I am facing issue with Hebrew language in IE10 and Firefox. Some part of the text gets reversed as mentioned below:
(79 הכול 1 - 50) מתוך
The number 79 should be after הכול with a closing bracket. Its working fine in IE11.
Tried the steps given in IE10 - RTL reversed - how to fix? however its not working.
I am running a Selenium test on BrowserStack and sendkeys command is not sending the specified text to the input field. I noticed that this issue usually occurs with special characters like #, #, etc.
How do I fix it?
It is a known bug with IEDriver. SendKeys command doesn't work well with special characters and drops some letters from the input string.
You can refer the GitHub Issue - https://github.com/seleniumhq/selenium/issues/805#issuecomment-396581314
I recently found that BrowserStack has "browserstack.sendKeys" capability to overcome this.
Refer this SendKeys on IE11 article on BrowserStack
Found related issues you may check -
How to fix the slow sendkeys on IE 11 with Selenium Webdriver 3.0.0?
I am in the process of moving my home server to a Linode box. After the transition, my WebDriver script has begun acting a little weird.
Both servers are running Ubuntu 16.04 with identical versions of selenium.
However I am running chrome 65 on the new box and 58 on the old.
The issue...
When entering text from MySQL into the description field on the site, if there are no html tags being inserted, everything seems to work as intended. However, if html tags are included, the description field is in the incorrect order.
From watching it run, it looks like the text is being “typed in the correct order, but the cursor will randomly just to the beginning/middle/end of the text field, causing the final field to be in a strange order.
** each iteration of the code produces the text in the same (incorrect) order
** the same results occur whether I am currently Interacting with the machine or not
To check a UI issue which was reported in IE9 i am using emulation mode in my IE 11.
If i inspect the element in IE 11 with out emulation it works fine but when i change the document mode to 9 and inspect the element it only shows blank
Have any one faced this issue and what is the solution for this??
I've noticed the same thing in IE 11 while running an older document mode on a page. Oddly, the DOM Explorer shows me content for the page, but will not show me the contents of IFrames on that page.
This has never been an issue in IE10 or older, so it's looking a lot like a bug or at least a limitation in IE 11, sadly.
I'm really interested to see if anyone has a workaround or fix for this?
Microsoft offers virtual machines that can be used for testing back to IE 6 under XP.
I created the following jsbin to show the problem. http://jsbin.com/fewuli/2/ If you run this in any browser but IE10 and focus the input then the box shadow outline looks great like this:
But if you run this in IE10 (or IE9+) it doesnt render the top portion of the box shadow on focus like this:
Is there any way to fix this without increasing the box shadow size (last option?)
I tested the link you provided and checked it out in different versions of IE (11, 10 and 9) and they all showed the input box being highlighted when it held the focus. (I used the IE toolbar Emulation to view the differences)
If you are still having problems with this you could try adding a script that helps older IE browsers support HTML5. Modernizr is one of these scripts that will help in this way. There is also HTML5 Shiv but that only supports IE browsers 9 and older.
Another suggestion would be to try MS Visual Filters and Transitions and apply it to your INPUT class:
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(PixelRadius=3,MakeShadow=true,ShadowOpacity=0.30);
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(PixelRadius=3,MakeShadow=true,ShadowOpacity=0.30)";
I have read the advice on posting a question that should be as precise as possible and used the advanced search facility so I hope my question has not been covered previously.
NOTE: I am not a programmer and can only just about find my way around code (in my site`s cpanel).
My site`s login popup box does not work in Firefox - although it did so for 3 years prior, up until a few weeks ago, so maybe there is an issue with a recent FF update). It does however work OK in Chrome.
Hovering over the login/register text shows the alt tag "Click to show popup login form" but nothing happens when clicked.
Can you provide a URL for others to see what you're referring to?
Firefox was just updated to version 18 I believe. I would try and downgrade to 17 just to confirm that it's an issue with FF. If it is I'd open an issue with mozilla (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/). Also search there for your issue.