lotus domino PUT and DELETE methods are not working - lotus-domino

Lotus domino PUT and DELETE methods are not working from the REST api.I am using DELETE URL: http:///mail/user.nsf/api/calendar/events/14749AC71ED8A2CB65257EA5001F4B79-Lotus_Auto_Generated

You need to enable the PUT and DELETE methods on your internet site document as they default are not enabled

If you continue having trouble with PUT and DELETE, you could try using POST with the X-HTTP-Method-Override header. The header is described in this topic on the IBM app dev wiki.


PUT and DELETE methods having the body parameters removed

I have a laravel API. For those that don't know, Laravel uses method spoofing to deal with PUT and DELETE methods so it reads a POST call with _method=[PUT|DELETE] as a PUT or DELETE method.
We test our API with Postman. In postman I can send true DELETE and PUT calls to the server without having to spoof. Up until today both methods worked fine.
Today, our beta server will allow PUT / DELETE methods through but it strips the body parameters from it. This is ONLY happening on our beta server which leads me to believe it to be a server issue but nothing has changed on our server for months. Its CentOS 6.8 using Apache and php 7. The requests get through and then laravel promptly responds as if none of the body parameters exist, whether its a validation error or deleting everything instead of only a certain thing.

Get Dropbox public folder's metadata without authentication

I'm about to create a blog and wanted to host the content on Dropbox (only Markdown files, everything else is on my server) because I want to be able to quickly upload and edit posts from all my devices without having to get some FTP app on them.
So far I managed to access files via https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/********/<sub-folder>/<file name>.md and like pointed out here I can get the last-modified attribute via etags.
However, I'm stuck at getting a file list (or a folder's metadata in general). Is this possible without using OAuth?
No, this isn't possible without using the API. But why are you against using the API?
Feel free to use my tool https://dbxoauth2.site44.com/ to get an OAuth access token for your account. Then just do an HTTP GET to https://api.dropbox.com/1/metadata/auto/<path> with an Authorization header of Bearer <token>. Ditto for getting the actual file contents, just use /files/auto/<path> instead.
Oh, unless you're doing this client-side in JavaScript? In that case, this won't work since you can't give your access token out to the client (where it could be abused by anyone who visited your website).
make "Public" folder and go https://www.dropbox.com/enable_public_folder
back to your dropbox folder (web) right mouse at file in public folder and chose "Copy public link..."
Update: As of September 1, 2017 public links have been disabled for all users.

Can you modify http request headers in a Safari extension?

I can do this in FF and IE, and I know it doesn't exist in Chrome yet. Anybody know if you can do this in a Safari plugin? I can't find anything that says one way or another in the documentation.
Edit (November 2021): as pointed out in the comments, ParosProxy seems to no longer exist (and was last released ~2006 from what I can see). There are more modern options for debugging on Mac (outside of browser plugins on non-Safari browsers) like Proxyman. Rather than adding another list of links that might expire, I'll instead advise people to search for "debugging proxy" on their platform of choice instead.
Original Answer (2012):
The Safari "Develop" menu in advanced preferences allows you to partially customize headers (like the user agent), but it is quite limited.
However, if a particular browser or app does not allow you to alter the headers, just take it out of the equation. You can use things like Fiddler or ParosProxy (and many others) to alter the requests regardless of the application sending the request.
They also have the advantage of allowing you to make sure that you are sending the same headers regardless of the application in question and (depending on your requirements) potentially work across multiple browsers and apps without modification.
Safari has added extension support but its APIs don't let you have granular level control over Request & Response as compared to Chrome/Firefox/Edge.
To have granular level control over your Request and Response, you need setup a system wide proxy instead.
Requestly Desktop App automatically does this for you and on top of that, you can do various types of modifications too like:
Modify Request/Response Headers
Redirect URLs
Modify Response
Delay Network request
Insert Custom Scripts
Change User-Agent
Here's an article about header modification using requestly
Disclaimer: I work at Requestly

How to check restricted access pages for broken links?

I was googling for tools for checking broken links in a remote web page. The w3c validator seemed a good one. But I am still unsure as how to check for pages which are restricted, i.e. the pages which I can only access by logging in to the site. Can we do that using the w3c validator? If not than is there any other tool for the same?
For basic authentication the online validator will proxy it and prompt you to logon, alternatively see this post.
Sometimes you can specify the login details in the URL: username:password#url.to.the.site. This I believe only will work if you are using a .htaccess file for logins.

Is there any way to modify the HTTP headers for IE6?

I need to be able to modify the HTTP headers for Internet Explorer for testing purposes.
Basically, I want to achieve the exact same thing that the Modify Headers plugin for Firefox does.
To modify the header with Fiddler:
1- Open Fiddler Web Debugger and in the menu toolbar go to Rules->Customize Rules... (shortcut is Ctrl + R). It opens the CustomRules.js file. Fiddler may suggest you to download Fiddler ScriptEditor but you can edit it with any text editor (I use notepad++)
2- Find OnBeforeRequest(oSession: Session) in the script file.
3- You can add a new header by adding oSession.oRequest["NewHeaderName"] = "New header value"; to OnBeforeRequest function. Also, to remove a header, use oSession.oResponse.headers.Remove("HeaderName"); function.
For more information see this link
You could install Fiddler and modify request headers with the CustomRules.js file
You could use Charles Proxy to do all sorts of header rewriting. It's a great tool.
Proxomitron has the ability to modify headers for IE and its free