Add path to Current AppDomain - appdomain

I have two completely different directories. Directory 1 contains my application and Directory 2 having few assemblies. During run-time when application launches, I will load the assemblies. By default, the executing Assembly's AppDomain will discover the assemblies in Directory 1 (application folder) or GAC. If the file is not there, we will get the error. But I have to extend the AppDomain's search directory to search in Directory 2 also. That is, AppDomain will search Directory1 (local bin), then GAC, then other defaults at last search in Directory 2.
I have tried :
1. By setting PrivateBinPath, but it is restricted only within ApplicationBaseDirectory.
2. By AssemblyResolve, but it is not directly referenced. The AssemblyResolve code never hits also.

Using the AssemblyResolve event is generally the correct way. If it is never hit, it is probably bound to too late. For instance, when the CLR encounters a method, it will compile it completely, resolving all its references. If such resolution fails, it will fail always. If you bind the AssemblyResolve event after any or all assemblies failed binding, the event will never hit.
To resolve this, make sure that the AssemblyResolve event is bound as early as possible. In an executable this is easy enough (first thing in the entry point of your application, or any cctor of a type you use there). In a library this can be harder, best practice approach is to use the module initializer, which is run whenever a module is loaded (most assemblies contain one module).
Since the module initializer cannot be set by C# or any other .NET language I know of, you have to resort to method weaving. I personally like Fody and as it turns out, there's a predefined Fody package called Fody Module Init for exactly this thing.
Just place, somewhere publicly in your library, the following code:
public static class ModuleInitializer
public static void Initialize()
// bind to the CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve event
Fody also works with other languages (you don't specify which you use), but then you'll have to create the static ModuleInitializer class by hand.
Using this approach, you can be certain that the AssemblyResolve event will be called for any assembly that CLR's Fusion cannot find by itself.


How to use Activator.CreateInstance to instantiate an external class?

I have an application where I want to instantiate a class that is completely outside the application, perhaps written at a later date by a third party. So the class cannot be known, but the interfaces in the class are known. So I want to use late binding.
In my code (VB.NET), I have the following:
Dim a As Object
a = Activator.CreateInstance("MyNameSpace.CustomClass", "")
I get an exception at the second line: Could not load file or assembly 'MyNameSpace.CustomClass' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. even though the assembly is in the same folder as the executable. I can't use Type.GetType() because the type is not known to the calling assembly.
You need the CreateInstanceFrom method.
var typeReference = Activator.CreateInstanceFrom(assemblyPath,
But, for me, MEF would be a better solution as you can bind the Import/Export on the interface.

XAML cannot find reference in local namespace

I created a new Metro Split App in C++ using VS2012 on Win8 (both RC). Everything compiled and worked out of the box. I then changed went through and changed the generated namespaces to my own. After some trials and tribulations, I got everything to compile with no warnings, errors, nor messages. The app (as it comes in the project template) runs fine.
However, if I try to edit either of the generated xaml files (ItemsPage.xaml or SplitPage.xaml) I get a "Markup error" on the first line:
The name "LayoutAwarePage" does not exist in the namespace "using:A.B.Product.Client.Common".
The definition of the class is:
namespace A{ namespace B { namespace Product { namespace Client { namespace Common
The code compiles fine, and runs fine. This only happens in design mode.
UPDATE: I added a new xaml file and (after fixing up the namespaces again) everything worked.
Please let me know if any additional information is needed.
The name of the WinMD file produced by your project must be some prefix of the namespaces in which the public WinRT types are defined. Given that your type is in the A.B.Product.Client.Common namespace , the WinMD file must have one of the following names:
The public types must also be defined in the WinMD file with the longest prefix that matches the namespace. So, if you have both A.winmd and A.B.winmd, the type A.B.MyClass must be defined in A.B.winmd.
So, why does your code work at runtime but not in the designer? The naming rules for public types only apply to types defined in Windows Runtime components (for C++, DLL files), not for applications (EXEs).
However, to be able to instantiate your user-defined types (including LayoutAwarePage), the designer will load your project's EXE as a DLL, so the naming rules must be followed.
I had a similar bug, but then I closed VS, deleted the .suo, and reloaded the project and everything worked just fine.

