Formulas not updating when macro changes sheet name - vba

I have written a macro to change a sheet name depending on what a user inputs. This works fine, my problem is that usually when you change a sheet name manually, the formulas that relate to the changed sheet all update.
This isn't happening when the macro changes the sheet name. Is there anything I can do to make this happen?

Since the sheet you are renaming is not the active sheet, you will need to reference the new sheet in your macro. Try this:
Sheets(NewName2).EnableCalculation = False
Sheets(NewName2).EnableCalculation = True

So I do this with formulas/advanced lookups embedded in a template sheet using the following two-step process:
Sheets("Template").Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) 'this is putting it at the very end of my document based upon the count of tabs
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name = sName ' we then rename the sheet, because you want it created, then you want to rename it, as it will then allow for all formulas to refresh.


VBA VeryHidden multiple tabs

I have done research and for whatever reason I cannot get this simple code to work correctly. Simply put, I am trying to xlveryhidden 5 tabs, but I receive run-time error 1004. If anything, it would be nice to change from the Sheet names to code names in case I change the tab names:
Sheet1 - Calculations
Sheet2 - LY Rates
Sheet3 - TY Rates
Sheet4 - Client Details
Sheet5 - Census
Sub VeryHiddenTabs()
Sheets(Array("Calculations", "LY Rates", "TY Rates", "Client Details", "Census")).Visible = xlVeryHidden
End Sub
I was able to use this to set my sheets to .Visible = False.
Sub HideMySheets()
Sheets(Array(Sheet1.Name, Sheet2.Name, Sheet3.Name, Sheet4.Name, Sheet5.Name)).Visible = False
End Sub
Unfortunately, it turns out you are not allowed to use this method to set them to .Visible = xlVeryHidden. Instead you have to do it on a per-sheet basis, using #Ibo's method.
Based on what you have provided it seems you are trying to make all of the sheets very hidden, you cannot do this. You MUST have at least one VISIBLE sheet in the workbook.
Additionally, to use VBA to make sheets very hidden not using the sheet names, you should then use the sheet indexes or sheets' code name. Sheets code name cannot be change using the interface so the code would work with whatever the sheet name is. To change the sheets' code name, go to VBE (ALT + F11), double click on the sheet you want and change the name, which is the first item in the properties window, if you don't see the properties window click F4. Let's say you change the code name of the sheet to mySht1 then you can do:
mySht1.Visible = xlVeryHidden
if you use the index of the sheets to change the visibility you can do this:
if you want to use this method, you need to always have one visible sheet so you have to create a sheet and then run this code:
Sub VeryHiddenTabs()
For i = 1 To ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count - 1
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(i).Visible = xlVeryHidden
End Sub
since you have already had the sheet you have mentioned, then Excel will make all of the very hidden. The above routine will keep the last created sheet visible and the rest very hidden.

Coping a worksheet without it being activated

I'd like to copy a worksheet at the end of my workbook without it becoming active.
I use this code to copy my "Template" sheet at the end:
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Template").Copy after:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count)
But then my new sheet "Template(2)" become the active sheet.
I'd like to remain on "Template" even after the copy.
Is it possible ?
Is it possible?
It's not. .Copy activates the new sheet, that's just how it is. However nothing stops you from (re-)activating the original sheet after:
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Template")
.Copy after:=ThisWorkbook.Workheets(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count)
End With
Notice I'm using the Worksheets collection here. The Sheets collection can contain non-worksheet objects, such as a Chart sheet, which is typically not what you're looking for - the Worksheest collection only contains actual Worksheet object.
Note that finding your template sheet in the ThisWorkbook.Worksheets collection everytime you need to use it is not a necessity, and makes your code more frail than it needs to be.
Each Excel object (VBA object actually) has a (Name) property (on top of the Name property which refers to whatever the worksheet is labelled as) that you can edit in the Properties pane (press F4 in the editor) - that name must be a legal VBA identifier, and what VBA does with it is pretty nifty: it declares a global-scope object variable with that name, so if you name your "Template" sheet TemplateSheet, then you can do this:
With TemplateSheet
.Copy after:=ThisWorkbook.Workheets(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count)
End With
And so on for every "static" worksheet (i.e. sheets that aren't generated by code). By referring to worksheets by their Name property (the tab label), your code will start failing as soon as a user decides to name the tab something else. By referring to the corresponding global-scope identifier, you can label the worksheet tab whatever you like, the code won't care at all.

