MS Access subquery performance - sql

I use MS Access a lot as an ad-hoc data processing tool. One thing I've noticed is that using sub-queries in certain ways tends to have very bad performance with large tables.
For example, this query performs poorly:
SELECT TOP 500 EmployeeID FROM Employee
(SELECT EmployeeID FROM LoadHistory
WHERE YearWeek = '2015-26');
This version of the same query performs well:
SELECT TOP 500 EmployeeID FROM Employee
(SELECT 1 FROM LoadHistory
WHERE YearWeek = '2015-26' AND
EmployeeID = Employee.EmployeeID);
And this other form of the same query also performs well:
SELECT TOP 500 Employee.EmployeeID
FROM Employee
(SELECT EmployeeID FROM LoadHistory
WHERE YearWeek = '2015-26') q
ON Employee.EmployeeID = q.EmployeeID
For style reasons, I prefer the first form. I can't really understand why the optimizer doesn't generate the same plan for the first and second queries. Is there any logic to how the ACE optimizer is behaving here? Are there any other ways to slightly rewrite the first query so the optimizer can do a better job?

NOT IN and NOT EXISTS are very similar . . . but not quite the same.
The semantics of NOT IN specify that it never returns true if any of the values are NULL. That means that the subquery has to verify that this is true.
My guess is that this accounts for the different optimization schemes. This is also why I prefer NOT EXISTS to NOT IN. NOT EXISTS is more intuitive in the treatment of NULL values in the subquery.
Note: You should always qualify column names when you use correlated subqueries:
SELECT TOP 500 EmployeeID
FROM Employee
FROM LoadHistory
WHERE LoadHistory.YearWeek = '2015-26' AND
LoadHistory.EmployeeID = Employee.EmployeeID
The compiler might be smart enough to avoid this if you declare LoadHistory.EmployeeId as NOT NULL.
I should also mention that NOT EXISTS can take advantage of an index on LoadHistory(EmployeeId) or LoadHistory(EmployeeId, YearWeek). The NOT IN version can use LoadHistory(YearWeek) or LoadHistory(YearWeek, EmployeeId). Perhaps your indexes explain the difference in performance.

It is the difference between in and exists. Exists evaluates to true the first time a sub-query matches a given condition. On the other hand, in would scan the entire table.


Left join or Select in select (SQL - Speed of query)

I have something like this:
SELECT CompanyId
FROM Company
WHERE CompanyId not in
(SELECT CompanyId
FROM Company
WHERE (IsPublic = 0) and CompanyId NOT IN
(SELECT ShoppingLike.WhichId
FROM Company
ShoppingLike ON Company.CompanyId = ShoppingLike.UserId
WHERE (ShoppingLike.IsWaiting = 0) AND
(ShoppingLike.ShoppingScoreTypeId = 2) AND
(ShoppingLike.UserId = 75)
It has 3 select, I want to know how could I have it without making 3 selects, and which one has better speed for 1 million record? "select in select" or "left join"?
My experiences are from Oracle. There is never a correct answer to optimising tricky queries, it's a collaboration between you and the optimiser. You need to check explain plans and sometimes traces, often at each stage of writing the query, to find out what the optimiser in thinking. Having said that:
You could remove the outer SELECT by putting the entire contents of it's subquery WHERE clause in a NOT(...). On the face of it will prevent that outer full scan of Company (or it's index of CompanyId). Try it, check the output is the same and get timings, then remove it temporarily before trying the below. The NOT() may well cause the optimiser to stop considering an ANTI-JOIN against the ShoppingLike subquery due to an implicit OR being created.
Ensure that CompanyId and WhichId are defined as NOT NULL columns. Without this (or the likes of an explicit CompanyId IS NOT NULL) then ANTI-JOIN options are often discarded.
The inner most subquery is not correlated (does not reference anything from it's outer query) so can be extracted and tuned separately. As a matter of style I'd swap the table names round the INNER JOIN as you want ShoppingLike scanned first as it has all the filters against it. It wont make any difference but it reads easier and makes it possible to use a hint to scan tables in the order specified. I would even question the need for the Company table in this subquery.
You've used NOT IN when sometimes the very similar NOT EXISTS gives the optimiser more/alternative options.
All the above is just trial and error unless you start trying the explain plan. Oracle can, with a following wind, convert between LEFT JOIN and IN SELECT. 1M+ rows will create time to invest.

