How to unlock user on ApacheDS - ldap

I setup an ApacheDS with default password-policy enabled. For testing proposes I locked a simple User (objectClass=Person extended with some custom User-objectClass) by entering the wrong credentials a number of times. As I expected the user was locked (error msg: user was permanently locked).
The question now is: How to unlock the user again? Is there a better way then just deleting and adding again?
I tried the same with an extended user (objectClass=pwdPolicy) but no pwd* attributes were added when the user was locked.

More recently, I encountered the same problem at work. But, it seems that there is no answer on Internet. Finally,I found the answer by viewing this document:
Password Policy for LDAP Directories draft-behera-ldap-password-policy
At section 5.3.3: pwdAccountLockedTime
This attribute holds the time that the user's account was locked. A
locked account means that the password may no longer be used to
authenticate. A 000001010000Z value means that the account has been
locked permanently, and that only a password administrator can unlock
the account.
At section 5.2.12: pwdLockoutDuration
This attribute holds the number of seconds that the password cannot
be used to authenticate due to too many failed bind attempts. If
this attribute is not present, or if the value is 0 the password
cannot be used to authenticate until reset by a password
Through above two section, we can assume that we should connect to ApacheDS server with administrator(by default: uid=admin,ou=system, password=secret ), and delete the user's userPassword attribute. By this way,the permanently locked user can be unlock.
I practiced this sulotion and it works well.
I suggest you should set value for pwdLockoutDuration attribute, in this case the user can not been permanently locked.
For more infomation:
ApacheDS password Policy

Use ApacheDS Studio and log in as admin, find the user, right-click and choose "Fetch->Fetch operational attributes". Now pwdAccountLockedTime is visible and you can delete it to unlocks the user

The answer by Mister's is perfect to unlock an account and if you want to set the pwdLockoutDuration for a single user (assuming the user has implemnted the objectClass pwdPolicy.
There is also a global config file found in:
* ads-directoryServiceId=<default>
* ou=interceptors
* ads-interceptorId=authenticationInterceptor
* ou=passwordPolicies
Here we can set the default password policy:
As mine is just a test-server, I have completely disabled lockout via setting the ads-pwdlockout to FALSE. For more on configuring password policy read the official docs.

For reference, this is how you enable this on the server via java:
AuthenticationInterceptor authenticationInterceptor = new AuthenticationInterceptor();
PasswordPolicyConfiguration config = new PasswordPolicyConfiguration();
Client methods can then be written, to enable/disable specific accounts, similar to:
public void disableUser(String dn) throws LdapException, UnsupportedEncodingException
Modification disablePassword = new DefaultModification(
ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, "pwdAccountLockedTime","000001010000Z" );
public void enableUser(String dn) throws LdapException, UnsupportedEncodingException
Modification disablePassword = new DefaultModification(ModificationOperation.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, "pwdAccountLockedTime");


Removing a user from backend created by IdentityServer4

I am debugging confirmation email flow when signing up a new User in Asp.Net Core web application with Identity Server 4.
Since I had already signed up with my actual email, to reuse it, I modified the UserName and Email in AspNetUsers table using SQL Update to some random value.
Now when I am signing up with the original email again. I am getting a duplicate user error
result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password);
I have already:
Cleared browser cache.
Closed local IIS Express
Restarted Visual Studio.
Used_userManager.DeleteAsync() after updating the UserName and Email back to original values but this gives an Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityError with description Optimistic concurrency failure, object has been modified.
On running this query on Sql Server
select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where COLUMN_NAME in ( 'UserName' , 'Email')
I get the following:
I know that this is not a good practice to mess with backend, but this is development environment and I could continue my work with another email.
I would request readers to help in understanding how the User could be safely scorched to be able to reuse the email.
Appreciate your time
I agree with Kyle's comment and to further speed up your debug process you should note that if you use gmail to do this you can debug this process using one email.
from google/gmails perspective == == etc etc just try it out, google disregards all period characters in the email. you can enumerate/exhaust ~2^8 emails (in this example) if you just enumerate through the local-part of the e-mail address. but from your applications side, is not the same as, ie they are different user accounts. Basically you can use one email to test out this feature of yours without having to delete the user.
Here is how I did it and finally got passed the pesky "concurrency failure" error message... This works in ASP.NET CORE 2.2
Obtain the user object through the FindByName method first.
Remove the user from their assigned Role (in this case I hard coded "Admin" because that is the role I'm interested in but fill in your own), then delete the user.
//Delete user.
//Obtain the user object through the FindByName method first.
//Remove the user from their assigned Role, then delete the user.
var userManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<UserManager<ApplicationUser>>();
ApplicationUser delAppUser = new ApplicationUser
Email = "SomeEmailForindividualAdminUser",
UserName = "SomeUsernameindividualAdminUser"
Task <ApplicationUser> taskGetUserAppUser = userManager.FindByNameAsync(delAppUser.UserName);
Task<IdentityResult> taskRemoveFromRoleAppUser = userManager.RemoveFromRoleAsync(taskGetUserAppUser.Result, "Admin");
Task<IdentityResult> taskDeleteAppUser = userManager.DeleteAsync(taskGetUserAppUser.Result);

