ActiveRecord .merge not working on two relations - sql

I have the following models in my app:
class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :gallery_cards, dependent: :destroy
has_many :photos, through: :gallery_cards
has_many :direct_photos, class_name: 'Photo'
class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :gallery_card
belongs_to :company
class GalleryCard < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :company
has_many :photos
As you can see, Company has_many :photos, through: :gallery_cards and also has_many :photos. Photo has both a gallery_card_id and a company_id column.
What I want to be able to do is write a query like that returns an ActiveRecord::Relation of all the company's photos. In my Company model, I currently have the method below, but that returns an array or ActiveRecord objects, rather than a relation.
def all_photos
photos + direct_photos
I've tried using the .merge() method (see below), but that returns an empty relation. I think the reason is because the conditions that are used to select and #company.direct_photos are different. This SO post explains it in more detail.
#company = Company.find(params[:id])
photos =
direct_photos = #company.direct_photos
direct_photos.merge(photos) = []
photos.merge(direct_photos) = []
I've also tried numerous combinations of .joins and .includes without success.
this might be a candidate for a raw SQL query, but my SQL skills are rather basic.
For what it's worth, I revisited this and came up (with help) another query that grabs everything in one shot, rather than building an array of ids for a second query. This also includes the other join tables:
LEFT OUTER JOIN companies ON photos.company_id = #{id}
LEFT OUTER JOIN gallery_cards ON = photos.gallery_card_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN quote_cards ON = photos.quote_card_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN team_cards ON = photos.team_card_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN who_cards ON = photos.who_card_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN wild_cards ON = photos.wild_card_id"
).where("photos.company_id = #{id}
OR gallery_cards.company_id = #{id}
OR quote_cards.company_id = #{id}
OR team_cards.company_id = #{id}
OR who_cards.company_id = #{id}
OR wild_cards.company_id = #{id}").uniq

ActiveRecord's merge returns the intersection not the union of the two queries – counterintuitively IMO.
To find the union, you need to use OR, for which ActiveRecord has poor built-in support. So I think you're correct that its best to write the conditions in SQL:
def all_photos
Photo.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN gallery_cards ON = photos.gallery_card_id")
.where("photos.company_id = :id OR gallery_cards.company_id = :id", id: id)
ETA The query associates the gallery_cards to photos with a LEFT OUTER JOIN, which preserves those photo rows without associated gallery card rows. You can then query based on either photos columns or on associated gallery_cards columns – in this case, company_id from either table.
You can leverage ActiveRecord scope chaining to join and query from additional tables:
def all_photos
Photo.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN gallery_cards ON = photos.gallery_card_id")
.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN quote_cards ON = photos.quote_card_id")
.where("photos.company_id = :id OR gallery_cards.company_id = :id OR quote_cards.company_id = :id", id: id)


How would I write this SQL query in Rails 3.2 syntax?

I have the following code my Track.rb model. Is there any way to write this using more Rails syntax? Im using Rails 3.2
#track = Track.find(7)
Submission.joins("LEFT JOIN missions ON = submissions.mission_id")
.joins("LEFT JOIN tracks ON = missions.track_id")
.where("missions.track_id = ?",
has_many :missions
belongs_to :track
has_many :submissions
belongs_to :mission
First of all, do you really need left join for missions? You filter by missions.track_id, so you do not need submissions without missions. Inner join would be more appropriate in this case.
Next, why do you need to join tracks - you do not use this table in the next sql.
With these thoughts, you could rewrite your code as:
Submission.joins(:mission).where(missions: { track_id: })

Query using condition within an array

I have 2 models, user and centre, which have a many to many relationship.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name
has_and_belongs_to_many :centres
class Centre < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name, :centre_id, :city_id, :state_id
has_and_belongs_to_many :users
Now I have an user with multiple centres, and I want to retrieve all the centres that have the same "state_id" as that user.
This is what I am doing now
state_id_array = []
user.centres.each do |centre|
state_id_array << centre.state_id
return Centre.where("state_id IN (?)", state_id_array).uniq
It works, but it's very ugly. Is there a better way for achieving this? Ideally a one line query.
Now I have
Centre.where('centres.state_id IN (?)','state_id').joins(:user).where('', user))
The subquery work by itself, but when I tried to execute the entire query, I get NULL for the inner query.'state_id').joins(:user).where('', user)
will generate
SELECT state_id FROM "centres" INNER JOIN "centres_users" ON "centres_users"."centre_id" = "centres"."id" INNER JOIN "users" ON "users"."id" = "centres_users"."user_id" WHERE ( = (5))
Which return 'SA', 'VIC', 'VIC'
but the whole query will generate
SELECT DISTINCT "centres".* FROM "centres" WHERE (centres.state_id IN (NULL,NULL,NULL))
Does user also has state_id column if yes then try this,
User.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN users ON users.state_id = centers.state_id")
try User.joins(:center)
will retrieve a model with only the state_id column populated. To retrieve a field, use
Below is the final query I had
Centre.where('centres.state_id IN (?)', Centre.joins(:user).where('', user).pluck('state_id').uniq)