Removing links from copied worksheet

What I want to do
I want a code in my workbook (wbDestination) that opens another workbook (wbBosOriginal) and copies an entire sheet as values (wbBosOriginal has a lot of code in it, in modules and in the worksheet in question, and I do not want this code because it references stuff in wbB that doesn't exist in wbDestination). I have had great problems pasting as values, because it will not paste columns and rows that are currently hidden. So this is why I decided to import the whole sheet instead.
What I tried and what's wrong with it
Here is a block of code I used to copy the worksheet in the destination workbook, in the last index position. The problem with it is that some links still exist to the old workbook (Formulas, validation lists, conditionnal formatting). I have deleted all these links but STILL when I paste the sheet successfully, save and reopen, I have an error saying some content is unreadable. I believe there are still some elements linked to the old workbook.
Set wbBosOriginal = Workbooks.Open(strChosenPath, ReadOnly:=True)
With wbBosOriginal.Sheets("BOS")
.Visible = True
'Pastes the ws in last position in wbDestination
.Copy after:=wbDestination.Sheets(wbDestination.Worksheets.Count)
Set wsNewBos = Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
'Deletes VBA code in the copied sheet
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Item(wsNewBos.CodeName).CodeModule.DeleteLines 1, _
End With
The worksheet is successfully pasted with no code in it, with everything else it had previously. I then remove all formulas, conditionnal formatting, and validation lists. Even after removing those as well, I still get an error when opening the workbook.
My question
Apart from conditional formatting, validation lists, VBA code, and formulas linking a worksheet that was pasted to a new workbook, what other elements could cause the workbook from opening in repair mode every time due to existing links to the old workbook?
If my question is not clear, comment and I will clarify.
Dealing directly with VBE seems a bit heavy-handed to me. If your code is manipulating several workbooks, I would put the code in an add-in and not have it in any workbook. (Technically *.xlam addins are workbooks, but when I say "workbook" I mean normal *.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, etc.)
That said, if you're just copying cell values (which may be formulas) between different workbooks, you shouldn't have any dependencies other than cell references, named ranges, and user-defined functions in the original workbook. I would make sure there are none of those. Please also share how you are ensuring your formulas do not have broken references.
If the issue you are having is caused by trying to avoid hidden columns and rows not allowing pastevalues, why not unhide the rows and columns and then copy only the values to the new book?
Just cycle through each of the sheets in the original book and use the method .UsedRange.Hidden = False. As far as I am aware, this should unhide every cell on the sheet and allow you to do the original pastevalues calls
This works fast and smooth (it's harder to delete ALL the data Imo):
Sub tests()
Dim AllRange As Range: Set AllRange = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
Dim ItemRange As Range
Dim myWbDestination As Workbook: Set myWbDestination = ThisWorkbook
Dim SheetDestination As String: SheetDestination = ("Sheet2")
For Each ItemRange In AllRange
With myWbDestination.Sheets(SheetDestination)
.Range(ItemRange.Address) = ItemRange.Value
End With
Next ItemRange
End Sub
Repair mode can be triggered by many factors, you would need to post the code you are getting to look for an explanation, it would be like asking why vba may broke

VBA Duplicate Sheet with code

So I have an Excel workbook that contains a template sheet for products.
I am creating new products on a Main Page via a UserForm which creates a new sheet, copies the cells from the template sheet and pastes them onto the new sheet and then fills in the rest with the information given from the UserForm.
The problem I am having is that I want each one of these newly created sheets to contain code for Worksheet_Change. I do not know of a way in which to create the new sheet and also give it the necessary code which is currently in the template sheet.
Any help will be very appreciated!
Don't copy the cells to the new sheet.
Instead, copy the entire sheet.........any sheet code will copy with it.
For example, if worksheet "Template" contains some worksheet code, then:
Sub marine()
N = Sheets.Count
Sheets("Template").Copy After:=Sheets(N)
End Sub
will copy that sheet, code & all.

How do I dynamically update the name of a worksheet in Excel?

I have an Excel spreadsheet which is being used to specify filesystem build information for our Unix team.
This worksheet would have different information depending on the system to be built. For example, a production system would have many filesystems, whereas a development system only one or two.
So based on user input, we would populate one or other of the two input worksheet formats ("dev","prod") but the destination worksheet will be always be the same. Only one of the dev or prod worksheets would be visible and active for users to input data at any given time.
How do we tell Excel to use a particular input worksheet to calculate another output worksheet?
My initial idea was that, for simplicity's sake, the "output" worksheet would take its data from an "input" worksheet, and that we would dynamically make either the "dev" or "prod" template become the "input" worksheet. Is this the right way to do this, or is there some better method?
There's a few ways depending on the complexity of the sheet:
If you only have a few worksheets, and users would just select "Production" or "Test", you could set up the conditional logic in the formulas. For example: =if(A1="Test",TestSheet!A1 + TestSheet!A2, ProdSheet!A1 + ProdSheet!A2)
You could utilize the same type of idea as above, but add more complexity using vlookup tables
Your VBA code could create the entire Excel spreadsheet dynamically based on the user input
if you can use VBA code as LuckyLindy suggests, you can do pretty much anything. What I used to do is record macros for various operations, for example adding or renaming sheets and take the generated code and adapt it to do exactly what was required.
An example of simple macro code:
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
Sheets("Sheet1").Name = "My Sheet"
Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Sheets("Sheet5").Name = "My Sheet 2"
End Sub
You can record very complex operations and manipulate the generated code and place it behind specific events. So if you wanted the code to fire on worksheet load or activation of a sheet, you can insert it in the relevant block: i.e.
'in Sheet1 - code behind (alt+F11 shortcut)
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Sheets("Sheet1").Name = "My Sheet"
Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Sheets("Sheet5").Name = "My Sheet 2"
End Sub
Another way would be to use the INDIRECT formula.
Say you have in cell A1 the name of the sheet you want to look up input from, then the following will look up the value of cell B7 from that sheet: