How to execute sql query when debugging a stored procedure - sql

I'm debugging a stored procedure on SQL Server 2008 and I have this:
INSERT INTO #tempTable (ID, Name)
How can I view the data into #tempTable on Debug time?

In SQL Server Management Studio, you can't execute query directly while debugging stored procedure, and that's still not implemented(I think). You can only view the local variables value in Local Debug Window.
There are some work around to see temp table values while in Debugging mode:-
1) In the stored procedure, after insert data into #temptable, add this line of code to get temptable values in xml table varriable where you want to see temptable values. Then you can check the values in Local Debug window in xml format
--inserting data into temp table
INSERT INTO #tempTable (ID, Name)
--to see records of temp table
DECLARE #temptable XML
SET #temptable = (SELECT * FROM ##temptable FOR XML AUTO)
2) You can convert local temp table(#temptable) to global temptable(##temptable), so when you insert date in temp table, you can open new query window, and able to see global temp table records using select query.

This blog post describes how to access a temporary table from another session:
Alternative you can use two ## in the table name to make the table globally accessible from other sessions: ##tempTable (The table might be locked for reading while your insert is running)

Even though SQL Server Management Studio has some debugging functions , but I find them pretty useless.
I don't think there are any debugging tools out there for SQL Server like Visual Studio, which will give you a step by step information at runtime.
The way normally developers debug sql server code is to use print statement, for stored procedures take the sp definition out declare a variable for each parameter that procedure expects , hardcode the values for variables and execute smaller logical blocks of code to see what's going on where.


Using results of one stored procedure in another stored procedure - SQL Server

Is there any way to use the results of one stored procedure in another stored procedure without using a table variable or temp table? The logic is as follows:
IF (#example = 1)
EXEC [Procedure1] #ItemId = #StockId
set #Cost = (select top 1 id from #temp)
Ideally i would like to know if there is a way to do this without having to use a temp table. Looked around online but can't find anything that works. Any advice would be great.
In general, if you want to use user-defined code in a SELECT, then it is better to phrase the code as a user-defined function rather than a user-defined procedure.
That is, procedures should be used for their side effects and functions should be used for their return values.
That said, you can use openquery (documented here) to run an exec on a linked server. The linked server can be the server you are running on.

StoredProc manipulating Temporary table throws 'Invalid column name' on execution

