Does yosys preserve port ordering? - yosys

Does yosys preserve the ordering of input/output ports for modules/cells? Is the ordering in the RTL guaranteed to match the ordering of the verilog when it is read/written? Will the ordering ever be changed "unexpectedly" by yosys?

Yosys does store the order in which module ports are declared in RTLIL::Wire::port_id. Positional parameters on instances are renamed to $1, $2, $3, .... The hierarchy command then uses the port_id property to correctly rename the ports on cell instances during design elaboration.
When writing a module as verilog file the wire port_id property is used to determine the order in which ports are declared in the module header.
So yes: Yosys does preserve ordering of input/output ports for modules and resolves the names of positional parameters in cell instances.
When hierarchy is not run or the declaration of a cell type is not available, then the positional parameters in those cell instances are not resolved and they are again dumped as positional parameters when the design is written as verilog file.
Edit: In response to the comment: The following example plugin ( demonstrates how to create a SigSpec containing all module ports / cell ports in the order of the port declarations in the corresponding module:
#include "kernel/yosys.h"
#include "kernel/consteval.h"
SigSpec get_portsig(Module *module, string direction, Cell *cell = nullptr)
if (cell)
log_assert(cell->type == module->name);
SigSpec sig;
dict<int, SigSpec> sigs;
for (auto wire : module->wires())
bool selected = false;
if (direction == "in")
selected = wire->port_input;
else if (direction == "out")
selected = wire->port_output;
if (selected) {
if (cell) {
if (cell->hasPort(wire->name))
sigs[wire->port_id] = cell->getPort(wire->name);
else if (cell->hasPort(stringf("$%d", wire->port_id)))
sigs[wire->port_id] = cell->getPort(stringf("$%d", wire->port_id));
} else {
sigs[wire->port_id] = wire;
for (auto &it : sigs)
return sig;
struct PortsigDemoPass : public Pass
PortsigDemoPass():Pass("portsigdemo") { }
virtual void execute(vector < string >, Design * design)
for (auto module : design->modules())
log("Module %s:\n", log_id(module));
log(" Inputs: %s\n", log_signal(get_portsig(module, "in")));
log(" Outputs: %s\n", log_signal(get_portsig(module, "out")));
for (auto cell : module->cells())
auto cell_type_mod = cell->module->design->module(cell->type);
if (cell_type_mod) {
log(" Cell %s (%s):\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type));
log(" Inputs: %s\n", log_signal(get_portsig(cell_type_mod, "in", cell)));
log(" Outputs: %s\n", log_signal(get_portsig(cell_type_mod, "out", cell)));
} PortsigDemoPass;
Example usage:
$ cat > portsigdemo.v << EOT
module mod1 (input [3:0] A, B, output [3:0] Y);
mod2 mod2_inst0 (.P(A[0]), .Q(B[0]), .X(Y[0]));
mod2 mod2_inst1 (.P(B[1]), .Q(A[1]), .X(Y[1]));
mod2 mod2_inst2 (A[2], B[2], Y[2]);
mod2 mod2_inst3 (B[3], A[3], Y[3]);
module mod2 (input P, Q, output X);
assign X = P ^ Q;
$ yosys-config --build
$ yosys -m -p portsigdemo portsigdemo.v
-- Running command `portsigdemo' --
Module mod2:
Inputs: { \Q \P }
Outputs: \X
Module mod1:
Inputs: { \B \A }
Outputs: \Y
Cell mod2_inst3 (mod2):
Inputs: { \A [3] \B [3] }
Outputs: \Y [3]
Cell mod2_inst2 (mod2):
Inputs: { \B [2] \A [2] }
Outputs: \Y [2]
Cell mod2_inst1 (mod2):
Inputs: { \A [1] \B [1] }
Outputs: \Y [1]
Cell mod2_inst0 (mod2):
Inputs: { \B [0] \A [0] }
Outputs: \Y [0]
PS: In portsigdemo.v, the cells (module instances) mod1.mod2_inst0 and mod1.mod2_inst1 are using named parameters (the name of the module port is given) and the cells mod1.mod2_inst2 and mod1.mod2_inst3 are using positional parameters (the module port is determined by the order of parameters).


