ObjC ternary operator and const strings - objective-c

If you have a static const string, then its usage may cause inconsistent interpretation by the compiler. For example in this case:
const NSString* kUntitled = #"Untitled";
NSString* title = kUntitled;
the compiler will complain about assigning a const pointer to a non-const one ("discards qualifiers") and probably rightly so. This can be solved by either not using const at all, or by invoking kUntitled.copy (I somehow don't like the idea of typecasting (NSString*)kUntitled)
However, if you have instead:
NSString* title = aTitle ?: kUntitled;
then the compiler doesn't complain.
My first question is, can the warning be ignored in the first example? Are there any potential dangers in assigning a const NSString to a non-const one?
Second is, why does the compiler ignore the case with the ternary operator?

Welcome to the Weird and Wonderful World of C Declarations - the stuff of quiz questions ;-)
const NSString* kUntitled = #"Untitled";
You probably haven't written what you intended here. This defines kUntitled to be a mutable pointer to a "constant" string - usually referred to as a "pointer to a constant"... However it's "constant" for a reason as despite the common "pointer to a constant" it is actually a "read-only pointer" meaning you can read but not write via the pointer, what is pointed at might well be mutable but it is not mutable via this point if so...
Confused? What the above all means is that you can later write:
kUntitled = #"oops you probably thought you couldn't assign";
As the pointer itself is mutable, it can be changed to point at other things.
What you probably intended was:
NSString * const kUntitled = #"Untitled";
which declares a constant pointer to a string - it is the pointer itself which cannot be changed so:
kUntitled = #"this will produce a compile error, can't change a constant";
If you use this version of the declaration then you won't get an error on your assignments:
NSString* title = kUntitled;
NSString* title = aTitle ?: kUntitled;
However that still leaves the question of why you didn't get an error from the second with your original declaration...
The RHS of the assignment, aTitle ?: kUntitled is actually valid, the weird world of C again. This expression is just shorthand for aTitle ? aTitle : kUntitled and the rules for this operator in C state that the second and third arguments can be of the same base pointer type, NSString * in your case, but differ in qualifiers, const in your case, and the resultant type is the base pointer type with all the qualifiers of the two operands.
In other words the result of this expression is treated as const NSString *. Which means you should get the same warning as for the first assignment.
It appears that the compiler is treating the operator as though the resultant type is the base pointer type with none or only the common qualifiers of the two operands - i.e. the opposite of the definition.
So for the second problem you may have found a compiler bug, you should report it to Apple (bug reporter.apple.com) and see what they say.

The warning is a side effect of the fact that const NSString * kUntitled is incorrect. This is a declaration of a pointer-to-readonly-NSString. Note the placement of the "read only" there -- it's referring to the string, not the pointer. But ObjC objects are never read only, never const. You may say that literal NSStrings are, of course, but that's implementation dependent, and even modifiable in some runtime environments.
Thus you can never correctly assign this object anywhere else (unless that variable also was a pointer to a const object).
The declaration that you should be using is NSString * const kUntitled -- this is "readonly-pointer-to-NSString", i.e., the pointer cannot be changed to point at another object.


Isn't pointer type checking disabled in DLL/C-Connect, and is that OK?

