chmod via cygwin not working properly on windows - permissions

I'm trying to change the permissions of some files on windows to 'rw' only for owner user. As you can see it says that the files are changed to 'rw-------'. When I list the files again nothing is changed.

chmod is just emulated in Windows for Cygwin and MSys.
The best way to solve the issue is to use icacls to change permissions.
The command line could be found in official doc from Microsoft, like here
Note that the chmod status in Msys or Cygwin might not be correct. For example, this is what I get in Msys after removing all accesss to "toto.txt"


In WSL version 2, where could I find the Windows folders?

I recently installed WSL version 2 according to the instruction. Everything work greatly. But I notice that the folder /mnt/c is not available any more.
I understand the new WSL using vhdx as file system which gives us better FS performance, but I could not find a way to access files in Windows.
I also tried to check the wsl --help but I could not find anything helpful.
Any suggestions?
After read more, I notice that WSL 2 is actually an optimized VM on Windows 10, which means the running WSL 2 has no idea about where it self. Seems there should be a way to pass some Windows folders while launch it. Haven't figured out how.....
By default, the command prompt in WSL is located at C:\Users\username. WSL considers this /home/user but you can can reference any directory on your Windows machine by starting at the root directory with /../../.
Here is an example command: find "/../../mnt/c/anyFolder/subfolder" -name "test" -type d

How to automatically resolve `.xyz` extension files to `#!C:\perl\perl.exe` without adding this in first line of them [duplicate]

I have set up a local Perl web environment on my Windows machine. The application I'm working on is originally from a Linux server, and so the shebang for source .pl files look like so:
This causes the following error on my Windows dev machine:
(OS 2)The system cannot find the file specified.
Is it possible to change my Apache 2 conf so that the shebang is ignored on my Windows machine? Of course I could set the shebang to #!c:\perl\bin\perl.exe, that much is obvious; but the problem comes to deploying the updated files. Clearly it would be very inconvenient to change this back on each deploy. I am using ActivePerl on Windows 7.
I should have mentioned that I need to keep the shebang so that the scripts will work on our shared hosting Linux production server. If I did not have this constraint and I didn't have to use the shebang, the obvious answer would be to just not use it.
I use #!/usr/bin/perl in my scripts and configure Apache on Windows to ignore the shebang line. Add
ScriptInterpreterSource Registry-Strict
to your httpd.conf and set up the Windows Registry key as explained in the Apache docs.
Here is what I get when I export the key:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
I have been using this setup with Apache and ActiveState Perl on my Windows laptop and the Apache and Perl distributions that come with ArchLinux on my server.
The Apache docs (to which I linked above) state:
The option Registry-Strict which is new in Apache 2.0 does the same thing as Registry but uses only the subkey Shell\ExecCGI\Command. The ExecCGI key is not a common one. It must be configured manually in the windows registry and hence prevents accidental program calls on your system. (emphasis mine)
There is no portable shebang line. Even on the same platform and architecture, someone might have installed perl is a different location.
The trick is to not install modules and scripts by hand. When you package everything as distributions and use the module toolchain, the shebang lines are modified automatically to point to the perl you used to install everything. You shouldn't have to think about these details. :)
I use #! /usr/bin/env perl as the shebang on all of my perl, whether on *nix or Windows. Windows just ignores it, and the Unixen follow env to the chosen perl disto.
The way I had this working was to copy perl.exe to c:/usr/bin/ and rename it to perl (strip the .exe)
In win7 and up you can also do this with the "dos" command mklink.
Start a cmd shell as administrator and do something like the following:
mklink /d c:\usr c:\Perl # Activestate perl in c:\Perl\bin\perl.exe
mklink /d c:\usr c:\xampp\perl # Xampp perl in c:\xampp\perl\bin\perl.exe
Install any Windows Bash flavor (such as Cygwin, MSYS2 or GnuWin32);
Create a trivial redirecting shell script:
exec "#"
Create a registry entry:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="<path-to-sh> <path-to-script>"
#="<path-to-sh> <path-to-script>"
#="<path-to-sh> <path-to-script>"
(...and so on.)
Jot in your httpd.conf file:
ScriptInterpreterSource Registry
Apache will now resolve Unix shebangs relative to the interpretation given by your choosen Bash flavor. This gives much more flexibility than hardcoding interpreter paths in the registry.
I don't have Windows handy, but perlcritic says:
my $desc = q{Found platform-specific perl shebang line};
my $expl = q{Perl source in parrot should use the platform-independent shebang line: #! perl};
So, I guess #! perl should work.
Edit: doesn't work on linux; apparently works in parrot, although I don't see how they manage that.
How to use Linux shebang (#!/usr/bin/perl) when running Perl based web-site with {site-name} on localhost in Windows 10?
This works for me:
XAMPP on localhost\{site-name} (C:\xampp\htdocs\{site-name})
independently installed Strawberry Perl (C:\Perl\perl\bin) because Perl included in XAMPP package is not satisfactory
In default configuration you must use this shebang:
#!C:\perl\perl\bin\perl.exe -IC:\xampp\htdocs\{site-name}
Is it possible to include directory (after -I switch) permanently to #INC?
Yes, you can do it by setting the PERLLIB or PERL5LIB environment variables. This works when running perl script from command line, but surprisingly it is ignored by apache server in XAMPP. However one of #INC directories (C:/Perl/perl/site/lib) is usually empty so you can make symbolic link to your web-site directory:
mklink /D c:\perl\perl\site\lib C:\xampp\htdocs\{site-name}
Now, you can use this shebang:
Moreover, you can create directory c:\usr\bin
md c:\usr\bin
and copy perl.exe from C:\perl\perl\bin\
copy C:\perl\perl\bin\perl.exe c:\usr\bin\perl.exe
(Another mklink trick is not working here from some reasons.)
Finally, you can use Unix-styled shebang on Windows:

