SQL Server: ISNULL on uniqueidentifier - sql

I am trying to compare a column col1 and a variable #myvar in a WHERE clause. Both usually contain GUIDs, but may also have NULL values.
I thought I could get around the fact that NULL=NULL evaluates to FALSE by using WHERE ISNULL(col1, '')=ISNULL(#myvar, ''). That would compare two empty strings instead, and evaluate to TRUE.
This will, however, produce the following error message:
Msg 8169, Level 16, State 2, Line 3 Conversion failed when converting
from a character string to uniqueidentifier.
I tried
DECLARE #myvar uniqueidentifier = NULL
SELECT ISNULL(#myvar,'') as col1
Same error message.
Two questions:
First, I am trying to convert a uniqueidentifier variable - even though it has a NULL value - to an (empty!) string, not the other way around, as the error message suggests. What gives?
Second, is there a better way to word that WHERE clause I need, to allow for comparing uniqueidentifiers that might be NULL?

I think below expression can be used to check if the GUID column is empty
some thing like

Since the first argument you are passing isnull is not a literal null, it will determine the return type of that call, a uniqueidentifier in your case. The second argument, '', cannot be cast to this type, hence the error you're getting.
One way around this is just to explicitly check for nulls:
WHERE (#myvar IS NULL AND col1 IS NULL) OR (col1 = #myvar)

The reason ISNULL isn't working for you is that the replacement value (the value to be used if the check expression really is null) must be implicitly convertible to the type of the check expression.
Your WHERE clause can use a col IS NULL AND #var IS NULL to check that state.

As others have pointed out, exclude the NULL values from the results and THEN do the comparison. You can use COALESCE to exclude NULL values from comparisons.

Try the following code:
WHERE ISNULL([Guid], NEWID()) = #myvar

Here is another way to overcome this issue:
DECLARE #myvar uniqueidentifier = NEWID()
Where ISNULL(col1,#myvar) = ISNULL(Col2,#myvar)
This will resolve your error. Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.

I needed something similar on a where clause to compare 2 fields.
Declaring a uniqueidentifier variable is causing performance issues.
So I've used something like this.
WHERE COALESCE(Table1.Field1, CAST('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER))=COALESCE(Table2.Field2, CAST('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER))


SQL case statement then convert to int

I have a field that I want to convert to int so I can to a count, however some of the field's values are 'null' so I'm getting an exception when it comes across these
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '_____' to data type int.
I thought id be able to do something like the below but I get the same result.
CAST( CASE [value] WHEN 'is null' THEN 1 ELSE [value] END AS INT)
I want to change all null values in [value] to 1 and then change all [value] to int so I can calculate this field.
You should have no issue converting a NULL value to an int, so I assume the issue is a string 'NULL'.
SQL Server offers TRY_CONVERT(). I recommend that you use that;
select try_convert(int, [value])
In other databases, you can use a regular expression to validate the data.
it will be is null that is not string
CAST( (CASE WHEN [value] is null THEN 1 ELSE [value] END) AS INT)
but its better to use try_convert what actually #Gordon recommend
Since you aren't actually looking for the NULL--which is the absence of data. You have bad data, i.e. the actual text 'NULL' in a column.
I would actually recommend you updating all the values to NULL so you can avoid doing try casting data to fix your problem. That would be something like:
UPDATE yourtable
SET [value] = NULL
WHERE [value] = 'NULL'
Then I would also change the column to a true INT type to avoid this in the future. But that's a bit outside the scope of your question.
Of course, you can't always change the data types. If you can, then this will be a more permanent solution.

