ansible - unarchive - input file not found - module

I'm getting this error while Ansible (1.9.2) is trying to unpack the file.
19:06:38 TASK: [jmeter | unpack jmeter] ************************************************
19:06:38 fatal: [jmeter01.veryfast.server.jenkins] => input file not found at /tmp/apache-jmeter-2.13.tgz or /tmp/apache-jmeter-2.13.tgz
19:06:38 FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
I checked on the target server, /tmp/apache-jmeter-2.13.tgz file exists and it has valid permissions (for testing I also gave 777 even though not reqd but still got the above error mesg).
I also checked md5sum of this file (compared it with what's there on the apache jmeter site) -- It matches!
# md5sum apache-jmeter-2.13.tgz|grep 53dc44a6379b7b4a57976936f3a65e03
53dc44a6379b7b4a57976936f3a65e03 apache-jmeter-2.13.tgz
When I'm using tar -xvzf on this file, tar is able to show/extract it's contents in the .tgz file.
What could I be missing? At this point, I'm wondering unarchive method/module in Ansible must have some bug.
My last resort (if I can't get unarchive in Ansible to work) would be to use Command: "tar -xzvf /tmp/....." but I don't want to do that as my first preference.

The default behavior for Unarchive is to find the file on your local system, copy it to the remote, and unpack it. I suspect if you're getting a file not found error then you need to specify copy=no in your task.


pocketbase: command not found

I am trying to set up a pocketbase on a Debian server.
on the server I created a dir called pb and scp over the pocketbase file which I downloaded from
I downloaded all three linux packages , and
I download the file, unzip it and then move the pocketbase file over to the server.
Note, Ive downloaded these onto a windows machine and then SCP pocketbase file over to my server.
When I run pocketbase serve I get the error command not found.
I can't find a good solution to this issue.
Execute it as instructed by pocketbase's documentation if you are within the same directory as the bin file:
./pocketbase serve
If you want to run it as pocketbase serve alone you will need to move the bin file under /usr/bin or ideally /usr/local/bin which should be under your system's $PATH variable.
Run ./pocketbase --help or ./pocketbase [command] --help for more assistance.

rsync succeeds of fails depending on the destination directory

I am conducting both experiments below with empty /home/pantelis folder (which is the destination directory)
This command succeeds:
rsync -zalP --progress --exclude=.git --exclude=.vscode /Users/pantelis/Workspace/my-work/terragrunt/modules/ my-server:/home/pantelis/my-work/
i.e. on my-server, my-work directory is created and has the contents of /Users/pantelis/Workspace/my-work/terragrunt/modules/
On the remote machine, I now delete /home/pantelis/my-work so /home/pantelis is once again empty.
I try to run the rsync command as follows which now fails
▶ rsync -zalP --progress --exclude=.git --exclude=.vscode /Users/pantelis/Workspace/my-work/terragrunt/modules/ my-server:/home/pantelis/my-work/terragrunt/modules/
building file list ...
1114 files to consider
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (8 bytes received so far) [sender]
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at /System/Volumes/Data/SWE/macOS/BuildRoots/d7e177bcf5/Library/Caches/ [sender=2.6.9]
I am trying this since, apparently I want the remote file structure to match the local one.
Why is it failing in the second attempt?
It it because for (some inherent reason) rsync cannot create any other dir than the leaf? (my-work)? In that case I have tried the --relative option as suggested here but with no success whatsoever.
Add this to your command to create missing directory hierarchy on my-server:
--rsync-path="mkdir -p /home/pantelis/my-work/terragrunt/modules/ && rsync"

SSH opening file error - no idea why

Running Debian Linux - newest version.
cp /included/filename /usr/bin/
It gives me error "cannot stat '/included/filename': No such file or directory
I don't get why there should be an error. I am doing it as superuser.
From your latest comment i conclude you got the paths mixed up. If you want to copy the file located under /usr/bin/included/ you would need to do
cp /usr/bin/included/ /usr/bin/
to make something similar to your provided command work, id assume you are in /usr/bin and the first argument needs to be a relative one
cd /usr/bin
cp ./included/ /usr/bin/
Please provide more information on what you are trying to do and provide realworld example code.

I m trying to integrate ldap with devstack and when i did ./ i got this localrc: line 9: KEYSTONE_IDENTITY_BACKEND: command not found

localrc file
I followed this website(
I am assuming the above snippet is from a file written in shell script. Your example looks Ok.
I checked the link you provided and noted that the line you say failed is written in the IBM example as:
Which is not legal sh (or bash) and would cause the error message you described.
-bash: KEYSTONE_IDENTITY_BACKEND: command not found
I suspect you copied and pasted the bad example from the link into your localrc file, which caused the error you saw, but somehow when you wrote the SO question, you corrected the mistake by removing the spaces around the "=".
Edit: Investigation
Create a file in the root of the devstack repo, devstack/local.conf with the contents:
Full Description
I installed devstack on Centos7 (using the Devstack Quick Start Guide):
git clone
cd devstack
I entered passwords as prompted, but eventually it failed with the error:
Error: pg_config executable not found.
Please add the directory containing pg_config to the PATH
or specify the full executable path with the option:
python build_ext --pg-config /path/to/pg_config build ...
or with the pg_config option in 'setup.cfg'.
I traced the problem to a limited PATH in the sudoers entry, and because my postgreSQL install is in a non-standard location, I linked pg_config into /usr/local/bin and ran again:
sudo ln -s /usr/pgsql-9.3/bin/pg_config /usr/local/bin/pg_config
(You probably won't have to do this if Postgres is in a standard location).
Install took a long time -
This is your host IP address:
This is your host IPv6 address: ::1
Horizon is now available at
Keystone is serving at
The default users are: admin and demo
The password: 12345678
2016-07-17 18:16:32.834 | WARNING:
2016-07-17 18:16:32.834 | Using lib/neutron-legacy is deprecated, and it will be removed in the future
2016-07-17 18:16:32.834 | completed in 1447 seconds.
I killed the devstack session and did it all again with a clean git repo and with a localrc file.
cd ..
git clone
cd devstack
cat << __EOF > local.conf
This time there were no password prompts, so the local config was definitely read.

scp not working saying its a directory error

I am trying to copy a file to remote server in a certain folder.
Its an adrive backup plan. But it comes with scp. I can copy the file if I don't select directory. Even if I put a directory that doesn't exist it says its a directory.
root#host1 [/usr/src]# scp
scp: /mysql-only/: Is a directory
Amazingly enough in my case it was that the directory didn't exists!! :|
Is the error message a bug?... or it's me. Tempted for the latter.
SCP doesn't automatically create you new directory if you want to scp file (it creates directory only if you do recursive copy). There is wrong error message. The error should be No such file or directory or similar.
It is known problem and there is upstream bugzilla about this [1].
You are copying the sh file to a new directory on the server, and the directory is expected to be there but in fact not(then the machine thinks you want to change the file to be a directory). Most probably the directory you set is wrong.
-r' Recursively copy entire directories. Note that scp follows symbolic links encountered in the tree traversal.
But it doesn't create a directory but you can do below
ssh remote mkdir /diretcory
root#host1 [/usr/src]# scp -r
rsync can do the creating of directory if not exist
its basic command syntax is similar to scp:²
$ rsync -r -e ssh me#my-system:/complete_path/mysql-only/
I saw a similar error, when tried scp to path that relative to home directory. The error fixed after removing unnecessary leading / in path:
# scp
rather then
# scp
scp -r source_location user#servername:/target_location
Don't put "/" after the directory's name.
Try to download the file directly to your local root directory and then copy it from there :
root#host1 [/usr/src]# scp user#host:/root/Desktop/file.txt /root/home/