After this somehow related question Why can't I pass an UninterpretedBytes to a void* thru DLL/C-Connect? where we saw that I could not pass a Smalltalk array of bits to a void * parameter, I further analyzed the method responsible for checking the compatibility of formal pointer description with effective object passed as argument, and I think that I discovered another questionable piece:
CPointerType>>coerceForArgument: anObject
(anObject isKindOf: self defaultDatumClass)
ifTrue: [
(referentType = anObject type referentType
or: [(referentType isVoid
and: [anObject type referentType isConstant not])
or: [anObject type isArray not
or: [anObject type baseArrayType = referentType]]])
ifTrue: [^anObject asPointer]].
It means the following:
It first checks if the argument is CDatum (a proxy to some C-formatted rawdata and associated CType).
If so, it checks whether the type is the same as the formal definition in external method prototype (self).
If not, it could be that the argument is void *, in which case any kind of pointer is accepted (it has been checked that it is a pointer in the code that I snipped), except if it is pointer on a const thing.
There is a first discrepancy: it should check if the formal definition is const void * and accept any pointer on const in this case... But that does not matter much, we rarely have actual argument declared const.
If not, it checks if either not an array (for example, int foo[2]), or an array whose type matches (same base type and dimension).
So, if the formal definition is for example struct {int a; char *b} *foo, and that I pass a double * bar, the type does not match, there is no const qualifier mismatch, and the parameter is not an array, conclusion: we can safely pass it without any further checking!
That's a kind of pointer aliasing. We do not have an optimizing compiler making any speculation about the absence of such aliasing in Smalltalk, so that won't be the source of undefined behaviour. It could be that we deliberately want to force this sort of dirty reinterpret_cast for obscure reasons (since we can explicitly cast a CDatum, I would prefer the explicit way).
BUT, it might be that we completely messed up and passed the wrong object, with wrong type, wrong dimension, and that the address foo->b in my example above will contain either some re-interpreted garbage if pointer is 32bits aligned, or be completely undefined on 64 bits machine (because beyond the sizeof double).
A C compiler would warn me for sure about the aliasing, and prevent production of artifact with -Wall -Werror.
What troubles me here is that I do not even get a warning...
Does it sound correct?
Short answer: it's not OK to correct this behavior, because some low level user interface stuff depends on it (event loop). We can't even introduce a Warning or anything.
Longer story: I tried to rewrite the whole method with double dispatching (ask anObject if compatible with formal CPointerType rather than testing every possible Object class with repeated isKindOf: ).
But when ommitting the disgracious pointer aliasing tolerance, it invariably screw my Macosx 8.3 image with tons of blank windows opening, and blocked uninterruptable UI...
After instrumenting, it appears that the event loop relies on it, and pass aString asNSString (which is transformed into utf16, but stored into a ByteArray and thus declared unsigned char *), to an Objective C method expecting an unsigned short *.
It's a case where the pointer aliasing is benign, as long as we pass the good bytes.
If I try and fix asNSString with a proper cast to unsigned short *, then the UI blocks (I don't know why, but it would require debugging at VM level).
Conclusion: it's true that some distinction such as (unsigned char *) vs (char *) can be germane and should better not be completely prohibited (whether char is signed or not is platform dependent, and not all libraries have cleanly defined APIs). Same goes with platform dependent wide character, we have conversion methods producing the good bytes, but not the good types. We could eventually make an exception for char * like we did for void * (before void * was introduced, char * was the way to do it anyway)... Right now, I have no good solution for this because of the event loop.

Objective-C Nullability: Qualifying Constant Strings

I have gotten into a pretty good habit of declaring and using constant strings for things like NSNotification names. I declare them like so:
extern NSString * const ABCAwesomeThingHappenedNotification;
With the introduction of Xcode 6.3 and Swift 1.2, I'm going back and auditing Objective-C classes that interop with Swift using the new nonnull, nullable, and null_unspecified qualifiers.
When adding the qualifiers to a header that also has externally visible static strings, I receive the following warning:
warning: pointer is missing a nullability type specifier (__nonnull or __nullable)
Hmm. That's confusing / interesting. Can someone explain the reasoning behind this message? When using ABCAwesomeThingHappenedNotification in Swift, it never suggests that it's an optional String or implicitly unwrapped String.
I agree that having this specifier shouldn't be required but here is syntax
extern NSString * const MyConstant;
extern NSString * __nonnull const MyConstant;
In your implementation, you could define:
NSString * const ABCAwesomeThingHappenedNotification = #"ABCAwesomeThingHappenedNotification";
in which case the pointer is clearly nonnull. However, this is also valid:
NSString * const ABCAwesomeThingHappenedNotification = nil;
which must be considered nullable because the pointer is always a null pointer.
(The explicit initialisation to nil is redundant since this happens implicitly if no initial value is provided, but clarifies this example.)

