How to use the magento rest api / or soap for mobile app? - api

In magento, I have checked the rest api, seems there are some feature are missing in rest api, for example: adding the product into shopping cart, checkout. And in soap api dont have the feature login customers and access their details. please help for this any one to use complete feature of access the customer mobile app.

Me too followed this path but couldn't get succeed yet. stuck in soap. Thinking to use rest and soap both. But still i'll need to make some custom api's for customer login and others not available.


Publishing an API without any existing backend API for it

I linked some existing back-end APIs to the API Publisher.
Due to some reasons, I need to create an API without any existing back-end API for it in a specific route (for example in .../myAPI/ path). The API should do something and then return a response to user.
how can I do this using WSO2 API manager? Do I need to write a handler for it? Thanks for any help.

Is it possible to consume Odoo inventory via the Web Service API?

Is it possible for an external application to update inventory items tracked within Odoo and mark them as shipped to a specific customer?
If so, what's the best way to do that? Via the XML-RPC web service API? Is there a REST API?
The XML-RPC web API seems to imply that this is possible, but it doesn't list the database entities upon which the API is allowed to act. Can this API act on any DB entity?
Thanks in advance for your time.
From what I've seen, there isn't a standing RESTful API for Odoo. There is an API for communicating with Odoo which can be found here. As well as tutorials on how to implement these features here.
If you are in need of a RESTful API then I would provision your own server and have it act as a reverse proxy which communicates through the RESTful model. This way you could dynamically connect multiple clients to multiple DB instances from one point. If you're comfortable with nodejs here is an npm module which just makes HTTP posts to the database with Remote Procedure Calls which have been JSON-ified. This combined with express would offer you a quick solution for an Odoo RESTful API.
That module, however, doesn't seem extensively maintained but the logic is relatively easy to follow and you could fabricate your own quickly.
You can try with the XML-RPC API of the object stock.quant
You will have to provide the location_id and request the product_id and quantity.

How can we use API Connect to publish the existing REST API of customer?

Supposed that customer only provides me the URL end point of their existing API. They don't have swagger file for us to import the APIs.
Customer wants to use API Connect to publish their API to users to use.
I did that successfully with API Management. Now API Management is deprecated by API Connect, but that feature is still in API Connect. I failed to make it work with API Connect. How can we use API Connect to publish the existing REST API of customer not using swagger? Please shed the light. I'm greatly appreciated with your help.
Quyen Tran
To publish an API into an IBM API Connect catalog, and to have access to that API managed by the API Gateway, you will need a Swagger (OpenAPI) document.
If you don't have a Swagger document, you will need to author one e.g. using the API Designer or API Manager tooling. You will need to know the URL of the existing endpoint but also the schema of any data that needs to be sent to or received from that URL.
If you made it work with IBM API Management then it should be no different with IBM API Connect.

Shopify App development

I am a Joomla and WordPress developer. Now I want to learn shopify store. I am planning to develop an app to extend the shop functionality and seeing that app on market store(Like WordPress market store).
Till now I couldn't understand how I can develop my own custom app. No documentation was found with code examples. Can any one help ?
The first thing you must be familiar with is OAuth ( it is important to understand the API calls to shopify endpoints, the second thing you must know is about RESTFul, specifically the Shopify's RESTFul API (, knowing these points, you will be able to develope any app to extend shopify's functionality. Hope this help.

How to integrate rest Api with Magento

Hello I have Third Party REST API And I want to integrate that REST API with my Magento Project
so, is that Possible in Magento??
And If Yes then how to integrate it in my Magento Project
Please Help......
Thank in advance
Magento has a REST API, more usually with Soap Client.
Some examples:
Try to use last version (V2) of integration and get attention for examples that is for V2 Magento API.
First you need to create user to consume this API:
Magento Admin -> System -> Web Service -> SOAP/XML Users
and create your user for get api integration functionality.