i want to get the values from two tables - sql

i got two tables
office accnt id
HR poop 1
HR fart 2
EXEC poop 3
id number
1 2
1 2
1 1
2 5
2 1
3 6
and what i wanted to be the output is like this
id office accnt number
1 HR poop 5
2 HR fart 6
3 EXEC poop 6
and here's what I've tried so far
SELECT AccntTbl.office, AccntTbl.accnt, SUM(NumberTbl.Number)
NumberTbl ON AccntTbl.Id = NumberTbl.Id
and sadly i can't get what i want..glad for any help.. :)

select a.id, a.office, a.accnt, SUM(n.Number)
from AccntTbl a INNER JOIN
NumberTbl n ON a.AccntTbl.Id = NumberTbl.Id

SELECT Accnt.id,Accnt.office, Accnt.accnt, SUM(Num.Number)
NumberTbl Num ON Accnt.Id = Num.Id

It just needs a GROUP BY with the id, the office and the accnt.
acc.id, acc.office, acc.accnt,
SUM(num.Number) AS number
FROM AccntTbl acc
JOIN NumberTbl num
ON acc.Id = num.Id
acc.id, acc.office, acc.accnt


SQL help i need to find the inventory remaining in my office

In sql help i have 3 tables, table one is asset table which is as follow
demo asset
demo asset 2
and another table is asset_allocation
IT office
main hall
the last table is asset_liquidated which will present assets that are no longer going to be used
lets say i have 5 computers and i have allocated 3 computers and 1 is no longer going to be used so i should be remaining with 1 computer so now how do i make sql auto generate this math for me
You need to use aggregation and the join your tables -
SELECT id, asset_code, asset_name, asset_group, asset_quantity,
asset_quantity - COALESCE(AA.allocated_quantity, 0) - COALESCE(AL.liquidated_quantity, 0) available_quantity
FROM asset A
LEFT JOIN (SELECT asset_id, SUM(allocated_quantity) allocated_quantity
FROM asset_allocation
GROUP BY asset_id) AA ON A.id = AA.asset_id
LEFT JOIN (SELECT asset_id, SUM(liquidated_quantity) liquidated_quantity
FROM asset_liquidated
GROUP BY asset_id) AL ON A.id = AL.asset_id
This query will give you -1 as available_quantity for asset_id 1 as you have only 5 available, 3 of them are allotted and 3 are liquidated as per your sample data.
Please see if this helps
asset_quantity AS Total_Assets
,ISNULL(allocated_quantity, 0) allocated_quantity
,ISNULL(liquidated_quantity, 0) liquidated_quantity
FROM asset
asset_id, SUM(allocated_quantity) AS allocated_quantity
FROM asset_allocation
GROUP BY asset_id
) asset_allocation2
ON asset_allocation2.asset_id = asset.id
asset_id, SUM(liquidated_quantity) AS liquidated_quantity
FROM asset_liquidated
GROUP BY asset_id
) asset_liquidated 2
ON asset_liquidated 2.asset_id = asset.id

SQL split one column into two columns based on values and use columns

Table: ProductionOrder
Id Ordernumber Lotsize
1 Order1 50
2 Order 2 75
3 WO-order1 1
4 WO-order2 1
Table: history
Id ProductionOrderID Completed
1 3 1
2 3 1
3 4 1
4 4 1
Table: ProductionOrderDetail
ID ProductionOrderID ProductionOrderDetailDefID Content
1 1 16 50
2 1 17 7-1-2018
3 2 16 75
4 2 17 7-6-2018
Start of my code:
Select p.ID, p.OrderNumber,
Case productionOrderDetailDefID
Where(Select pd1.productionOrderDetailDefID where ProductionOrderDetialDefID = 16) then min(pd1.content)
from ProductionOrder p
Left join History h1 on p.id = h1.productionOrderID
Left Join ProductionOrderDetail pd1 on p.ID = ProductionOrderID
The result in trying to get is
Id Ordernumber Lotsize Productionorder Completed
1 Order1 50 WO-order1 2
2 Order 2 75 WO-order2 2
Any help would be appreciated.
Try this
SELECT ordernumber,lotsize,Ordernumber,count(Ordernumberid)
FROM productionorder inner join history on productionorder.id = history.Ordernumberid
GROUP BY Ordernumber;
A bit of weird joins going on here. You should add this to a SQL fiddle so that we can see our work easier.
A link to SQL fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/
Here is my first attempt
, po.ordernumber
, po.lotsize
, po2.productionorder
, SUM(h.completed)
FROM productionorder as po
INNER JOIN history as h
ON h.id = po.id
INNER JOIN prodcuctionorder as po2
ON po2.ordernumberid = h.ordernumberid
WHERE po.id NOT EXISTS IN ( SELECT ordernumberid FROM history )
, po.ordernumber
, po.lotzise
, po2.productionorder
How far does that get you?