Run intellij application with sudo privileges

I have a scala application that needs to perform sys.process operations with sudo and these operations are failing for me. From my google searching, it appears that I may be able to resolve this by running intellij with sudo. However, when I do this, I'm prompted to import settings and need would need to re-import my project. This seems less than ideal. Is there a way to set up a run configuration in intellij to have sudo privileges or at least run with sudo but use my original workspace, so that all changes and configurations are shared between the sudo and non-sudo profiles?
Presumably this is down to Intellij reading its settings from a directory under the current user directory, eg C:\Users\matt.IntelliJIdea13 on my Windows PC. When you sudo, it will try and read its setting from a different directory.
I would check with directory it is trying to save its config to when you run it with sudo. Then set up a soft link from this directory back to your normal user directory. IntelliJ should then read the same set of files whether or not you are using sudo.
eg ln -s /home/matt/.IntellijIdea13 /home/root/.IntelliJIdea13
I haven't got IntelliJ installed on Linux so can't check this.

App Loader config directory permissions issue

I've created an iOS 4.3 iPhone app in Xcode 4. When I use the Application Loader, I get this error:
Unable to create configuration directory:
I'm not sure it is permissions but believe it most likely is. Any ideas how to resolve it?
It seems similar to What does "The dwarfdump binary must exist and must be executable" mean?, which I ran
sudo ln -s /Developer/usr/bin/dwarfdump /usr/bin/
and resolved that issue.
VanceG's answer got me to a solution, which was to change the permissions on my /Users/myusername folder to allow writing (the link he refers to does the same for the /Users/Shared folder which not surprisingly didn't solve this error as the app is complaining about writing to my user folder).
In terminal sudo chmod 777 /Users/myusername (or chmod 1777 depending on version of OSX as discussed in
I had the same problem, and it turned out to be a problem with the Shared users folder, which also was causing problems with iTunes home sharing. For me, following these instructions fixed both problems:
Hope it works for you too.

Joomla - Warning! Failed to move file error

I have found some solutions to this error and tried implementing them but none of which has worked and hope that some here at SO might have a different answer.
I get this error, "Warning! Failed to move file" when I try install modules into my new installation of Joomla here:
Here's some solutions I have tried to no avail:
Anyone know of another solution to this please?
Go to Help -> System Info in your administrator backend and check your Directory Permissions tab to make sure everything is writable.
Also make sure your Path to Temp Folder is correct in Site -> Global Configuration.
Finally, check to make sure that the module isn't already installed. It's possible that some files already got copied or something and now your system is having problems overwriting them.
If none of this works, let us know if the error message specifies which file can't be moved. That would help figure out a solution.
In the configuration folder change the temporal folder location to /tmp (public $tmp_path = '/tmp';) or create your own temperate folder and set it to /myowntemp and change the file permission to 777. you are good to go .
This is typically a file permissions issue. If the system cannot write to the tmp directory within Joomla it will give you the "Warning Failed To Move File" error.
The typical solution is to make the directory wide-open, in general a bad practice but a quick fix. You log in to the Linux command line via a terminal (telnet or ssh) session and set the permissions of the directory.
# chmod -R 777 ./tmp
The better option is to find out what user/group the Apache server is running as and assign the permissions accordingly. For example, if Apache is running your site as the myuser:nobody user:group then you can open up write permissions for the group by changing ownership of the tmp folder and making it writable by anyone in the group:
# chgrp -R nobody ./tmp
# chmod -R 775 ./tmp
Security can be a pain to get set correctly if you don't know *nix commands and security settings, so most people just blast a huge hole in the security with chmod 777.
The next thing you'll probably run into is another error message about not being able to update a specific directory. Again, this is a permissions issue and is typically a piece of the file being unzipped into the administrator subdirectory. Depending on whether your installing a component, a module, or a complex plugin with multiple pieces you may need to open up one or more of these directories using the same approach as above. Here is the "blow a big open hole in security" method:
# chmod -R 777 ./administrator/
Or more selectively:
# chmod -R 777 ./administrator/components/
# chmod -R 777 ./administrator/modules/
If you are a linux user then it is very simple to solve. Just type the following command and try again to install plugin/entension.
sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/my_joomla_folder
You can also refer this link for brief information regarding permission of each folder and file.
In Joomla 3.x you should go to System->System Information to see directory permissions
If one or more directories that are listed are not "writable" then you should change the permission of those directories:
If you are using one of Linux distributions you can use this command
to give the directories read/write/execute permission:
sudo chmod 777 -R address_of_lampp_directory/lampp/htdocs/joomla_directory
I have had a similar issue today and found is was the permissions set on the 'temp folder'. To resolve I changed them to 777 and my plugin installs worked fine!!
Another thing to check is whether you actually have space on the disk. I had this error and discovered that the drive was 100% full. Removing some unused files fixed the problem.
One other thing to try if everything else is not working is to add the following to your .htaccess file:
php_value upload_max_filesize 10M
Make sure 10M covers the size of the file you are uploading - increase it if your file is 12Mb, for instance.
This issue was solved like this.
On the configuration.php file change the tmp_path variable according to:
if you site is, the path should looks like
instead of
Refer to the link:
I did it and every is working for every error problem with OSX, I use OSX version 10.9.2 and get many problems. The way to fix every error is
# cd /Applications
# chmod -R 777 ./XAMPP
some files might not change permission but the problem is gone.
you can create folder and upload fine and picture, including install plugin.