Travis CI - Cannot restore packages via "nuget restore" - mono

I'm very new to Travis CI but I cannot get why nuget cannot restore packages on my project. It doesn't give any error output, just blank output with no packages downloaded.
Also, I tested it and it is working fine on Linux/MacOS. Does anyone had similar problem and is able to tell me what's wrong?
Here is Travis CI project:
Same project on GitHub:

Your sln/project worked fine for me ;-)
Try the following for your yml file to do some basic debugging on Travis. This way you can at least see 'something' from the nuget restore phase.
language: csharp
solution: src/Backoff.sln
- nuget # lets get version number
- nuget restore src/Backoff.sln -Verbosity detailed
- nuget update src/Backoff.sln -Verbosity detailed
Hopefully you get some info back and can update your answer here:
nuget restore src/Backoff.sln
Installing 'xunit 2.0.0'.
Successfully installed 'xunit 2.0.0'.
Installing 'xunit.abstractions 2.0.0'.
Successfully installed 'xunit.abstractions 2.0.0'.
Installing 'xunit.assert 2.0.0'.
Successfully installed 'xunit.assert 2.0.0'.
Installing 'xunit.core 2.0.0'.
Installing 'xunit.extensibility.core 2.0.0'.
Successfully installed 'xunit.extensibility.core 2.0.0'.
Successfully installed 'xunit.core 2.0.0'.
Installing 'xunit.runner.visualstudio 2.0.1'.
Successfully installed 'xunit.runner.visualstudio 2.0.1'.
nuget update src/Backoff.sln -Verbosity detailed
Scanning for projects...
Found 1 project with a packages.config file. (Backoff.Tests)
Looking for installed packages in 'src/packages'.
Updating 'Backoff.Tests'...
So using the fact that nuget 2.8.7 is being used by mono and the silent failure of restore and the error in the update phase it is a 'sub-directory failure' in nuget that is causing these. The solution directory is not the same as the Packages.config location and thus the silent failure is actually a hidden mono/.Net exception in Nuget.exe of System.InvalidOperationException of "Cannot determine the packages folder"
Updated yml that should install your xunit nugets:
language: csharp
solution: src/Backoff.sln
- nuget restore src/Backoff.Tests/Packages.config -SolutionDirectory src -Verbosity detailed
Note: This is not needed on OS-X as "nuget restore src" will work fine, but the full cmd listed above for Linux will also work fine on OS-X if you enable OS-X builds on Travis so no changes will be needed


Error: Something went wrong installing the "sharp" module / Something went wrong installing the "sharp" module

I have a Gatsby project using Gatsby version 3.14.3. I need to install gatsby-plugin-image so I can have optimised images in my project. I added necessary configuration in gatsby-config:
plugins: [
and tried installing packages as well:
"gatsby-plugin-image": "1.14.1",
"gatsby-plugin-sharp": "3.14.3",
"gatsby-transformer-sharp": "3.14.0",
Note that I think these package versions are compatible with my current Gatsby version.
I get an error Error: Something went wrong installing the "sharp" module after running yarn run develop. I've tried multiple changes from other people's threads that had similar problem and couldn't make it work. I will look into updating my project to the latest Gatsby version, but it is a big project and I need to prioritise making the images work for now.
Terminal screenshot as reference:

No repository found error while installing ABAP ADT

An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=C_Users_ssp2_eclipse.jee-2019-09_eclipse, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,,3.0.0
Tried many suggestions which are available in other Q/A but not worked for me:
I removed all folders of Eclipse and installed again to install ABAP Developmemt Tool. In Help->Eclipse Marketplace clicked on Updates.
Unchecked Read Only option for Eclipse folder. But this error always appears. when tried to install ADT
Trying to install ADT using below link for softwares
Thanks for your time and suggestions.
I able to install ADT and other softwares which are required successfully. I just removed all Eclipse folders and a folder named .P2 as well. Then tried to install all from beginning then it worked.
Thanks All.

DNX on VSO Host Build Controller

When trying to build an ASP.NET 5 DNX project on VSO, I get the following error:
Cannot find DNX runtime dnx-clr-win-x86.1.0.0-beta6 in the folder:
C:\Users\buildguest.dnx\runtimes (119,5): Error : The Dnx Runtime
package needs to be installed. See output window for more details.
Does this mean that we cannot use the host build controller with DNX projects yet?
Found a great guide on how to install dnx on vso host.
Added the first PreBuild.ps1 script as a Powershell build step and it worked right away.
Since I still use it, to compile my code, to me, it's not dead.
I integrated some travis-ci config in py project, have a look at my .travis.yml for an update, but I count on my host name, my pc, and my internet connection to serve it as I do since few years:
Note that DNX should be able to build DNX,
from it's source code, even marked as obsolete, and that It would be possible, but painfull, to write some scripts and use mono-roslyn directly ... still not a dead branch to me.

