Update user password in Mysql 5.7 - authentication

I wrote an installation script to change the root password with this SQL command:
UPDATE user SET password='*C563415623144561...' WHERE user='root';
This doesn't work on Mysql 5.7:
My question is: how to change this command with another one compatible with 5.6 and 5.7 version of Mysql? I would like to update the password with a hashed string and not with a clear password.

This is no more password field in the user table as of mysql 5.7. It's now called authentication_string. You can change or set the password like this:
set password for 'jeff'#'localhost' = PASSWORD('mypass'); // this automatically hashes the password
If you you want to use your query , just change password to authentication_string,and it will work.
UPDATE user SET authentication_string='*C563415623144561...' WHERE user='root#localhost';
Hope this help.

I've used this command to reset to empty password in Mysql 5.7.22
ALTER USER 'root'#'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '';

Given that 'SET PASSWORD FOR = PASSWORD('')' is deprecated as on mysql 5.7. If not done correctly you could even end up with below error in syslog.
The plugin 'auth_socket' used to authenticate user 'root'#'localhost' is not loaded. Nobody can currently login using this account.
I suggest to use below command.
ALTER USER 'root'#'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'mypass';

On Ubuntu 19.10 with mysqld version 8.0.19, none of the above worked for me. The instructions given here https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-reset-root-mysql-mariadb-password-on-ubuntu-20-04-focal-fossa-linux worked. It's for MariaDB, but it's the same if don't use MariaDB. The two key points are : the function password() is removed in mysqld 8.0+ and, for some reason, the unix socket for mysqld is not created with the --skip-grant-tables options. So, you must use these modified instructions:
$ sudo systemctl stop mysql
$ sudo mkdir -p /var/run/mysqld
$ sudo chown mysql:mysql /var/run/mysqld
$ sudo /usr/sbin/mysqld --skip-grant-tables --skip-networking &
Check that the daemon mysqld is running:
$ ps aux | grep mysqld
If it is running, then start mysql and change the password
$ mysql -u root
> USE mysql;
> ALTER USER 'root'#'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'N3w_p#ssw0rD.';
> quit
Important: before you (re)start mysqld, you need to kill the current process. Just stopping it the normal way does not work.
$ sudo pkill mysqld
$ sudo systemctl start mysql
Then you can test:
$ mysql -u root --password='N3w_p#ssw0rD.'

First of all look your specified mysql version security policies.
show variables like '%validate_password%';
you can change this policy if you like with
set variable_name=new_value;
Changing appropriate user password.
MySQL 5.7.5 and earlier version:
SET PASSWORD FOR 'user_name' = PASSWORD('new_password');
MySQL 5.7.6 and later version:
alter user 'user_name' identified by 'new_password';

For Server version: 5.7.25 - MySQL Community Server (GPL). Use below query as password is no more valid and replaced by authentication_string
UPDATE user SET authentication_string = PASSWORD('yourpassword'), password_last_changed = NULL
WHERE user.Host = 'localhost' AND user.User = 'username';

