reverse proxy apache to localhost server - apache

I've got a web app running on localhost:3000. I also have an apache server. I would like to reverse proxy the apache server so that requests to /mywebapp get forwarded to the server running on localhost:3000.
I currently have the following config at the bottom of my httpd.conf file, but I'm getting a server error when I try to access it:
ProxyPass /mywebapp http://localhost:3000
ProxyPassReverse /mywebapp http://localhost:3000
Edit - further details:
I'm running a jetty server with java -jar myapp.jar. I'd like to forward requests to an apache server listening on :80 to the jetty server.
I've got and enabled.
I can tell the server is running on localhost - it responds to curl with the appropriate http response. So I'm pretty sure the issue is with my apache setup, but I can't think what the problem would be.
Apache conf file in conf.d for reference:
And I've got this in my httpd.conf:
Include conf.d/*.conf

It's hard to give a generic answer because every situation is different so here are some debugging questions to ask yourself:
if the protocol and port correct on the internal service, http and 3000.
Is the service actually listening for connections from localhost? is it running in a docker container etc that would require it to be listening on a different interface? You can check for this by looking at the output from mywebapp's logs and see if the request are making it through the proxy.
Do the paths on the internal service include the prefix that is being passed to Apache or does apache need to strip these off. if for instance mywebapp expects the path "/foo/bar" and apache's reverse proxy is sending it with the context path included "/mywebapp/foo/bar" then it will not match any path in mywebapp.


Redirect from a URL to a other server

I have the following question that I do not know how to solve it in the most efficient way.
I have two servers, one with Apache where I have a Wordpress instance responding for port 80, and on another server I have a Wildfly with another application listening on port 8080. The Wordpress that I have configured on the Apache server, responds to the URL What I'm not so clear about is how to do when a request arrives at and redirects me to the Wildfly server where an application is responding to the URL : 8080 / app
How could I do it in the most effective way? Using the rewrite module in the .htaccess file or using the Apache proxy module and configuring it in the Apache virtual host? How would I have to do it?
Thank you very much in advance.
You're mixing a few things that are not related to each other. First of all, a redirect is something different than a proxy. Redirecting means asking the client (browser) to look at another URL. A proxy, on the other hand, retrieves the content of the other URL itself and passes it to the client. Using a proxy, the other URL remains invisible to the client.
Second, mod_rewrite is not limited to htaccess configuration. In fact it's better to configure mod_rewrite in the virtual host configuration, just as you suggested with the proxy configuration.
The htaccess is simply for users who are not allowed to mess with the server configuration itself. Configuration in the htaccess can be limited by the admin for security purposes at the cost of slowing down the server.
That said, if you are looking to map your wildfly server paths into your main server's paths, you might want to use something like this inside your main server's virtual host block:
<Location "/yyyy">
ProxyPass "http://wildfly:8080/app"
See for detailed explanations.

How to use Apache to redirect requests for Node-Red?

I'm running in AWS a Ubuntu with a docker server (managed by Portainer) with this two running containers:
1 - NodeRed (Serving my APIs)
2 - Apache (Hosts the site that consumes the APIs from NodeRed above)
I've configured a domain to this server and setted apache to work with SSL. The apache is running ok with my site through HTTPS, but the problem is that the NodeRed (that runs in port 1080) is not configured to run in SSL. This causes a malfunction in my website since that my API endpoints are being running under HTTP and being blocked by the browser due security reasons.
The question is: is there a way to create some kind of "mapping" in apache that receives the request from HTTPS and redirect to the NodeRed in HTTP (the two are running in same server)?
My idea is to create a subdomain like that sends the request for apache and then apache redirects it to my NodeRed. Is that possible?
There is no need to expose the API to the outside world if you don't want to. Since your apache is running correctly and both containers are running on the same host, just use proxy to forward API requests to the API container.
You can achive this by add two lines to your apache config i.e.
ProxyPass /api/
ProxyPassReverse /api/

websphere and apache server proxy and rewrite configuration

There are javaEE applications run on WebSphere server.
The thing I wanna do that to configure a http server that takes the request and redirect to my local websphere server.
For example:
This is live Project
I wanna reach my local project when I insert
The thing I have done so far I can reach my local apache server when I click just with adding in host file in windows/system32/drivre/etc directory.
The thing I could not do so far. redirecting this incoming request to my apache server to websphere server.
Could you please help me on these. Dont hasitate to ask further questions.
I would be appreciated if you could give me some ideas with just commenting at least.
Good days..
IBM provides a specialty reverse proxy module for Apache called the WebSphere WebServer Plug-in. Its use is described in detail in the websphere documentation.
In simple configurations, you can just configure any server you already have as a reverse proxy.
Load mod_proxy and mod_proxy_http (varies depending on Apache distribution)
Append to your virtual host:
ProxyPreserveHost ON
ProxyPass /otel
# ProxyPassReverse likely not required in your case.
Of course there are thousands of places to read about setting up Apache as a reverse proxy and there are nearly no WebSphere specifics.

how set website and webservice on the same port (8080)?

In a server hosting a website (managed with drupal) with an apache2 server (running on port 8080) I would like to install a webservice (tomcat7 / axis2) which runs on the same port 8080. Is there a way do it? There're also svn, trac running on that port. Unfortunately, due to security restrictions, that's the only port accessible externally.
Thank you
You can absolutely expose multiple services on the same port, as long as they all live in distinct URL namespaces. For example, you're already running Trac and svn on port 8080, so obviously you are already doing exactly what you're asking about.
To add Tomcat to the mix, you would typically:
Run Tomcat locally on another port, and then
Use ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse to expose the Tomcat service via your webserver on port 8080.
For example, if you wanted to make your Tomcat instance visible at http://myserver:8080/tomcat, you might add something like this to your Apache configuration:
ProxyPass /tomcat/ http://localhost:8888/
ProxyPassReverse /tomcat/ http://localhost:8888/
You can read more about these directives here. Note that you may need to perform additional configuration of your Tomcat application to reflect the fact that it is externally visible at /tomcat/.
You can also potentially take advantage of virtual hosting, assuming that you control DNS for this system; in that case, you can have:
Lead to a different VirtualHost configuration than:
You can read more about name-based virtual hosting here.
When you install the webservice listening on another port (at localhost), you can use Apache as a proxy (using mod_proxy) to access that service.
Maybe usefull: How to rewrite / proxy an Apache URI to an application listening on a specific port / server?

GeoServer under https

i am using apache web server on localhost:80 and Geoserver served from tomcat on localhost:8080
I recently installed SSL certificate on apache and it works fine except for that i get the message that says i have insecure content which i thought they were GeoServer layers. So now I'm trying to enable SSL for GeoServer and have Openlayers content like htis but still not sure what's the best approach to do that.
My suggestion:
Add a (reverse) proxy in Apache and configure your web application that is connects only to the Apache proxying the GeoServer.
ProxyPass "/geoserver" "http://localhost:8080/geoserver"
ProxyPassReverse "/geoserver" "http://localhost:8080/geoserver"
This way you only need to allow HTTPS in the firewall and nobody from outside will have the chance to reach GeoServers web interface unless you enable port 8080 on the firewall. Also see for further details.
Please note that you should set the of GeoServer with the public reachable URL via your Apache, e.g. - otherwise the absolute URLs generated from GeoServer in e.g. GetCapabilities start with http://localhost:8080/geoserver (which is not reachable anymore).
If you had not already Apache in use, I would recommend nginx.