How to specify different editor widgets for the same column in Dojo DataGrid - dojo

I am wondering, is there an official way to specify a different widget editor for the same column in a DataGrid (different rows)?
I found dojox.grid.cells._MultipleEditor, but it is quite complicated and not officially supported.
This is for creating things like a property sheet with DataGrid.
EDIT: People seem to suggest using dgrid. However, I am not sure if dgrid has this feature. Also, unfortunately, ... drum roll... horror music... I must support IE6.

Well, there seems to be a way to do it. Doesn't seem to show much negative side effects (so far)...
Create one column for each value type, one after the other.
Tag each column with a CSS class to indicate its value type (via classes). For example: classes="multivalue int"
For each column, tag it with the correct editor widget and the appropriate constraint & options.
Put styles on each row (with onStyleRow) that correspond to each type. For example, add a type-int class to the row that has an int type.
Put in a CSS style that initially hides all the multi-valued cells:
.dojoxGridCell.multivalue { display:none; }
Un-hide all the cells with the correct type:
*display:block; /* For IE6/7 */
For this to work, obviously, each row must match exactly one column.
Obviously, you must set all these fields to the same property name. DataGrid allows you to do that.
Put display:none (via CSS etc.) on all the header cells of multi-valued columns except the first one. Otherwise, you'll end up with too many header cells.


Tabulator - formatting print and PDF output

I am a relatively new user of Tabulator so please forgive me if I am asking anything that, perhaps, should be obvious.
I have a Tabulator report that I am able to print and create as a PDF, but the report's formatting (as shown on the screen) is not used in either output.
For printing I have used printAsHtml and printStyled=true, but this doesn't produce a printout that matches what is on the screen. I have formatted number fields (with comma separators) and these are showing correctly, but the number columns should be right-aligned but all of the columns appear as left-aligned.
I am also using Tree View where the tree rows are coloured differently to the main table, but when I print the report with a tree open it colours the whole table with the tree colours and not just the tree.
For the PDF none of the Tabulator formatting is being used. I've looked for anything similar to the printStyled option, but I can't see anything. I've also looked at the autoTable option, but I am struggling to find what to use.
I want to format the print and PDF outputs so that they look as close to the screen representation as possible.
Is there anywhere I could look that would provide examples of how to achieve the above? The Tabulator documentation is very good, but the provided examples don't appear to explain what I am trying to do.
Perhaps there are there CSS classes that I am missing or even mis-using? I have tried including .tabulator-print-table in my CSS, but I am probably not using it correctly. I also couldn't find anything equivalent for producing PDFs. Some examples would help immensely.
Thank you in advance for any advice or assistance.
Formatting is deliberately not included in these, below i will outline why:
Downloaded files do not contain formatted data, only the raw data, this is because a lot of the formatters create visual elements (progress bar, star formatter etc) that cannot be replicated sensibly in downloaded files.
If you want to change the format of data in the download you will need to use an accessor, the accessorDownload option is the one you want to use in this case. The accessors transform the data as it is leaving the table.
For instance we could create an accessor that prepended "Mr " to the front of every name in a column:
var mrAccessor= function(value, data, type, params, column, row){
return "Mr " + value;
Assign it to a columns definition:
{title:"Name", field:"name", accessorDownload:mrAccessor}
Printing also does not include the formatters, this is because when you print a Tabulator table, the whole table is actually rebuilt as a standard HTML table, which allows the printer to work out how to layout everything across multiple pages with column headers etc. The downside of this is that it is only loosely styled like a Tabulator and so formatted contents generated inside Tabulator cells will likely break when added to a normal td element.
For this reason there is also a accessorPrint option that works in the same way as the download accessor but for printing.
If you want to use the same accessor for both occasions, you can assign the function once to the accessor option and it will be applied in both instances.
Checkout the Accessor Documentation for full details.

