Apache Lucene Search program - apache

I am currently reading a few tutorials on Apache Lucene. I had a question on how indexing works, which I was not able to find an answer to.
Given a set of documents that I want to index, and search with a string. It seems a Lucene program should index all these documents and then search the inputted search string each time the program is run. Will this not cause performance issues? or am I missing something?

No, it would be pretty atypical build a new index every time you run the program.
Many tutorials and examples out there use RAMDirectory, perhaps that's where the confusion is coming from. RAMDirectory creates an index entirely in memory. This is great for demos and tutorials, because you don't have to worry about the file system, or any of that nonsense, and it ensures you are working from a predictable blank state from the start.
In practice, though, you usually won't be using it. You would, instead, use a directory on the file system, and open an existing index after creating it for the first time, rather than creating a new index every time you run the program.


Lucene creating duplicate indexes

I created an app using lucene. The server winded up throwing out of memory errors because I was new'in up an IndexSeacher for every search in the app. The garbage collector couldn't keep up.
I just got done implementing a singleton approach and now there are multiple indexes being created.
Any clue why this is happening? IndexWriter is what I am keeping static. I get IndexSearchers from it.
You don't have multiple indexes, you just have multiple segments. Lucene splits the index up into segments over time, although you can compact it if you want.
See here and here for more info
You also probably want to "new up" one IndexSearcher and pass it around, seems like you are creating the index every time here.

Index verification tools for Lucene

How can we know the index in Lucene is correct?
I created a simple program that created Lucene indexes and stored it in a folder. Using the diagnostic tool, Luke I could look inside an index and view the content.
I realise Lucene is a standard framework for building a search engine but I wanted to be sure that Lucene indexes every term that existed in a file.
Can I verify that the Lucene index creation is dependable? That not even a single term went missing?
You could always build a small program that will perform the same analysis you use when indexing your content. Then, for all the terms, query your index to make sure that the document is among the results. Repeat for all the content. But personally, I would not waste time on this. If you can open your index in Luke and if you can make a couple of queries, everything is most probably fine.
Often, the real question is whether or not the analysis you did on the content will be appropriate for the queries that will be made against your index. You have to make sure that your index will have a good balance between recall and precision.

Which would be better? Storing/access data in a local text file, or in a database?

Basically, I'm still working on a puzzle-related website (micro-site really), and I'm making a tool that lets you input a word pattern (e.g. "r??n") and get all the matching words (in this case: rain, rein, ruin, etc.). Should I store the words in local text files (such as words5.txt, which would have a return-delimited list of 5-letter words), or in a database (such as the table Words5, which would again store 5-letter words)?
I'm looking at the problem in terms of data retrieval speeds and CPU server load. I could definitely try it both ways and record the times taken for several runs with both methods, but I'd rather hear it from people who might have had experience with this.
Which method is generally better overall?
The database will give you the best performance with the least amount of work. The built in index support and query analyzers will give you good performance for free while a textfile might give you excellent performance for a ton of work.
In the short term, I'd recommend creating a generic interface which would hide the difference between a database and a flat-file. Later on, you can benchmark which one will provide the best performance but I think the database will give you the best bang per hour of development.
For fast retrieval you certainly want some kind of index. If you don't want to write index code yourself, it's certainly easiest to use a database.
If you are using Java or .NET for your app, consider looking into db4o. It just stores any object as is with a single line of code and there are no setup costs for creating tables.
Storing data in a local text file (when you add new records to end of the file) always faster then storing in database. So, if you create high load application, you can save the data in a text file and copy data to a database later. However in most application you should use a database instead of text file, because database approach has many benefits.

Most optimized way to store crawler states?