how to make a context aware code evaluator

I was looking at REPL-like evaluation of code from here and here, and tried to make a very small version for it, yet it fails:
use nqp;
class E {
has Mu $.compiler;
has $!save_ctx;
method evaluate(#fragments) {
for #fragments -> $code {
my $*MAIN_CTX;
my $*CTXSAVE := self;
outer_ctx => nqp::ctxcaller(nqp::ctx()));
if nqp::defined($*MAIN_CTX) {
$!save_ctx := $*MAIN_CTX;
method ctxsave(--> Nil) {
say "*in ctxsave*";
$*MAIN_CTX := nqp::ctxcaller(nqp::ctx());
$*CTXSAVE := 0;
my $e := => nqp::getcomp("Raku"));
nqp::bindattr($e, E, '$!save_ctx', nqp::ctx());
$e.evaluate: ('say my #vals = 12, 3, 4;', 'say #vals.head');
I pieced together this from the above links without very much knowing what I'm doing :) When run, this happens:
*in ctxsave*
[12 3 4]
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling file.raku
Variable '#vals' is not declared. Did you mean '&val'?
------> say ⏏#vals.head
with Rakudo v2022.04. First fragment was supposed to declare it (and prints it). Is it possible to do something like this, so it recognizes #vals as declared?
You can do it in pure Raku code, although depending on the not-exactly-official context parameter to EVAL.
# Let us use EVAL with user input
loop {
# The context starts out with a fresh environment
state $*REPL-CONTEXT = UNIT::;
# Get the next line of code to run.
my $next-code = prompt '> ';
# Evaluate it; note that exceptions with line numbers will be
# off by one, so may need fixups.
EVAL "\q'$*REPL-CONTEXT = ::;'\n$next-code", context => $*REPL-CONTEXT;
Trying it out:
$ raku simple-repl.raku
> my $x = 35;
> say $x;
> my $y = 7;
> say $x + $y;

confusion about lists contained in an aggregate, maybe context problem?

Rakudo version 2020.01
I was writing some throw-away code and did not bother to implement a class, just used a Hash as work-alike. I found some surprising behaviour with lists.
class Q1 {}
class R1 {
has Str $.some-str is required;
has #.some-list is required;
my $r1 =
some-str => '…',
some-list => (,,
# hash as poor man's class
my $r2 = {
some-str => '…',
some-list => (,,
multi sub frob(R1 $r1) {
for #`(Array) $r1.some-list -> $elem {
multi sub frob(Hash $r2) {
for #`(List) $r2<some-list> -> $elem {
frob $r1;
# OK.
frob $r2;
# got:
# (,,
# expected:
frob(Hash …) works as expected when I call .flat or .list on the list (even though it is already a list‽).
I tried to make a minimal test case, but this works identical AFAICT.
for [,,] -> $elem {
for (,, -> $elem {
I have read the documentation on List and Scalar several times, but I still cannot make sense out of my observation. Why do I have to special treat the list in the Hash, but not in the class?
for doesn't loop over itemized values.
When you place something in a scalar container it gets itemized.
sub foo ( $v ) { # itemized
for $v { .say }
sub bar ( \v ) {
for v { .say }
foo (1,2,3);
# (1 2 3)
bar (1,2,3);
# 1
# 2
# 3
An element in a Hash is also a scalar container.
my %h = 'foo' => 'bar';
say %h<foo>.VAR.^name;
# Scalar
So if you place a list into a Hash, it will get itemized.
my %h;
my \list = (1,2,3);
%h<list> = list;
say list.VAR.^name;
# List
say %h<list>.VAR.^name;
# Scalar
So if you want to loop over the values you have to de-itemize it.
given %h<list> -> #list { … }
my #list := %h<list>;
(my # := %h<list>) # inline version of previous example
You could avoid this scalar container by binding instead.
%h<list> := list;
(This prevents the = operator from working on that hash element.)
If you noticed that in the class object you defined it with an # not $
class R1 {
has Str $.some-str is required;
has #.some-list is required;
If you changed it to an $ and mark it rw it will work like the Hash example
class R2 {
has Str $.some-str is required;
has List $.some-list is required is rw;
my $r2 =
some-str => '…',
some-list => (1,2,3),
for $r2.some-list { .say }
# (1 2 3)
It has to be a $ variable or it won't be in a Scalar container.
It also has to be marked rw so that the accessor returns the actual Scalar container rather than the de-itemized value.
This has nothing to do with [] versus (). This has to do with the difference between $ (indicating an item) and % (indicating an Associative):
sub a(%h) { dd %h } # a sub taking an Associative
sub b(Hash $h) { dd $h } # a sub taking an item of type Hash
a { a => 42 }; # Hash % = {:a(42)}
b { a => 42 }; # ${:a(42)}
In the "b" case, what is received is an item. If you try to iterate over that, you will get 1 iteration, for that item. Whereas in the "a" case, you've indicated that it is something Associative that you want (with the % sigil).
Perhaps a clearer example:
my $a = (1,2,3);
for $a { dd $_ } # List $a = $(1, 2, 3)␤
Since $a is an item, you get one iteration. You can indicate that you want to iterate on the underlying thing, by adding .list:
for $a.list { dd $_ } # 1␤2␤3␤
Or, if you want to get more linenoisy, prefix a #:
for #$a { dd $_ } # 1␤2␤3␤
Not strictly an answer, but an observation: in Raku, it pays to use classes rather than hashes, contrary to Perl:
my %h = a => 42, b => 666;
for ^10000000 { my $a = %h<a> }
say now - INIT now; # 0.4434793
Using classes and objects:
class A { has $.a; has $.b }
my $h = => 42, b => 666);
for ^10000000 { my $a = $h.a }
say now - INIT now; # 0.368659
Not only is using classes faster, it also prevents you from making typos in initialization if you add the is required trait:
class A { has $.a is required; has $.b is required } => 42, B => 666);
# The attribute '$!b' is required, but you did not provide a value for it.
And it prevents you from making typos when accessing it:
my $a = => 42, b => 666);
# No such method 'bb' for invocant of type 'A'. Did you mean 'b'?