I have a a number of sp's that create a temporary table #TempData with various fields. Within these sp's I call some processing sp that operates on #TempData. Temp data processing depends on sp input parameters. SP code is:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[tempdata_proc]
#ID int,
#NeedAvg tinyint = 0
if #NeedAvg = 1
Update #TempData set AvgValue = 1
Update #TempData set Value = -1;
Then, this sp is called in outer sp with the following code:
Create table #TempData
tele_time datetime
, Value float
--, AvgValue float
Create clustered index IXTemp on #TempData(tele_time);
insert into #TempData(tele_time, Value ) values( GETDATE(), 50 ); --sample data
#ID int,
#UpdAvg int;
#ID = 1000,
#UpdAvg = 1
Exec dbo.tempdata_proc #ID, #UpdAvg ;
select * from #TempData;
drop table #TempData
This code throws an error: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure tempdata_proc, Line 8: Invalid column name "AvgValue".
But if only I uncomment declaration AvgValue float - everything works OK.
The question: is there any workaround letting the stored proc code remain the same and providing a tip to the optimizer - skip this because AvgValue column will not be used by the sp due to params passed.
Dynamic SQL is not a welcomed solution BTW. Using alternative to #TempData tablename is undesireable solution according to existing tsql code (huge modifications necessary for that).
Tried SET FMTONLY, tempdb.tempdb.sys.columns, try-catch wrapping without any success.
The way that stored procedures are processed is split into two parts - one part, checking for syntactical correctness, is performed at the time that the stored procedure is created or altered. The remaining part of compilation is deferred until the point in time at which the store procedure is executed. This is referred to as Deferred Name Resolution and allows a stored procedure to include references to tables (not just limited to temp tables) that do not exist at the point in time that the procedure is created.
Unfortunately, when it comes to the point in time that the procedure is executed, it needs to be able to compile all of the individual statements, and it's at this time that it will discover that the table exists but that the column doesn't - and so at this time, it will generate an error and refuse to run the procedure.
The T-SQL language is unfortunately a very simplistic compiler, and doesn't take runtime control flow into account when attempting to perform the compilation. It doesn't analyse the control flow or attempt to defer the compilation in conditional paths - it just fails the compilation because the column doesn't (at this time) exist.
Unfortunately, there aren't any mechanisms built in to SQL Server to control this behaviour - this is the behaviour you get, and anything that addresses it is going to be perceived as a workaround - as evidenced already by the (valid) suggestions in the comments - the two main ways to deal with it are to use dynamic SQL or to ensure that the temp table always contains all columns required.
One way to workaround your concerns about maintenance if you go down the "all uses of the temp table should have all columns" is to move the column definitions into a separate stored procedure, that can then augment the temporary table with all of the required columns - something like:
create procedure S_TT_Init
alter table #TT add Column1 int not null
alter table #TT add Column2 varchar(9) null
create procedure S_TT_Consumer
insert into #TT(Column1,Column2) values (9,'abc')
create procedure S_TT_User
create table #TT (tmp int null)
exec S_TT_Init
insert into #TT(Column1) values (8)
exec S_TT_Consumer
select Column1 from #TT
exec S_TT_User
Which produces the output 8 and 9. You'd put your temp table definition in S_TT_Init, S_TT_Consumer is the inner query that multiple stored procedures call, and S_TT_User is an example of one such stored procedure.
Create the table with the column initially. If you're populating the TEMP table with SPROC output just make it an IDENTITY INT (1,1) so the columns line up with your output.
Then drop the column and re-add it as the appropriate data type later on in the SPROC.
The only (or maybe best) way i can thing off beyond dynamic SQL is using checks for database structure.
if exists (Select 1 From tempdb.sys.columns Where object_id=OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#TTT') and name = 'AvgValue')
--do something AvgValue related
maybe create a simple function that takes table name and column or only column if its always #TempTable and retursn 1/0 if the column exists, would be useful in the long run i think
if dbo.TempTableHasField('AvgValue')=1
-- do something AvgValue related
EDIT1: Dang, you are right, sorry about that, i was sure i had ... this.... :( let me thing a bit more

SQL Server Import and Export wizard gives invalid object error on stored procedure with temp table

I created a stored proc that creates a temp table, inserts, selects then drops. Executing the stored proc within SQL Server Management Studio works fine and gives the expected result.
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
#color VARCHAR(10)
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
CREATE TABLE #tmptable (
color VARCHAR(10)
INSERT INTO #tmptable (color) VALUES (#color)
SELECT color FROM #tmptable
DROP TABLE #tmptable
However, when creating in the Import/Export tool and using that stored proc as the data source, it gives me the error:
Invalid object name '#tmptable'.
Any idea why this would happen? If I change it to a table variable it seems work fine with Import/Export, but I don't understand why it is not working with a temp table.
When I run a mimicked stored procedure, like yours above, in SSMS, I can get the data returned like you mentioned in the procedure. However, if I try the #tmptable, like you did, I also get the same error because the DROP TABLE removes it. From what I can tell, the import/export is basically a final INSERT process. The reason it works with the table variable is because the data still exist on the final insert; in the case of the DROP TABLE, it does not. For instance, when I remove the DROP TABLE, it works.
I might be wrong here, but it seems the logic when it's an import or export in the case of the above procedure is
DROP data
INSERT (import/export): this generates the "Invalid object name tmptable'"
With the variable (or no DROP), it's
INSERT (import/export)
In the second case, the data still exist. In the first case, they're gone. One way around it if you want to use the #tmptable, start your code with:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmptable') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmptable

SQL Import/Export wizard not allowing Create Table #temp

Through the Import/Export wizard (2008 R2) I'm trying to get data from a View and do some joins with it and put the data in a temp table then do a final select statement at the bottom.
But I keep getting a message saying that my first temp table definition is invalid.
Here's the def:
Create Table #CT (Code int, Col1 varchar(75), Col2 varchar(75), Col3 int)
I know this is good because I can run it directly on the server without problems.
Is it that Imp/Exp wiz doesn't allow these kinds of queries, where there's complex statements?
At the top of your SQL code, try adding set fmtonly off.
In some circumstances, SQL Server tries to determine the metadata for a query without actually running the query... but, this doesn't play well with temp tables. Adding set fmtonly off instructs it to actually execute the query to get the metadata.

