s3cmd copy files preserving path - amazon-s3

Is there a way to use copy files to an S3 bucket by preserving the file path?
This is the example:
1. I produce a list of files that are different in bucket1 then in bucket2 using s3cmd sync --dry-run
The list looks like this:
I need to process this list to upload to a new location in the bucket (e.g. s3://bucket/diff/) only the files in the list BUT with the full path as shown in the list.
A simple loop like this:
diff_file_list=$(s3cmd -c s3cfg sync --dry-run s3://BUCKET/20150831/PROD s3://BUCKET/20150831/DEV | awk '{print $2}')
for f in $diff_file_list; do
s3cmd -c s3cfg cp $f s3://BUCKET/20150831/DIFF/
does not work; it produces this:
File s3://BUCKET/20150831/PROD/JC-migration-test-01/META-INF/vault/definition/.content.xml copied to s3://BUCKET/20150831/DIFF/.content.xml
File s3://BUCKET/20150831/PROD/JC-migration-test-01/META-INF/vault/nodetypes.cnd copied to s3://BUCKET/20150831/DIFF/nodetypes.cnd
File s3://BUCKET/20150831/PROD/JC-migration-test-01/META-INF/vault/properties.xml copied to s3://BUCKET/20150831/DIFF/properties.xml
File s3://BUCKET/20150831/PROD/JC-migration-test-01/jcr_root/.content.xml copied to s3://BUCKET/20150831/DIFF/.content.xml
File s3://BUCKET/20150831/PROD/JC-migration-test-01/jcr_root/content/.content.xml copied to s3://BUCKET/20150831/DIFF/.content.xml
File s3://BUCKET/20150831/PROD/JC-migration-test-01/jcr_root/content/origin-store/.content.xml copied to s3://BUCKET/20150831/DIFF/.content.xml

Short answer: not it is not! That is because the paths in S3 buckets are not actually directories/folders and the S3 bucket have no such concepts of structure even if various tools are presenting it this way (including s3cmd which is really confusing...).
So, the "path" is actually a prefix (although the sc3cmd sync to local knows how to translate this prefix in a directory structure on your filesystem).
For a bash script the solution is:
1. create a file listing all the paths from a s3cmd sync --dry-run command (basically a list of diffs) => file1
copy that file and use sed to modify the paths as needed:
sed 's/(^s3.*)PROD/\1DIFF/') => file2
Merge the files so that line1 in file1 is continued by line1 in file2 and so on:
paste file1 file2 > final.txt
Read final.txt, line by line, in a loop and use each line as a set of 2 parameters to a copy or syun command:
while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
s3cmd -c s3cfg sync $line
done < "final.txt"
1. $line in the s3cmd must not be in quotes; if it is the sync command will complain that it received one parameter only... of course!
2. the [[ -n "$line" ]] is used here so that read will not fail of the last line has not new line character
Boto could not help more unfortunately so if you need something similar in python you would do it pretty much the same....


Extract huge tar.gz archives from S3 without copying archives to a local system

I'm looking for a way to extract huge dataset (18 TB+ found here https://github.com/cvdfoundation/open-images-dataset#download-images-with-bounding-boxes-annotations) with this in mind I need the process to be fast (i.e. I don't want to spend twice the time for first copying and then extracting files) Also I don't want archives to take extra space not even one 20 gb+ archive.
Any thoughts on how one can achieve that?
If you can arrange to pipe the data straight into tar, it can uncompress and extract it without needing a temporary file.
Here is a example. First create a tar file to play with
$ echo abc >one
$ echo def >two
$ tar cvf test.tar
$ tar cvf test.tar one two
$ gzip test.tar
Remove the test files
$ rm one two
$ ls one two
ls: cannot access one: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access two: No such file or directory
Now extract the contents by piping the compressed tar file into the tar command.
$ cat test.tar.gz | tar xzvf -
$ ls one two
one two
The only part missing now is how to download the data and pipe it into tar. Assuming you can access the URL with wget, you can get it to send the data to stdout. So you end up with this
wget -qO- https://youtdata | tar xzvf -

