How to filter results by rich snippets values? - google-custom-search

I have some itens available from structured-data testing-tool, like:
How can i use this values to filter the results from CSE?
Like, show pages with pmr-recipe-recipetype-bolos.

try your search term this way
It should return the search result you look for.
Hope this help :)


Fishbase-API get-query

I would like to use the Fishbase-API in my app.
here is the README for the API...
But I don't know how to create a correct query to search for certain “common names” (comnames) and get a list of results?
Thanks a lot!

Create custom advance search filter in CGridView in YII

I have a model which contains emails with some other fields.
I want a custom filter in Yii CGridView's advance search which when applied, lists only Invalid Email IDs (using regular expression '^[A-Z0-9._%-]+#[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$')
Note: I dont want to add any column in CGridView
I hope to help you out,
you will need several things
the line for filtering in the column of your choice...(i recommend you create a new attribute for this, ask me in comments if you want to know more why.) this goes in the cgridview of course:
'filter'=>CHtml::activeCheckBox($model, $attributeEmail)
the condition in your search of function that brings up the model.
Supposing you have a criteria inside your search in your model wich help you with your filtering what you need is ...
if($this->EMAIL == TRUE)
$criteria->addCondition("\"t\".\"EMAIL\" email NOT LIKE '%_#__%.__%'");
Why not to use regex and make a KISS approach ? better read this first...
Sql script to find invalid email addresses
I'd be glad to hear your comments it is interesting question for yii dev's btw

Search Yahoo API geo.places with like operator

I want to use the Yahoo API with the geo.places table. It really works great with single queries, but I want to list all city names which names BEGIN with the query text.
This is my query URL right now: * from geo.places where text = 'dallas'
And this is what I want: * from geo.places where text LIKE 'dallas%'
Is it possible? If yes, how exactly?
I can't find any useful information in the docs about this type of query regarding the geo.places table :(
Thank you very much!
I was able to perform a request that seems to fit what you are looking for: * from geo.places where text ='dallas*'

Howto search all fields with NHibernate Search?

NHibernate is working fine in my current solution but I would like to do queries that search all fields. How can I do something like
.CreateFullTextQuery<MyObjectGraph>("*", queryText)
.CreateFullTextQuery<MyObjectGraph>("%", queryText)
I tried the above but these do not work. I search for quite some time but cannot find a way to do this.
You have to write:
.CreateFullTextQuery<MyObjectGraph>("Field:{0}", criteria);
For example:
.CreateFullTextQuery<MyObjectGraph>("Name:{0}", "Ramon");

Twitter Substring Searches

If there is a way to do this, it should be a fairly straightforward question. Using the twitter search api, is there a way to return results that contain a part of the word (searching "#dog" would return "#dogs" as-well)?
No. What you can do is search for "#dog OR #dogs" and that will return results for both.