how to merge a row data into above row..?which have few column same [closed] - sql

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a table like.
And i want to answer like a table below:-

I think you want to use aggregation, like this:
select empcode, coode, finyear, wef,
max(cl_opn_bal) as cl_open_bal,
. . .
from table t
group by empcode, coode, finyear, wef;


A newbie in SQL asking about functions [closed]

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Closed 6 months ago.
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How can I find data that dont end with letter 'g' without using NOT LIKE function, please help
select * from table where right(column, 1) != 'g'
Since you asked how to do it using "not like," I'll answer that. The function version provided by #Zoories would be more efficient.
This works at
SELECT * FROM Customers where CustomerName not like '%g';

Is there any way to put WHERE filter inside the SELECT statement in SQL? [closed]

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Closed last year.
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I got a task that i need to know how can i put WHERE clause inside the SELECT statement (like SELECT .... WHERE.... FROM...) . hope you guys could help me. thank you :)
'Where' is used to filter the data based on a condition.
The general syntax is:-
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;
Here you can get a better overview.

How to you use Max and Min expression in Ms Access SQL? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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CrimeData Table for 12 months
Crime Took place in Easternmost
I need to find the following:
Q.7 What type of Crime takes place in the …
(a) Easternmost ………………..
(b) Westernmost ………………..
(c) Northernmost………………..
(d) Southernmost………………..
I tried to find the crime took place in the Easternmost using the following SQL code
SELECT Max(CrimeData.Easting) AS MaxOfEasting, CrimeData.Type
FROM CrimeData
GROUP BY CrimeData.Type;
but I got more than one crime and also other Easting numbers. Can you please tell me if there are other good ways to find the solution.
Please see the attached pictures :)
Rather than using Max/Min, have a look at the TOP keyword in SQL. Some SQL might look like:
FROM CrimeData CD

SQL group by - can it be this simple? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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can someone please check if this is correct?
Not sure if my answer to Q6 is correct, I am not sure if the group_by I am using is right or not, the rest I think is ok
You are close. You need to:
Use COUNT() instead of SUM().
There's no need to use the HAVING clause.
Optionally, you can add aliases to the columns, so they become easier to read.
Your query should look like:
select a.author_id, count(*) as titles, sum(b.quantity_ordered) as units
from a join b on a.book_id = b.book_id
group by a.author_id

Select and append rows with null value (SQL/VBA) [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Can someone help in coding a Access SQL statement/Query where I have a table with columns as shown with Ident No not primary
Looking for result as shown below in the query result or a new table.
Please Help Thanks in advance
You need to use group by and get the MAX() value for each column like
select `Ident_No`, max(`Data1`), max(`Data2`),
max(`Data3`), max(`Data4`), max(`Data5`), max(`Data6`)
from tbl9999
group by Ident_No
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