Group by with two columns

I am trying to write a query using group by in sub query ,I referred lot of blogs but could not get all the values.
I have three tables and below is the structure of those tables.
ps_id ps_name city_id
2 abc 1
3 xyz 2
4 fer 4
5 bbb 1
city_id city_name
1 Bangalore
api_id ps_id otp
1 2 yes
2 3
3 2 yes
4 3 yes
5 4
6 5 yes
7 5 yes
8 5 yes
Query is to get number of sellers, no of pet sellers with zero otp, no of pet sellers with 1 otp, no of pet sellers with 2 otp,no of pet sellers with otp>2 for the particular city and within date range.
Through Below query I am able to get city , psp , and zero otp
select cm.city_name,
count(ps.ps_id) as PSP,
((select count(ps1.ps_id)
FROM ps_master ps1
WHERE ps1.city = cm.city_id)-
(SELECT count(distinct ps1.ps_id)
from ps_master ps1
INNER JOIN api_entry ae ON ps1.ps_id = ae.ps_id and otp!=''
WHERE ps1.city = cm.city_id and date(timestamp) >= curdate() - INTERVAL DAYOFWEEK(curdate())+6 DAY AND date(timestamp) < curdate())) as zero_psp
from ps_master ps INNER JOIN city_master cm ON ps.city = cm.city_id and cm.city_type = 'IN HOUSE PNS'
group by city_id
Please tell me the solution to solve this query.
Thanks in advance
It's not hard to do and you were on a right track. Here is what I would use:
select c.city_name, a.otp, p.ps_name, COUNT(*) nbr
from Api_Entry a
inner join Pet_Seller_Master p on p.ps_id=a.ps_id
inner join City_Master c on p.city_id=c.city_id
group by c.city_name, a.otp, p.ps_name
Now, if you want to get the number of sellers with zero otp, you just apply where clause:
where otp <> 'yes'
If you want to get the number of pet sellers with otp>2, then you just use subquery:
select *
from (
select c.city_name, a.otp, p.ps_name, COUNT(*) nbr
from #tempA a
inner join #tempP p on p.ps_id=a.ps_id
inner join #tempC c on p.city_id=c.city_id
group by c.city_name, a.otp, p.ps_name
) g
where nbr > 2

query regarding joining of two tables

Suppose I have 2 below tables
sql> select * from fraud_types ;
fraud_id fraud_name
-------- ----------
1 Fraud 1
2 Fraud 2
3 Fraud 3
4 Fraud 4
5 Fraud 5
sql> select * from alarms ;
fraud_id dealer count
-------- ------ -----
1 Deal 1 5
3 Deal 1 3
5 Deal 1 4
1 Deal 2 2
2 Deal 2 6
3 Deal 2 1
4 Deal 2 7
5 Deal 2 9
I want to join the two tables and get the output as
dealer fraud_id count
------ -------- -----
Deal 1 1 5
Deal 1 2 0
Deal 1 3 3
Deal 1 4 0
Deal 1 5 4
Deal 2 1 2
Deal 2 2 6
Deal 2 3 1
Deal 2 4 7
Deal 2 5 9
Basically I want to include the fields from fraud_types also and just display 0 in the output if it is not present in the alarms table. How can I achieve this ? Please help
You can do this with a cross join to get all combinations and then a left outer join:
select d.dealer, f.fraud_id, coalesce(cnt, 0)
from (select distinct dealer from fraud_types) d cross join
fraud_types f left outer join
(select dealer, fraud_id, count(*) as cnt
from fraud_types
group by dealer, fraud_id
) df
on df.dealer = d.dealer and df.fraud_id = f.fraud_id
order by d.dealer, f.fraud_id;
Partitioned outer join is very useful for cases like this:
select a.dealer, f.fraud_id, nvl(a.count,0) count
from fraud_types f
left outer join alarms a
partition by (a.dealer)
on a.fraud_id = f.fraud_id
order by a.dealer, f.fraud_id
This does an outer join between alarms and fraud_types for every value of dealer found in alarms.
If the alarms table does not have (fraud,dealer) as key, then you can do a group by before the partition outer join:
select a.dealer, f.fraud_id, nvl(a.count,0) count
from fraud_types f
left outer join (
select fraud_id
, dealer
, sum(count) count
from alarms
group by fraud_id, dealer
) a
partition by (a.dealer)
on a.fraud_id = f.fraud_id
order by a.dealer, f.fraud_id
select distinct f.fraud_id,dealer,
(case when f.fraud_id=t.fraud_id then COUNT else 0 end) counts
fraud_types f
left join
alarms t
partition by (dealer)
on f.fraud_id=t.fraud_id
order by dealer