Why does a Perl 6 Str do the Positional role, and how can I change []?

I'm playing around with a positional interface for strings. I'm aware of How can I slice a string like Python does in Perl 6?, but I was curious if I could make this thing work just for giggles.
I came up with this example. Reading positions is fine, but I don't know how to set up the multi to handle an assignment:
multi postcircumfix:<[ ]> ( Str:D $s, Int:D $n --> Str ) {
$s.substr: $n, 1
multi postcircumfix:<[ ]> ( Str:D $s, Range:D $r --> Str ) {
$s.substr: $r.min, $r.max - $r.min + 1
multi postcircumfix:<[ ]> ( Str:D $s, List:D $i --> List ) {
map( { $s.substr: $_, 1 }, #$i ).list
multi postcircumfix:<[ ]> ( Str:D $s, Int:D $n, *#a --> Str ) is rw {
put "Calling rw version";
my $string = 'The quick, purple butterfly';
{ # Works
my $single = $string[0];
say $single;
{ # Works
my $substring = $string[5..9];
say $substring;
{ # Works
my $substring = $string[1,3,5,7];
say $substring;
{ # NOPE!
$string[2] = 'Perl';
say $string;
The last one doesn't work:
(h u c)
Index out of range. Is: 2, should be in 0..0
in block <unit> at substring.p6 line 36
Actually thrown at:
in block <unit> at substring.p6 line 36
I didn't think it would work, though. I don't know what signature or traits it should have to do what I want to do.
Why does the [] operator work on a Str?
$ perl6
> "some string"[0]
some string
The docs mostly imply that the [] works on things that do the Positional roles and that those things are in list like things. From the [] docs in operators:
Universal interface for positional access to zero or more elements of a #container, a.k.a. "array indexing operator".
But a Str surprisingly does the necessary role even though it's not an #container (as far as I know):
> "some string".does( 'Positional' )
Is there a way to test that something is an #container?
Is there a way to get something to list all of its roles?
Now, knowing that a string can respond to the [], how can I figure out what signature will match that? I want to know the right signature to use to define my own version to write to this string through [].
One way to achieve this, is by augmenting the Str class, since you really only need to override the AT-POS method (which Str normally inherits from Any):
augment class Str {
method AT-POS($a) {
say "abcde"[3]; # d
say "abcde"[^3]; # (a b c)
More information can be found here:
To make your rw version work correctly, you first need to make the Str which might get mutated also rw, and it needs to return something which in turn is also rw. For the specific case of strings, you could simply do:
multi postcircumfix:<[ ]> ( Str:D $s is rw, Int:D $i --> Str ) is rw {
return $s.substr-rw: $i, 1;
Quite often, you'll want an rw subroutine to return an instance of Proxy:
multi postcircumfix:<[ ]> ( Str:D $s is rw, Int:D $i --> Str ) is rw { FETCH => sub { $s.substr: $i },
STORE => sub -> $newval { $s.substr-rw( $i, 1 ) = $newval }
Although I haven't yet seen production code which uses it, there is also a return-rw operator, which you'll occasionally need instead of return.
sub identity( $x is rw ) is rw { return-rw $x }
identity( my $y ) = 42; # Works, $y is 42.
sub identity-fail( $x is rw ) is rw { return $x }
identity-fail( my $z ) = 42; # Fails: "Cannot assign to a readonly variable or a value"
If a function reaches the end without executing a return, return-rw or throwing an exception, the value of the last statement is returned, and (at present), this behaves as if it were preceded return-rw.
sub identity2( $x is rw ) is rw { $x }
identity2( my $w ) = 42; # Works, $w is 42.
There's a module that aims to let you do this:
This module does not provide Str.AT-POS or make Str type do Positional or Iterable roles. The latter causes all sorts of fallout with core and non-core code due to inherent assumptions that Str type does not do those roles. What this means in plain English is you can only index your strings with [...] postcircumfix operator and can't willy-nilly treat them as lists of characters—simply call .comb if you need that.`

