How to get shipping charge in DHL - api

I cant able to get shipping charge in DHL.
I know that shipping charge is only get when rated is Yes and service is dutiable in PLT service.
But my question is without using dutiable or non-dutiable how can I get shipping charge.
In request XML if put below tag then and then only get the response so without Y get shipping charge please guide me, actually which thing change response XML or any other tag that not getting so please help me for that..
<IsDutiable>Y</IsDutiable> -- GET SHIPPING CHARGE
<IsDutiable>N</IsDutiable> -- NOT GET SHIPPING CHARGE(required with this tag)


How can I get tax details from my personal webserver and display on the checkout page in shopify?

I want to create a shopify app that can fetch tax and HS code details from my website and display that to checkout page of the user as soon as user adds a product to cart. How can I build this?
You can use an App Proxy at the cart level to show off information. The proxy serves as a secure way of contacting your server and returning results. In checkout itself, you can offer up information too, with checkout scripts post-purchase.
Note that without integrating a tax service into Shopify itself and using that, none of the tax data or numbers you show off will have any use in the actual order calculations, meaning all your work is simple convenience of showing off an estimation to customers. The tax numbers the customers may actually see will be done by Shopify and/or the integrated tax solution your merchant account uses.

Shopify - New order using the Shopify API - how to know tax and shipping?

We have built an e-commerce web application (Node backend, Vue frontend). We process the payment using Stripe, but many brands have asked us if the order and inventory control can be done in Shopify. We are trying to figure out the best way integrate a payment module into Shopify so that the brand can manage the fulfilment and inventory through Shopify.
It seems we should use the Order API to create an order and mark it as paid. But how do we know that the product is in stock, and what are the cost for shipping and tax from Shopify when creating the order? I think we can use the Product API to get inventory levels, but where is the shipping and tax endpoints?
If I understand the Order API correctly, we need to tell Shopify what are the shipping costs and tax costs, when a new order is created. Is that right? How could we possibly know those figures? Seems like there should be an endpoint to calculate shipping costs and get a product's tax rates so that we can then pass those figures back into the Order API. Am I missing something?
I thought maybe we are supposed to create an order that has financial_status: pending first to get shipping and tax rates back (does it even give you those?), then update the order to either cancel_reason: customer or cancel_reason: inventory if those rates are too expensive and the order is declined? But surely we need to know what shipping methods are available to the customer in order to tell Shopify which one to use, right? Or does it by default choose the cheapest one when creating an order?
We know the customers shipping address
We don't know where the product is warehoused (Shopify does I think)
We don't know the weights or dimensions of the product (Shopify does I think)
This answer is a little bit late, but i hope, i can help others that are struggling with the same issue.
First i would recommend to set up all Shipping Rates and Taxes in Shopify. There are plenty of manuals to achieve this:
After this there are different possibilities to calculate your shipping and tax cost.
Your shipping cost can you get via the active_shipping API, which can be found here:
Or the following Shopify Application:
However, you may need to know size and storage location for theese solutions.
The taxes can you get via the country in the Admin API, there is a specific key-value pair for this:
I hope that's enough information to get closer to solving the issue, for at least someone.

Can FedEx shipping methods be suppressed when an address contains a P.O. Box in Hotcakes?

We are wondering if in Hotcakes 1.10.3, if the shipping method lookup can recognize if an address entered is a P.O. Box before returning available shipping methods.
Why we ask - our client is primarily using FedEx to deliver shipiments, but would like to default to USPS shipping methods when a customer enters a P.O. box as FedEx doesn't deliver to P.O. boxes.
I've tried out a few PO box addresses, and in our current build FedEx rates still get returned. Is there any way to block FedEx from returning if a P.O. box is entered as an address in Checkout?
Thanks much.
Disclaimer: I work for Hotcakes.
I looked at this in our code base and it was interesting to see that we're simply taking the address entered by the customer in checkout and passing it directly to the shipping provider (e.g., FedEx). In my testing using FedEx specifically, they're returning rates from their own web service, regardless to whether the address is a P.O. Box or not. They don't seem to be checking for this themselves. I didn't check the other built-in live rate providers for this answer.
I order to workaround this, you can detect this yourself and prevent this from happening in your custom viewset. However, you should be aware that doing this would really require that you test all of the use cases that you expect for your target customers to fall into on your site.
In your viewset, find the Checkout.js file in the Scripts folder.
In this file, you'll want to look for the following method and apply a check to see if the Address 1 field is a P.O. Box or not. If it is, remove the FedEx rates from the list of shipping providers that received rates. This will prevent your customer from selecting unsupported rates.
An example of that check in this JS file might look like this:
var address1Value = $('#shippingaddress').val()
if (address1Value.substring(0, 4) == "P.O.") {
// iterate through each rate to see if it needs to be removed

Fedex Shipment Get status of shipping?

I need to integrate Fedex shipping in my website. I am able to get the shipping rates using the 'getRates' method ad also tracking details for testing purpose using the test tracking number '123456789012' and 'track' method.
But I cant extract the status info details from the track response. Which field should I check to get the status of that tracking number? Or since its a teat tracking number, is there any chance that some fields missing in the response? Please help if anyone knows?
Thanks in advance

How to get correct URL to offer or correct price of offer in Amazon Product API

Try to work with Amazon Product API. Lot of code work, but have a problem, when get a lowest price, I get, for example, 0.01$. Ok, output near URL using response.item.DetailPageURL get URL not to offer with price 0.01$, but with other price (0.70$). So looking deeper I find out that offer with 0.01$ ask 5$ additional for shipping. And offer with price 0.70$ looks like lowest, cause it has free shipping. So, I wonder how can I obtain URL to offer with price 0.01$, so I output lowest price and URL to it, or how can I obtain price 0.70$ and left links as it is now? How to make URL and price from one offer?
I have dive into this problem and find out that there is no way to choose what offer will be send to me by amazon in response. The only way is show price from this path item.Offers.Offer.OfferListing.Price.FormattedPrice and gave the like to all offers on this item. So you will have price, for example, $0.01 and link to all offer where first will be the best by total price including shipping, but item price in top of page will be as you describe on you side $0.01.