angularfire $remove not removing - angularfire

I have this function and all I want to do is run $remove() on it
retrieveSingleQuestion: function (schoolID, questionID) {
return $firebase(ref.child(schoolID).child('questions').child(questionID)).$asObject();
for some reason, it's not being removed. What do you think it could be?

You should only ever construct AngularFire objects if you will bind them to the scope. In other cases, you're better off staying inside the regular Firebase JavaScript SDK.
removeQuestion: function(schoolID, questionID) {
AngularFire is built on top of the Firebase JavaScript SDK, so they play nice together. Say that you're showing the questions for that school somewhere on the screen with a $firebaseArray(), that list will be auto-updated.


React Native App Working in Development, 'Error: 'undefined' is not a function' in Production

I have completed an app that builds on both Android and iOS. It works as expected when I build the app from the CLI or when I build it via XCode / Android Studio. However, on TestFlight, it gets errors that simply do NOT exist when I build it locally. These errors only appear on TestFlight, and thus I have little to no idea on how to go finding them down or even resolving them. Does anyone have better expertise in this area?
I'm not sure how common an issue this is-- I've never heard of it before to be honest, but the components that were not working were components that utilized ({props}) in a component. For example, any component wthat utilized the following declarations did NOT work
function Example({props}){
// stuff
// OR //
const Example = ({props}) => {
// stuff
all of the values inside of props were unreadable. I fixed this by simply moving EVERYTHING into a recoil state instead and that mitigated any errors. For example...
navigation.navigate("path",{prop1: value})
// AND //
return (<Example prop={value} prop={value})
would not work unless the prop was a single value-- a string, an int, a bool, these would work. Objects and Arrays did NOT properly carry over.
Hope this helps someone in the future.

What is the best way to integrate a react-native application into another react-native application?

I've implemented a react-native application and now I want to enhance it by adding along side it another different react-native application.
What i want to achieve is to keep the two application separated in order to continue to implement them as two separate application, and avoid to rewrite them completely as a single application.
Both application are using react-redux to handle their states. The first brutal approach which I have tried is to wrap one of the two application into a npm package and add it as a dependence of the other one. Then I've just added a tab to the main application which when clicked navigate to the second application. This approach seems to work, but I don't think is the best way to do it.
Do you think there could be any sort of problem doing so? Is there a more intelligent and elegant way to do it? I know it is kinda a generic question, so I would accept also an article/link about this argument.
You can create a git tag of your second application and can add it as a dependency in your first application.
You can also add it as a git sub-module.
P.S. i prefer the first one.
I think the best way to do it would be Linking as described here: Basic usage. So, you can easily pass needed parameters to the other app you want to open and also read them as app opens. Check this simple example:
Caller app:
Callee app:
componentDidMount() {
Linking.getInitialURL().then((url) => {
if (url) {
console.log('Initial url is: ' + url);
}).catch(err => console.error('An error occurred', err));
do not forget to import it first:
import { Linking } from "react-native";
Let me know if it worked for you!

How to access `process` throughout an electron app?

I have no problem to access various process.* properties in my renderer/index.html, but I cannot even get them in the directly referenced index.js, not to mention App.vue... what is wrong here?
Also with a huge delay (in case, process depends on some onLoad()-ish things), all I get is undefined. I am using parcel as a bundler.
Now, that was easy. m)
console.warn( window.process.versions.node )
console.warn( window.process.versions.node )
}, 500);

Undefined is not an object (evaluating 'RCTAsyncStorage.multiMerge' (React-native-asyncstorage)

I am having an issue related to react-native-asyncstorage from here:
When I run react-native run-ios, the following error appears:
I am using react-native 0.52.0 and this problem may be due to the dependency of react-native-asyncstorage:
react-native-asyncstorage#1.0.0 requires a peer of
react-native#^0.47.2 but none is installed. You must install peer
dependencies yourself.
The odd thing is it works fine for Android, but not for both iOS nor iOS emulator.
Can someone help?
I would like to add some points that maybe useful:
I use Expo for development,
I have commented every AsyncStorage in my code, but the problem still persist,
As asked in the comment, here is the snipped code of my AsyncStorage code
import { AsyncStorage } from 'react-native';
export async function SetItem(strKey, objValue) {
try {
if (typeof(objValue) === 'string') {
await AsyncStorage.setItem(strKey, objValue);
else {
await AsyncStorage.setItem(strKey, JSON.stringify(objValue));
Like said in the documentation: NOTE: This is not supported by all native implementations, you're probably running in an error because of this.
It may also be Reactotron you're using (according to the stack trace) that causes this. Try disabling it at first?
Are you having a custom implementation of AsyncStorage (like: If so, take it off unless there's a specific reason to use it (please elaborate in the question)
But in general, you could for instance use React Native Simple Store and it's update method.
Or then you could write your own function with lodash.merge.
If problem persists even with commenting out all the AsyncStorage code, removing possible custom dependencies and taking off Reactotron, and you can't find a way to write multiMerge by yourself, update your question and ping me on this answer.

check if google maps app is installed in react-native iOS

I tried with the npm module react-native-check-app-install but I couldn't achieved always the result is false.
Also tried with react-native-installed-apps to get the list of apps installed in the phone but this return always empty list.
Did you make sure to declare the URL schemes?
Once you've done that, you don't need an additional package to check if you can open Google Maps. You can just use the Linking module.
.then((canOpen) => {
if (canOpen) { console.log('open google maps'); } else { console.log('open apple maps'); }