Cannot uninstall a plugin Eclipse Luna or reinstall it

Using the marketplace I installed a plugin (additional axis 2 tools) on a new Luna EE install.
I uninstalled it via the market place, and after a reboot it was still there. Tried this many times.
So I deleted the file manually from the plugins folder and the option was gone.
However, I want to reinstall it (I originally uninstalled it because the dialog kept containing the wrong information and stopping me from building aar file), but when I go to the marketplace it only gives me an option to 'uninstall'.
Ignoring how this is a bit crap, how do I remove this plugin so I can install it again?
I tried downloading the 1.6.2 jar direct from apache but it just gives me an error saying invalid jar repository.
(I know I can generate the service file/aar manually, but I want to do it this way).
Go to Help, Instillation Details and try to remove it from installed software and then try to install it again.This works for me whenever I've to uninstall any software.

Netbeans Cannot Find Cordova or Git on your path

I just install the latest netbeans 7.4 RC1 , i got the Error page "Netbeans Cannot Find Cordova or Git on your path, Please install Cordova or Git". In fact, i actually did install both cordova and Git.
I Do follow the step on this youtube ,
but it is still not allow me to open any HTML 5 cordova project.
Is that any steps i left out ?
I had the exact same problem. I found this bug:
Go to the command prompt.
Try typing:
git --version
cordova --version
If you get a "command not found" error, you have an issue with your installation. More than likely you need the items added to your path variable.
In my case, that was
for both Cordova and Git.
I think the error message logic is broken, that's why this is misleading. In my case, git wasn't in the PATH, but cordova was. Making sure git was added to the PATH, fixed this.
Had the same exact problem, looking here this answer solved my problem:
On Windows, NetBeans tries to run "cordova.cmd -v" to check if Cordova
is ready. So I modified this cordova.cmd file to simply return fake
#echo 3.0.1
this allows me to get through the wizard step, where is being checked
if Cordova is installed. After that, I revert changes in cordova.cmd
and finished new project wizard. And it worked and I can even build
and start it on Android device. This "workaround" works until I close
IDE. So the problem is only at the beginning in checking if Cordova is
On command line run
where cordova
to get where it is located (usually in C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\npm)
You have to use cordova version 3.0.10 instead of 3.1
Netbeans does not seem to work with Cordova 3.1
type in
npm install -g cordova#3.0.10
and restart Netbeans.
Be sure to check if you have any enclosures in your environment variables. I made this mistake and it gave me a lot of headache :)
Not okay: "C:\Program Files\nodejs\";C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin
Okay: C:\Program Files\nodejs\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin
If you install Netbeans 8 on Ubuntu 14.04, you should type
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
then follow
I had the almost the same problem using NetBeans 8.1 on Windows 7. Except NetBeans said Cordova (only) cannot be found on my PATH but Cordova was installed and on the PATH. So like everyone suggested, I tested the versions.
C:\>git --version
git version
C:\>cordova --version
? May Cordova anonymously report usage statistics to improve the tool over time? No
You have been opted out of telemetry. To change this, run: cordova telemetry on.
Strange, the --version asked for user input which I gave. I reopened Netbeans to find it can now magically see the install of cordova. Come to find out my whole problem was that Netbeans couldn't see it installed because Cordova was forcing user input the first time cordova --version was ran. Cordova had been freshly installed and never ran.
If anyone is using Netbeans 8.0, this is the tutorial you need to follow provided on the website of Netbeans:
Happy coding with cordova...!!!
I solved this problem with installing GIT from this link :
hope this help someone.
I had the same problem. I found the one solution on another site.
Try this: re-install git and choose the option *Use Git and optional Unix tools from the windows Command Prompt.
Just follow the installation process as describe in phonegap(cordova) documentation but make sure when you are installing git you checked the option use git and optional Unix tools from the windows command prompt after that go to path variable check that C:\Program Files\nodejs\;C:\Program Files
(x86)\Git\bin exists in your path environment variable as shrty has said.
You can test if node.js is install by node --version and git by git --version
Get the path where npm install -g cordova installed your
cordova. It produces something like "} (current: {"node":"0.10.36","npm":"1.4.28"})
C:\Users\kanu\AppData\Roaming\npm\cordova ->: if you go in
C:\Users\kanu\AppData\Roaming\npm\ directory you'll find cordova.exe there
What you have to do is to add ;C:\Users\magezi\AppData\Roaming\npm\ in environment after the git's one.
After that change the directory to where cordova.exe exists for me it was in C:\Users\kanu\AppData\Roaming\npm\ and from there you can test the installation of cordova by the command cordova --version(it will return the version)
open netbeans and try to create an cordova application. It should work
I had the same issue under linux, and was tinkering around with the user specific $PATH. What solved it eventually was to set the $PATH variable in the netbeans.conf located at $NETBEANS_PATH/etc/netbeans.conf
I added these three lines
export ANDROID_HOME=/home/paul/Android/Sdk
export PATH
Afterwards I was finally able to setup any Cordova project :)