Move file, change permissions and rename it keeping the same extesion

Using zsh 5.2 on Fedora 24 workstation.
I want to be programatically able to:
move an image file (can have jpg/ jpeg/ png/ JPG/ PNG extensions)
from /tmp/folder1 to ~/Pictures
This file will have the same few initial characters --- prefix111.jpg OR prefix222.png, etc.
rename the file such that samefilename.JPG becomes 20161013.jpg
20161013 is today's date in yyyymmdd format
Note that the extension becomes small letters
And JPEG or jpeg becomes jpg
change the permissions of the moved file to 644
All at one go.
If there are multiple prefix* files, the command should just fail silently.
I will initially like to do it at the command prompt with an option to add a cron job later. I mean, will the same zsh command/ script work in cron?
I am sure, this is doable. However, with my limited shell knowledge, could only achieve:
mv /tmp/folder1/prefix-*.JPG ~/Pictures/$(date +'%Y%m%d').jpg
Problems with my approach are many. It does not handle capitalization, does not take care of different extensions and does not address the permission issue.
How about this:
FILES="/tmp/folder1/prefix*.jpg /tmp/folder1/prefix*.jpeg /tmp/folder1/prefix*.png h/tmp/folder1/prefix*.JPG /tmp/folder1/prefix*.PNG"
if [ $(ls $FILES | wc -l ) -gt 1 ]; then
exit 1
if [ $(ls $FILES | grep -i '\.png$') ]; then
DEST=$HOME/Pictures/$(date +'%Y%m%d').$SUFF
chmod 644 $DEST

AWK to process compressed files and printing original (compressed) file names

I would like to process multiple .gz files with gawk.
I was thinking of decompressing and passing it to gawk on the fly
but I have an additional requirement to also store/print the original file name in the output.
The thing is there's 100s of .gz files with rather large size to process.
Looking for anomalies (~0.001% rows) and want to print out the list of found inconsistencies ALONG with the file name and row number that contained it.
If I could have all the files decompressed I would simply use FILENAME variable to get this.
Because of large quantity and size of those files I can't decompress them upfront.
Any ideas how to pass filename (in addition to the gzip stdout) to gawk to produce required output?
Assuming you are looping over all the files and piping their decompression directly into awk something like the following will work.
for file in *.gz; do
gunzip -c "$file" | awk -v origname="$file" '.... {print origname " whatever"}'
Edit: To use a list of filenames from some source other than a direct glob something like the following can be used.
$ ls *.awk
a.awk e.awk
$ while IFS= read -d '' filename; do
echo "$filename";
done < <(find . -name \*.awk -printf '%P\0')
To use xargs instead of the above loop will require the body of the command to be in a pre-written script file I believe which can be called with xargs and the filename.
this is using combination of xargs and sh (to be able to use pipe on two commands: gzip and awk):
find *.gz -print0 | xargs -0 -I fname sh -c 'gzip -dc fname | gawk -v origfile="fname" -f printbadrowsonly.awk >> baddata.txt'
I'm wondering if there's any bad practice with the above approach…

How to delete _$folder$ files from S3 with cmd or s3ncmd?

I was using S3Fox and I end up with creating lots of _$folder$ files in multiple S3 directories. I want to clean them all. But the files are neither visible through command line tool nor through S3Fox. They are only visible through AWS S3 console.
I am looking for solution something like
hadoop fs -rmr s3://s3_bucket/dir1/dir2/dir3///*_\$folder\$
you can use s3cmd (http://s3tools.org/s3cmd) and the power of shell.
s3cmd del $(s3cmd ls s3://your-bucket | grep _$folder$ | awk '{ print $1}')

s3cmd: searching for files based on extension and delete from bucket

I have a S3 bucket with thousands of folders and many txt files inside those folders.
I would like to list all txt files inside the bucket so I can check if they're removable. Then remove them if they are.
Any idea how to do this with s3cmd?
This is fairly simple, but depends on how sophisticated you want the check to be. Suppose you wanted to remove every text file whose filename includes 'foo':
s3cmd --recursive ls s3://mybucket |
awk '{ print $4 }' | grep "*.txt" | grep "foo" | xargs s3cmd del
If you want a more sophisticated check than grep can handle, just redirect the first three commands to a file, then either manually edit the file or use or awk or perl or whatever your favorite tool is, then cat the output into s3cmd (depending on the check, you could do it all with piping, too):
s3cmd --recursive ls s3://mybucket | awk '{ print $4 }' | grep "*.txt" > /tmp/textfiles
magic-command-to-check-filenames /tmp/textfiles
cat /tmp/textfiles | xargs s3cmd del