SQL EXISTS Why does selecting rownum cause inefficient execution plan?

I'm trying to understand why what seems like a minor difference in these two Oracle Syntax Update queries is causing a radically different execution plan.
Query 1:
UPDATE sales s
SET status = 'DONE', trandate = sysdate
FROM tempTable tmp
WHERE s.key1 = tmp.key1
AND s.key2 = tmp.key2
AND s.key3 = tmp.key3)
Query 2:
UPDATE sales s
SET status = 'DONE', trandate = sysdate
WHERE EXISTS (Select rownum
FROM tempTable tmp
WHERE s.key1 = tmp.key1
AND s.key2 = tmp.key2
AND s.key3 = tmp.key3)
As you can see the only difference between the two is that the subquery in Query 2 returns a rownum instead of the values of every row.
The execution plans for these two couldn't be more different:
Query1 - Pulls the total results from both tables and uses a sort and a hashjoin to return the results. This peforms well with a favorable 2,346 cost (despite the use of the EXISTS clause and the cohesive subquery).
Query2 - Pulls both table results as well but uses a count and a filter to accomplish the same task and returns an execution plan with an astonishing 77,789,696 cost! I should note that his query just hangs on me so I'm not actually positive this returns the same results (though I believe it should).
From my understanding of the Exists clause it is just a simple boolean check that runs per line of the main table. It doesn't matter if a single row is returned in my EXISTS condition or 100,000 rows... if any results are returned for the row that it is being run, then you've passed the exist check. So why would it matter what my subquery SELECT statement returns?
Per request, below are the execution plans I'm running in TOAD... please note I edited the table names in my example above for ease - In these plans ALSS_SALES2 = sales above and SALESEXT_TMP = tempTABLE above.
Also should have mentioned but neither of the two tables has indices at this point.. I haven't yet added them to my tempTable and I'm testing with a cheap copy of the sales table which only contains the fields and data but no indices, constraints or security.
Thanks for the assistance everyone!
Query 1 Execution Plan
Query 2 Execution Plan
1) Why did the call for rownum cause the execution plan to change?
2) What is it about the Filter that is so incredibally inefficient?
3) Am I missing something fundamental with the way the Exists clause works that is causing this change?
Posting the actual query plans would be quite helpful.
In general, though, when the optimizer sees a subquery with rownum, that radically limits its ability to transform the query and merge the results from the subquery with the main query because doing so potentially affects the results. That can be a quick way to force Oracle to materialize a subquery if that happens to be more efficient than the plan chosen by the optimizer. In this case, though, it is probably causing the optimizer to forego a transform step that makes the query more efficient.
Occasionally, you'll see someone take a query like
FROM (SELECT <<columns>>
FROM driving_table
WHERE <<conditions>>) a,
and tack on a rownum to the a subquery
FROM (SELECT <<columns>>, rownum
FROM driving_table
WHERE <<conditions>>) a,
in order to force the optimizer to evaluate the a subquery before executing the join. Normally, of course, the optimizer should do this by default if it is more efficient. But if the optimizer makes a mistake, adding rownum can be quicker than figuring out the right set of hints to force a plan or digging in to the underlying problem to figure out the right solution.
Of course, in the particular case that you have a subquery in a WHERE EXISTS where the only use of rownum comes in the SELECT list, we humans can detect that the rownum shouldn't prevent any query transform step that the optimizer would care to use. The optimizer, though, is probably using a more general rule that says that subqueries that reference a function like rownum must be completely executed (this may depend on the exact Oracle version and/or the optimizer settings). So the optimizer is realistically doing a bunch of extra work because it's not smart enough to recognize that the rownum you added cannot possibly affect the results of the query.
Just a question, what's the execution plan for this query:
UPDATE sales s
SET status = 'DONE', trandate = sysdate
FROM tempTable tmp
WHERE s.key1 = tmp.key1
AND s.key2 = tmp.key2
AND s.key3 = tmp.key3);
It visualize what is needed in an EXISTS (...) expression - actually nothing! As already stated Oracle just have to check if anything is returned, not what is returned in Sub-Query.

