What is the meaning of the file names flanked by the '#' sign and how can I remove them? - raspberry-pi2

When I do the 'ls' command in the terminal on my Raspberry Pi 2, I see different types of names of files, some like "#example.cpp#", as well as others like "homework1.cpp~".
What do these two file types mean, and how can I get rid of them? Simply using the 'rm' command doesn't seem to be working for me. Thanks!

Some applications will create a copy of a file and use special characters when creating the filename for the copy. For instance some text editors will make a copy of a file you are starting to edit by using the same name and adding a tilde character (~) to the end of the file. That way you will have a backup of the file that you are about to edit.
Another reason would be if an application is processing the file into a temporary file with the temporary file then being used for the next step. For example perhaps the C/C++ compiler is reading the file homework1.cpp with the C Preprocessor to generate the temporary file #homework1.cpp# which is then compiled by the compiler to generate the object code file.
I am not familiar with raspberry pi so am not sure as to what may be creating the filenames with the pound sign (#) on the front and back. Perhaps it is the C++ compiler. I am pretty sure the files with the tilde character on appended to the end of the file name is a back file from vi or vim containing a copy of the file at the time it was last opened with the text editor.
One thing that you could do is to look in those files to see what is there using a Linux command or a text editor. If you use a text editor I would copy the file to another folder as a back up and then look at it there.
Edit: Someone just posted and then deleted an answer which also mentioned about how to remove these files.
What I read was that the rm command is used however for some kinds of special characters you will need to use quotes around the name and you may also need to use an escape to escape certain special characters.
The command shell reads the command line you type in and makes changes to the text before passing it on to the command you type in. So if the filename has a space in it, say jj Johny then when you remove the file you have to specify rm "jj Johny" since spaces are used by the command processor to separate out arguments.
The other poster mentioned that you had to escape out the pound sign (#) using the back slash character in order to prevent it from being modified by the command processor.


Combine SQL files with command `copy` in a batch file introduce an incorrect syntaxe because it does add an invisible character `U+FEFF`

In a pre-build event, a batch file is executed to combine multiple SQL files into a single one.
It is done using this command :
COPY %#ProjectDir%\Migrations\*.sql %#ProjectDir%ContinuousDeployment\AllFilesMergedTogether.sql
Everything appear to work fine but somehow the result give an incorrect syntaxe error.
After two hours of investigation, it turn out the issue is caused by an invisible character that remain invisible even with notepad++.
Using an online website, the character has been spotted and is U+FEFF has shown in following image.
Here are the two input scripts.
PRINT 'Script1'
PRINT 'Script2'
Here is the output given by the copy command.
PRINT 'Script1'
PRINT 'Script2'
Additional info :
Batch file is encoded with UTF-8
Input files are encoded with UTF-8-BOM
Output file is encoded with UTF-8-BOM.
I'm not sure it is possible to change the encoding output of command copy.
I've tried and failed.
What should be done to eradicate this extremely frustrating parasitic character?
It has turned out that changing encoding of input files to ANSI does fix the issue.
No more pesky character(s).
Also, doing so does change the encoding of the result file to UTF-8 instead of UTF-8-BOM which is great I believe.
Encoding can be changed using Notepad++ as show in following picture.

Sending an argument to batch file with spaces. VB

I am using a VB to run .bat file and to pass arguments to it.
Right now I managed to run it and to send the arguments to it, but ran into a problem. My arguments might contain spaces inside. I was trying to use quotes, but it didn't seem to work as I expected. So what I am doing:
Running this code: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:\Users\XXXXXXX\Desktop\New.bat", """"+data+"""")
where 'data' is the argument I am sending. For testing it contains the value:
Hel loo
Inside the .bat file I have a code, that opens notepad and writes the argument inside it. With this code I have managed to pass the argument as one with spaces, but the result is:
"Hel loo"
Any ideas how to get rid of the quotes on each side, while still passing the argument as one with spaces?
I cannot escape them or replace with another symbol. This solution needs to pass the argument as one with spaces inside. Is this possible? The program I am working with is not important.
This is the content of the .bat file:
set directory_Rexe="C:\Users\XXXXXXX\Desktop\testBat.txt"
set var=%1
echo %var%>%directory_Rexe%
You have three options here:
Use %~1, which will strip the quotes.
Don't care about putting everything into argument 1 and quoting and use %* instead. You mentioned not wanting that, though.
Don't pass the string as an argument, but as an environment variable instead. This also helps a lot when you have a number of characters in it that need to be escaped.
All options require you to change the batch file, though.
I'd also question the need for a batch file when you have a perfectly capable programming language already at your fingertips. Writing text to a file should actually be easier from VB.