FxCop, compose list of callers from dependent assembly

I'm building a couple of customs FxCop rules and one of the rules needs to enforce that a constructor is called in specific methods. For that, I need to create a list of callers, to that specific constructor, prior to performing the actual test. How is this possible? Is there some kind of handle to acquire a list of all loaded assemblies in the ApplicationDomain, where I can iterate through the classes and find the constructor Method object? Ideally the list of callers should be composed in the BeforeAnalysis method.
The Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk.CallGraph.CallersFor(Method) method may give you what you want. However, the general approach you seem to be describing is rarely a good idea because it would typically assign the problems to the wrong target. For example, in the scenario you describe, it would presumably be desirable to attribute the problems to the methods that should but do not contain the target contructor call. However, if your analysis target is the constructor, the detected problems will be attributed to the constructor rather than the methods that should have called it.
I think I haven't explained the question very well, but I see your point.
I have 3 different assemblies and for certain method calls from one assembly to another, I need to ensure that a benchmark constructor invoked. The benchmark class resides in a 4th assembly. Now my problem was that only VS2010 only loads one target assembly for analysis and when I used the CallGraph to construct the a list of methods calling the constructur, it would not find any. When Invoking FxCopCmd.exe manually I could just add the dependent assemblies manually with the /file: parameter.
My solution is to load the different assemblies manually (not relying on the loaded assembly in RuleUtilities.AnalysisAssemblies and contruct the list of callers in the BeforeAnalysis method.
.First().Directory + "\\" + additionalAssemblyFilename)
.Types.SelectMany(type => type.Members)
.Where(member => member.IsPublic)
With this approach I can contruct a list of callers, for each of the assemblies and for the benchmark class constructor. Works perfectly i VS2010.

Sudden FileNotFoundException message

I am modifying an existing application in VB .NET.
In one routine, I have added a reference to a class in a newly-referenced class library project that is part of my solution, and now I get run-time FileNotFoundException messages when the program attempts to access this routine while debugging. The error tells me that the class can't be found, what's up with that?
To be clear: if I remove the lines of code relating to the new class, I no longer receive the exception messages. If I add them back in, here they come again!
I have referenced the class library in the project containing this routine.
The class library is building properly (other projects reference same library, and use it more extensively), and the project is referencing the class library's .dll file in my "debug" folder.
I get no errors from other routines that use this new class (thus far).
I get no errors in the Error List of the IDE.
What in the world could be happening here?
This is a project reference, not a reference to an assembly (DLL), right?
Are the .NET frameworks the same?
Does the project you are referencing depend on some external assemblies not included in the other project, that might be called, producing the file not found?

CLSIDFromProgID is successful but CreateInstace fails! Why?

I am trying to create an instance of a COM object. I have the class name that implements the interface and I get a CLSID by using CLSIDFromProgID(). So since I am getting a CLSID I thought everything should be fine from now on. However when I do a call to CreateInstance and pass in the CLSID, I get an error saying "Class not registered". Also I get this error only in some computers. It runs error free on several computers. I don't understand where the problem could be. Is my registry dirty? Does anyone know what is going on here? Thanks for your help!
I just want to add that this is a .NET COM class. The appropriate entries are in the registry and the DLL is in the GAC.
CLSIDFromProgId is simply looking up the ProgId's name in the registry and translating it to a CLSID, it doesn't have to look at anything beyond the registry or even check that something is actually implementing that CLSID.
When you call CreateInstance on the CLSID, Windows will look up in the registry to find out how the object should be instantiated (usually a exe or dll). It will then try to load the dll (or start up the exe) and create the object from it.
There is a lot of documentation in MSDN on the processes involved, for example see "COM Class Objects and CLSIDs", and if you do a lot of COM work it is worthwhile learning the process from first principals since it can save a lot of time and hassle when debugging this type of issue.
It's a two step process in the registry. You used the ProgID to get the CLSID. Then, when you call CreateInstance, COM then uses the CLSID to find the path to the dll. You can used regedit yourself to lookup the CLSID and see what that entry looks like.
Thanks for your answers. The .Net assemblies were registered properly and were present in the GAC. One application that absolutely confirmed this was Process Explorer. You can view the dlls that are loaded by each application. So from here I was able to see if the application that was instantiating the COM objects was actually able to load the DLLs or not. I found out that this was indeed happening. The problem was due to different Regional settings. We found that the application threw an exception when the region was not set to US. This issue was fixed. The error message "Class not registered" was not very helpful. Thankfully it was a quick fix.
Using shell32 as an example, you can create a new instance like so;
var shl = (Shell) Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Shell.Application"));
This will aquire a refernce to an existing component;
var shl2 = (Shell) Marshal.GetActiveObject("Shell.Application");
Here's a reference to how to do the same in IronPython.
** Note, this used the progid, clsid would be nearly identical, just use Type.GetTypeFromCLSID({GUID}).