In an EXISTS can my JOIN ON use a value from the original select

I have an order system. Users with can be attached to different orders as a type of different user. They can download documents associated with an order. Documents are only given to certain types of users on the order. I'm having trouble writing the query to check a user's permission to view a document and select the info about the document.
I have the following tables and (applicable) fields:
Docs: DocNo, FileNo
DocAccess: DocNo, UserTypeWithAccess
FileUsers: FileNo, UserType, UserNo
I have the following query:
WHERE DocNo = 1000
ON FileUsers.UserType = DocAccess.UserTypeWithAccess
AND FileUsers.FileNo = Docs.FileNo /* Errors here */
WHERE DocAccess.UserNo = 2000 )
The trouble is that in the Exists Select, it does not recognize Docs (at Docs.FileNo) as a valid table. If I move the second on argument to the where clause it works, but I would rather limit the initial join rather than filter them out after the fact.
I can get around this a couple ways, but this seems like it would be best. Anything I'm missing here? Or is it simply not allowed?
I think this is a limitation of your database engine. In most databases, docs would be in scope for the entire subquery -- including both the where and in clauses.
However, you do not need to worry about where you put the particular clause. SQL is a descriptive language, not a procedural language. The purpose of SQL is to describe the output. The SQL engine, parser, and compiler should be choosing the most optimal execution path. Not always true. But, move the condition to the where clause and don't worry about it.
I am not clear why do you need to join with FileUsers at all in your subquery?
What is the purpose and idea of the query (in plain English)?
In any case, if you do need to join with FileUsers then I suggest to use the inner join and move second filter to the WHERE condition. I don't think you can use it in JOIN condition in subquery - at least I've never seen it used this way before. I believe you can only correlate through WHERE clause.
You have to use aliases to get this working:
Docs doc
doc.DocNo = 1000
DocAccess acc
FileUsers usr
usr.UserType = acc.UserTypeWithAccess
AND usr.FileNo = doc.FileNo
acc.UserNo = 2000
This also makes it more clear which table each field belongs to (think about using the same table twice or more in the same query with different aliases).
If you would only like to limit the output to one row you can use TOP 1:
Docs doc
FileUsers usr
usr.FileNo = doc.FileNo
DocAccess acc
acc.UserTypeWithAccess = usr.UserType
doc.DocNo = 1000
AND acc.UserNo = 2000
Of course the second query works a bit different than the first one (both JOINS are INNER). Depeding on your data model you might even leave the TOP 1 out of that query.

SQL nesting on highschool test

We made this test on my school, and according to the test this is the right answer:
WHERE kgmilk < 1000 AND =
Now my question is, can you actually do = in the nested query, since you only select one database in that query.
You didn't specify which kind of SQL this is.
If it's MS SQL Server, = is possible.
See this example.
Yes, it's called a correlated subquery and it will in effect get evaluated for each row in the main table (ignoring optimization).
The nested query - commonly called a subquery - is a correlated subquery, which means that it is evaluated for each row in the outer query. The correlation occurs when, within the subquery, you reference a table in the outer query. Here's an example of a plain subquery:
NAME not in (