Avoid repeatation of rows for every instance when joined with a table

Hi i have 3 tables and i am trying to join them to get a desire table. I have tried group by and temp tables options to get the desired table but no help. I want to avoid duplicates for every instance of a value in one table from another table.
Table 1 Customer Table:
CstId CstDetails CstType
---------- --------------- ------------
1 address 1 1
2 address 2 1
3 address 3 1
4 address 4 2
5 address 5 2
Table 2 Customer Relationship:
CstId CstGroupId
---------- ----------------
1 4 (this is same as CustomerId)
2 5 (this is same as CustomerId)
3 4 (this is same as CustomerId)
Table 3 Customer Notes:
CstId NotesId NoteTxt
----------- --------- ---------
1 1 note11
1 2 note12
1 3 note13
3 1 note31
4 1 note41
4 2 note42
4 3 note43
4 4 note44
4 5 note45
Now i want the result to be in the below format
Table result:
(NoteId) (Notetxt) (NoteId) (Notetxt)
CstId CstDetails CstGroupId CstNoteId CstNote CstGroupNoteId CstGroupNote
1 address1 4 1 note11 1 note41
1 address1 4 2 note12 2 note42
1 address1 4 3 note13 3 note43
1 address1 4 null null 4 note44
1 address1 4 null null 5 note45
But i am getting CstGroupNote repeated for all the CstNote, which i am trying to avoid.
Is there a way i could achieve this result?
Below is the code i use:
select c.cstid, c.cstdetails, cn.cstnotesid, cn.cstnotetxt
insert into temp1
from customer c
left outer join customernotes cn
on c.cstid = cn.cstid
where c.customertypeid = 1
select cr.cstid, cr.cstgroupid, cn.cstgroupnoteid, cn.cstnotetxt
insert into temp2
from customerrelationship cr
left outer join customernotes cn
on cr.cstgroupid = cn.customerid
select t1.cstid, t1.cstdetails, t1.cstnotesid, t1.cstnotetxt, t2.cstgroupnoteid, t2.cstnotetext
from temp1 t1
left outer join t2
on t1.cstid = t2.cstid
select CstId,
max(CstDetails) CstDetails,
max(CstGroupId) CstGroupId,
max(CstNoteId) CstNoteId,
max(CstNote) CstNote,
max(CstGroupNoteId) CstGroupNoteId,
max(CstGroupNote) CstGroupNote
(select c.CstId,
0 CstGroupId,
n.NotesId CmbNotesId,
n.NotesId CstNoteId,
n.NoteTxt CstNote,
0 CstGroupNoteId,
'' CstGroupNote
from customer c
left outer join customernotes n on c.cstid = n.cstid
where c.customertypeid = 1
union all
select c.CstId,
n.NotesId CmbNotesId,
0 CstNoteId,
'' CstNote,
n.NotesId CstGroupNoteId,
n.NoteTxt CstGroupNote
from customer c
left outer join customerrelationship r on c.cstid = r.cstid
left outer join customernotes n on r.CstGroupId = n.cstid
where c.customertypeid = 1) u
group by CstId, CmbNotesId
Use a derived table and an outer join
The trick there is the
and cn.cstnotesid = cG.cstnotesid
to link those two on one row
select c.cstid, c.cstdetails, cn.cstnotesid, cn.cstnotetxt
,cG.CstGroupId, cG.cstnotesid, cG.cstnotetxt
from customer c
join customernotes cn
on cn.cstid = c.cstid
outer join (select c.cstid, c.CstGroupId, cn.cstnotesid, cn.cstnotetxt
from customer c
join customernotes cn
on cn.cstid = c.CstGroupId) as cG
on c.cstid = cG.cstid
and cn.cstnotesid = cG.cstnotesid
order by c.cstid, cn.cstnotesid, cG.cstnotesid