Displaying dynamic kanban colors according to record state in OpenERP 7

could someone tell me in what way I can display the items in a view kanban with a specific color according to the state that is the record.
I'm trying something like this
<div t-attf-class="#{record.state=='scheduled' ? oe_kanban_color_#{kanban_getcolor(1)} : oe_kanban_color_#{kanban_getcolor(0)}">
but I looked ALL elements and not only those who are in the "scheduled".
Thanks :)
If you have copy/pasted exactly what you typed in the view definition, then your t-attf- class attribute is malformed, and all record will have the following class:
class="#{record.state=='scheduled' ? oe_kanban_color_1 : oe_kanban_color_0"
which, due to CSS class precedence, will cause them all to have the oe_kanban_color_1 style.
A few hints:
To avoid coloring some records, you can omit the oe_kanban_color_X entirely in some cases
You can use a t-att-class attribute to allow arbitrary Javascript expressions, depending on what you want to do. In contrast, t-attf-class only allows replacing placeholders.
When comparing field values with Javascript operators you normally want to use the value or raw_value of the field, rather that the Field object itself. value will only differ from raw_value when the value needs specific rendering, such as dates, numbers, etc.
The kanban_getcolor() function accepts any integer or string and returns one of the 10 default kanban color indexes.
Based on the above, the following might be closer to what you tried to do (note the t-att-class attribute:
<div t-att-class="record.state.value == 'scheduled' ?
'oe_kanban_color_1' :
'oe_kanban_color_0' ">
Alternatively, you could use t-attf-class and let kanban_getcolor() pick a color based on the state string:
<div t-attf-class="oe_kanban_color_#{kanban_getcolor(record.state.value)}">
That last example is similar to what is done in many default kanban views in the official OpenERP distribution.

XAML: Batch define elements of a column in a Grid

When defining the contents of a Grid, I first define all row and column definitions, then afterwards when defining elements I have to explicitly specify which row and column they belong to. Not only is it tedious, but if I add an element somewhere between the others I have to manually shift the index of everything that follows. So I wondered if it was possible to batch-define elements within a column or row, for example something like
<Column.Content Index="0">
<Label>First row</Label>
<Label>Second row</Label>
<Label>Third row</Label>
..or similar? Something like how the <table> HTML tag works would also be awesome.
Given your problem I think you should give in to the magic of databinding and let WPF do the hard work of moving data around if new data is inserted: have a look here

How to use a single NSValueTransformer subclass to toggle the titles of multiple menu items

I would like to make some bindings that toggle item titles in a popup menu based on a single numerical value in a text field. Let me explain:
This is my UI:
I want my menu items to automatically adjust to singular or plural based on the number in the text field. For example, when I type "1" in the box, I want the menu items to be labeled "minute", "hour" and "day". When I type "4", I want the menu items to be labeled "minutes", "hours" and "days".
What I did to date:
I bound the three menu item's labels to the same key path as the text field's value.
I created an NSValueTransformer subclass to interpret the value in the text field and return singular or plural to be used as item titles.
I applied this value transformer to the three bindings.
The issue:
My value transformer can either return singular or plural but it can't set the appropriate string based on the menu item it's applied to.
It looks to me like a value transformer is generic and can't return different values for different destinations. That would mean that to have the three titles change automatically, I would need to have three different value transformers that return the appropriate string for each menu item. That doesn't seem optimal at all.
Ideally I would be able to combine a string stored in the destination menu item (let's say in the item's tag property) with an "s" in the value transformer when the text field's value is larger than one, or something similar that would enable me to use a single value transformer for all the menu items.
Is there something I missed? What would be an ideal solution?
Okay, this is probably not an ideal solution, but something you could consider: if you set your value transformers from your code (and not in IB), you could instantiate 3 different transformers of the same class. You could give your value transformer an ivar NSString *unit (and add something like [[MyValueTransformer alloc] initWithUnit:]) to allow each to return their own string, but you still have to write the value transformer's code only once.
(Also, if you're ever going to consider making your application localizable, simply appending an "s" to create the plurals is not going to work. You could of course add ivars for both NSString *singular and NSString *plural to do that.)
Edit: Wait, I just realized you can register value transformers! If you register them as MyValueTransformerHours and MyValueTransformerMinutes (by manually allocating and initializing them in your code), you can use them from Interface Builder. See also

Displaying/Formatting Tabular Data (web)

In my example I have a table where each row is a user for example. Columns could include their name, address, email address, etc. I now need to add a column for (hypothetical example) their cat's names. While most people will have no cats and some people will have 1- 2 cats there will be the occasional person with 20 cats that create one very long row in the table. This is giving me an issue in presentation and for filtering/searching for cat names. Is there a good solution to displaying this type of data?
Have the first 50 (or whatever) characters of the field displayed as normal then put the rest in a block with its visibility set to hidden through CSS. Include a link / button / icon that will allow the user to toggle the visibility so they can see the entire value.
Several options:
Set a maximum width for the cell and allow the data to wrap
Place the content inside a wrapper tag (such as a div) and set the div with a fixed width/height and style of overflow:hidden to ensure that a particularly long word doesn't force out the width of the cell.
Truncate the output text on the server side
For cases #2 and #3, set the Title attribute of the TD tag to contain the full non-truncated text. This will present itself as a tooltip when hovering over the cell.
I would mention other CSS-based solutions but they're very sparsely supported right now, so not worth mentioning.
You might want to try doing something like what SO does. Namely, once someone reaches a certain point in their Rep, it suffixes the number and appromixates it. Ex. 10k instead of 10,236.
That way the numbers don't get out of hand.