Retrieve Archive Delay on Openfire, how about Ejabberd? - openfire

I am using Openfire server with Strophe and it has the Monitoring Plugin installed. It archives my messages, and I use strophe to load them. But there is a 30seconds-1min delay for the messages to be put into the database.
I am wondering, if I use Ejabberd to archive messages, and the messages get put into the database, is there a delay as well?

There will be no delay on the ejabberd. As I was working on retrieving the messages using ejabberd, I didn't found any delay while retrieving the messages and even while putting in the database. It might take some nano or micro seconds to put in database but while retrieving I am sure there is no delay in my POC app.
I worked with Ejabberd and its pretty awesome. I don't know much about openfire and I really suggest you to switch over to Ejabberd.
Ejabberd has an Admin panel which shows online users, virtual hosts, nodes, modules and lots of stuff which admin can access atmost. Its pretty much easier for Installation and Configuration. Ejabberd is actively developed and widely used.
Ejabberd supports all the messaging features. While installation all the modules will be installed. If you want to install some external module (not developed by Ejabberd Official people), then go through with that module installation docs. Some of the modules which are developed by Ejabberd wont get installed while ejabberd setup. Take a look here for those modules. You can install these modules as:
ejabberdctl module_update_specs
ejabberdctl module_install <module_name>
After installing the module, just enable that module at modules section in the ejabberd configuration file.


Managing multiple RabbitMQ services on one machine, having the management plugin enabled

I installed multiple rabbitmq Services on our dev environment and enabled the management plugin and gave them different ports. This works fine, now I installed 3 rabbit MQ nodes on another machine and installed the management plugin. Of course I adjusted the configs and gave the management tools different ports. Unfortunately I can only access the management plugin from rabbitmq 1, 2 and 3 are not working.
I checked and see that some folders are missing in the setup.
inside of this folder I am missing the plugins folder which I have in the rabbitmq1 setup. I tried to cheat and copy the folders and rename them, but as soon as I start the service it recognizes this and delete the folder.
Re-installing the management plugin does not work, whenever I try to install I get the message that I already have it.
Any idea?
I finally found the issue. When you create the rabbit-mq and you don't have a config in the AppData\Roaming/YourRabbitInstance than there will be no config parameter created in the registry. Meaning your config will never be picked up, whatever details you provide. I have added the config parameter to the registry and the queue immediately started listing on the ports defined in the cfg.
-config "C:\\Users\\myuser\\AppData\\Roaming\\myrabbit\\myrabbit"

Installing OTRS on DreamHost

I'm using a Debian VPS on DreamHost and wanted to install a feature-rich customer issue-tracking system (not for software development like Bugzilla). OTRS made my shortlist and I followed the Installation Instructions through the "Web Server Configuration" step (/etc/init.d/apache2 restart), but the restart step reported failure. Nevertheless pgrep apache showed it was running. In fact, it turned out that although www.mysite/otrs/ was running, my regular website showed a page claiming it had no content (but when I looked in the website's folder, its content was fine, just not being served).
DreamHost Support was very helpful, but explained that they don't use the standard Debian Apache server for hosting websites and instead use their own. Specifically, the Debian server is in /etc/apache2, but the DreamHost server is in /dh/apache2. DreamHost Support determined that the OTRS installation instructions were configuring the usual Debian Apache location which somehow prioritized that server instead of the DreamHost server. They tried moving the otrs.conf file into /dh/apache2, but though the regular website was working again, the OTRS page wasn't.
Has anybody had success installing OTRS on a DreamHost VPS?
I've consulted one of our admins on this, and these are our suggestions:
You will either need to:
Adapt DreamHost's Apache build to incorporate the OTRS modifications
Get Debian Apache up and running
Both options will require an admin user and some knowledge of Linux command line and Apache management tools. You will also need to set your VPS to UNMANAGED, which means that any changes in the DH Web Panel to any of your domains will have no effect whatsoever. Just make sure the DNS records for any domains are pointing to your server. You will also need to be able to manage your own Apache configurations.
NOTE: This will also essentially mean that DreamHost support cannot and will not troubleshoot your domains. Unmanaged means unsupported in any way!
There are a few core differences between DreamHost's apache2 configuration and the default Debian build. The first issue I observe is that DreamHost's configuration does not allow for extra configuration files to be loaded in the manner that the OTRS documentation suggests. This means if choosing option 1, you will need to manually insert the OTRS directives into DreamHost's configuration files, which may prove difficult.
I would recommend moving or otherwise disabling the /dh folder entirely after setting your VPS to unmanaged. This will not allow DH-default Apache to start when the VPS starts. You may also need to remove the DH Apache startup script in /etc/rc3.d/S02httpd2 and the actual script at /etc/init.d/httpd2.
Once you have your own version of Apache running successfully, you might consider copying the VirtualHosts that were previously at /dh/apache2/apache2-ps/etc/httpd.conf into your own domain configuration files in your conf.d directory, or you can shuffle your website files around and configure your Apache to your desire.
Once you've got your own flavor of Apache running, you should be able to implement the OTRS instructions per their wiki. :)