NSString constant pointer to constant pointer

I have a global constant:
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const ENGModelItemText; // .h file
NSString *const XYZConstant1 = #"XYZConstant1"; // .m file
... and I would like to create XYZConstant2 that would point to XYZConstant1. I thought it would be as simple as this:
NSString *const XYZConstant2 = &XYZConstant1
I played with * and & a bit but can't get it right. I'd like to get rid of #define for XYZConstant2 that I use now.
You cannot create a compile-time alias like this in C (and therefore in ObjC). You can create a runtime alias by declaring XYZConstant2 inside of a function or method, but not as a static. Compare this pure C, which creates the same error:
const char * const foo;
const char * const bar = foo;
(See also Compiler error: "initializer element is not a compile-time constant".)
Typically when this kind of aliasing is required (usually because a string constant was renamed), you use a #define (much as I hate defines).
That said, you should not rely on the fact that two object pointers are the same address unless you mean "it is this object" rather than "it has this value." (And you never mean that for strings because strings only have value.) Write to the semantics, not the implementation details. Don't prematurely optimize comparisons.
this is a constant, so compile time. If you want to point it, you can't with a constant.

What does the Asterisk * mean in Objective-C?

Is it true, that the Asterisk always means "Hey, that is a pointer!"
And an Pointer always holds an memory adress?
(Yes I know for the exception that a * is used for math operation)
For Example:
NSString* myString;
SomeClass* thatClass;
(*somePointerToAStruct).myStructComponent = 5;
I feel that there is more I need to know about the Asterirsk (*) than that I use it when defining an Variable that is a pointer to a class.
Because sometimes I already say in the declaration of an parameter that the Parameter variable is a pointer, and still I have to use the Asterisk in front of the Variable in order to access the value. That recently happened after I wanted to pass a pointer of an struct to a method in a way like [myObj myMethod:&myStruct], I could not access a component value from that structure even though my method declaration already said that there is a parameter (DemoStruct*)myVar which indeed should be already known as a pointer to that demostruct, still I had always to say: "Man, compiler. Listen! It IIISSS a pointer:" and write: (*myVar).myStructComponentX = 5;
I really really really do not understand why I have to say that twice. And only in this case.
When I use the Asterisk in context of an NSString* myString then I can just access myString however I like, without telling the compiler each time that it's a pointer. i.e. like using *myString = #"yep".
It just makes no sense to me.
an * is actually an operator to de-reference a pointer. The only time it means "hey i'm a pointer" is during variable declaration.
Foo* foo // declare foo, a pointer to a Foo object
&foo // the memory address of foo
*foo // de-reference the pointer - gives the Foo object (value)
mmattax well covered the distinction between declaration (as a pointer) and dereferencing.
However, as to your point about:
(*myVar).myStructComponentX = 5;
to access a member of an instance of a C struct (as this is) you can do what you did , or more commonly you use the -> notation:
myVar->myStructComponentX = 5;
Objective-C is a little confusing here because it recently (in ObjC 2.0) introduced property syntax, which is a short cut for:
int val = [myObject someIntProperty];
and can now be written as:
int val = myObject.someIntProperty;
This is Objective C (2.0) syntax for accessing a property which you have declared (not an actual member variable), whereas your example was accessing a member of a C struct.
Make sure you are clear on the difference.
As I said in my answer of your previous question, #"yep" is already a pointer, so there is no need of * before myString which is also a pointer. In this case, you assign pointers not values.

What's the difference between a string constant and a string literal?