SQL HASHBYTES function returns weird output when used in CASE WHEN/IIF

I have written a stored procedure that hashes the value of a certain column. I need to use this HASHBYTES function in a CASE WHEN or IIF statement, like this:
DECLARE #Hash varchar(255) = 'testvalue'
SELECT IIF(1=1, HASHBYTES('SHA1',#Hash), #Hash)
I can't get my head around why I get different outputs from above queries? it seems that whenever I add an ELSE in the CASE WHEN / IIF statement, it returns a string of weird characters (like ü<þ+OUL'RDOk{­\Ìø in above example).
Can anyone tell me why this is happening? I need to use the CASE WHEN or IIF.
Thanks guys
IIF returns the data type with the highest precedence from the types in true_value and false_value. In this case, it's #Hash1 which is varchar(255) so your result is getting cast to varchar(255). See below.
DECLARE #Hash varchar(255) = 'testvalue'
SELECT cast(HASHBYTES('SHA1',#Hash) as varchar(255))
Similarly, CASE works the same way. However, if you don't add an ELSE or another WHEN that would conflict with the data type, it will work. This is because an ELSE NULL is implied. i.e.
However, if you add another check, then precedence kicks in, and it will be converted.
The output of a select query is a virtual table. In a relational db a column of a table is constrained to single data type.. so here what happens is implicit conversion is being done by the server engine inorder to render a sigle type and hence weird characters are returned.
The nature of conversion is as #scsimon says it follows highest precedence order.
The following query should help.
DECLARE #Hash varchar(255) = 'testvalue'
ELSE #Hash END AS Hashcolumn

using parameters with max len and check for null vall

I'm trying to get a count for a column to see the max characters. I'm getting a warning, I know it doesn't effect, but it's more of an annoyance and would like to eliminate the warning.
My example is as follows:
Declare #Countthis varchar (255)
select #Counthis = max(len(col1)) from #temp
Print '------- This is the largest count for this column-----' + #Countthis
The warning I receive is:
Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.
I tried using Case statement but I couldn't figure it out. If the value is NULL just ignore the value.
Is this possible?
You can use
Declare #Countthis varchar (255)
select #Counthis = max(len(IsNull(col1,''))) from #temp

Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '%' to data type int

I have an Object Data Source which pulls information from the database where if we don'd have a value for this particular parameter then we want to get all records. So I have a LIKE statement and I'm using a wildcard to return all entries, but this is giving me the error message
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '%' to data type int.
The table structure for the relevant column is:
[columnName] VARCHAR(50)
The SQL is something similar to:
SELECT [columns] from [table] where [column] LIKE #param
Then in VB I add the parameter:
Dim sessionParam As New Parameter
sessionParam.Name = "param"
sessionParam.DefaultValue = "%"
sessionParam.Type = TypeCode.String
So far I've tried casting the parameter value, casting the column, using dbType for the parameter instead of type, but nothing seems to work and I just get the same error. I suspect the column is reading as an int as this column is a mix of values so some are numbers, some are text, therefore SQL is making the 'educated guess' that that value needs to be an int
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '%' to data type int
Is pretty clear that you have a datatype issue. And the wildcard of '%' is certainly not a integer. You are probably having the issue because the column in where [column] LIKE #param is probably an integer. So even though you identify the parameter as string it is still trying to do an integer to string comparison.
So you are comparing like WHERE Integer LIKE String and that throws a datatype conversion error because SQL will automatically try to convert your string to an integer.
To solve if you want to search for a number as a string which doesn't seem like a good idea you would do something like:
WHERE CAST([column] AS VARCHAR(10)) LIKE #param.
Instead of using LIKE if the parameter is NULL, try this instead.
SELECT [columns] from [table] where #param is null or [column] = #param
If you pass in a NULL parameter everything is returned. If it isn't null, then only where the column matches the parameter will be returned.

SQL Server NULL Integer to Empty String using ISNULL

My curiosity always gets the best of me and I've searched online for an explanation to this and came up with nothing (could be because I didn't use the right terms.)
Can someone please explain why SQL Server returns a value of zero (0) when the following is executed, instead of an empty string ('').
SELECT ISNULL(#I, '') -- 0
As declared here, the second argument to ISNULL is the replacement_value, which "must be of a type that is implicitly convertible to the type of check_expresssion." Implicitly converting '' to INT results in 0.
Because #I is declared as an INT, the empty string is implicitly CAST as an integer resulting in a ZERO.
I know is an old question, but I want to share.
The issue here is not because the casting of the ' ' expression, is because the int data type is not null-able and, when you try to SET #I = NULL SQL set the default value zero(0).
That's why the statement ISNULL(#I, '') does not find any null in #I and returns its value(0).
Hope it helps somebody out there.