Multiple Joins to get data and counts from multiple tables - sql

This is probably really simple, but I have been struggling. Basically I need to combine 2 different queries:
Get a list of accounts plus some info for each
Based on each of those accounts, get the count of users and forms associated with each.
So given the following table structure:
I want to get back:
Name Users Forms Active
Child 1 3 4 T
Child 2 4 3 F
So the problem is that I want to query first based on the Master id:
Select * from ACCOUNT where MasterId = 1026
AccntId Name Master Id Active
2 Child 1 1026 T
3 Child 2 1026 F
Then for each of those returned I would like to get the counts of users and forms.
Select Count(AccntId) as Users from Form Where AccntId=2
And of course all in one query. I have messed around with Joins and Left Joins and the stumbling block in the initial query.

Ok, the final query for anyone who cares turned out to be:
A.Id as AccountId, A.Name, A.Active,
(select count(*) as Users FROM UserProfile UP where A.Id = UP.AccountId),
(select count(*) as Forms FROM Form F where A.Id = F.AccountId)
Account A
A.MasterId = 1026
Group By A.Id, A.Name, A.Active
Which gave me ultimately the numbers I was looking for:
AccountId Name Active Users Forms
1 Child T 3 4
5 Child2 F 4 3
Not sure if that is the most efficient or proper approach, but it does work! Thanks for the hints from the commentators

SELECT acc.MasterId, count(up.AccntId) as Users, count(f.AccntId) as Forms
from Account acc
full join UserProfile up
on up.AccntId = acc.AccntId
full join Form f
on f.AccntId = acc.AccntId
-- Where /* Your conditions */
group by acc.MasterId;
This should work.
Edit: joins changed to left join


Postgresql: Values of multiple rows in one row

I have the following database:
Car: {[CarID, HorsePower, Brand, HeadDesigner]}
DesignsCar:{[CarID, DesID]}
Designer:{[DesID, Name]}
You should note that while every Car has only 1 HeadDesigner, multiple people can design cars (as in work on them).
Say I have 10 cars in my database. For CarID (1..9) only one DesID per CarID in DesignsCar.
However, for carID 10 we have 3 people working on it (carID has 3 entries in DesignsCar because 3 people worked on it).
Say I do this:
select *
from car c
left outer join designscar ds on c.carid = ds.carid
left outer join designer d on frb.persnr = r.persnr
This gives me 12 rows, when I only want 10. The reason why this gives me 12 rows should be clear: for carID 10 we have 3 people working on it (carID has 3 entries in DesignsCar because 3 people worked on it).
I hope I've done a good job explaining this problem, so here comes my question:
How do I modify the query above so I get 10 Rows. For CarID 10 I'd like the 3 designers to be written in one column (like, comma separated but anything works as long it's in one column).
Is that possible?
You need to aggregate the values. Here is one possibility:
select c.*,
array_agg( as designer_names
from car c left outer join
designscar ds
on c.carid = ds.carid left outer join
designer d
on frb.persnr = r.persnr
group by c.carid ; -- allowed assuming `carid` is the primary key

PostgreSQL Return Row if Value Exists in One of Several Columns

Ok, I am stuck on this one.
I have a PostgreSQL table customers that looks like this:
id firm1 firm2 firm3 firm4 firm5 lastname firstname
1 13 8 2 0 0 Smith John
2 3 2 0 0 0 Doe Jane
Each row corresponds to a client/customer. Each client/customer can be associated with one or multiple firms; the numeric value under each firm# columns corresponds to the firm id in a different table.
So I am looking for a way of returning all rows of customers that are associated with a specific firm.
For example, SELECT id, lastname, firstname where 8 exists in firm1, firm2, firm3, firm4, firm5 would just return the John Smith row as he is associated with firm 8 under the firm2 column.
Any ideas on how to accomplish that?
You can use the IN operator for that:
FROM customer
where 8 IN (firm1, firm2, firm3, firm4, firm5);
But it would be much better in the long run if your normalized your data model.
You should consider to normalize your tables, with the current schema you should join firms tables as many times as the number of firm fields in your customer table.
select *
from customers c
left join firms f1
on f1.firm_id = c.firm1
left join firms f2
on f2.firm_id = c.firm2
left join firms f3
on f3.firm_id = c.firm3
left join firms f4
on f4.firm_id = c.firm4
You can "unpivot" using a combination of array and unnest, as specified in this answer: unpivot and PostgreSQL.
In your case, I think this should work:
select lastname,
unnest(array[firm1, firm2, firm3, firm4, firm5]) as firm_id
from customer
Now you can select from this table (using either a with statement or an inner query) where firm_id is the value you care about

