404 in RESPONSIVE FileManager's Java Large File Uploader - file-upload

With SocialEngine's RESPONSIVE FileManager-based file uploader, itself a plugin component for the rich text editor, we are having a problem whereby when a user clicks "JAVA Upload (big size files)" the uploader frame loads a 404 error.
In the error log, the following line is the only indication I have for this problem:
So it's not immediately obvious what framework or plugin Responsive FileManager expects to encounter which it can't actually find, or for that matter, where it's looking to find it. (I have RTFM but there is nothing about configuring the Java uploader in the manual. I have also tried reading the dialog.php source code but I couldn't find anything particularly useful when I did so.)
It may perhaps be looking for the file wjhk.jupload.jar in the
directory. But I'm not sure why it can't find that file, or why it gets an error when it attempts to do so.
Surely I am not the only person to have this problem?

SocialEngine doesn't come with a Java uploader at all, and its largely advised against using java for file uploading on the web.
It sounds like work of a 3rd party plugin (that might be misconfigured?). Check all your plugin files and make sure they were all uploaded to your server. Its also possible that your host disallows .jar files as they tend to be vectors for abuse. So it is worth contacting them.
Finally, contact the original developer of the plugin with your issue.


Official bzip2 site is offline

Recently, I found out, that the official bzip page has changed (http://www.bzip.org/index.html). I had a script, which took the source code from bzip.org and compiled it. Now, the source code and all other stuff are not anymore on this site.
I found, that there is a possible copy of that code at https://github.com/enthought/bzip2-1.0.6.
But I am unsure, if this is the real bzip2 code without any harmful changes. Is there another official bzip.org site or another site, where I can download the official source code?
You may still access the source from web archives

Sylius Stylesheet Not Reloading

So here's a question. I'm new to Sylius, and am working on some simple CSS updates. I have a local copy of Sylius running with the built-in webserver: server:run. I also have a development server on Digital Ocean, which runs an (almost) identical copy of Sylius, aside from the configs of course.
Something strange is happening with my CSS update, however. I made a change to .navbar-brand within web/assets/compiled/backend_backend_4.css.
This change showed up immediately on my local. On the development server, however, when pulling down the change (git), and verifying that it now exists in that file, the change doesn't seem to propegate. It's effects aren't shown, inspecting the stylesheet doesn't show them, and furthermore viewing the css file sourcecode directly in the browser does not show the change. But on the filesystem it's definitely there.
I've tried clearing the cache, to no avail.
I also checked the assetic value in both config_dev.yml files, and verified they are both set to use_controller: true
Even still, I tried dumping assetic, to no avail.
So I'm wondering what's going on. Additionally, I realize that I probably shouldn't edit CSS files within a folder called 'compiled'. I'm sure there's a way to do that using a compiler, but I'm not yet familiar with the process and am just making minor changes and learning about caching so far.
Yes you are right you shouldn't be editing the compiled files.
You should edit the source files, then run gulp
or on my system i have to explicitly run npm run gulp
I've documented the solution that worked for me here. It didn't involve Gulp at all, but instead uses Assetic:
Assets need to be installed as hard copies first (I'm not quite sure
what this does exactly, but it seems like an important step because
it copies a lot of assets to places. Documentation was unhelpful but
it was suggested on Stack Overflow somewhere.):
app/console assets:install web
Assets should be edited in web/bundles/[bundle-here]/css or js. This
is frequently within syliusweb if it has to do with page styles /
Hint: These assets are referred to in files such as
src/Sylius/Bundle/Resources/views/Backend/layout.html.twig (see the
(% stylesheets
tag, or search universally for this tag).
Within this tag, you'll see that stylesheets have an output to the compiled folder, but also list the
bundles where they pull their original css from. You should edit one of the source css files, if you'd like your changes to end up in the destination css.
After editing assets, dump assetic:
php app/console assetic:dump
Note - it is also possible to set an assetic watcher on these assets
(google to find out how, think it's a -w flag somewhere), but this is
said to only work in development mode, as it should.
After dumping assetic, the assets from the source bundles compile into their assets/compiled versions, usually combining multiple stylesheets. You should now see your asset refresh!

Tcl/tk uploading files

I'm doing a package manager for Pure Data externals in which the user may have the option to upload the created package in a repository.
Unfortunately, I was not able to find a good example from which i can develop a file uploader in tcl.
Can someone help me with an easy to understand code?
Something simple that only needs the file (given by path), url, name and password from the user.
Take a look at these Tcl Wiki pages about upload.

Joomla 3.0: modul.js: $extend is not defined

I upgraded from 1.5.x to 3.0.x. During migration the new pages was setup in a separate directory, so the old one could be used without any downtime. After installing all required modules, templates and reorg of some structures I deleted the old page and moved all file from the subdirectory to the root directory. (In addition I change the configuration, so the subdirectory is no longer referenced.) Every thing went well and the user front end seems to be OK. Within the administration pages I have an major issue:
Any page that requires a modal panel (e.g. defining Images for Banners, defining menu items) throws an Javascript error and the page cannot be used:
Uncaught ReferenceError: $extend is not defined modal.js:368
(anonymous function)
Do you have any hint how this issue can be solved?
Try re-uploading all files in the directory:
If the error persists or other error occur, consider uploading the Joomla core files again.
Please not that file by file FTP uploads are sensible to error. It's generally more safe to upload a zip and to unzip everything on the server (not to mention it's faster).
For those that aren't fixed by just re-uploading /media/system/js, this error can crop up for people who do an extremely far upgrade (like 1.5.x to 3.0.x mentioned by the poster) because "$extend" has been deprecated (and eventually removed) in mootools.
This means that your old extensions may be trying to use code that no longer exists in mootools. If you can find updates for the extension causing the issue, that's probably enough of a fix. If you can't, then it's usually easy enough to fix on your own...
The short fix for this bug is to change $extend to Object.append
Here is some more info about the upgrading mootools in general, which may help with other issues.

symfony1.4-like symfony2 installation

symfony1.x followed a good standart that the whole framework lies somewhere outside and is available to any project. Today I started to read symfony2 documentation and actually downloaded the 'with vendors' 2.0.1 package which is presented on download page. After opening the package I was a bit surprised of what I've seen. But after looking around the package I found that the only folder I need is 'vendors' one - so I copied its content to my '...\lib\vendor\symfony2' folder (near '...\lib\vendor\symfony' and '...\lib\vendor\ext'). I added it to include path and proceed reading documentation. And then I found a problem - a command listed 'php app/console generate:bundle --namespace=Acme/HelloBundle --format=yml' produced simple questions. Did they miss to explain how to generate a project (structure, preconfiguration, command-line files, etc)? And what about '.bat' and '.sh' files?
Symfony2 is very, very different than symfony 1 - especially when it comes to the directory structure. You can't simply drop in the vendors dir and expect it to work. This page explains how to setup a new Symfony2 project.
I recommend you to forget Symfony... and to think with Symfony2 about another think completely different than S1.
Installation is really simple and you will need some advanced PHP knowledge just to understand how it works... But if you have worked with S1, I expect you will have not much problems :)