Jump to Cell Based on Value in Another Cell (Macro LibreOffice VBA) - libreoffice-basic

I want to be able to jump to a cell based on the user entering a date (in B14).
In column F, I have a list of dates (starting at row 8).
So far, I have =MATCH(B14,F8:F373)+7 (in B15) which calculates which row the right date is in, and returns a number.
I need to write a macro in LibreOffice VBA that will select the cell in that row, in column G. So far, I have:
sub jump
dim document as object
dim dispatcher as object
document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
Doc = ThisComponent
dim args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
thisrow =sheet.getCellByPosition(15,2).getValue()
args1(0).Name = "ToPoint"
args1(0).Value = (G,thisrow)
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, args1())
end sub
But it doesn't accept the value being in the form (column, row). I have seen before I need something like args1(0).Value = "G15" but how can I include the variable? (I have tried using 7 instead of G but this doesn't help.)
I have mentioned the sheet name, sheet=Sheets.getByName("ThisYear"), but it is all within the one sheet so ideally I wouldn't want to specify this so I could use the macro in different sheets.
I am new to VBA so please reply with the whole sub.

I understand that you are having trouble figuring out how to change the cell selection in LibreOffice Calc. Here is a code snippet that shows you how. In short, you identify a targeted range (oRange) (which below is a single cell at location 3,3), and then pass that object to the .select() method.
Sub ChangeSelection
oSheets = ThisComponent.Sheets
oSheet = oSheets.getByIndex(0)
oRange = oSheet.getCellByPosition(3,3)
End Sub
LibreOffice uses uses the UNO API documented here. If you want to browse the properties and methods for an object, use MsgBox oObject.DBG_properties or .DBG_methods, you usually will be able to find the right thing eventually. The code snippet in your question returns an error that I could not immediately figure out.


VBA extend range of chart by a variable stored in a cell

This is proper basic but I'm struggling here. I need the range of rows of a data source in a graph to extend or retract by a value I have in "J5". "J5" changes dynamically and I can use a call function for it to work in the graph. Because of the way the charts are set up it has to be this way. My code so far is:
Sub Updatecodelengh()
Dim i As Integer
Dim G As Worksheet
Set G = Sheet1
i = G.Range("J5")
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(16).Values = "='Gantt'!$L$3:$L$4"
End Sub
Where it says "='Gantt'!$L$3:$L$4" I need the range of the chart data to start on $L$3 and extend downwards by the value obtained in J5. Thanks for any help
Do you mean simply
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(16).Values = "='Gantt'!$L$3:$L$" & i
However, you should check if J5 contains a valid number to prevent runtime errors.
A small hint: When dealing with row and column numbers in VBA, always use datatype long.

VBA macro not triggering when target cell changes via form control option buttons

I literally just got my feet wet with VBA as this is my first macro. After many hours of searching, I couldn't seem to find an answer that had a solution that worked for me so here I am.
On Sheet3 I have 3 option buttons in a group box that are linked to cell "B18" on Sheet4 (Sheet4 is hidden to the user, a backstage if you will). When any of the three option buttons are selected, 'Sheet4!B18' gets updated as it should (e.g. 1, 2, or 3). What I want to happen is to have 'Sheet3!B17' changed based upon the value in 'Sheet4!B18', or effectively: IF('Sheet4!B18'=2,SET('Sheet3!B17'="Some Text Here:"),SET('Sheet3!B17'="0%")), but still allow user input in 'Sheet3!B17'. I have one VBA macro on Sheet4 with the following code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Worksheet.Range("B18") = 2 Then
Worksheets("Sheet3").Range("B17") = "Some Text Here:"
Worksheets("Sheet3").Range("B17") = "0%"
End If
End Sub
If I manually update 'Sheet4!B18' then the macro gets triggered with the desired results. If I use any of the 3 option buttons on Sheet3, the macro does not get triggered even though the target cell is getting updated.
In my searching I couldn't seem to find anything concrete, but from what I could tell the "Worksheet_Change" function doesn't see changes to cells from form control as changes to the linked cell are considered a "recalculation" as if it were from a formula. I don't know how correct that is, but my searching led me to believe that I would need another macro assigned on the 3 buttons and/or group box that when either of those get selected/changed, it would somehow trigger the working macro on Sheet4.
I thought that perhaps I could create a new macro that I would assign to the group box or option buttons themselves so I tried that and could not get anything to work. I tried adding the above macro code to another sub, Sub mode() and assigning to only the group box, then only the buttons, but nothing happened in either case. I proceeded to try tweaking the code just in case the references were not correct, but saw no change regardless of how I specified the reference. I am not getting any error messages, but nothing gets triggered unless I manually change the value in 'Sheet4!B18'.
Is there a way to get the first macro that I have working on Sheet4 to trigger off of the option buttons changing the target cell value, something like forcing it to look only at that one specific cell for changes? Am I stuck making another macro for the buttons and/or group box to trigger the macro on Sheet4? Am I over-complicating this and there is some built in Excel sheets function(s) that I can use?
IF/THEN is a fine way to do it. VBA also supports ternary logic with the IIF function, like this:
Worksheets("Sheet3").Range("B17") = IIF(Worksheets("Sheet4").Range("B18") = 2, "Some Text Here:", "0%")
That may seem a little difficult to read, but it's a good concept to understand, since it's present in many languages, and usually with a more simplified implementation that makes it very useful and concise.
Also, I would suggest making a couple of other alterations that may make your code easier to write, read and maintain (especially as it becomes more complex).
First, alias the worksheets, something like this:
Dim this as Worksheet: Set this = Worksheets("Sheet3")
Dim that as Worksheet: Set that = Worksheets("Sheet4")
Now you would be able to rewrite your code like this:
If that.Range("B18") = 2 Then
this.Range("B17") = "Some Text Here:"
this.Range("B17") = "0%"
End If
And the ternary approach would now be:
this.Range("B17") = IIF(that.Range("B18") = 2, "Some Text Here:", "0%")
And you can get as specific as you like with the aliases. For instance, you could realias the ranges, instead of just the worksheets, like this:
Dim this as range: Set this = Worksheets("Sheet3").Range("B17")
Dim that as range: Set that = Worksheets("Sheet4").Range("B18")
this = IIf(that = 2, "Some Text Here:", "0%")
Also, I find it easier to use the cells property than the range property, especially when you start having to do cell math. In that case, Range("B17") becomes Cells(17, 2).
You can also change the way the cells are referenced in the spreadsheet by typing Application.ReferenceStyle = xlR1C1 into the immediate window. That way you don't have to mentally convert between A2 style ranges to Cartesian style (2,1).
Sometimes you just have to go through your entire thought process and type everything out before you have an "ah-hah!" moment because that is exactly what I had happen. I said to myself, "Why can't I have just one macro that gets triggered by the option buttons that checks my linked cell then proceeds to update the cell I want?" Well, eventually I was able to find the right code and this is what worked perfectly:
Sub mode() ' mode is the name of this macro
If Worksheets("Sheet4").Range("B18") = 2 Then
Worksheets("Sheet3").Range("B17") = "Some Text Here:"
Worksheets("Sheet3").Range("B17") = "0%"
End If
End Sub
As it turns out, I was overlooking the simple solution and the above macro is all I need once I assigned it to the 3 option buttons in my group box, but not the group box itself. Since users will not have access to the hidden Sheet4 and therefore 'Sheet4!B18' will never have manual user input, the macro I first had on Sheet4 could be removed safely. Due to the fact that the option buttons being chosen is the trigger for the assigned macro, it executes each time the option is changed and only when the option is changed. Perfect!
Thanks to Chris Strickland for some tips for better code! I went on to modify the above into what you see below for slightly better performance (using Cells() instead of Range()), to save the original value to another cell and restore it if option 1 or 3 were selected, used aliases, and finally the IIf operator.
Sub mode() ' mode is the name of this macro
Dim S3 As Worksheet: Set S3 = Worksheets("Sheet3")
Dim S4 As Worksheet: Set S4 = Worksheets("Sheet4")
If IsNumeric(Cells(17, 2)) = True Then
S4.Cells(18, 3) = Cells(17, 2).Value
End If
S3.Cells(17, 2) = IIf(S4.Cells(18, 2) = 2, "Some Text Here:", S4.Cells(18, 3))
End Sub