I'm currently writing a web crawler (using the python framework scrapy).
Recently I had to implement a pause/resume system.
The solution I implemented is of the simplest kind and, basically, stores links when they get scheduled, and marks them as 'processed' once they actually are.
Thus, I'm able to fetch those links (obviously there is a little bit more stored than just an URL, depth value, the domain the link belongs to, etc ...) when resuming the spider and so far everything works well.
Right now, I've just been using a mysql table to handle those storage action, mostly for fast prototyping.
Now I'd like to know how I could optimize this, since I believe a database shouldn't be the only option available here. By optimize, I mean, using a very simple and light system, while still being able to handle a great amount of data written in short times
For now, it should be able to handle the crawling for a few dozen of domains, which means storing a few thousand links a second ...
Thanks in advance for suggestions
The fastest way of persisting things is typically to just append them to a log -- such a totally sequential access pattern minimizes disk seeks, which are typically the largest part of the time costs for storage. Upon restarting, you re-read the log and rebuild the memory structures that you were also building on the fly as you were appending to the log in the first place.
Your specific application could be further optimized since it doesn't necessarily require 100% reliability -- if you miss writing a few entries due to a sudden crash, ah well, you'll just crawl them again. So, your log file can be buffered and doesn't need to be obsessively fsync'ed.
I imagine the search structure would also fit comfortably in memory (if it's only for a few dozen sites you could probably just keep a set with all their URLs, no need for bloom filters or anything fancy) -- if it didn't, you might have to keep in memory only a set of recent entries, and periodically dump that set to disk (e.g., merging all entries into a Berkeley DB file); but I'm not going into excruciating details about these options since it does not appear you will require them.
There was a talk at PyCon 2009 that you may find interesting, Precise state recovery and restart for data-analysis applications by Bill Gribble.
Another quick way to save your application state may be to use pickle to serialize your application state to disk.

Problems using MySQL FULLTEXT indexing for programming-related data (SO Data Dump)

I'm trying to implement a search feature for an offline-accessible StackOverflow, and I'm noticing some problems with using MySQLs FULLTEXT indexing.
Specifically, by default FULLTEXT indexing is restricted to words between 4 and 84 characters long. Terms such as "PHP" or "SQL" would not meet the minimum length and searching for those terms would yield no results.
It is possible to modify the variable which controls the minimum length a word needs to be to be indexed (ft_min_word_len), but this is a system-wide change requiring indexes in all databases to be rebuilt. On the off chance others find this app useful, I'd rather keep these sort of variables as vanilla as possible. I found a post on this site the other day stating that changing that value is just a bad idea anyway.
Another issue is with terms like "VB.NET" where, as far as I can tell, the period in the middle of the term separates it into two indexed values - VB and NET. Again, this means searches for "VB.NET" would return nothing.
Finally, since I'm doing a direct dump of the monthly XML-based dumps, all values are converted to HTML Entities and I'm concerned that this might have an impact on my search results.
I found a blog post which tries to address these issues with the following advice:
keep two copies of your data - one with markup, etc. for display, and one modified for searching (remove unwanted words, markup, etc)
pad short terms so they will be indexed, I assume with a pre/suffix.
What I'd like to know is, are these really the best workarounds for these issues? It seems like semi-duplicating a > 1GB table is wasteful, but maybe that's just me.
Also, if anyone could recommend a good site to understand MySQL's FULLTEXT indexing, I'd appreciate it. To keep this question from being too cluttered, please leave the site recommendations in the question comments, or email me directly at the site on my user profile).
Additional Info:
I think I should clarify a couple of things.
I know "MySQL" tends to lead to the assumption of "web application", but that's not what I'm going for here. I could install Apache and PHP and run things that way, but I'm trying to keep this light. I can use my website for playing with PHP, so I don't feel the need to install it on my home machine too. I also hope this could be useful for others as well, and I don't want to force anyone else into installing a bunch of extra utilities. I went with MySQL since it was easy and needing to install some sort of DB was unavoidable.
The specifics of the project were going to be:
Desktop application written in C# (WinForms)
MySQL backend
I'm starting to wonder if I should just say to hell with it, and install everything I'd need to make this an (offline) webapp. As much as we'd all like to think our pet project is going to be used and loved by the community at large, I should know by now that this is likely going end up being only used by a single user.
From what was already said, I understand, that MySQL FullText is not for you ;) But why stick to MySQL? Try Sphinx:
It will solve most of your problems.