show logout button along with the name of user after successfull login - yii

I am a yiibie, and i am stuck at a point. I have three roles in my project. 1.Admin. 2.Owner 3. Authenticated User. I have a header and a footer widget.In header widget which is the top section has a signup and login link. i want to show my user name and a logout link after his successful login. I do not want to make another widget. i Know the logic, we can use if else.
If a user has been logged in, show his name and logout link at the top section(header widget). else if he is a normal user or not logged in show him, signup and login link. Thats it.But how to write the thing i dont know. Plus i am using yii rights and yii user extension too.

Read the documentation please.
This will be helpful:
Here example:

Is easy after login you can see the username otherwise you see nothings
if (!Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {
echo Yii::app()->user->name;


Add a Sign in portlet on the login page

I am building a basic login page using the existing sign-in portlet.
I just want to have a functionality that when a user access the website, right now localhost:8080, the sign-in portlet should pop up!
Is this doable? If so, Can someone please hint me how this can be done?
This is how the default page looks like right now:
To log in, I have to explicitely click on the "sign-in" blue button and then it pops out a modal sign in portlet.
But what I am trying to do here is:
Whenever a user clicks on the default url, it should immediately ask the user to login rather than showing a blank page with a sign-in button (something like the output image)
Or even a modal sign-in box (Whatever is easy to customize.)
Whenever a user hits any other url for eg. localhost:8080/web/project1/home and if the user is not signed in, it should force him to sign in first.
Two possibilities out of the box:
place nothing but the sign in portlet on the homepage, appearing at that location (typically /web/guest/home)
protect your default page to be not visible to the guest user (this will automatically forward to the sign-in portlet) - see the "Permissions" button on the "Manage Pages" interface
There are more, but these seem to be the first and most obvious ones. Let me know if one of them works for you or what the reason for your request is
From what I understand, you want the Login Portlet to popup as a modal window/lightbox on the current page (i.e. without leaving the page). AFAIK, to achieve this, you'll have to develop all your portlets to use AJAX to create links that point protected resources. So when you get an unauthenticated request, you can stay on the same page and show login dialog.
This is high-level approach. You'll need to 1) embed the Login portlet in your theme and 2) put the below javascript functionality in Theme:
callback function - to handle response for unauthenticated request,
to render modal/lightbox
You might face surprises while implementing this.

Auth dialog asks for extended permissions, but my app doesn't need them. How do I prevent the auth dialog from showing the second page?

I set up an app to allow users to log into my site using Facebook. When users click the FB login button, the expected auth dialog appears. My auth dialog shows a second page which says: "This app may post on your behalf, including status updates, photos and more."
But my app doesn't need any extended permissions, and will not be posting anything to Facebook. I don't want this second page to appear, but I can't figure out how to make it go away.
On my app's settings page, I didn't specify any extended permissions. Is there someplace else I have to specify that I don't want extended permissions?
Thanks for the help.
You might have specified a scope in the "Login with Facebook" button that requests these permissions from the user. Especially if you just copy-and-pasted an example from the documentation, this might have happened.
Check in your HTML whether you have something similar to this:
<div class="fb-login-button" scope="publish_stream">
Login with Facebook
If so, make sure to get rid of the scope attribute.

Joomla mod_login vs com_user

I'm having a very weird issue with user logins.
I'm building a site where all the content/menus are only available after you login.
I made a 'login' through the Modules and assign it the "userlogin" position.
Now when I go to the home page or any page, the login box comes up, but there's also a second login form. It seems to be coming from com_user.
This com_user login form doesn't work. I can't login using any credentials. If it was working I can simply remove my login module.
Is there a way I can either:
get com_user to work with normal user logins
disable this and so I can only see the Module login.
I can hide it from CSS, but I want to know where it's coming from.
Check the menu link which you have created should be public.
If these are not public then whenever user clicks it, he/she will be asked for login. Thats why the second login option is coming up.

rails_admin: control on admin users signup

I installed rails_admin first with model name as rails_admin_user.
The first time I logged in, I clicked 'sign up' and created admin user account.
Now every time I want to login; there is a 'sign up' link still there.
Seems that anyone can create account for admin interface of rails_admin.
If this is true, please let me know how to restrict admin user creation process.
Hey, here is how you do it. Go to your user or member model, depending on how you set up devise, and remove registerable from devise attributes. This way the sign up link will disappear.
Late but still good to share I think. You could do this to show signup for first user only, which will hopefully be you.
devise :registerable if User.empty?

Redirect After Registration in Drupal

Any one know how to go back to the "last page" after a user is presented the login screen and chooses to create a new account?
Basically the sequence is this:
User tries to get to protected content
Redirected to login page
If he logs in he is redirected to original page
If he chooses "create new account" and fills it out, he is redirected to the home page
How do we get him automatically redirected to the original page (not a static page).
There are several ways to go about this. The most straight-forward is to have a login link somewhere in the navigation that appends the destination to the url. The code for this is something like:
if (user_is_anonymous()) {
$link = l(t('Login'), 'user/login', array('query' => drupal_get_destination()));
You can also set a custom access denied page at admin/settings/error-reporting that could either go to a callback that outputs the above code, or to a simple php node that outputs that code.
Additionally, the user login block provided with Drupal core uses the same method to redirect a successful login back to the originating page.
Edit: Note that the above methods will rarely work for registration, because there are more steps involved there. Specifically, when a user needs to verify an email address, passing the originating destination along via the email would involve modifying the core user registration process.
It will potentially still work on a site configured to not verify email addresses. The idea then would be to provide 2 links: 1 for login and the other for registration, both passing along destination information.
LoginToboggan may also be worth pursuing, although it doesn't yet offer the exact registration feature you're looking for.
straight php would be to include a header of this form:
<?php header("Location: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); ?>
for more information refer to the php manual
you can also include a hidden field in your form and set it to
$url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; // or HTTP_REFERER depending on the setup
include the header code snipped to your registration form.