LDAP Authentication failed: Invalid Credentials

In Gforge, when a new user tries to log in; the user is automatically registered by fetching data from LDAP. It works fine for other users but one particular user is not able to log in and gets the error LDAP Authentication failed: Invalid Credentials . I don't understand what could be the issue? Could you please help?
This is the search function I am using.
ldap_bind($ldap, $dn, $pw)
$dn = ldap_get_dn($ldap, $entry);
$entry = ldap_first_entry($ldap,$res);
$res=ldap_search($ldap, $sys_ldap_base,$sys_ldap_id_attribute . '=' . $id,
If it works for some users but not for one specific user, then it's something to do with the LDAP configuration, or with the characters in that user's ID or pwd.
Is the failing user in a different org/OU? Do they have accent characters in their username or password? These things can cause compatibility issues between GForge and the LDAP server.
Does this user have a much longer user name than other users? There is a GForge config setting called "usernameregex" that governs the complexity and length of allowed user names. Even though LDAP logins result in automatic account creation, the validation of the user's unix name might fail due to the regex in place. The error noted above could certainly be the catch-all message when this happens.
The default setting is "^[a-z0-9_.-]{3,15}$". You can change the upper length limit by changing the 15 to something else. The unix_name field in the GForge database is TEXT, so it can be extremely long (1GB?).
In GForge 6.3.x and earlier, you can find that setting in /etc/gforge/gforge.conf. Change the value and then update the system using:
cd /opt/gforge/bin && php create_config_cache.php
In GForge 6.4 and later, you can use the gf-config utility to set the value. It will take effect right away:
/opt/gforge/bin/gf-config set "usernameregex" "new regex value"

How do I administratively set a new password for Identity User who forgot their password?

I am not looking for a solution that involves the user, a token generated, and emailing in order to reset a user's password.
The scenario is a user contacts the admins and asks them to reset their password (internal organization web app). They are then told what that new temporary password is so they can log in and change it.
I see no function that lets me do the above. My attempt:
string passwordToken = await UM.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user.Id);
IdentityResult res = await UM.ResetPasswordAsync(user.Id, passwordToken, "newPassword##!$%");
UM is UserManager.
I get error "No IUserTokenProvider is registered". I think GeneratePasswordResetToken is the one causing the error. If so, why?
How do I properly do what I need?
Use the combination of RemovePasswordAsync and AddPasswordAsync
UserManager.AddPasswordAsync(user.Id, tempPassword);

Change user password in child system remotely from CUA

I am trying to find a solution which will allow me to change a user's password from our Central User Administration (CUA) system where the user's access and password is on the child system.
I tried to use BAPI_USER_CHANGE with destination call but it doest suit in my case.
(we locked change password function in child systems). This is my code with destination call
username = p_bname
password = wa_password
passwordx = wa_passwordx
return = it_return.
Any suggestions welcome.
We tried to do something similar a while ago, and we ended up doing it in two steps:
BAPI_USER_CHANGE sets an initial password for the user
SUSR_USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD_RFC sets a productive password. It needs the old password as a parameter, that's why we needed to call BAPI_USER_CHANGE first.

VB.Net - Local WMI Connection with user credentials

In VB.Net, I'm trying to connect to WMI on my local computer with different credentials (the user won't have admin rights) and I get this exception :
« User credentials cannot be used for local connections »
Here's the code :
Dim path As ManagementPath = Nothing
Dim options As ConnectionOptions = Nothing
Dim scope As ManagementScope = Nothing
path = New ManagementPath("\\" & vServerName & "\root\CIMV2")
options = New ConnectionOptions
options.Username = vUsername
options.Password = vPassword
Scope = New ManagementScope(path, options)
I know this question is old, but I tried the above steps and it didn't work. What I found to work was this:
80041064 - User credentials cannot be used for local connections
This error is encountered when you specify the Username and password for monitoring the machine where OpManager is running.
Do not specify Username and password for the localhost. To resolve the issue, remove the configured user name and password from "Passwords" link in the device snapshot page.
You don't have access to some wmi instances when a user without administrator privileges is currently logged in. (This is only applied to Local WMI connections)
MSDN reference on the topic
It's pretty lame! But if you can run your application as a user which is a member of administrators group, then you're problem should be solved.
Added note:
If you write a windows service with **local system** user, then you'll have full access to all wmi classes.
note: I've tried to grant my limited user the proper permissions to access desired wmi actions, but it seems it doesn't work that way. In this case, you'll have to set the permissions in these 3 places:
Start->Run->dcmoncnfg->Component Services->Computers->My Computer->Properties->COM security tab
Start->Run->dcmoncnfg->Component Services->Computers->My Computer->DCOM Config->Windows Management and Instrumention->Properties->Security tab
Start->Run->wmimgmt.msc->WMI Control(Local)->Properties->Root(just highlight)->Security tab
enter the wmic prompt by typing wmic and then enter. Then type:
This will null the user it's trying to run the commands as. You might have to do something similar with password, I dunno.