I'm no MySQL authority, but based on MySQL's current 5.7 documentation, the suggestions in the currently accepted and most upvoted answer strike me as inadvisable. (This is likely due to the passage of time -- the question and #mdamia's answer were both posted in 2015.)
The MySQL 5.7.6 (2015-03-09, Milestone 16) release notes linked by #Tobia's question say "ALTER USER is now the preferred statement for assigning passwords."
The question did ask if a single command could be used for both MySQL 5.6 and 5.7, but given that the ALTER USER syntax implemented by MySQL >= 5.7.6 offers a security enhancement, I would use the newer syntax when it is available. If I still had to operate a MySQL < 5.7.6 installation, I would limit my use of older and deprecated/discouraged password-updating syntax to those circumstances.
The ALTER USER statements suggested by #Carlos Alberto GarcĂ­a Guardia and #Venkat Kotra in their answers thus seem to me like the right syntax to use for MySQL >= 5.7.6. Two examples (adapted from their answers and the ALTER USER documentation for MySQL 5.7): :
ALTER USER '<username>'#'localhost'
IDENTIFIED BY '<new_cleartext_password>';
ALTER USER '<username>'#'localhost'
IDENTIFIED WITH <auth_plugin>
BY '<new_cleartext_password>';
The second example above contains an optional WITH clause to specify an authentication plugin. The plugin specified gets written to the "plugin" field of the mysql.user table. For background on the history and future of MySQL authentication plugins, I found these MySQL Server Team blog posts helpful:
"Protecting MySQL Passwords With the sha256_password Plugin"
"New Default Authentication Plugin: caching_sha2_password"
In answer to #Tobia's question how to pass the new password to MySQL in hashed format rather than cleartext, the MySQL ALTER USER documentation indicates that this is done by using AS in place of BY in the ALTER USER statement:
ALTER USER '<username>'#'localhost'
IDENTIFIED WITH <auth_plugin>
AS '<new_hashed_password_value>';
When using AS instead of BY, the ALTER USER documentation says, the password string "is assumed to be already in the format the authentication plugin requires, and is stored as is in the mysql.user table." If a plugin requires a hashed value, "the value must be hashed in a format appropriate for the plugin. Otherwise, the value is not usable by the plugin and correct authentication of client connections will not occur." Id.
The currently accepted answer suggests using either a SET PASSWORD ... PASSWORD() statement or an UPDATE statement (the former for passing the new password in cleartext and the latter for passing it in hashed format):
FOR '<username>'#'localhost' =
UPDATE mysql.user
SET authentication_string='<mypass_as_hash>'
WHERE User='<username>';
These statements are deprecated and/or discouraged in relation to the currently preferred ALTER USER statement.
SET PASSWORD ... = PASSWORD(<cleartext>) "is deprecated as of MySQL 5.7.6 and will be removed in a future MySQL release", according to the SET PASSWORD documentation.
The SET PASSWORD ... = 'auth_string' syntax (i.e., leaving out the PASSWORD(str) encryption function) "is not deprecated, but ALTER USER is the preferred statement for account alterations, including assigning passwords." Id. See also Removal and Deprecation in MySQL 5.7:
We have deprecated the SET PASSWORD syntax and the PASSWORD() function. The existing ALTER USER statement is modified to cover the deprecated functionality. The PASSWORD() function was originally introduced as a way to manually update the mysql.user table. This is generally a bad idea and we want to leave the task of managing user authentication properties exclusively to using the ALTER USER statement which automatically determines which authentication plugin should be used and then adjusts the password algorithm accordingly.
As described by the manual, it also appears that UPDATE is less secure than ALTER PASSWORD with respect to logging. The manual indicates that UPDATE statements are written to logs as is, becoming visible to anyone with read access to the logs.[1] In contrast, the manual indicates, when MySQL writes ALTER USER ... IDENTIFIED BY ... statements (and also SET PASSWORD statements) to logs, it rewrites the contained passwords so they do "not appear literally".[1]
At least in most circumstances. The documentation for SET PASSWORD and ALTER USER warns that these statements too can be logged with visible passwords "under some circumstances",[2] although presumably not in all circumstances as apparently is the case with UPDATE.
1: See MySQL 5.7 manual on password logging ("In particular, INSERT or UPDATE statements for the mysql.user system table that refer to literal passwords are logged as is, so you should avoid such statements. (Direct modification of grant tables is discouraged, anyway.)")
2: See MySQL 5.7 SET PASSWORD documentation and MySQL 5.7 ALTER USER documentation
Disclaimer: I'm just sharing my interpretation upon reading the MySQL manual today. I haven't tested MySQL's behavior with respect to what password-altering statements it logs where in what format.

This is the only way to me in: mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.30
UPDATE user SET authentication_string = PASSWORD('YourPassword'), password_last_changed = NULL
WHERE user.Host = 'localhost' AND user.User = 'YourUsername';


psql says password is incorrect for user that does not exist

I am trying to create a database and each time I run the createdb [databasename], and enter the "incorrect" password, command I get the following error, createdb: error: could not connect to database template1: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "[username]".
However, the user that says the authentication has failed for doesn't exist. I can run psql -U postgres and enter the password I provided previously and log in just fine. Once logged in as Postgres user I run \du and only see the Postgres user in the table. Any reason this would be happening? I uninstalled and reinstalled and still have the same issue. Why is the default user something other than the original postgres user?
Here is the result of the \du command
List of roles
Role name | Attributes | Member of
postgres | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}
The error message does not tell you the exact reason why authentication failed on purpose, to give attackers as little information as possible.
The cause of your problem might be that your username contains upper case letters on the operating system, but you created the database user without using double quotes, so that the upper case letters got translated to lower case.
If you want more than guessing, you have to tell us the exact command line and the output from \du.
I guess I had to add the username from my OS because that is what Postgresql defaults to, as well as add a DB with the same name.

Autovacuum config on Azure Postgresql

I am trying to change some global settings below for auto-vacuum on an Azure Database for PostgreSQL instance.
select * from pg_settings where name like 'autovacuum%'
Say if I want to change the scale factor with
ALTER SYSTEM SET autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = 0.1;
I get
ERROR: must be superuser to execute ALTER SYSTEM command
SQL state: 42501
Is there a way to update these configuration values?
This Stack Overflow post covers the 'superuser' role with Azure Database for PostgreSQL: Can't create a PostgreSQL Superuser role to get an Application installed and running
With that, and in looking at the available Server Parameters, there is no way to change the unlisted parameters or make changes that require Superuser privileges.
I suggest you go to the Azure Database for PostgreSQL User Voice and make a recommendation.

