analyse objective-c code (http://www.lattix.com/node/114).
Computer is a macbook with osx 10.7.4.
Lattix version is 7.8 (newest).
I am not sure which understand version to use, newest would be 3.0 build 635, but I have the same problem with understand 3.0 and 2.6 anyway.
Understand works fine (version 2.6 or 3.0), I can create a new understand project for an iOS objective-c project and name it *.udb.
Analysis within understand also work fine.
The problem is when I try to import it into lattix:
In lattix I do:
File -> new project -> profiles: all -> choose Module Type C/C++ (Understand) and add the udb file.
When creating a new project now I get this error:
"Error opening data ... Understand API library missing. Please install Understand."
Also tried understand 3.0 same problem.
Has someone got these two tools working on a mac and maybe had a similar issue?
Or does s.o. maybe has an alternative to lattix?
Big thanks in advance.
The link you have posted has the answer to your question at the third paragraph:
Please ensure that Understand for C++ is installed on your computer
with a valid license. On Windows, please ensure that the path contains
the directory (typically C:\Program Files\STI\bin\pc-win32). On
Linux, please set the environment variable STI_HOME to the top of your
Understand Installation.
One Japanese guide i found says
[For Linux]
After installing Understand 2.0, please set the
{Understand 2.0 installation directory} / scitools $ to STI_HOME
system environment variable.
Start the ($ {Lattix installation
directory} / Lattix / bin / ldm.sh) Lattix.
Might be helpful for Understand 3.0 as well

tbb_debug.dll Missing - MSER Sample OpenCV 2.3.1

I am trying to use the MSER sample found in the samples directory of OpenCV 2.3.1.
At the moment the DLL missing error keeps popping up. This is the first time I am testing the MSER code and doubt that there is any dependency on TBB (Thread Building Block Routines).
Can I disable this dependency? Has anyone encountered this problem? I downloaded the OpenCV2.3.1 super pack today. And I am stuck on the very first sample I am testing.
Thanks for the guidance.
It is known "feature" of OpenCV 2.3.1 Windows package. The dll is really missing and you need to find it somewhere. The recent 2.4.0 beta has this dll.