array passing between numpy and cython - numpy

I would like to pass an numpy array to cython. The Cython C type should be float. Which numpy type do I have to choose. When I choose float or np.float, then its actually a C double.

You want np.float32. This is a 32-bit C float.


which float precision are numpy arrays by default?

I wonder which format floats are in numpy array by default.
(or do they even get converted when declaring a np.array? if so how about python lists?)
e.g. float16,float32 or float64?
float64. You can check it like
>>> np.array([1, 2]).dtype
>>> np.array([1., 2]).dtype
If you dont specify the data type when you create the array then numpy will infer the type, from the docs
dtypedata-type, optional - The desired data-type for the array. If not given, then the type will be determined as the minimum type
required to hold the objects in the sequence

Object arrays not supported on numpy with mkl?

I recently switched from numpy compiled with open blas to numpy compiled with mkl. In pure numeric operations there was a clear speed up for matrix multiplication. However when I ran some code I have been using which multiplies matrices containing sympy variables, I now get the error
'Object arrays are not currently supported'
Does anyone have information on why this is the case for mkl and not for open blas?
Release notes for 1.17.0
Support of object arrays in matmul
It is now possible to use matmul (or the # operator) with object arrays. For instance, it is now possible to do:
from fractions import Fraction
a = np.array([[Fraction(1, 2), Fraction(1, 3)], [Fraction(1, 3), Fraction(1, 2)]])
b = a # a
Are you using # (matmul or dot)? A numpy array containing sympy objects will be object dtype. Math on object arrays depends on delegating the action to the object's own methods. It cannot be performed by the fast compiled libraries, which only work with c types such as float and double.
As a general rule you should not be trying to mix numpy and sympy. Math is hit-or-miss, and never fast. Use sympy's own Matrix module, or lambdify the sympy expressions for numeric work.
What's the mkl version? You may have to explore this with creator of that compilation.

How can I combine multiple numpy arrays into a single memoryview for cython?

I have a list of varying size that contains numpy arrays with the same data type and shape. I would like to process this data using a function written in Cython without copying the data. Both memoryviews and the Python buffer protocol seem to support this kind of data using indirect for the first dimension. So I was hoping that something like this could work:
from cython.view cimport indirect
def test(list a):
cdef double[::indirect, :] x
x = a
x[0, 0] = 42
Unfortunately it doesn't.
Is there a way to convert this list of numpy arrays into such a memoryview?

Only size 1 arrays can be converted to python scalars

I created a 3 dimensional object using numpy.random module such as
import numpy as np
b = np.random.randn(4,4,3)
Why can't we cast type float to b?
actual code
You can't float(b) because b isn't a number, it's a multidimensional array/matrix. If you're trying to convert every element to a Python float, that's a bad idea because numpy numbers are more precise, but if you really want to do that for whatever reason, you can do b.tolist(), which returns a Python list of floats. However, I don't believe you can have a numpy matrix of native Python types because that doesn't make any sense.

Problems while learning cython

I am learning cython to speed up numpy. I wrote a code to see how to optimize numpy array calculation.
The python code is:
from numpy import *
def set_onsite(n):
for i in range(0,n+1):
return onsite
Then, I tried to cythonize this code:
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cimport cython
import cython
def set_onsite(np.int_t n):
cdef np.ndarray[double,ndim=1,mode='c'] a=np.linspace(0,n,n+1)
cdef np.ndarray[double,ndim=2,mode='c'] onsite=np.empty(n+1,n+1)
cdef np.int_t i
for i in range(0,n+1):
return onsite
After running file, I got the .so file. I ran the code %timeit myfile.set_onsite(10000),but IPython showed
TypeError: data type not understood
So could anyone tell me what is going on here?
I checked my code many times but I did not figure out where the problem arises.
The problem has nothing to do with cython; it's just that np.empty expects the first argument to be the shape given as an int or tuple of ints. The second argument is interpreted as the dtype:
In [19]: np.empty(5,5)
TypeError: data type not understood
while np.empty((5,5)) returns an empty array of shape (5,5).
So instead use
cdef np.ndarray[double,ndim=2,mode='c'] onsite=np.empty((n+1,n+1))
Note the double set of parentheses around n+1, n+1. Or, use np.zeros instead of np.empty to make the Cython function match the Python function.
PS: When debugging Python, it is helpful to note not only the error message, but the line that raises the exception:
File "comp.pyx", line 13, in comp.set_onsite (comp.c:1290)
cdef np.ndarray[double,ndim=2,mode='c'] onsite=np.empty(n+1,n+1)
TypeError: data type not understood