SQL - table alias scope

I've just learned ( yesterday ) to use "exists" instead of "in".
select * from table where nameid in (
select nameid from othertable where otherdesc = 'SomeDesc' )
select * from table t where exists (
select nameid from othertable o where t.nameid = o.nameid and otherdesc = 'SomeDesc' )
And I have some questions about this:
1) The explanation as I understood was: "The reason why this is better is because only the matching values will be returned instead of building a massive list of possible results". Does that mean that while the first subquery might return 900 results the second will return only 1 ( yes or no )?
2) In the past I have had the RDBMS complainin: "only the first 1000 rows might be retrieved", this second approach would solve that problem?
3) What is the scope of the alias in the second subquery?... does the alias only lives in the parenthesis?
for example
select * from table t where exists (
select nameid from othertable o where t.nameid = o.nameid and otherdesc = 'SomeDesc' )
select nameid from othertable o where t.nameid = o.nameid and otherdesc = 'SomeOtherDesc' )
That is, if I use the same alias ( o for table othertable ) In the second "exist" will it present any problem with the first exists? or are they totally independent?
Is this something Oracle only related or it is valid for most RDBMS?
Thanks a lot
It's specific to each DBMS and depends on the query optimizer. Some optimizers detect IN clause and translate it.
In all DBMSes I tested, alias is only valid inside the ( )
BTW, you can rewrite the query as:
select t.*
from table t
join othertable o on t.nameid = o.nameid
and o.otherdesc in ('SomeDesc','SomeOtherDesc');
And, to answer your questions:
You are treading into complicated territory, known as 'correlated sub-queries'. Since we don't have detailed information about your tables and the key structures, some of the answers can only be 'maybe'.
In your initial IN query, the notation would be valid whether or not OtherTable contains a column NameID (and, indeed, whether OtherDesc exists as a column in Table or OtherTable - which is not clear in any of your examples, but presumably is a column of OtherTable). This behaviour is what makes a correlated sub-query into a correlated sub-query. It is also a routine source of angst for people when they first run into it - invariably by accident. Since the SQL standard mandates the behaviour of interpreting a name in the sub-query as referring to a column in the outer query if there is no column with the relevant name in the tables mentioned in the sub-query but there is a column with the relevant name in the tables mentioned in the outer (main) query, no product that wants to claim conformance to (this bit of) the SQL standard will do anything different.
The answer to your Q1 is "it depends", but given plausible assumptions (NameID exists as a column in both tables; OtherDesc only exists in OtherTable), the results should be the same in terms of the data set returned, but may not be equivalent in terms of performance.
The answer to your Q2 is that in the past, you were using an inferior if not defective DBMS. If it supported EXISTS, then the DBMS might still complain about the cardinality of the result.
The answer to your Q3 as applied to the first EXISTS query is "t is available as an alias throughout the statement, but o is only available as an alias inside the parentheses". As applied to your second example box - with AND connecting two sub-selects (the second of which is missing the open parenthesis when I'm looking at it), then "t is available as an alias throughout the statement and refers to the same table, but there are two different aliases both labelled 'o', one for each sub-query". Note that the query might return no data if OtherDesc is unique for a given NameID value in OtherTable; otherwise, it requires two rows in OtherTable with the same NameID and the two OtherDesc values for each row in Table with that NameID value.
Oracle-specific: When you write a query using the IN clause, you're telling the rule-based optimizer that you want the inner query to drive the outer query. When you write EXISTS in a where clause, you're telling the optimizer that you want the outer query to be run first, using each value to fetch a value from the inner query. See "Difference between IN and EXISTS in subqueries".
Alias declared inside subquery lives inside subquery. By the way, I don't think your example with 2 ANDed subqueries is valid SQL. Did you mean UNION instead of AND?
Personally I would use a join, rather than a subquery for this.
FROM yourTable t
INNER JOIN otherTable ot
ON (t.nameid = ot.nameid AND ot.otherdesc = 'SomeDesc')
It is difficult to generalize that EXISTS is always better than IN. Logically if that is the case, then SQL community would have replaced IN with EXISTS...
Also, please note that IN and EXISTS are not same, the results may be different when you use the two...
With IN, usually its a Full Table Scan of the inner table once without removing NULLs (so if you have NULLs in your inner table, IN will not remove NULLS by default)... While EXISTS removes NULL and in case of correlated subquery, it runs inner query for every row from outer query.
Assuming there are no NULLS and its a simple query (with no correlation), EXIST might perform better if the row you are finding is not the last row. If it happens to be the last row, EXISTS may need to scan till the end like IN.. so similar performance...
But IN and EXISTS are not interchangeable...