Ideal railo + tomcat vhost setup for busy production server

I'm migrating a lot of websites from Resin 3 to Tomcat 7 (centos 4/apache 2.20) and I'm struggling to determine what type of configuration matches my requirements. In particular:
proxy_ajp vs mod_jk vs mod_proxy for passing requests to Tomcat/Railo
automating deployment of new sites
putting WEB-INF outside the site roots (to simplify cloning sites)
using apache itk with tomcat so each vhost runs as a different user and process
having a single shared railo server administrator config
support for SES URLs with no extension (ie: /path/to/page)
SSL support required
I've read a lot of howtos already but most are out of date or provide conflicting advice. I would like to see some examples from people who run many railo vhosts and deploy them automatically or programmatically. In general I'd prefer efficiency/speed over simplicity as I want to get the most out of limited resources.
I could have asked these questions separately but I want to be sure any answers take into account all the above factors (assuming the requirements are actually compatible).
firstly, check out the vivotech installers - they are a hosting company, so use their installers as your base, they are flawless. (it uses tomcat)
railo 3.3 makes it a lot easier to deploy contexts from admin, so scripting this shouldn't be that hard.
web-inf should be automatically put into a site when it is defined in tomcat
if you give each user a new context-root, then they will have their own admin
every webserver (apache/iis2k8/even tomcat) supports url-rewrite
everything supports ssl
you might also want to look at how you're going to tune your jvm's for this senario, then do some load testing to see how they fare.
drop an email to sean corfield, google railo and his name and you'll get his email.

Using LDAP across Servers without copying the necessary Jars

LDAP authentication in different J2EE servers is different, unfortunately.
Eg. If I develop a code in JBoss for LDAP authentication with LDAP login module of JBoss, 99% chances are that it will not run in WebSphere or any other J2EE containers. Maybe if I import that library jar files, it might work. I’m looking at just porting the application and not having to worry about library files, unless we have written the libraries. Libraries of J2EE servers must not be copied from one server to the other. I don’t know if that could be called code ethics!!
Is there a J2EE server independent module for LDAP or way of programming for doing this?
Is the solution – code from scratch using JNDI the only method? Please advice.
I'd suspect that most J2EE container already have an LDAP module for the authentication, in which case the problem you're having isn't really about programming, but about adapting the configuration from one container to another. Little to no actual code should be required for this. It's not clear why you would develop your own code for LDAP authentication then.
If you really want this configuration to be container independent, you'll certainly need to embed the authentication within the webapp itself.
The Restlet framework, for example, can do that, but it's part of a wider architectural choice, which may or may not be what you're after.
Even if you program your own LDAP code via JNDI or JAAS for example, you're likely to have to tweak the configuration of the container, perhaps for its security manager to let the connections to your LDAP server through (if enabled) or at least to configure which LDAP server to use when deploying the application.
I think in the general case, it's probably wiser to use the container's module (which will vary depending on the container). It ultimately depends on how you configure your webapps when deploying them.

Does JBoss cache authentication information?

When testing various authentication solutions (my own LoginModule etc) in JBoss, it seemed to me that sometimes when I redeployed a change or otherwise provoked the login form to show, that JBoss didn't actually call the authentication module.
Just wondering if there is some type of short term caching going on?
I tested both from a web application (taking care to delete cookies etc) and from a fat RMI java client.
Of course, If I restarted JBoss, the full authentication process was followed.
Is there a cache, and if so, can it be disabled for development purposes?
Yes, JBoss caches authentication information by default for a few minutes.
To disable caching, set DefaultCacheTimeout to 0 in the configuration for the JaasSecurityManagerService. The configuration is in the "jboss-service.xml" file.
For more info and various ways to flush the cache, see CachingLoginCredentials at