VBA creating formulas referencing a range

After several hours of research, I still can't solve what seems to be a pretty simple issue. I'm new to VBA, so I will be as specific as possible in my question.
I'm working with a DDE link to get stock quotes. I have managed to work out most of the table, but I need a VBA to create a finished formula (i.e., without cell referencing) in order to the DDE link to work properly.
My first code is as follows:
Sub Create_Formulas()
Range("J1").Formula = "=Trade|Strike!" & Range("A1").Value
End Sub
Where J2 is the blank cell and A2 contains the stock ticker. It works fine, but when I try to fill out the rows 2 and bellow, it still uses A1 as a static value.
Sub Create_Formulas()
Dim test As Variant
ticker = Range("A1").Value
'Test to make variable change with each row
'Range("J1:J35").Formula = "=Trade|Strike!" & Range("A1:A35").Value
'not working
Range("J1:J35").Formula = "=Trade|Strike!" & ticker
'not working
End Sub
I couldn't find a way to solve that, and now I'm out of search queries to use, so I'm only opening a new topic after running out of ways to sort it by myself. Sorry if it is too simple.
You are referencing absolute cell adresses here. Like you would do when using $A$1 in a normal excel formula.
What you want to do is:
Dim row as Integer
For row = 1 to 35
Cells(row,10).Formula = "=Trade|Strike!" & Cells(row,1).Value
Next row
This will fill the range J1 to J35 with the formula. Since (row,10) indicates the intersection of row and column 10 (J)
Firstly, in your second set of code, you define a variable "test", but never give it a value.
You assign a value to the variable "ticker", and then never reference it.
Secondly, the value you have assigned to ticker is a static value, and will not change when it is entered in a different row.
Thirdly, I think your issue could be solved with a formula in Excel rather than VBA.
The "INDIRECT" function can be quite useful in situations like this.
Try inserting the formula
into cell A1, then copy down.
Note the ' ' marks around "Trade|Strike". This is Excels syntax for referencing other sheets.

Excel VBA How to detect if something was pasted in a Worksheet

I'll start by saying that my experience with Excel and VBA is limited to what I saw in school. I have programming experience, but in other languages.
I have a file that I get every week. The structure of this file is always the same:
ID, Name, Date, Value between 1 and 4, non-relevant data.
This data is selected through the 'select all' button (top left corner of the worksheet, little triangle below the cellname in MS excel 2013) and then copied into another default file that reworks the data to show and filter it in different sheets based on the 1-4 value and the date.
My question: How do I detect when data has/is being pasted? I've tried the Worksheet.Change event, but the paste command (CTRL+V) does not trigger the Change event.
Also, how will the data be copied? Will it update Row by row, cell by cell (which direction), ...?
I know I can easily find the answer to the last question by debugging it once I can detect the copy command, but you never know if someone knows the answer.
Is there another, more easy (or better) way to do this?
More data and information can be given if needed.
Thank you for your help.
EDIT: '...has/is being copied?' changed to pasted as it should've been.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim UndoList As String
'~~> Get the undo List to capture the last action performed by user
UndoList = Application.CommandBars("Standard").Controls("&Undo").List(1)
'~~> Check if the last action was not a paste nor an autofill
If Left(UndoList, 5) = "Paste" Then
'Do stuff
End If
End Sub
This did the trick. For those who need something similar and know the size of their list #MaciejLos' answer would also work.
Worksheet_Change event will do the job if you add a formula into cell which will never be overwritten. Let's say your data are pasted into A1 cell and occupied 5 columns. So, enter below formula into 6. column and row 1.
Now, you're able to handle/detect paste event ;)
I was unable to add this as a comment so I'm posting this as an answer.
#Nahbyr 's answer works when excel has "English" set as it's preferred language,
otherwise it won't work.
So after manually searching using the immediate window I was able to find out the appropiate indexes for it to work on every language.
This is the function I wrote to test if the last action was a paste action, paste or paste special.
Public Function LastActionPaste() As Boolean
' The function LastActionPaste checks if the last action made was a paste action, if so it returns TRUE
' Otherwise it returns FALSE
Dim UndoList As String
LastActionPaste = False
UndoList = Application.CommandBars(11).Controls(14).List(1)
'~~> Check if the last action was a paste or paste special
If UndoList = "Paste" Or UndoList = "Paste Special" Then
LastActionPaste = True
End If
End Function
So apparently the indexes are not the same on different installations of Excel, whether because they are different versions or whatsoever...
So even if the preferrred language is not English, the CommandBars.Name is still in english, BUT the Controls.Caption do change...
Now I hope that the Controls indexes do not change otherwise this won't work.
So I modified the function like this for it to work:
Public Function LastActionPaste() As Boolean
' The function LastActionPaste checks if the last action made was a paste action, if so it returns TRUE
' Otherwise it returns FALSE
Dim UndoList As String
Dim barFound As Boolean
Dim index As Long
LastActionPaste = False
index = 1
barFound = False
Do While barFound = False
If Application.CommandBars(index).name = "Standard" Then
barFound = True
index = index + 1
End If
UndoList = Application.CommandBars(index).Controls(14).List(1)
'~~> Check if the last action was a paste or paste special
If UndoList = "Paste" Or UndoList = "Paste Special" Then
LastActionPaste = True
End If
End Function

How to get/set unique id for cell in Excel via VBA

I want to have/define a unique id for each data row in my Excel data sheet - such that I can use it when passing the data onwards and it stays the same when rows are added/deleted above it.
My thoughts are to use the ID attribute of Range (msdn link)
So, I have a user defined function (UDF) which I place in each row that gets/sets the ID as follows:
Dim gNextUniqueId As Integer
Public Function rbGetId(ticker As String)
On Error GoTo rbGetId_Error
Dim currCell As Range
'tried using Application.Caller direct, but gives same error
Set currCell = Range(Application.Caller.Address)
If currCell.id = "" Then
gNextUniqueId = gNextUniqueId + 1
'this line fails no matter what value I set it to.
currCell.id = Str(gNextUniqueId)
End If
rbGetId = ticker & currCell.id
Exit Function
rbGetId = "!ERROR:" & Err.Description
End Function
But this fails at the line mentioned with
"Application-defined or object-defined error"
I thought perhaps its one of those limitations of UDFs, but I also get the same error if I try it from code triggered from a ribbon button...
Any other suggestions on how to keep consistent ids - perhaps I should populate the cells via my ribbon button, finding cells without IDs and generating/setting the cell value of those...
As Ant thought, I have the sheet protected, but even in an unlocked cell it still fails. Unprotecting the sheet fixes the problem.... but I have used "Protect UserInterFaceOnly:=True" which should allow me to do this. If I manually allow "Edit Objects" when I protect the sheet it also works, but I don't see a programmatic option for that - and I need to call the Protect function in AutoOpen to enable the UserInterfaceOnly feature...
I guess I need to turn off/on protect around my ID setting - assuming that can be done in a UDF... which it seems it cannot, as that does not work - neither ActiveSheet.unprotect nor ActiveWorkbook.unprotect :(
Thanks in advance.
It does appear that if the sheet is locked, macros do not have write access to low-level information such as ID.
However, I do not think it is possible to unprotect the sheet within a UDF. By design, UDFs are heavily restricted; I think having a cell formula control the sheet protection would break the formula paradigm that a cell formula affects a cell only.
See this page on the Microsoft website for more details.
I think this limits your options. You must either:
give up sheet protection
give up the UDF, use a Worksheet_Change event to capture cell changes and write to ID there
use a UDF that writes the ID into the cell value, rather than save to ID
The UDF approach is fraught with problems as you are trying to use something designed for calculation of a cell to make a permanent mark on the sheet.
Nonetheless, here's an example of a UDF you can use to stamp a "permanent" value onto a cell, which works on unlocked cells of a protected sheet. This one only works for single cells (although it could be adapted for an array formula).
Public Function CellMark()
Dim currCell As Range
Set currCell = Range(Application.Caller.Address)
Dim myId As String
' must be text; using .value will cause the formula to be called again
' and create a circular reference
myId = currCell.Text
If (Trim(myId) = "" Or Trim(myId) = "0") Then
myId = "ID-" & Format(CStr(gNextUniqueId), "00000")
gNextUniqueId = gNextUniqueId + 1
End If
CellMark = myId
End Function
This is quite flawed though. Using copy or the fillbox will, however, retain the previous copied value. Only by explicitly setting cells to be a new formula will it work. But if you enter in the formula into the cell again (just click it, hit ENTER) a new value is calculated - which is standard cell behaviour.
I think the Worksheet_Change event is the way to go, which has much more latitude. Here's a simple example that updates the ID of any cell changes. It could be tailored to your particular scenario. This function would need to be added to every Worksheet the ID setting behaviour is required on.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim currCell As Range
Set currCell = Target.Cells(1, 1)
Dim currId As String
currId = currCell.ID
If Trim(currCell.ID) = "" Then
currCell.ID = CStr(gNextUniqueId)
gNextUniqueId = gNextUniqueId + 1
End If
End Sub
Last note; in all cases, your ID counter will be reset if you re-open the worksheet (at least under the limited details presented in your example).
Hope this helps.
Concur with Ant - your code works fine here on Excel 2003 SP3.
I've also been able to use:
Set currCell = Application.Caller
If Application.Caller.ID = "" Then
gNextUniqueId = gNextUniqueId + 1
'this line fails no matter what value I set it to.
currCell.ID = Str(gNextUniqueId)
End If
Aha! I think I have it.
I think you're calling this from an array formula, and it only gets called ONCE with the full range. You can't obtain an ID for a range - only a single cell. This explains why Application.Caller.ID fails for you, because Range("A1:B9").ID generates an Application-defined or object-defined error.
When you use Range(Application.Caller.Address) to get the "cell" you just defer this error down to the currCell.ID line.
I think we may have a few issues going on here, but I think they are testing issues, not problems with the code itself. First, if you call the function from anything other than a Cell, like the immediate window, other code, etc. Application.Caller will not be set. This is what is generating your object not found errors. Second, if you copy/paste the cell that has the function, they you will by copy/pasting the ID too. So wherever you paste it to, the output will stay the same. But if you just copy the text (instead of the cell), and then paste then this will work fine. (Including your original use of Application.Caller.)
The problem is with Application.Caller.
Since you are calling it from a user defined function it is going to pass you an error description. Here is the remark in the Help file.
This property returns information about how Visual Basic was called, as shown in the following table.
Caller - Return value
A custom function entered in a single cell - A Range object specifying that cell
A custom function that is part of an array formula in a range of cells - A Range object specifying that range of cells
An Auto_Open, Auto_Close, Auto_Activate, or Auto_Deactivate macro - The name of the document as text
A macro set by either the OnDoubleClick or OnEntry property - The name of the chart object identifier or cell reference (if applicable) to which the macro applies
The Macro dialog box (Tools menu), or any caller not described above - The #REF! error value
Since you are calling it from a user defined function, what is happening is Application.Caller is returning a String of an error code to your range variable curCell. It is NOT causing an error which your error handler would pick up. What happens after that is you reference curCell, it's not actually a range anymore. On my machine it tries setting curCell = Range("Error 2023"). Whatever that object is, it might not have an ID attribute anymore and when you try to set it, it's throwing you that object error.
Here's what I would try...
Try removing your error handler and see if VBA throws up any exceptions on Range(Application.Caller.Address). This won't fix it, but it could point you in the right direction.
Either through logic or Application.ActiveCell or however you want to do it, reference the cell directly. For example Range("A1") or Cells(1,1). Application.Caller.Address just doesn't seem like a good option to use.
Try using Option Explicit. This might make the line where you set curCell throw up an error since Range(Application.Caller.Address) doesn't look like it's passing a range back, which is curCell's datatype.
I have found that if I protect the sheet with "Protect DrawingObjects:=False", the UDF can set the Id. Strange.
Thanks for all the help with this.