Read-only access for Heroku Postgres Databases

I have a Heroku Postgres database for my application. I can easily access the psql shell using the provided DATABASE_URL from Heroku
psql $(heroku config:get DATABASE_URL -a my_app)
psql (9.6.1)
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDSE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.
And by default, this user seems to have full access to update and drop tables
d5i032ahpfiv07=> SELECT
string_agg(privilege_type, ', ') as privileges
FROM information_schema.role_table_grants
WHERE table_schema = 'public'
AND grantee = current_user
table_name | privileges
I'd love to set up "Read Only" users in the database so that people can view this data without fear of running "DROP TABLE" or some other destructive command.
How can I go about setting up a read-only user on Heroku Postgres?
Thank you!
Create a Heroku Postgres Follower Database
A database follower is a read-only copy of the leader database that
stays up-to-date with the leader database data. As writes and other
data modifications are committed in the leader database, the changes
are streamed, in real-time, to the follower databases.
Then simply run your analytics, dataclips, and other read-only applications against the follower. This is a very standard configuration that safeguards your main DB, and has added performance benefits: you can hammer it with queries (which are often intensive and have different cache profiles) without affecting your user-facing application.
Adam's suggestion to create a follower database is usually the right solution for this, but it's possible to create a read-only role (or any other permissions you want), for any Heroku Postgres database, even one that isn't a follower.
Heroku has detailed documentation for this at Heroku Postgres Credentials, but briefly:
Create Heroku credential
heroku pg:credentials:create <addon_name> --name new_credential -a <app_name>
<addon_name> is the name of your Postgres addon, which you can find by running heroku pg:info -a <app_name> and checking the "Add-on" line in the output.
The new credential is named new_credential in the above command, but you can use whatever name you want.
Set permissions
Creating the new_credential credential also creates a new_credential role (see Postgres roles documentation) in your Postgres database. You can set the permissions for new_credential like any other role, using psql. By default, the role has no permissions. The Heroku docs give this example, to run in psql:
The above sets the new_credential role to have read-only privileges. See the Postgres documentation on privileges for more details.
Attach the credential
Before you can use the credential, you need to attach it to your app:
heroku addons:attach <addon_name> --credential new_credential -a <app_name>
When you run the addons:attach command, the output will include a new config var named HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_<COLOUR>_URL, where <COLOUR> is some colour. This config var holds a Postgres connection URL you can use to connect to the database using the new_credential role.
Using the credential
In an app, connect to the database using the new config var created in the last step instead of the default DATABASE_URL (which still contains the default, read-write credentials).
You can also use the new role in psql:
heroku pg:psql <addon_name> --credential new_credential -a <app_name>
Or, if you want to use psql directly as in your example, you can use the new colour URL:
psql $(heroku config:get HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_<COLOUR>_URL -a <app_name>)
When you connect to Postgres using the new role, any attempts to create, update, or drop data will be rejected by Postgres due to the role's permissions.
It has kind of already been said, but this is a simple solution for those who don't want to get real technical.
You can just create dataclips here for each or any individual Heroku app that you have. You run whatever queries you like, and then you can share it via URL, CSV, JSON, Google Sheet, or you can even add individual people or teams to have access to them.
It's nice cause you have the Heroku web UI to use (rather than through CLI), and it doesn't necessarily give someone complete access to the DB, just what you want them to see; which is suitable for some people's specific needs/scenarios.

PostgreSQL CREATE USER with password using windows password policy

I'm looking for a way to create a user with password for PostgreSQL >= 8.4 using SQL statement, but the password must match the windows password policy.
At MSSQL I can create a LOGIN and set CHECK_POLICY=ON
and later create the user for this login.
Is there something similar for PostgreSQL? I have to support all versions beginning at 8.4.
Thank you
There is a module for that:
Think this works since Version 9.0.

"Alter user sys identified by" not working

First of all, I use:
Windows 7 x64
Oracle Enterprise 11g R2 x32
I have some basic experience with SQL Server and MySQL (more with MySQL). Today I started working with Oracle, and I've been bumping a lot on the way.
The problem I'm having now is that, for some reason, I can't connect to any sys user (sysdba or sysoper). Probably I made a mistake writing the password when creating the database, but I'm not sure, so I'm trying to change it.
I've been trying, as some searches had led me to try, to use
sqlplus /nolog
connect / as sysdba
alter user sys identified by new_pass;
And it seems to work. I mean, it says "User altered". However, I still can't log in sqlplus with the new password. It's a little weird, since I can connect to "sysman" with my original password, but it doesn't have the privileges I need.
I'd appreciate any help I could get, and I thank you beforehand.
After you log in with 'sqlplus / as sysdba', try changing the password for system by issuing
Then, to make sure, without quitting sqlplus:
CONN system/abcdef
That should work. After that, you can log on with system/abcdef when you start sqlplus.
The ORA-01994 error happens when you forget to use the orapwd command, and it critical to note that the name of the file must be orapwsid, and you must supply the full path name when using the orapwd command. 'orapwsid' sid is case sensitive.
A No Root password installation's the default. Now you were logged in as root#'%', but a bug exists. Compare how two SQL statements react:
Always outputs mysql_native_password | |
alter user root#'%' identified by 'mariadb';
Job works and the root's identified by new password.
mysql_native_password | *54958E764C
I faced same problem in my server and I resolved them by following solution.
steps of solution.
1) change sys password from database connect with /as sysdba
2) down application and database and restart both 1 database 2 application
3) start listener and database then application.
now both are working fine.