How does the Yosys ConstEval API work?

I'm trying to write a plugin that requires evaluating combinatorial circuits. From what I can gather ConstEval is the tool which does this. However, the API is not so clear to me. Is there somewhere a rundown of the members of ConstEval and what they do?
(Asked by jeremysalwen on github).
Using the ConstEval class is actually quite easy. You create a ConstEval object for a given module and set the known values using the void ConstEval::set(SigSpec, Const) method. After all the known signals have been set, the bool ConstEval::eval(SigSpec&, SigSpec&) method can be used to evaluate nets. The eval() method returns true when the evaluation was successful and replaces the net(s) in the first argument with the constant values the net evaluates to. Otherwise it returns false and sets the 2nd argument to the list of nets that need to be set in order to continue evaluation.
The methods push() and pop() can be used for creating local contexts for set(). The method stop() can be used to declare signals at which the evaluation should stop, even when there are combinatoric cells driving the net.
The following simple Yosys plugin demonstrates how to use the ConstEval API (
#include "kernel/yosys.h"
#include "kernel/consteval.h"
struct EvalDemoPass : public Pass
EvalDemoPass() : Pass("evaldemo") { }
virtual void execute(vector<string>, Design *design)
Module *module = design->top_module();
if (module == nullptr)
log_error("No top module found!\n");
Wire *wire_a = module->wire("\\A");
Wire *wire_y = module->wire("\\Y");
if (wire_a == nullptr)
log_error("No wire A found!\n");
if (wire_y == nullptr)
log_error("No wire Y found!\n");
ConstEval ce(module);
for (int v = 0; v < 4; v++) {
ce.set(wire_a, Const(v, GetSize(wire_a)));
SigSpec sig_y = wire_y, sig_undef;
if (ce.eval(sig_y, sig_undef))
log("Eval results for A=%d: Y=%s\n", v, log_signal(sig_y));
log("Eval failed for A=%d: Missing value for %s\n", v, log_signal(sig_undef));
} EvalDemoPass;
Example usage:
$ cat > evaldemo.v <<EOT
module main(input [1:0] A, input [7:0] B, C, D, output [7:0] Y);
assign Y = A == 0 ? B : A == 1 ? C : A == 2 ? D : 42;
$ yosys-config --build
$ yosys -m -p evaldemo evaldemo.v
-- Running command `evaldemo' --
Eval failed for A=0: Missing value for \B
Eval failed for A=1: Missing value for \C
Eval failed for A=2: Missing value for \D
Eval results for A=3: Y=8'00101010

How do I parse and validate command line arguments in Raku (formerly known as Perl 6)?

In Perl 5, I can use Getopt::Long to parse commandline arguments with some validation (see below from
use Getopt::Long;
my $data = "file.dat";
my $length = 24;
my $verbose;
GetOptions ("length=i" => \$length, # numeric
"file=s" => \$data, # string
"verbose" => \$verbose) # flag
or die("Error in command line arguments\n");
say $length;
say $data;
say $verbose;
Here =i in "length=i" creates a numeric type constraint on the value associated with --length and =s in "file=s" creates a similar string type constraint.
How do I do something similar in Raku (née Perl 6)?
That feature is built into Raku (formerly known as Perl 6). Here is the equivalent of your Getopt::Long code in Raku:
sub MAIN ( Str :$file = "file.dat"
, Num :$length = Num(24)
, Bool :$verbose = False
MAIN is a special subroutine that automatically parses command line arguments based on its signature.
Str and Num provide string and numeric type constraints.
Bool makes $verbose a binary flag which is False if absent or if called as --/verbose. (The / in --/foo is a common Unix command line syntax for setting an argument to False).
: prepended to the variables in the subroutine signature makes them named (instead of positional) parameters.
Defaults are provided using $variable = followed by the default value.
If you want single character or other aliases, you can use the :f(:$foo) syntax.
sub MAIN ( Str :f(:$file) = "file.dat"
, Num :l(:$length) = Num(24)
, Bool :v(:$verbose) = False
:x(:$smth) makes additional alias for --smth such as short alias -x in this example. Multiple aliases and fully-named is available too, here is an example: :foo(:x(:bar(:y(:$baz)))) will get you --foo, -x, --bar, -y and --baz and if any of them will pass to $baz.
Positional arguments (and example)
MAIN can also be used with positional arguments. For example, here is Guess the number (from Rosetta Code). It defaults to a min of 0 and max of 100, but any min and max number could be entered. Using is copy allows the parameter to be changed within the subroutine:
#!/bin/env perl6
multi MAIN
#= Guessing game (defaults: min=0 and max=100)
MAIN(0, 100)
multi MAIN ( $max )
#= Guessing game (min defaults to 0)
MAIN(0, $max)
multi MAIN
#= Guessing game
( $min is copy #= minimum of range of numbers to guess
, $max is copy #= maximum of range of numbers to guess
#swap min and max if min is lower
if $min > $max { ($min, $max) = ($max, $min) }
say "Think of a number between $min and $max and I'll guess it!";
while $min <= $max {
my $guess = (($max + $min)/2).floor;
given lc prompt "My guess is $guess. Is your number higher, lower or equal (or quit)? (h/l/e/q)" {
when /^e/ { say "I knew it!"; exit }
when /^h/ { $min = $guess + 1 }
when /^l/ { $max = $guess }
when /^q/ { say "quiting"; exit }
default { say "WHAT!?!?!" }
say "How can your number be both higher and lower than $max?!?!?";
Usage message
Also, if your command line arguments don't match a MAIN signature, you get a useful usage message, by default. Notice how subroutine and parameter comments starting with #= are smartly incorporated into this usage message:
./guess --help
./guess -- Guessing game (defaults: min=0 and max=100)
./guess <max> -- Guessing game (min defaults to 0)
./guess <min> <max> -- Guessing game
<min> minimum of range of numbers to guess
<max> maximum of range of numbers to guess
Here --help isn't a defined command line parameter, thus triggering this usage message.
See also
See also the 2010, 2014, and 2018 Perl 6 advent calendar posts on MAIN, the post Parsing command line arguments in Perl 6, and the section of Synopsis 6 about MAIN.
Alternatively, there is a Getopt::Long for perl6 too. Your program works in it with almost no modifications:
use Getopt::Long;
my $data = "file.dat";
my $length = 24;
my $verbose;
get-options("length=i" => $length, # numeric
"file=s" => $data, # string
"verbose" => $verbose); # flag
say $length;
say $data;
say $verbose;