Access SQL Syntax for Cross-Table Count

I have what may be a simple SQL syntax question but I've been scratching my head over it for weeks now and it's abstract enough that I'm having trouble hunting down the correct search in Google.
Let us assume that I have three tables: Users and Bookings:
UserID Name
1 Adam
2 Bob
3 Charlie
BookingID UserID MeetingID
1 1 1
2 2 1
3 2 2
4 3 2
The query that I'm looking to create will tell me how many other users each user has shared a meeting ID with. In my example:
UserID Co-Meeters
1 1
2 2
3 1
As in the example, users 1 and 3 only had one co-meeter (in this case "2") and user 2 had two co-meeters (1 and 3).
I'm sorry if my description isn't terribly clear, but I'm trying to strip out the needless complication from other intersecting tables and fields that don't really affect the syntax I'm looking for. My initial thought was to use "Group By", but since Bookings is a many-to-many (in terms of the fields I'm looking at) I can't make the logic work.
Any and all help is appreciated.
I think this should do the trick:
select u.userid, iif(isnull(x.others), 0, x.others) as [Co-Meeters]
from users u
left join bookings b on u.userid = b.userid
left join (
select meetingid, count(*) as others from bookings where userid <> u.userid
) x on b.meetingid = x.meetingid
order by 1

Access queries?

I have two tables in MS-Access, U and R. I have joined them together and want to compare two fields. However, because there are X Tags in both to compare I am getting X lines. As you can see on ID 4 and 2 there are two tags in each table and they are both the same however because of my query I get four lines back because it compares all combinations. I do have a Unique Values set to yes. How can I make this work only getting back two lines for the below examples.
ID U Tag1 R Tag2 Comp
1 100XX7 100XX7 SAME
2 11646L 11644 DIFFERENT
2 11646L 1X05X DIFFERENT
2 15650 11644 DIFFERENT
2 15650 1X05X DIFFERENT
3 5981X 598X0 DIFFERENT
4 19103 19103 SAME
4 19103 19X95 DIFFERENT
4 19X95 19103 DIFFERENT
4 19X95 19X95 SAME
Are you looking for something on the lines of:
SELECT u.ID, u.Tag, r.ID, r.Tag
FROM u INNER JOIN r ON (u.ID = r.ID) AND (u.Tag = r.Tag)
SELECT u.ID, u.Tag, r.ID, r.Tag
FROM u LEFT JOIN r ON (u.ID = r.ID) AND (u.Tag = r.Tag)
WHERE r.Tag Is Null
The first part shows matched tags, the second part (after Union All) shows tags in u that were not found in r.
add a
GROUP BY id, U.Tag1, R.Tag2, (Comp? perhaps if you need that in your output)
clause to whatever query you're using now :)

Problem with SQL Join

I have two tables, tblEntities and tblScheduling.
EntityID ShortName Active
1 Dirtville 1
2 Goldtown 1
3 Blackston 0
4 Cornfelt 1
5 Vick 1
ScheduleID EntityID SchedulingYearID
1 1 20
2 1 21
3 2 20
4 3 19
5 5 20
I need a query that will show ALL ACTIVE Entities and their schedule information for a particular ScheduleYearID.
Output should look like (the desired SchedulingYearID in this case is 20):
EntityID ScheduleID
1 1
2 3
5 5
The query that I have written so far is:
SELECT tblEntities.EntityID, tblEntities.ShortName, tblScheduling.ScheduleID
tblEntities ON tblScheduling.EntityID = tblEntities.EntityID
WHERE (tblScheduling.SchedulingYearID = #SchedulingYearID)
AND (tblEntities.Active = 1)
ORDER BY tblEntities.EntityID
My problem is that using this query it will not include active entities without schedule information (such as EntityID 4 in the example above). I can write the query to display all active entities and their schedule status fine, but once I start limiting it via the SchedulingYearID I lose those particular entities.
Are there any solutions that I am obviously missing without having to resort to subqueries, cursors, etc.? If not it's not a big deal, I just feel like I am missing something simple here.
Try this... Join conditions are evaluated to produce the intermediate Join result set, and then, (for an outer join), all the rows from the "Outer" side are added back in before moving on... Where conditions are evaluated after all joins are done...
SELECT E.EntityID, E.ShortName, S.ScheduleID
FROM tblEntities E
Left Join tblScheduling S
ON S.EntityID = E.EntityID
And S.SchedulingYearID = #SchedulingYearID
WHERE E.Active = 1
I change your join order cause I prefer left joins... but it doesn't matter
It's your conditions in the where clause:
(tblScheduling.SchedulingYearID = #SchedulingYearID)
when there is no tblScheduling info this wil always fail. Add
(((tblScheduling.SchedulingYearID = #SchedulingYearID) OR (tblScheduling.SchedulingYearID is null) )
or wathever null condition checking your DB uses.
I think the trouble is that the WHERE clause is filtering out the rows where SchedulingYearID is null. So don't.
SELECT tblEntities.EntityID, tblEntities.ShortName, tblScheduling.ScheduleID
tblEntities ON tblScheduling.EntityID = tblEntities.EntityID
WHERE (tblScheduling.SchedulingYearID = #SchedulingYearID OR
tblScheduling.SchedulingYearID IS NULL)
AND (tblEntities.Active = 1)
ORDER BY tblEntities.EntityID;