I'm learning objective-C and Cocoa and have come across this statement:
The Cocoa frameworks expect that global string constants rather than string literals are used for dictionary keys, notification and exception names, and some method parameters that take strings.
I've only worked in higher level languages so have never had to consider the details of strings that much. What's the difference between a string constant and string literal?
In Objective-C, the syntax #"foo" is an immutable, literal instance of NSString. It does not make a constant string from a string literal as Mike assume.
Objective-C compilers typically do intern literal strings within compilation units — that is, they coalesce multiple uses of the same literal string — and it's possible for the linker to do additional interning across the compilation units that are directly linked into a single binary. (Since Cocoa distinguishes between mutable and immutable strings, and literal strings are always also immutable, this can be straightforward and safe.)
Constant strings on the other hand are typically declared and defined using syntax like this:
// MyExample.h - declaration, other code references this
extern NSString * const MyExampleNotification;
// MyExample.m - definition, compiled for other code to reference
NSString * const MyExampleNotification = #"MyExampleNotification";
The point of the syntactic exercise here is that you can make uses of the string efficient by ensuring that there's only one instance of that string in use even across multiple frameworks (shared libraries) in the same address space. (The placement of the const keyword matters; it guarantees that the pointer itself is guaranteed to be constant.)
While burning memory isn't as big a deal as it may have been in the days of 25MHz 68030 workstations with 8MB of RAM, comparing strings for equality can take time. Ensuring that most of the time strings that are equal will also be pointer-equal helps.
Say, for example, you want to subscribe to notifications from an object by name. If you use non-constant strings for the names, the NSNotificationCenter posting the notification could wind up doing a lot of byte-by-byte string comparisons when determining who is interested in it. If most of these comparisons are short-circuited because the strings being compared have the same pointer, that can be a big win.
Some definitions
A literal is a value, which is immutable by definition. eg: 10
A constant is a read-only variable or pointer. eg: const int age = 10;
A string literal is a expression like #"". The compiler will replace this with an instance of NSString.
A string constant is a read-only pointer to NSString. eg: NSString *const name = #"John";
Some comments on the last line:
That's a constant pointer, not a constant object1. objc_sendMsg2 doesn't care if you qualify the object with const. If you want an immutable object, you have to code that immutability inside the object3.
All #"" expressions are indeed immutable. They are replaced4 at compile time with instances of NSConstantString, which is a specialized subclass of NSString with a fixed memory layout5. This also explains why NSString is the only object that can be initialized at compile time6.
A constant string would be const NSString* name = #"John"; which is equivalent to NSString const* name= #"John";. Here, both syntax and programmer intention are wrong: const <object> is ignored, and the NSString instance (NSConstantString) was already immutable.
1 The keyword const applies applies to whatever is immediately to its left. If there is nothing to its left, it applies to whatever is immediately to its right.
2 This is the function that the runtime uses to send all messages in Objective-C, and therefore what you can use to change the state of an object.
3 Example: in const NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray new]; [array removeAllObjects]; const doesn't prevent the last statement.
4 The LLVM code that rewrites the expression is RewriteModernObjC::RewriteObjCStringLiteral in RewriteModernObjC.cpp.
5 To see the NSConstantString definition, cmd+click it in Xcode.
6 Creating compile time constants for other classes would be easy but it would require the compiler to use a specialized subclass. This would break compatibility with older Objective-C versions.
Back to your quote
The Cocoa frameworks expect that global string constants rather than
string literals are used for dictionary keys, notification and
exception names, and some method parameters that take strings. You
should always prefer string constants over string literals when you
have a choice. By using string constants, you enlist the help of the
compiler to check your spelling and thus avoid runtime errors.
It says that literals are error prone. But it doesn't say that they are also slower. Compare:
// string literal
[dic objectForKey:#"a"];
// string constant
NSString *const a = #"a";
[dic objectForKey:a];
In the second case I'm using keys with const pointers, so instead [a isEqualToString:b], I can do (a==b). The implementation of isEqualToString: compares the hash and then runs the C function strcmp, so it is slower than comparing the pointers directly. Which is why constant strings are better: they are faster to compare and less prone to errors.
If you also want your constant string to be global, do it like this:
// header
extern NSString *const name;
// implementation
NSString *const name = #"john";
Let's use C++, since my Objective C is totally non-existent.
If you stash a string into a constant variable:
const std::string mystring = "my string";
Now when you call methods, you use my_string, you're using a string constant:
Or, you can call those methods with the string literal directly:
someMethod("my string");
The reason, presumably, that they encourage you to use string constants is because Objective C doesn't do "interning"; that is, when you use the same string literal in several places, it's actually a different pointer pointing to a separate copy of the string.
For dictionary keys, this makes a huge difference, because if I can see the two pointers are pointing to the same thing, that's much cheaper than having to do a whole string comparison to make sure the strings have equal value.
Edit: Mike, in C# strings are immutable, and literal strings with identical values all end pointing at the same string value. I imagine that's true for other languages as well that have immutable strings. In Ruby, which has mutable strings, they offer a new data-type: symbols ("foo" vs. :foo, where the former is a mutable string, and the latter is an immutable identifier often used for Hash keys).