Can't click button using InternetExplorer.Application - automation

I'm trying to click the "Continue" button programatically using the InternetExplorer.application object on the page "". When I click the button, nothing happens.
Below is my code:
loie = CREATEOBJECT('internetExplorer.application')
loie.Visible = .T.
loSubmitButton = loie.Document.getElementsByName('Submit')
Until about a week ago, the button was clicking with no problem. I realize there is also a capatcha on this page, but even if a manually click the "I am not a robot" box, I still can now programmatically click the "Continue" button on the page. Could somebody please tell me what this site did to their page that is preventing me from programmatically clicking buttons and how to get around it?
I also would like to get passed that captcha programmatically, but that is a separate problem which I will deal with later. However, if anybody has any tips on how to get passed that captha as well, I would be greatful.
Thank you


vba selenium if element not visible on screen codes are not working

I would ask you a question. I just now figured out this. In vba selenium if a website loaded fully but you cant see whole site so you need to scroll down to see whole site. vba is applying code if you cant see that class ,id or whatever parameter you are using in your code until you see that thing on your window. let me explain more clear.
i opened a website with vba selenium chromedriver. vba should click a button after filling up form.
if after website fully loaded and button is not visible at first site loaded and i need to scroll down to see the button, will not work. if i scroll down and see button and then only will work.
if i change zoom with
driver.ExecuteScript "'50%';"
then not any click command is working.
anybody has any idea how to do that?
the thing im trying to do; when site loaded captcha is coming. and im giving to user 10 sec to solve captcha. and then automate will click login. if i scroll down to see login button its fine working. if i dont scroll down to see login button code it not working.
next pages im taking from site all links which i want to click with this code;
For Each site In sites
Debug.Print site.Attribute("href")
site.Click ("href")
sayfa.Wait 10000
Next site
it was always giving error. finally i figured out it. if i can see on website without scroll down or up that link which i will click, its working. but if i cant see link code is not working.
i became crazy :)
i will be appreciate if anybody can help.
solved. i added
Site.ScrollIntoView True
If Site.IsDisplayed Then
driver.Wait 10000
Site.ScrollIntoView True
Site.Click ("href")
driver.Wait 20000
End If
Next Adres

I am having trouble while clicking a "Submit An App" button on my application which is present on the Menu bar

I am using the below code for this, this is present inside a frame and this also clicks the button but after button is clicked the control is lost. The possible reason i see is the page lands on same page which extra options after the "Submit An App" button is clicked.
I am using c# to code it. The first line finds the button the second line clicks but go for a timeout. I have seen this behavior fist time not sure how to work it out.
IWebElement field = VelocityDriver.FindElement(By.Id("AppSub"));

Clicking a button via IE automation VBA

I have problem clicking the button from VBA using IE.
The page is|||||TOTAL|||2|1|1|1|2|1|2|1|1
All button I can click, and works fine except Previous/Next period
The control ID is ctl00_PageContent_GridViewPanelControl_ImageButton_Previous
I tried several different methods but nothing worked.
Any help appreciate
Is a Javascript controlled button. You will need to use div.FireEvent "onclick" to trigger the event change.

Not able to click on a button in a new window

I trigger a click on a button which then opens another window (which is neither a new browser nor a frame).
In the new window I wish to click a button but my code is not triggering the click.
I tried to switch to keyword matching but it is still not working.
My code:
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[text()='Continue to General Information']")).click();
…which I am sure is not correct to click the button in the new window.
What syntax should I use to click the button?
You can try something like this:
I found it here. There is bit of an explanation of how it works there.

App calls Method on mouse click. How can I stop it?

So I am pretty new to Xcode and Objective C, I've been using it about 2 weeks now. I am building an app for OSX. One of the windows in the app has 5 text boxes, some labels and a submit button at the bottom. The submit button is linked to a method that closes the window, opens a new one and outputs the contents of the text boxes into one text field on the new window.
I had it working correctly, but now when I do anything but click on the top text field the submit method is called and the window closes. I can click on the black space in the window, but click on any of the objects calls the method. Also, pressing tab calls the method. I am not sure when I did to cause this error, but any insight or tips would be very useful.
Sorry if this is vague, I'm not even sure how to describe the problem. If you need any specific information please ask.
Try looking in Interface Builder. Ctrl Click or Right click on the each one of the fields that are responding with calling the function. See if they are linked to the function.
Also check the "responder" as was suggested earlier. You can do this by also right click or ctrl clicking the red responder box labeled "responder". See if anything in there maps to your function