How to select only unique entries from a join table

I would like to make my block of code more efficient. I have two models and a join table for them. They both have a has_many :through relationship. Some parts belong to multiple groups, some only belong to one. I need to get the records that belong to only one group and in the most efficient manner as there are thousands of parts. Here are my models:
class Part < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name,
has_many :part_groups, dependent: :destroy
has_many :groups, through: :part_groups, select: 'groups.*, part_groups.*'
class Group < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name,
has_many :part_groups, dependent: :destroy
has_many :parts, through: :part_groups, select: 'parts.*, part_groups.*'
class PartGroup < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :part_id,
belongs_to :part
belongs_to :group
What I would like to be able to do is get all the parts that belong only to Group A and only to Group B, but not ones that belong to both A & B. After struggling with this for hours and getting nowhere I'm using this as a stop gap:
#groupA = []
#groupB = []
Part.all.each do |part|
if part.group_ids.length == 1
if part.group_ids.first == 1
elsif part.group_ids.first == 2
This obviously isn't scalable as there will be many groups. I've tried various methods of join and include that I've been googling but so far nothing has worked.
I am also new to rails , So as far i understand this is the structure of your tables.
Id | Name
Id | Name
Id | part_id | group_id
So you can do the following,
Group.find(1).parts // Parts belong to group A
Group.find(2).parts // Parts belong to group B
so this may give parts that belong to other groups also.
Objective is to get parts that belongs only to group A and only to group B
Try for
Group.find(1).parts.collect{|row| row if row.groups.count==1}.flatten
I think this is better approach than yours , because am traversing only those parts which belong to group1.
The raw sql for this could look like
select parts.* from parts
inner join part_groups on = part_groups.part_id
left outer join part_groups as group_b on group_b.part_id = and group_b.group_id = 456
where is null and part_groups.group_id = 123
Assuming that group a had id 123 and group b had id 456.
What this does is try to join the part_groups table twice (so an alias needs to be used the second time), once where group_id matches group A and once against group B. The use of the left join allows us to require that the second join (against B) produces no rows.
Activerecord doesn't provide much assistance for this, other than allowing you to pass arbitrary sql fragments to joins, so you end up with something like"parts.*").
.joins("left outer join part_groups as group_b on group_b.group_id = #{} and group_b.part_id =").
.where(:part_groups => {:group_id =>}).where(" is null")
Arel (which underpins the query generation part of active record) can generate this sort of query but this isn't exposed directly.

Rails: where not in on has_many through

I have the following model
class Recipe < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :recipe_allergens
has_many :allergens, through: :recipe_allergens
I'm trying to find all the recipes that do not have a given set of allergens, so I tried joins(:allergens).where.not(allergens: { id: allergens }).
Unfortunately, this does not account for the null case, where a Recipe may not have any associated Allergen.
I thought the LEFT OUTER JOIN that includes does would handle this.
How are you supposed to write this query?
I got this working with the following, though it seems really gross:
joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN recipe_allergens ON recipe_allergens.recipe_id =")
.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN allergens ON = recipe_allergens.allergen_id")
Please tell me there's a better way!
I would do it this way:
allergenes = Allergene.where #....
allergene_ids = allergenes.pluck(:id)
bad_recipe_ids = RecipeAllergenes.where(allergene_id: allergene_ids)
recipes = Recipe.where('id NOT IN ?', bad_recipe_ids)

Rails activerecord inner join a custom object

I have classes:
class Want < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :cached_buy_offers, dependent: :destroy
class CachedBuyOffer < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :want
So, I can do
which works as expected.
I want to generate following sql:
select * from wants
inner join
(select cached_buy_offers.want_id, max(buy_offer_cents) as max_buy_offer, count(cached_buy_offers.want_id) as buy_offer_count
from cached_buy_offers
where cached_buy_offers.want_id in (1,2,3,4)
group by cached_buy_offers.want_id
order by max_buy_offer) as cached_buy_offers
on cached_buy_offers.want_id =
Inner sql query can be generated using:
ids = [1,2,3,4]'cached_buy_offers.want_id, max(buy_offer_cents) as max_buy_offer, count(cached_buy_offers.want_id) as buy_offer_count').where('cached_buy_offers.want_id in (?)',ids).group('cached_buy_offers.want_id').order('max_buy_offer')
But when I try to do this:
Want.joins( ..... the above activerecord inner query)
throws an error RuntimeError: unknown class: CachedBuyOffer
How can I generate the required sql?
You can use Arel.sql.
ids = [1,2,3,4]
cached_buy_offer_subquery = CachedBuyOffer
max(buy_offer_cents) as max_buy_offer,
count(cached_buy_offers.want_id) as buy_offer_count')
.where('cached_buy_offers.want_id in (?)',ids)
Want.joins("INNER JOIN (#{Arel.sql(cached_buy_offer_subquery)}) cached_buy_offers ON cached_buy_offers.want_id =")
.joins takes an association key as an argument, such as Want.joins(:cached_buy_offer). You can chain queries off of that!