Line terminator getting added to plain text file

I'm a little confused by some behavior I'm seeing with text files on my Mac. When I open a new file in vim and type in a single character (let's say the letter "t") into the file with no carriage return and hit save and then do a hex dump on the file (using vim's :r !xxd command), I see the following:
00000000: 740a t.
There is still a line feed oa in the file. And when I look at the file properties on the file, there are two bytes, not one. How did it get in there if I didn't type it?
Ok, so it turns out vim automatically adds a newline character at the last line to comply with Posix standard that all lines must end with a new line. You can turn this off with :set noeol in vim.

Need clean syntax in batch

I am thinking I can solve a problem with the proper creation of a *.bat file.
I am automating a process in a backup program called Acronis Backup and Recovery.
I am able to make a script (jScript) that creates all the syntax except for one part correctly.
In a normal command prompt the command I would run looks like this
acrocmd backup file --include="C:\documents\Gale_thesis.doc" "D:\Sandbox\!oDC!-IMG_0222.MOV" "C:\temp\magnifyReader" --loc="D:\backups" --arc="Backup1a"
The jScript I am creating can generate this with no problem and save as a *.bat file. This can works perfect if my file names are clean. By clean I mean no characters the batch files think are key words and commands.
Anytime I have a word like “copy” or a character like “!” in a file name it fails.
So I am now wondering if loading variables from a text file would do the trick?
I am sure a lot of readers know that when load multiple file/folder paths at the command line you need to surround them with double quotes.
So I need this variable to have the correct syntax to be parsed by the batch file and work like the example when I type it directly at a command prompt.
I had tried to follow info about using for /f etc.
But the examples are not broad enough for me to understand, nobody seems to explain how to use these variables mixed in with other syntax.
I know a little about working with variable in a *.bat file. My jScript application can produce the text in any format a list, escaped, what ever is needed.
I might suggest you to take a look at escaping characters
in for loops !var! is used when delayedexpansion is enabled so you might need to escape it
I used the following code provided by Aacini to test the arguments that are being passed
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set argCount=0
for %%x in (%*) do (
set /A argCount+=1
set "argVec[!argCount!]=%%~x"
echo Number of processed arguments: %argCount%
and since delayedexpansion is enabled I had to escape ! character
arg.bat --include="C:\documents\Gale_thesis.doc" "D:\Sandbox\^^^!oDC^^^!-IMG_0222.MOV" "C:\temp\magnifyReader" --loc="D:\backups" --arc="Backup1a"
Also about the triple escape quotes ^^^
the problem here is that we need to pass two special characters,
1st is the up arrow ^ and 2nd is the exclamation mark !
so the 2nd batch file (the one that reads our arguments) should get ^!
to escape ^ we use ^^ and to escape ! we use ^!
Thanks to Aacini for his code in HERE

Renaming file via UNC path

I need to have my VB.NET program rename a file over the network.
Microsoft says that My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile does not work if the file path starts with two backslashes ("\\"). So, what other way is there of doing this? I just need to rename a file in the domain, for instance:
rename("\\domain\1\exemple.txt", "\\domain\1\exemple2.txt")
The second parameter for rename should be just the file name eg:
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile("C:\Test.txt", "SecondTest.txt")
So try changing your code to this:
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(#"\\domain\1\exemple.txt", "exemple2.txt")
Also beware of escaping because \ is an escape character, so add a # before any string that contains \. This will cause it to ignore escaping and therefore will treat \ as a normal character