Opening a pop-up when clicking the help button - objective-c

I'd like to open a pop-up when the Help Button is clicked.
I've got this window with 2 help buttons.
I want each help button, when pressed, to open a small squared pop-up beside them containing a small text that I've previously written.
What could be the best way to do it ?
I don't want it to be a window, just a square containing some strings.

You need NSPopover. It's fairly easy to implement. There is a sample project here.


Coping images (bitmaps) massively in by clicking a button

I create a project and one of its features is to copy images (or bitmaps) by clicking a button. What I mean is that by clicking once only one small picture will be shown, by clicking an other one time two small pictures will be shown, by clicking 3 times there would be 8 etc. (2^(the times the button is clicked)). Can you help me with the code because I can't express it in code.
I thank you in advance
I have troubles to understand your question, could you clarify in what way you want the pictures to be shown? And if u want to copy them or just show these pictures in some sort of preview Form?
(sorry to post this As an Answer, but im missing reputation to comment your innitial question)

Embed CommandBar into Form

I'm not sure if this is at all possible, but I'd like to be able to 'embed' a CommandBar into an Access 2003 Form.
I'd like to do this because the nature of my application is such that its forms are 'floating' so it doesn't look like it was developed in Access.
I know I can put Command Buttons on the form, which would achieve something similar, but I'd like a way to differentiate between the two types of buttons.
I'll be using it (if it's possible) to have a help menu present on some Forms.
Any ideas would be greatly appriciated!
I managed to achieve a similar effect by placing labels of a different color at the top of the form, then assign custom context menus to appear on left click. This is similar to the code found here:
How to add a menu item to the default right click context menu

Add help button to form

I have a form with minimize/maximize buttons on the toolbar so I cant have a help button there.
So I thought I would add a normal button and add code on the click event to show the help cursor and show the help text on the controls exactly as the help button does on the toolbar.
I can change the cursor to show the question mark but this doesn't do anything else, how can I 'activate' the help function?
You first have to create one, have a look at the Helpprovider class:
Msdn HelpProvider class
HelpProvider example
But, you can also create a simple form, add a webbrowser control to it. Then create a .html file and insert it in the webbrowser control, when the user clicks the help button, the form will open with the .html page with your help text.
You can set a shortcut in the property's window for the button that opens the helpfunction like this:
The F1 button will call the code behind the helpbutton that calls the help function.

App calls Method on mouse click. How can I stop it?

So I am pretty new to Xcode and Objective C, I've been using it about 2 weeks now. I am building an app for OSX. One of the windows in the app has 5 text boxes, some labels and a submit button at the bottom. The submit button is linked to a method that closes the window, opens a new one and outputs the contents of the text boxes into one text field on the new window.
I had it working correctly, but now when I do anything but click on the top text field the submit method is called and the window closes. I can click on the black space in the window, but click on any of the objects calls the method. Also, pressing tab calls the method. I am not sure when I did to cause this error, but any insight or tips would be very useful.
Sorry if this is vague, I'm not even sure how to describe the problem. If you need any specific information please ask.
Try looking in Interface Builder. Ctrl Click or Right click on the each one of the fields that are responding with calling the function. See if they are linked to the function.
Also check the "responder" as was suggested earlier. You can do this by also right click or ctrl clicking the red responder box labeled "responder". See if anything in there maps to your function

How to stop my tools strip menu items from appearing in the taskbar?

I have a program which runs mainly though a NotifyIcon in the bottum right of my windows screen (XP). Whenever I open the ContextMenuStrip that appears when the icon is right clicked, a box also appears in the task bar. I also have nested menus inside the menu (mouse over one item leads to another menu), and each additional menu also creates a taskbar box upon appearing. So once I am at the third or fourth nested menu, there would be 3 or 4 windows appearing in the taskbar. After the menu disapears, so do the windows in the taskbar.
How can I stop the taskbar from displaying boxes to represent these menus? I have done nothing in my code as far as I know to create this type of behavior. I have searched for similar problems but have found nothing similar. There is no "showintaskbar" property for these items as far as I can see, and no other property that I can find which would affect this. I have investigated the owner of the contextmenustrip since I read the owner may effect these type of behaviors, but that doesnt seem to be helpful as there isn't an owner property of the contextmenustrip.
I don't know what else to search for, so I am here hoping someone can give me a clue as to what else may effect this type of behavior.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
If you are using the ContextMenuStrip.Show() method, it will display in the taskbar as you describe. Try assigning your menu to the NotifyIcon.ContextMenuStrip property instead.