Select Values From SP And Temporary Tables

I have a Stored Procedure in MSSQL 2008, inside of this i've created a Temporary Table, and then i executed several inserts into the temporary Table.
How can i select all the columns of the Temporary Table outside the stored procedure? I Mean, i have this:
--Varchar And Numeric Values goes here
/*Several Select's and Insert's against the Temporary Table*/
In another Query i'm doing this:
sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options', 1
sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1
Integrated Security=SSPI',
But i get this error:
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure LIST_CLIENTS, Line 43
Invalid object name '#CLIENT'.
I've tried with Global Temporary Tables and It doesn't work.
I know that is the scope of the temporary table, but, how can i get the table outside the scope of the SP?
Thanks in advance
I think there is something deeper going on here.
One idea is to use a table variable inside the stored procedure instead of a #temp table (I have to assume you're using SQL Server 2005+ but it's always nice to state this up front). And use OPENQUERY instead of OPENROWSET. This works fine for me:
USE tempdb;
INSERT #x VALUES(1),(2);
INTO #client
[loopback linked server name],
'EXEC tempdb.dbo.proc_x'
) AS y;
SELECT * FROM #client;
DROP TABLE #client;
DROP PROCEDURE dbo.proc_x;
Another idea is that perhaps the error is occurring even without using SELECT INTO. Does the stored procedure reference the #CLIENT table in any dynamic SQL, for example? Does it work when you call it on its own or when you just say SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET instead of SELECT INTO? Obviously, if you are working with the #temp table in dynamic SQL you're going to have the same kind of scope issue working with a #table variable in dynamic SQL.
At the very least, name your outer #temp table something other than #CLIENT to avoid confusion - then at least nobody has to guess which #temp table is not being referenced correctly.
Since the global temp table failed, use a real table, run this when you start your create script and drop the temp table once you are done to make sure.
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.temptable', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE dbo.temptable
CREATE TABLE dbo.temptable
( ... )
You need to run the two queries within the same connection and use a global temp table.
In SQL Server 2008 you can declare User-Defined Table Types which represent the definition of a table structure. Once created you can create table parameters within your procs and pass them a long and be able to access the table in other procs.
I guess the reason for such behavior is that when you call OPENROWSET from another server it firstly and separately requests the information about procedure output structure (METADATA). And the most interesting thing is that this output structure is taken from the first SELECT statement found in the procedure. Moreover, if the SELECT statement follows the IF-condition the METADATA request ignores this IF-condition, because there is no need to run the whole procedure - the first met SELECT statement is enough. (By the way, to switch off that behavior, you can include SET FMTONLY OFF in the beginning of your procedure, but this might increase the procedure execution time).
The conclusions:
— when the METADATA is being requested from a temp table (created in a procedure) it does not actually exists, because the METADATA request does not actually run the procedure and create the temp table.
— if a temp table can be replaced with a table variable it solves the problem
— if it is vital for the business to use temp table, the METADATA request can be fed with fake first SELECT statement, like:
declare #t table(ID int, Name varchar(15));
if (0 = 1) select ID, Name from #t; -- fake SELECT statement
create table #T (ID int, Name varchar(15));
select ID, Name from #T; -- real SELECT statement
— and one more thing is to use a common trick with FMTONLY (that is not my idea) :
declare #fmtonlyOn bit = 0;
if 1 = 0 set #fmtonlyOn = 1;
set fmtonly off;
create table #T (ID int, Name varchar(15));
if #fmtonlyOn = 1 set fmtonly on;
select ID, Name from #T;
The reason you're getting the error is because the temp table #Client was not declared before you ran the procedure to insert into it. If you declare the table, then execute the list proc and use direct insert -